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Copyright 2012, seekyethetruth.

com 1/26/2012 John Collins | Page 1

Statement  of  Faith

Copyright 2012, 1/26/2012 John Collins | Page 2

First and foremost, all of the glory and the honor should go to the Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ. He alone died for all that we might be saved by faith through grace. If we simply
believe in Christ by faith, He has the power to save the most violent sinner or the most
devout saint.

I do not believe that everyone who believed on every word that John the Baptist preached
were saved, though I do believe John the Baptist would have preached a message that
was closer to flawless than any minister we have today. At the same time, I firmly
believe that some who disagreed with some of the teachings of John the Baptist were
saved, by faith, and they were saved because of Jesus Christ.

I firmly believe that God is greater than our mortal minds can comprehend. When Jesus
prayed to the Father, when the Holy Spirit came down from the Father to Jesus Christ,
and when Jesus cried Father, forgive, they were all God. In the same way that a prophet
of the Old Testament might describe a vision of an airplane as a large bird because he did
not have a vocabulary or understanding of modern machinery, our minds have no
vocabulary or understanding of God, His angels, or His majesty.

I do not believe there is a formula based on words or mysteries alone that will save us.
The Bible teaches that it is by grace are we all saved. The words of any man may fail,
but God’s word alone will stand. I take my stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is
the Good News that Jesus came and died for us that we all might be saved.

Man is not infallible, whether he is a sinner, saint, prophet, or pope. Every man is born
into sin speaking lies, lives a life that is imperfect, has a constant battle against sin, which
is the very reason that Jesus Christ came to die on the cross and save man from their sin.

The Bible teaches us to test the prophets to see if their every prophecy comes to pass, and
not to fear that prophet should one fail. It does not teach that we are in danger of hell
fires for blasphemy, subject to be the target of God’s wrath should we question, or
shunned if we disagree.

Every man must take the Bible test against any man’s word, no matter how great or
small, and not accept it as Biblical Truth simply because others do. The fact that our
mothers and fathers accepted a doctrine and have searched it in their own way does not
vindicate that doctrine, and we are told by the Bible to seek out our own salvation with
fear and trembling. For this cause will man leave his mothers and fathers, and many
times, also leave every thing that he was clinging to in the past.

I chose to seek out my own salvation. I chose to do so according to the Bible.

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A  Simple  Test  

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1. Do you believe that in the beginning there was Y/N 2. Do you believe that Jesus had no Y/N
no God, and that God was created by some greater mother?
3. Do you believe that hell is not eternal, could last Y/N 4. Do you believe that the tree of the Y/N
five minutes, and that the word “everlasting” differs knowledge of good and evil in the
from eternal? Bible was the woman?
5. Do you believe that a woman will be president Y/N 6. Do you believe William Branham Y/N
of the United States before 1977? was not a prophet?
7. Do you believe Esau was a good, moral man? Y/N 8. Do you believe God inspired every Y/N
word that William Branham spoke?
9. Do you believe that William Branham believed Y/N 10. Do you believe that Jesus did not Y/N
that Jesus and the Father were separate beings? instruct to go forth baptizing in the
name of the Father, Son, and Holy
11. Do you believe that Cain was just in his Y/N 12. Do you believe in astrology? Y/N
13. Do you believe that men do have one less rib Y/N 14. Do you believe that once you have Y/N
that a woman does today? the Holy Ghost, that you cannot be
15. Do you believe that the followers of William Y/N 16. Do you believe that the United Y/N
Branham have joined an organization? States has never been to the moon?
17. Do you believe that if your name is on the Y/N 18. Do you believe that William Y/N
Lamb’s Book of Life that you may not be saved Branham was not against
because your name can be taken off? denominations?
19. Do you believe that Jesus was not Eternal? Y/N 20. Do you believe that Jesus was a Y/N
21. Do you believe that the Bride cannot go in the Y/N 22. Do you believe a baby in the womb Y/N
rapture unless they fully understand the mysteries not is alive?
of the Bible?
23. Do you believe that Judas Iscariot’s name was Y/N 24. Do you believe that according to Y/N
written in the Lamb’s book of life? the Bible, the Lamb did not open the
Seventh Seal?
25. Do you believe that God told Adam to multiply Y/N 26. Do you believe that Adam was not Y/N
on the face of the earth before Eve allegedly had formed from the dust of the earth as
sex with the serpent? the Bible states?
27. Do you believe that Satan took two thirds of the Y/N 28. Do you believe the Gospel was not Y/N
angels when he fell, having more on his side than for Jews?
29. Do you believe that committing adultery is not a Y/N 30. Do you believe that Christians do Y/N
sin? not sin?
31. Do you believe that Daniel and Ezekiel were Y/N 32. Do you believe that Jacob had a Y/N
not on the earth at the same time as described in the dozen wives?
33. Do you believe that women of the Bible did not Y/N 34. Do you believe that Mankind is not Y/N
shave their head for mourning? currently in the image of God?
35. Are all of the Sleeping Virgin Christians who Y/N 36. Do you believe that Satan was Y/N
heard the truth about the Holy Ghost condemned in equal to God in power?
the judgment?

