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Workshop Title:

Peer Review of Teaching: Protocols for Reviewers Undertaking Teaching Observations in

Classroom Setting

Duration: Three hours

Objective of the Workshop: By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
• Conduct peer review of teaching;
a)Describe the peer review of teaching
b)Recognize the level of application of the educational principles in the assigned session
(lecture/ CBL/ PBL)
c)Observe the assigned session critically for the objective appraisal of teaching
d)Provide constructive feedback to the reviewee (person being reviewed) both verbally
and in writing
e)Ensure Response from the reviewee on his/her teaching performance

Suitable for: All health professionals currently involved in teaching / learning of

undergraduate students associate with health care professions (Instructors, Senior
Instructors, Assistant Professors etc.)
Level of the workshop: beginners; intermediate; advanced)

Workshop Format: (hands-on; small group discussion; etc)

Pre-workshop Reading: (any)

Workshop Faculty:


This experiential workshop is intended to develop skills required to conduct peer review of
the teaching session primarily as a part of Capacity Building Program. Apart from the peer-
review skills’ development of individuals, at institutional level this will serve to enhance the
quality of the teaching on the basis of educational principles.

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