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11/25/2018 Alice FAQ / Download Alice 2_x

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Download Alice 2_x (redirected from Download Alice 2_3)

last edited by Don Slater 2 years ago Page history

Download and Installation Instructions

Alice 2.x does not require "installation" in the same way that many other software applications do. All we really need is a place on
the machine's hard drive to copy files. As a result, the installation of Alice 2.x should succeed on machines where others would fail.
However, one should have Administrator permissions when Alice is executed for the first time to allow the software to create all
the required files/folders and preferences before they permission is set on the Alice folder.
Download software page at
Windows only instructions
Windows 10 instructions
OS-X only instructions
.dmg does not appear on the desktop after download
Linux only instructions
Using Alice on a networked machine 
Bug Reporting
Windows only instructions:
The Windows download is a .zip file. Later versions of Windows and / or browsers will now open and display the contents of
a .zip file without actually extracting the contents of the file. You must specifically click on the Extract button, which should
create an Alice folderwhich you can move to any location on your computer and run the Alice application (Alice.exe).
Windows 10 instructions
We have installed and are running Alice 2.3 on a new Windows 10 machine (a Dell "All in One" with wireless mouse and
keyboard. Also, it has a touch screen). It is "alive and well" and working just fine in Windows 8.
To install, we followed (and recommend) these steps:
a. Download the zipped file ( or to the desktop.
b. Unzip on the desktop.
c. Move the unzipped folder (containing all of the Alice files) to the Program Files (X86) folder on the C:\ drive.
d. Create a shortcut on the desktop for Alice.exe.
e. Click the shortcut to start Alice.
By way of explanation: Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 all have a strong malware protection scheme that
resists installing non-standard software directly on the hard drive. The best way I have found to work within this protection
scheme is to unzip the Alice download on the desktop and then move it to the hard drive.
We do hope this is helpful.
OS-X only instructions:
After downloading Alice, double-click the disk image (.dmg) to mount the Alice volume. Open the Alice volume (it should
open automatically) and drag the Alice app to your desktop. If the file gets copied successfully, you can drag the Alice
volume to the trash.
NOTE: On OS X 10.8.x (Mountain Lion), the default settings for the Finder hides the hard drives and external drives
connected to your system. The Alice download opens a .dmg - disk image - file which is a virtual external drive. So it may
appear that after the Alice download has completed, you may double-click on the file and it will seem that nothing has
happened. If this is the case:
Click once on your desktop, so that you are in the Finder.
Go to the Finder menu and select "Preferences"
Look at the following image and make sure that you have the same settings… 1/3
11/25/2018 Alice FAQ / Download Alice 2_x

Close the preferences window. 
You should now see your hard drive, and the Alice .dmg icon (Looks like an external drive). If not, attempt to open the Alice
download again.
For Mac OS X Mavericks(10.10) and El Capitan(10.11) users may find it necessary to install the Apple-released "legacy Java"
to get the "classic" Java 6 (a.k.a. v. 1.6) release and the dynamic libraries, some of which are still required by Alice.
Linux-only instructions:
Be sure to install Java on your machine before trying to install Alice for Linux.
Go to and download the appropriate Java version.
For help on downloading and installing Java on your machine, click the “Instruction” link.

Click on Download Alice 2.x for Linux for the appropriate gallery version of Alice 2.x.
After the download is complete, unzip the downloaded file. 2/3
11/25/2018 Alice FAQ / Download Alice 2_x
Place the complete uncompressed directory in the desired location on your machine.
Open the Alice 2.x directory
Find the Required directory in the Alice 2.x directory and open it
Double-click the run-alice file in the Required directory (you may wish to create a short-cut for this file to place on
your desktop).
If Alice does not start, you may need to reset the classpath for the Java location on your machine.
Using Alice on a networked machine:
Alice 2.x compatibility problems with networked machines are almost always related to the Alice 2 preferences file location
being hard-coded as:
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\.alice
In cases where the user's home directory was not on the C drive or in a different path, Alice would display a gallery viewer
error and possibly prevent the user from accessing Alice.
We have modified Alice 2.x to allow the user to enter in the path to a writable directory on any drive, networked or local.
This can be done by
a. Locate and delete the .alice2 folder, located in the user's home directory (if it exists) from the current location on the
machine because Alice will search in this directory first before redirecting items to the network location. Deleting this
directory is not a problem as Alice will always recreate it the next time Alice starts.
b. Edit the following file in a text editor:
Alice 2.x\Required\etc\config.txt
In the config.txt file, you should see something that looks like this:

(Note: The numbers (0,78,152), set the background color in Alice. Contact us if you are interested in changing the
background for better view or display when using a projector. )

Add a new line at the bottom and enter in the *full* path to where you would like the preferences stored. This will need to be
a writable directory. Do not use quotes. For example, to change the location to the desktop on drive E, do the following:
E:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Desktop\
Save the file and close it. If Alice is running, make sure to shut it down and restart. To confirm the entered path is working
properly, navigate to the directory you typed above and you should see a .alice2 directory. If you do not see one, make sure
hidden directories are viewable.
Bug Reporting
If you discover new bugs in Alice 2.3, please let us know! Make sure to be as detailed as possible, and indicate the OS you are
using, as well as whether this bug is new to 2.3 or in earlier versions of Alice. We have worked hard on getting this release as
stable as possible, but we need your feedback! We will do our best to fix major bugs immediately, minor bugs before the next
release. Thank you in advance for your help and patience!

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