If you answered no to any of these questions, you have disagreed with William Branham. At the end of
this book, you will read the reasons in the words of William Branham himself as compared to what the
Bible says.

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Table of Contents
A Simple Test .................................................................................................................................................. 4  
Chapter 1: An Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 7  
Chapter 2: The Seven Church Ages............................................................................................................... 12  
Ephesian Church Age (A.D. 53 to A.D. 170) - Messenger: Saint Paul .................................................... 15  
Smyrnean Church Age (A.D. 170 to A.D. 312) - Messenger: Saint Irenaeus .......................................... 18  
Pergamean Church Age (AD 312 to A.D. 606) - Messenger: Saint Martin ............................................. 20  
Thyatirean Church Age (A.D 606 to A.D. 1520) - Messenger: Saint Columba ....................................... 23  
Sardisean Church Age (A.D. 1520 to A.D. 1750) - Messenger: Martin Luther ....................................... 25  
Philadelphian Church Age (A.D. 1750 to A.D. 1906) - Messenger: John Wesley ................................... 27  
Laodicean Church Age (A.D. 1906 - Rapture) - Messenger: William Branham .......................................... 28  
Chapter 3: The Visions .................................................................................................................................. 29  
Vision 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt ................................................................................................................ 32  
Vision 2: Mussolini.................................................................................................................................... 35  
Vision 3: The Siegfried Line … or Maginot Line ..................................................................................... 39  
Vision 4: Egg-Shaped Cars Driving Themselves ...................................................................................... 42  
Vision 5: Woman or the Catholic Church Will Rule The U.S. ................................................................. 46  
Vision 6: California will Sink Beneath the Ocean..................................................................................... 49  
Miscellaneous Visions ............................................................................................................................... 52  
Thus Saith the Lord ................................................................................................................................... 56  
Chapter 4: Gnosticism and the Occult ........................................................................................................... 61  
Chapter 5: Priscillianism................................................................................................................................ 72  
Chapter 6: The Women .................................................................................................................................. 80  
Chapter 7: The Men ....................................................................................................................................... 87  
Chapter 8: The Depression ............................................................................................................................ 91  
Chapter 9: My Testimony .............................................................................................................................. 94  
Chapter 10: About The Author .................................................................................................................... 109  
Answers From the Bible, and Quotes From the Simple Test ...................................................................... 111  

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Chapter  1:  An  Introduction  

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It was early in the year of 1945. America as a nation was listening to their radios as Nazi Germany was on
the brink of world domination and the entire world was in a constant state of unrest. Over a million Jewish
children had just been slaughtered in the holocaust. Undoubtedly the single greatest tragedy caused by
mankind in the history of the world, somewhere between 11 million and 17 million people lost their lives
for no cause other than to instill fear in the hearts of opposing world forces and pure hatred against fellow

Americans were just getting word of death marches and gas chambers, and the evil powers in the world that
were bringing chaos and destruction. While children were playing in the backyards, fathers were watching
them from an open window, wondering if they would ever live to see adulthood. Grown men were crying,
praying for something to change the course of the world.

