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Name: _______________________________

Summative Assessment: The Roof is Growing!

In order to show mastery of the standard of
I can apply geometric methods to solve design problems.
I need to be able to:
 Write a paragraph that determines if the Water Tower can hold the yearly water
Advanced requirement. Your paragraph should:
Mastery o identify variables
o state the equations used
o interpret the results in the context of the problem
o justify the reasonableness of your results
 Stated the amount of bales of soil Mather should buy. Answer is an appropriate whole
number and written in the context of the situation.
Mastery  Stated how much water the Water Tower can hold. Answer is an appropriate whole
number and written in the context of the situation.
 Calculated the amount of water the Water Tower holds using appropaite volume
Emerging equations.
 Calculated the amount of soil needed using approiate volume equations.

Beginning  Determine how many vegetables, flowers, and trees you planted in your garden.
 Using the grid in the packet, designed your garden.

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