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Ashley Tes (PSHE & turning tools made in the old tradition Catalogue of Carving tools Turning tools Accessories Ashley Iles Ashley Hes: ‘made inthe old tradition Ashley les (Edge Tools) Ltd, East Kirkoy, Spilsby, Lincolnshire PE23 40D Jephone 01790 763372 Fax 01790 763610 ‘Mall Quality is not expensive its priceless! Who else could do the Quality Control? Ashley's knowledge wae second to none, 1981 Ashley Iles a man and his tools A Joumey of a thousand miles starts with a single step eing a Pattern Maker himself, Ashley lles knew just how demanding a craftsman in wood had to be of his tools to get the best work from them. Working as a pattern maker at the Parkgate Iron and Steel works Rotherham to a famous foundry in Coalbrookdale, he soon realised from his colleagues that tools of the quality they demanded were just not readily available in Post war Britain. So searching for and finding professional tools became second nature to him, but, when he considered the carving and turning tools available, he couldn't but think;*if | couldn't make better than this 1 wouldn't bother!" So, fired by the enthusiasm that fuelled his whole life, Ashley made himself some tools, using insi- de knowledge from around the world, the city of Sheffield and the "Little Mester" network of men only too willing to share their skills. Attracted by "one man band" status as, opposed to the problems of being employed, Ashley lles (Edge Tools) Ltd was bom in the early fifties at Bailey Lane, Sheffield. From there he went to bigger premises at Hollis, Croft, then onto Solly Street which eventually housed just wet grinding and forging, with Ashley's eldest son Raymond, whilst Ashley and Betty, his wife, looked after dry grinding, glazing, handle manufacture, warehouse and office at a fourth floor location on Cambridge Street. But as demand grew, it became obvious in the mid 60's that a factory at each end of the city was just not practi- cal,so larger premises were sought. Sheffield at that time seemed to put more importance on Allied Carpets than allied trades and never was the old adage “last one out of the city turn off the lights" more true. So a search for larger premises left Sheffield and god forbid left Yorkshire at a time when Lancashire meant cloth, Staffordshire meant pots and Sheffield meant steel. It was such a gamble at the time we even left a registered office in Sheffield for a few years, but found it unnecessary as quality sold itself no matter where it was made. However, nestling at the foot of the Lincolnshire wolds, we found East Kirkby, and there discovered Fenside farm, a small holding with a four bedroom Victorian farmhouse, disused pigsty and three acres of land for £3,000, a huge amount of money at the time. So, we moved in, the pigs moved out, and the contented inks of pork chops were © Ashley Iles (Edge Tools) Ltd Ashley Iles replaced by the repetitive bangs of spring hammers and interspaced with the more sedate ring of hammer on anvil to join the more agricul tural sounds of the area. And there we stayed for ten years until youngest son Barry left school and we started literally to burst at the seams. The mid seventies were not as easy going as the sixties in Lincolnshire as far as planning ‘went, so plans to expand into an industrial estate in Spilsby ‘were abandoned in favour of building a new factory on our ‘own land at the front of the house, taking advantage of the freedoms we were given in the early days rather than the red tape of the Heath era. So, financed by a government loan via C.0.S.LR.A., the new factory was built but the hoped for huge expansion never materialised as new companies seeing opportuni- ties arise seized the chance to Ashley grinding the back of a tool in the exploit a growing market. It workshop in Solly Street, Shetfield, 1958 was by concentrating on the quality end of the professional market that we held onto our share. Until on the day of his 65th birthday, Ashley finally finished the retiring saga he had started five years earlier. But the magic of a pension and the Old Tools business gave him the means and abili- ty to trace his roots as a one man band without money and feeding a family to worry him anymore. He had five healthy years of retirement gaining immense pleasure at last being able to spend time with Betty, nis Camper van and his dog, but still put a few hours at the Old Too! Store as his philosophy that leisure without labour has little meaning. But on the factory side Barry and |, ably assisted by my wife Christine on the administration side soldiered gamely on, the three of us doing what Ashley did practically on his ‘own, whilst keeping our own functions ticking over. The three main departments of forging. grinding and ware- house were nearly running themselves with the very able, Mick, Jonathan and Maureen respectively at each helm. Until the present day that sees a product clas- sed by many as a world leader sold and respected throughout the globe still made under one roof in Lincolnshire, from the humble beginnings of Ashley trailing round the city, even then sending tools out to the Maori carvers of New Zealand as well as the discerning British carver and turner. Tony lies, © Ashley lles (Edge Tools) Lid

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