Nazism was on the rise in Germany, Fascism in Italy. Socialism had just gained power in Russia after the
Russian Revolution brought down the Russian Empire, but was starting to cave to the Communist ideas,
and began the Cold War in an effort to spread the communist political ideologies to the Western World.
Socialism in Saskatchewan, Canada had just toppled the Canadian Liberal party by an overwhelming
landslide, and political leaders were in a state of unrest.

Politically, the world was being redefined. Franklin D. Roosevelt had just been inaugurated into an
unprecedented fourth term as President of the United States, when no president had ever even served a third
term in office. Many people feared that the entire government bodies would be broken down into new
leadership structures.

Preachers, evangelists, and gospel singers began to travel throughout the United States, with the undoubted
feeling that the end of the world was near and the kingdom of heaven was at hand. They were truly a
comfort and a healing to a worried and broken down people. God worked great miracles and wonders in
the meetings, as was promised in the Bible – “wherever two or three are gathered in my Name, there am I
in the midst of them.”

The numbers of people attending the meetings were so great that local government offices were evaluating
whether evangelism was an enterprise that should be taxed, since so many religious tracts and other
handouts were bringing people to attendance and offerings in very large amounts.

A young minister named William Branham was passing out tracts entitled “I Was Not Disobedient to the
Heavenly Vision”, wherein he explains how he was given a vision of a large mountain of the Lord. In the
vision, the mountain had a door that opened and led him to a platform where he was preaching to a large
audience of people in white robes, which he believed to be a commission by God Himself to start healing

The tract also described his successful healing campaigns throughout the country where several sick and
afflicted Christians were completely healed of their diseases. It told of a little Betty Daugherty who was
healed in the campaigns, when doctors were not able to heal or even diagnose her. Betty’s healings were
confirmed as God’s way of getting the message of healing out to the people of St. Louis, MO.

The preaching was very fresh and up-to-date. The number one fear in the public’s eyes was communism,
and many visions, predictions, and sermons were describing this idealism as the evil that everyone knew it
was. It was very comfortable listening to the Bible being preached with enthusiasm and charisma,
especially while they were incorporating and addressing the current fears of the people.

People were relieved that God was near in these troubled times. When these ministers held meetings,
people would be looking to see signs and wonders in the meetings as confirmation that God was in their
midst. Minor gifts of the spirit, such as speaking in tongues were given major emphasis in the meetings by
several ministers of the time. Spiritual psychology as it related to these gifts were heavily studied and
practiced, as it gave the people something that they could believe in. Evangelists quickly learned that once
the people believed, their faith would work miracles.

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All over the United States, those involved in the Azusa Street revivals influenced ministers, which began a
series of different and new fundamentalist beliefs to spread through the churches, many years before.
Speaking in tongues, prophecy, and other Biblical gifts became a major part of the charismatic movement.
It did not matter what denomination, what race they belonged to, or church they attended, all Christians
were welcome to receive the gifts of the Bible if they claimed them.

Tongues, interpretation of tongues, visions, dreams, and prophesies were accepted by many of these
evangelists as confirmation of their messages, and as extra-Biblical revelations that were directly sent down
by the Holy Spirit to the Church. Evangelists would claim to experience vibrations in the hands, heat or
sensations, uncontrollable emotions, or other feelings as they proclaimed the power of God that flowed
through them.

A young minister by the name of William Branham, weary from the first successful healing campaigns and
having left his evangelism, decided to begin another round of healing campaigns. Not long after the
publication of his religious tract, Rev. Branham changed his commission from the vision of a mountain to a
commission by an angel, who convinced him that he was to have another set of healing campaigns. He
would tell the people, “I can do nothing but what my angel shows me”. Rev. Branham would tell the
people that even though he was uneducated and illiterate, the angel told him that he would speak before
kings and monarchs.

Though there were many others before him, Branham is credited for starting the Charismatic Movement.
His very successful healing campaigns received public recognition from newspapers and magazines,
following the stories of sick and needy Christians receiving miraculous healing in his meetings.

Many in the charismatic movement deliberately started distancing themselves from Pentecostalism because
of differences in theology. Charismatics generally believed that the baptism with the Holy Spirit occurs at
the new birth, when they were “filled with the Holy Spirit”. Charismatics would tend to accept a range of
supernatural experiences as evidence of having been baptized or filled with the Holy Spirit or as
vindication of their ministries. Pentecostals have traditionally placed a high value on evangelization and
missionary work while Charismatics would see their movement as a force for revitalization and renewal
within their own church traditions.

