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Procedures Transferance/ literal/ transposition


Method Newmark 1. Sematic/ communicate

Nida -formal/dynamic

Transformational model by Chomsky-

what people write have a very deep meaning

Kernel sentence (basic language put in computer system to transfer into other language. )made into
6 type

Surface structure – complex sentences

Deep structure – simple and abstract (real meaning)

Restructure back to normal sentences for the view of the common

Message must be close to each other

Correspondence - nouns to nouns/ verb to verb

Borrowing – no change spelling at all



Formal -follow source text

Dynamic equivalence – response of the source text/ the principle of equivalent effect -produce the
same effect on translation text


Communicative translation-

Focus on tt reader

Gain force

Semantic translation – follow syntax and semantic of the second languge without changing the
original meaning

Transmitter – source text writer

Loss of meaning

Koller – Denotative equivalence

Things to discuss assignment week 6

1. Context
2. Reader
3. Text genre
4. Other possible translation
5. (prpm) semak penggunaan bahasa
Week 5

Distort the sentence structure or formatic aspect the translation to translate dialect

Semantic, literal, formally or dynamically

Assignment 2

Letterhead – narrative, use pronounce we, I, u

Cicero – interpreter – word for word

Orator – move the listener

Style: dialect, sentence long/ short, bombastic words/ simpler word

Force: functional : how u feel /

Horace – 20 bce aesthetically pleasing

Bible into latin from Hebrew/ Greek/ Aramic (original text)

Sense for sense – meaning

Holy scripture translate word for word.



1. Borrow Greek word into Arabic

2. They talk new concept (create new word) find another way of saying it call neologism instead

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