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Effect of bio-activator Stirring and addition of EM-4 On Biogas Production From Cow

Manure Waste and Rice Husk


Indonesia as the third largest rice producing countries in the world produce an

abundant agricultural waste. About 20% of agricultural waste obtained in the process of

milling rice is rice husks are not fully utilized. Rice husk contains cellulose (31.4 to 36.3%),

hemicellulose (from 2.9 to 11.8%), lignin (9.5 to 18.4%). Therefore, rice husk can be used as

a one of the alternative sources of energy that can be harnessed. The purpose of this study 1)

analyze the differences in the composition of each reactor to the process of the formation of

biogas, 2) analyze the effect of bio-activator addition of EM-4​(EffectiveMicroorganism​-4) on

the process of formation of biogas, 3) to analyze the influence of the frequency of stirring in

the formation of biogas.

This study uses the biogas reactor 8 1500-mL volumemethod. ​batch ​Comparison of

rice husk waste and cow manure by 70%: 30%. Comparison of total solid and water (10%:

90% and 20%: 80%). Stirring frequency is 8 times for 5 minutes. Biogas volume

measurements by counting the increase in the manometer.

The composition of the ​total solidto 20% b​ io-activatorwith the addition of EM-4 and

do the stirring frequency of 8 times for 5 minutes biogas generating the highest volume of

775 mL. The composition of the ​total solid ​of 20% without the addition of bio-activator with

stirring frequency performed 8 times for 5 minutes produces the highest volume of biogas as

much as 81 mL.

Keywords: Biogas, cow manure, rice husks, stirring Frequency

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