Rev. Branham did not distance himself, however, from the Pentecostals in the beginning. Having been
influenced by the Azusa Street teachings, he believed that all Christians were part of God’s perfect plan.
He taught that each of the religious denominations were fine, so long as they are with the Bible. He would
often meet with the Full Gospel Businessman Association, which welcomed members of every faith in an
effort to join those of like faith together.

As other evangelists began to rise across the nation, Rev. Branham differentiated himself, because he
claimed to have the power of the angel to know their very secrets, and would accurately tell them their
name, address, and sickness. Those in the prayer lines would confirm his insights, and according to Rev.
Branham and his followers, this pattern did not fail a single time throughout his ministry.

A few years later, on May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation. This was an important event throughout the
message, as this (According to Rev. Branham) was the exact day that the angel gave Rev. Branham his first
commission, and was a spiritual event that had been prophesied from the Old Testament.

A couple years later, in 1950, he announced on recording that he had prophesied how that if “Mussolini
went to Ethiopia there would never be peace ‘til Jesus Christ comes”, Communism would overtake Nazism
and Fascism, and will “burn the Vatican City”. This was a theme that he would carry throughout his
ministry, though the vision would change on occasion, as Communism would start to fade. Eventually, he
would claim that Russia would drop an atomic bomb on the Vatican, which would end Communism.

While in Houston, a series of photographs of Rev. Branham were developed, in which most of the shots
taken in the film were not able to be developed except one, which has what appears to be a light in the form
of a halo above Rev. Branham’s head. Rev. Branham and his team would pay an outside consultant from

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Houston to authenticate the photograph as evidence that the photograph was supernatural. George J. Lacy,
who consulted his services on several occasions in local, state, and federal matters agreed for pay to write
an analysis, in which he stated that the photograph was indeed a photograph that had not been doctored.
Because of his involvement in federal investigations, Rev. Branham would call him the “head of the FBI
fingerprint and documents for the United States Government” and say that he confirmed the supernatural
aspects of the photograph because “the light struck the lens”.

With this, William Branham’s fame began to spread rapidly. Reader’s Digest included an article in 1952
describing the tragic story of little Donnie Morton, who was suffering with meningitis. The article
described the hardships and journey of the father to the meetings to let Rev. Branham pray for the child,
and described the trip through the prayer line. Rev. Branham stated: “With faith in God’s power, and help
from the medical world, your little son will live.” Though Donnie Morton died of the meningitis not long
afterwards, the article touched many hearts and minds as the journey of one man’s faith in God for his

Around this time, the Dead Sea Scrolls were finally translated into English, and being published for the
world to read. Books from Enoch and Noah to additional books of Daniel were in print, though many to
this day do not even know that they exist. New readers were very excited to read Enoch’s description of
the stars and their alignments, and how they related to God’s perfect plan. The book described how his
translation into heaven gave him perfect insight as to the star charts, and the Zodiac, or course of the sun
through the progression of a year.

Many Christians were afraid to read them, not knowing whether they were from God or the Devil. Portions
of them were hastily disregarded, since portions of the books such as the worship of the stars were contrary
to the scriptures in the Bible. Great men like Irenaeus had devoted their lives to stopping some of the
Gnostic beliefs in the scrolls, because they were filled with Pagan worship theology.

Listeners were amazed at Branham’s extra-biblical knowledge of Enoch, how he lived 500 years and
conversed directly with Noah. How worshipers of the old day included the sun and the stars in their
worship. All of the extra-Biblical knowledge of Daniel’s seventy weeks fascinated an eager-for-more
group of followers. Throughout his ministry, Rev. Branham would include several of the things described
in the Dead Sea Scrolls and book of Enoch, though it can never be proven that he had read them.

Later in his ministry, Rev. Branham began to describe events in his expensive hunting trips, which he
claimed to parallel events in his ministry. Visions of killing animals or speaking animals into existence,
would pique the interest of those who enjoyed the sport themselves, and held captive a very diverse
audience. Though two of the visions of his sport did not come to pass, his followers would quickly
recognize his need to be alone in the wilderness and have conversations with God.

