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Download Arduino MIDI Controller - All as pdf 16/06/16 14:57

Arduino MIDI Controller - All

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A MIDI controller is any piece of equipment that generates and transmits MIDI data to MIDI-enabled devices. In short, if you have
buttons on your MIDI controller, you can program those buttons to any sound you want through musical software (ex.: Ableton,
Garage Band, etc.). You can also program potentiometers to control effects, volumes, etc..
This instructable will show you how to create your own MIDI Controller using Arduino. With a MIDI controller, you are rarely limited
with what you can do. There is endless possibilities and endless fun.

Step 1: Gathering Materials Página 1 de 10
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Soldering iron
Small gauge wire (three colors ideally)
Wire stripers
Wire cutters
Phillips-head screwdriver
Laser cutter
1 x Arduino UNO
560 ohms resistor
12 x White Sanwa Push Buttons OBSF-30-W
4 x 10k linear potentiometers
4 x Pot knobs
2 x 10k linear sliding potentiometers
2 x Slider knobs
4 x M3 - .5 x 6mm Pan Head Screws
Acrylic sheet(s) (the amount of acrylic sheets depends on how big your laser cutter bed is)
Step 2: Designing Enclosure
To design the acrylic enclosure, I used Adobe Illustrator CS3. Free alternatives include Inkscape and Pixlr. Página 4 de 10
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Here is the file to my design:

MIDI Controller Acrylic

MIDI Controller Acrylic Design dxf.dxf

Step 3: Wiring and Soldering Página 5 de 10
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Arcade Buttons
You will now want to push the buttons through the holes. You will want to push them slowly in so that you do not crack the acrylic.
Once the buttons are in, you will want to solder a wire to one of the legs on every arcade button (looking at the backside of the Página 6 de 10
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buttons). This will be the data wire. Make sure the wires are the same color and on the same leg of each of the arcade buttons. I
used red wires for this. Also, you need to make sure that the wires are at an appropriate length so that they reach the Arduino that
is placed in the top left corner (looking from above). The bottom right corner button (looking at the backside of the buttons) will
need to have a wire soldered to the same leg as the other buttons but it will go up to the pot potentiometers so measure the
length of the wire accordingly.
On the button in the bottom right corner (looking at the backside of the buttons), you will need to solder a 560 ohms resistor to a
short piece of different colored wire that will then be soldered onto the ground leg of the button which is the leg that is not already
occupied. I used blue wire for this. On the other side of the resistor solder the same color wire on so that it reaches the other
ground leg on the next button. Then solder that wire. To the same leg, solder the color wire that you used for the data pins (red)
onto that leg as that wire will serve as the data pin.
On the next button to the left of it, solder another wire to the ground leg that reaches the next ground leg on the next button and
then solder that wire to the ground leg. Continue the process until the last button. As you are connecting the ground legs with
wires, move to the left (looking at the backside of the buttons) and then go up as you reach the end of the row and the go to the
right until you are at the end of the row. At the end of the row, solder a wire onto the ground leg that will go to the GND pin on the
Arduino so measure the wire accordingly.
The wire that comes from the arcade button that has the resistor on it needs to be soldered to the pot potentiometers. The wire
needs to be soldered on the bottom prong of the potentiometer. Once this is done, stick with the same color of wire (red) to
connect all of the potentiometers including the sliding potentiometers. This wire will be the power. Make sure to connect the wires
to the same prong throughout soldering. On the same prong of the pot potentiometer that connects to the sliding potentiometers,
solder the same color wire (red) onto the prong. This wire will go into the 5V pin on the Arduino so measure the length accordingly.
On the top prong of the pot potentiometer that is directly connected to the arcade button, solder a different color wire (blue) onto
it and then connect this wire to all of the potentiometers including the sliding potentiometers. Once all of the potentiometers are
wired together, solder the same color wire (blue) onto the same prong of the last potentiometer that you connected. This wire will
go into the GND pin on the Arduino so measure the length accordingly.
On the prongs of the potentiometers that do not have wires on them, solder a different color wire (yellow) onto the prongs. Make
sure you measure the lengths of these wires so that they can reach the Arduino. These wires will go into the ANALOG IN pins of the

Step 4: Connections
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The wires that are the data wires on the arcade buttons will go into the DIGITAL pins. These wires should go into the pins how they
are aligned. For example, if I was connecting the data wire for an arcade button to DIGITAL pin 5, the data wire for the arcade
button next to it would go into DIGITAL pin 6.
The wires that are the data wires on the potentiometers will go into the ANALOG IN pins. These wires should go into the pins how
they are aligned. For example, if I was connecting the bottom right pot to ANALOG IN pin 0, the data wire for the top right pot
would go into ANALOG IN pin 1.
The free wire that is connected to the pot potentiometer goes into the 5V pin on the Arduino.
The free wire that is connected to the arcade button goes into the GND pin on the Arduino. The free wire that is connected to the
sliding potentiometer goes into the GND pin on the Arduino. Página 7 de 10
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Step 5: Constructing

T o o l s Página 8 de 10
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Connect the sides to the bottom piece, back piece, top piece, and front piece. On the joints where the pieces connect, you will want
to put a small amount of hot glue on. You do not need a lot. It should look like this up to this point.
Before putting the pieces with the arcade buttons and the potentiometers on, consider glueing the Arduino down. This is optional.
However, it might be easier to connect the USB cord to the Arduino. Now, connect the pieces that have the arcade buttons and the
potentiometers onto the base. If you want to be able to take these pieces off, do not hot glue them. If you want to glue these
pieces down, you can.

Step 6: Programming
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Once you have all of the wires connected to the Arduino, you now need to program the Arduino. The code below will be the code
that you want to compile into your Arduino. When it asks you if you want to "Create this folder, move the file, and continue?", press
"OK". Now, verify and upload the code.

Step 7: Software
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The code in the previous step only sends MIDI messages over a standard serial port. You'll need to map those MIDI messages from
the serial port to a MIDI port. To do this, you will need two pieces of software.
Firstly, you'll need a virtual MIDI port. This will connect you to your audio software. If you are using OS X, like I did, you can use IAC
Driver under Audio MIDI Setup to create a MIDI port. To do this, you can follow these instructions. Make sure to set up two ports,
one named "Output to Audio Software" and the other named "Input to Audio Software". If you are using Windows, use MIDI Yoke.
To install the driver on Windows Vista or Windows 7, you will need to disable UAC.
To convert MIDI serial port messages to MIDI port messages, you will need the second piece of software called Serial-MIDI
Converter. It can run on Windows, Linux, and OS X since it is Java based. If your computer does not have Java, you will need to instal
Now that you have setup everything, open the Serial-MIDI Converter and type in the numbers that correspond with your Arduino
and ports. To know if your MIDI controller is working, press the buttons and the Serial RX square should be lighting up green.

Step 8: MIDI Mapping

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Mapping is the process of configuring the potentiometers and buttons to what you want them to do through audio software.
Open up your audio software and begin mapping your MIDI controller. The process of mapping depends upon your audio software
so you will need to figure out how to map with your software. With Ableton, it is done by selecting what you want to map your
controller to, press the button or potentiometer you want to map it to, and unselecting the effect, sound, etc. Mapping what you
want where you want is completely up to you as there are no restrictions. For example, here is what I mapped my MIDI controller
Buttons 1-12: drum sounds
Pot 1: reverb amount
Pot 2: flanger amount
Pot 3: phaser amount
Pot 4: chorus amount
Slider 1: volume amount
Slider 2: pitch

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