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‘I’ve Been Expecting You’

Establishing Shot: EXT A school building, with a double-door in

shot. A BOY walks from off shot into the frame, and enters the

INT shot of lobby, BOY walks in and through another door in the
right of the screen.

INT shot of editing suite, BOY walks towards BOY WITH BABY who is
sitting on the far side of the room, facing the wall.

BOY WITH BABY: Ah, Mr Reader. I’ve been expecting you.

BOY: You have?

BOY WITH BABY swivels round to face BOY.

BOY WITH BABY: Yes, I rang you twice and left you a message.

BOY: Oh…

A pause. BOY, BOY WITH BABY, and BABY survey each other awkwardly.

BOY: (CONT) Was it important?

BOY WITH BABY: Not anymore!

BOY WITH BABY dissolves into sobs and swivels round to face the
wall again. BOY, slightly bemused, directly addresses the camera
with an expression of confusion.


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