During these revelations in excursions out west, Rev. Branham would come to the conclusion that
Christians must have “rapturing faith” in order to be translated at Christ’s return, and that they must have
the mysteries of the Bible revealed. Though these mysteries would often come from Gnostic texts, people
were very anxious for those special mysteries to be explained, and were looking for a special understanding
of what was “in-between the lines” of the Bible. According to Rev. Branham, “The end time Message shall
reveal it, the last church age”, and he would begin to give parallels which would lead the people to believe
that he was that end time messenger.

Toward the end of his ministry, Rev. Branham claimed to have a vision of five mighty angels that were to
give him a message that would be his second climax. As with several of the new visions, it involved a
hunting trip in the West, which lead Rev. Branham and two others to hunt javelina hogs on Sunset
Mountain in Arizona just a little northeast of Tucson.

During his account of the experience that followed, Rev. Branham claimed that, “The whole earth shook,
everywhere,” and seven angels came to him with dust and mist. These angels, according to Rev. Branham,
had promised him a true revelation of the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation in the Bible. As soon as
he received his new assignment, Rev. Branham headed back to his church in Jeffersonville, Indiana to

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preach a series of sermons that would be regarded as some of the most important revelations in his
ministry: the revelation of the Seven Seals.

After he had preached eight sermons describing the details of the event differently, an issue of Life and
Science magazines introduced an article about a mysterious cloud forming over Arizona that at the time
was unexplained. Although Rev. Branham had not mentioned this cloud between the time of his angelic
visit and the publication, he claimed that the photograph was a vindicated sign that his vision was indeed
true. He claimed that the cloud was a result of the seven angels leaving him, and they left a trail as they
passed through the clouds back to Glory. This trail was supposed to be in the shape of the head of Christ,
looking down on the earth.

Soon after, Rev. Branham wrote a book entitled “An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages”, which
contained even more new revelations as well as several ideas and paragraphs copied directly from books by
Clarence Larkin. He would take the Seven Church Ages and their time periods as Larkin described, and
include his revelation of the “Jesus Only” messenger that God had provided for that time period.

Branham begin to speak of a “third pull”, which he described as the final stage of his ministry that would
bring his followers to a state of faith in which they could speak things into existence. This age, he claimed,
was the “Spoken Word” generation, and God would give the power of creation to the believers of Rev.
Branham’s Message. He was preparing for this special new revelation until the day of the tragic accident
that claimed his life.

Now, decades later, his ministries continue. Within each church there may be different groups of followers
with differing views, which they will defend with an almost violent temper when confronted.

Some groups believe that Rev. Branham is coming back again to finish the prophecies that did not take
place before he died, and explain why the visions he saw prior to the end of the world (which he preached
on would happen before 1977) had not happened. Others believe that he’ll rise from the dead to preach the
“third pull” ministry that never happened before his death.

There are those who follow the leadership of the organization, Voice of God Recordings, preach that every
word that Rev. Branham spoke is infallible – which led to some groups who believe firmly that Rev.
Branham was God himself in human form. Others believe that Branham’s son is God, and often advertise
this revelation of the new god around Jeffersonville during major events gathering large crowds of
followers—so confident that they even minister to them.

There are a select few, however, who have chosen to seek the truth.

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Chapter  2:  The  Seven  Church  Ages  

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Throughout history, many men have claimed to have divine revelation on what John the
Revelator saw in the Book of Revelation from the Bible. It is common among cults for
the leaders to add names to the church ages, placing themselves as the divine messenger
for their particular age.

According to Charles Taze Russell (Jehovah’s Witnesses), the Church Ages were:

1. EPHESIAN  CHURCH  AGE  (up  to  A.D.  73)  –  Messenger:  St.  Paul  
2. SMYRNEAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D.  73  to  A.D.  325)  –  Messenger:  St.  John  
3. PERGAMEAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D.  325  to  A.D.  1160)  –  Messenger:  Arius  
4. THYATERIAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D.  1160  to  A.D.  1378)  –  Messenger:  Peter  Waldo  
5. SARDISEAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D.  1378  to  A.D.  1518)  –  Messenger:  John  Wycliffe  
6. PHILADELPHIAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D.  1518  to  A.D.  1874)  –  Messenger:  Martin  Luther  
7. LAODICEAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D.  1874  to  1918)  Messenger:  Charles  Taze  Russell  

Recently, Harold Camping proclaimed that he was the church age messenger of the end
time, and his age ended in 1994. (And then May 2011, and later Oct 2011). The Bible
teaches that “no man knows the hour”, which explains why so many before and so many
after will be inaccurate.

