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Elizabeth Diefenbach

Abstract & Evaluation of Article

Havrda, J. B. & Paterson, E. (2018). Imaging traumatic hand and finger injuries. Radiologic
Technology, 90(1), 51-64. Retrieved from:
Part 1-
Trauma injuries including the hands and fingers must be handled in a delicate way and may
require critical thinking for the radiologic technologist when positioning the patient for imaging
procedures. These imaging procedures will help the technologist to detect and differentiate
between hand dislocations and fractures, finger dislocations and fractures, and also soft tissue
injuries. The healthcare professional’s knowledge in hand and finger anatomy is a crucial part of
the imaging process because it helps them to determine the specific type of fracture that has
occurred and what steps are needed to be followed for further treatment of the injury that has
taken place.
Part 2-
I felt like this article was very informative and useful to radiology students because it
describes the importance of ALL anatomy of the hands and fingers, as well as their roles in
determining the types of injuries that can be associated with these body parts. This is crucial
when deciding how to demonstrate the best image possible no matter what modality is being
used, all while following the radiation safety principle known as ALARA.

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