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Mr.Rizky Heri Kurniawan

Manager of Bintang Kejora Company

Semarang,Kalibanteng,Jawa Tengah

3 June, 2016.

Dear Mr.Zidane Noor Abrar

We would love to invite you to participate in the commencement of our company

situated at Lispher Bldg on July 12 2009 at 8:00 AM.It is our honor to have you
as our dedicated consumer in our various other businesses. We are hoping that
we will obtain the same support from you. We have been in this business for quite
time currently yet we have actually always handled to remain on top of our rivals.
This is not possible otherwise with your assistance to our organization. We have
prepared something for you as our clients as a means of saying thank you. Please
come early to ensure that we can locate a comfortable seat for you and so that you
will certainly be there as we acknowledge our devoted consumers and also you
are most definitely in the list.

Please allow us know if you are attending the claimed occasion or otherwise by

July 12 2009

Hoping for your presence on that particular day. We are expecting more
productive transaction with you.

Regards Yours,

(General Manager)p

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