Clarence Larkin (1850 – 1924) wrote several works describing dispensationalism,

history, and interpreting complex bible prophecies. He wrote several books that were
used throughout the end of William Branham’s ministry, and his writings include works
such as The Book of Daniel, Rightly Divining the Word, God’s Plan and Purpose in the
Ages. Larkin set the church ages and dates as follows:

1. EPHESIAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D.  53  to  A.D.  170)    

2. SMYRNEAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D.  170  to  A.D.  312)    
3. PERGAMEAN  CHURCH  AGE  (AD  312  to  A.D.  606)    
4. THYATIREAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D  606  to  A.D.  1520)    
5. SARDISEAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D.  1520  to  A.D.  1750)    
6. PHILADELPHIAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D.  1750  to  A.D.  1906)    
7. LAODICEAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D.  1906  -­‐  Rapture)    

Rev. Branham decided to put names to the ages, and added them as follows:

1. EPHESIAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D.  53  to  A.D.  170)  –  Messenger:  St.  Paul  
2. SMYRNEAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D.  170  to  A.D.  312)    -­‐  Messenger:  St.  Irenaeus  
3. PERGAMEAN  CHURCH  AGE  (AD  312  to  A.D.  606)    -­‐  Messenger:  St.  Martin  
4. THYATIREAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D  606  to  A.D.  1520)    -­‐  Messenger:  St.  Columba  
5. SARDISEAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D.  1520  to  A.D.  1750)    -­‐  Messenger:  Martin  Luther  
6. PHILADELPHIAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D.  1750  to  A.D.  1906)    -­‐  Messenger:  John  Wesley  
7. LAODICEAN  CHURCH  AGE  (A.D.  1906  -­‐  Rapture)    -­‐  Messenger:  William  Branham*  

Rev. Branham taught that these messengers preached baptism according to his formula
“in the name of Jesus Christ” only. Believing in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost as the
Trinity was, he claimed, “of the devil”. *He led his followers to believe he as the

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And all the way down to the early Catholic Church... Down for the first six hundred years after
Christ, there was Irenaeus, St. Martin, Columba, and all of those; every one of those saintly men.
They preached the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ.

According to Rev. Branham, these men were militant against any type of organization,
against the Catholic Church, and lived a message that lined up to Rev. Branham’s own
teachings. They differed in doctrine only slightly from age to age, as God’s perfect plan
was being performed and that plan would be made perfect in the seventh angel
messenger, or William Branham.

It is very important that we examine each of these messengers to make sure that they line
up with the truth.

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Ephesian  Church  Age  (A.D.  53  to  A.D.  170)  -­‐  Messenger:  Saint  Paul  

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Paul taught that men would arise and cause the children of God
to leave Biblically sound churches to follow after their own
perverse ideas.

For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous

wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also
of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse
things, to draw away disciples after them.
(Acts 20:29-30)

Paul taught that grace was the most important aspect of life, and by grace all are saved.
He warned against strange doctrines that brought no profit (in their Christian experience)
to those who are occupied by those doctrines.

Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that
the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them
that have been occupied therein. (Hebrews 13:9)

Paul warned to be careful of those that come with gifts, such as healing, placing the
emphasis on the gift instead of the love for one another. Gifts, according to Paul, were
not nearly as important as love and charity. Anyone showing these gifts without
displaying the love and charity were just making noise.

And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly
teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities
of tongues. Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers
of miracles? Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all
interpret? But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more
excellent way. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have
not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
(1 Corinthians 12:28-13:1)

Rev. Branham placed his emphasis on his doctrine, signs, and wonders. He left behind
the most important aspect of Paul’s formula: charity, or love for one another. His
ministry, over time, would become violently opposed to the women’s movement of the
day. These women, he believed, were to quickly rise to power over the men as leaders of
the nation. It was, as he described, already a woman’s nation. As time progressed, he
was very open about this hatred towards women.

