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YEAR 2018


S2 Study Program in Public Health

Free Sexual Behavior is a sexual relationship that is carried out without

marriage and often changes partners. Based on the data obtained, lhokseumawe
was ranked as the first most Pre-Marriage sex offender among students, namely
70 percent, following Banda Aceh as much as 50 percent. This is very
embarrassing in the midst of efforts to implement Islamic law in Aceh
The purpose of the study was to analyze qualitatively about determinant
factors of adolescent free sex in the city of Lhokseumawe. This type of research is
descriptive qualitative with the technique of determining informants using
snowball techniques as a research method. Characteristics of the main informants
are adolescents who are dating and having free sex, while triangulation
informants are all teenagers in Lhokseumawe.
The results showed that all informants had sufficient knowledge about free
sex but there were encouraging factors from social media and from their partners
that triggered free sex, in social media use it was found that all informants used
social media not on positive terms, but also make use of negative things, for
example accessing pornographic videos. So that it influences the mindset of
informants to do things that are not normal with their spouse / boyfriend.
Informants affected by peer interaction, which results in them mimicking negative
habits and assuming that against the norm is normal. Parents often advise
informants and all informants have poor religious levels.
It is advisable for adolescents to fortify themselves from free sex, resist
the desire to do negative things, fulfill their busy activities with positive things and
improve their knowledge of religion.

Keywords: Free Sexual Behavior, Adolescents

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