So if you see a woman wearing that [makeup], you can say, "How do you do, Miss Dogmeat?"

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The primary theme of Paul’s ministry was to teach all Christians, including both Jews
and Gentiles, to get along and have love, one for the other. Though Paul was a very good
choice as a Church Age messenger, Paul proclaimed an entirely different message.

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Smyrnean  Church  Age  (A.D.  170  to  A.D.  312)  -­‐  Messenger:  Saint  Irenaeus  

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Irenaeus was a Bishop of Lugdunum in Gaul, which was at the time a
part of the Roman Empire. His best-known book, “Against Heresies”,
is a detailed attack on Gnosticism, which was a serious threat to the
Catholic Church. He wrote that Christians must accept unity to accept
one doctrinal authority, which described councils in union with the
Bishop of Rome. He spoke very clearly that the Gnostics were the
primary threat to Christianity itself, as they introduced Pagan ideas into

Gnostics believed that the Supreme Being was the Monad (One Unit,
the One), which in many cases were teachings that Jesus himself was
the One Modalistic God. They also believed in strange lights, spirit
worlds, and more.

Though Irenaeus wrote several statements throughout his day teaching we must have
unity, Rev. Branham taught that Irenaeus was against organized religion, and basically
had a ministry that was similar to his own.

With Irenaeus this was not so. He was militant against any form of organization. Also, his life
history, wherein he served the Lord, was one of much manifestation in the Holy Spirit; and the
Word was taught with unusual clarity and conformity to its original precepts. His churches in
France were known to have the gifts of the Spirit among them, for the saints spoke in tongues,
prophesied, raised the dead, and healed the sick by the prayer of faith. He saw the danger of any
kind of organized brotherhood among the elders, pastors, etc. He stood solidly for a unified,
Spirit-filled, gift-manifesting local church. And God honored him for the power of God manifested
among the saints.

Irenaeus did not match this description. He fought for those that opposed the Catholic
Church, which was in the early stages of organization. He also did not believe that God
was Modalistic in Jesus Christ, he believed in God the Father as a separate person. At
that time, the Trinity was not fully accepted, and Irenaeus believed that God was two

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Pergamean  Church  Age  (AD  312  to  A.D.  606)  -­‐  Messenger:  Saint  Martin  

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St. Martin of Tours was a disciple of Hilary of Poitiers, a chief
proponent of Trinitarian Christianity. He founded the first Catholic
monastery, and was ordained an exorcist in the Catholic Church.

Though St. Martin greatly opposed the Priscillianists who were

known to be an occult variety of Gnostics, he strongly disagreed
with the decree that they should be executed for heresy. To this
end, he would come against Maximus in an attempt to save their
lives, but ultimately would fail.

Rev. Branham chose St. Martin as the messenger for the age, because he defended the
Priscillianists, who Branham believed to be the “message believers” of that day. Though
Irenaeus was against the Gnosticism, Branham evidently chose St. Martin because he
defended the Priscillianists, who were Gnostics teaching Pagan ideas.

Martin never did fear the enemy regardless of who it was. Thus he went to personally face a
wicked emperor who was responsible for the death of many Spirit-filled saints.

Priscillianists believed that the Apocryphal cannons were extra-Biblical insights that
instructed them to look for deep mysteries of God. These included charismatic gifts, but
they also believed in vegetarianism, celibacy, asceticism, and teetotalism. In almost
every way, they are the foundation for several of the beliefs Rev. Branham brought to his
followers throughout his ministry.

The foundation of the doctrines of the Priscillianists was Gnostic-Manichaean Dualism, a belief in
the existence of two kingdoms, one of Light and one of Darkness. Angels and the souls of men
were said to be severed from the substance of the Deity. Human souls were intended to conquer
the Kingdom of Darkness, but fell and were imprisoned in material bodies. Thus both kingdoms
were represented in man, and hence a conflict symbolized on the side of Light by the Twelve
Patriarchs, heavenly spirits, who corresponded to certain of man's powers, and, on the side of
Darkness, by the Signs of the Zodiac, the symbols of matter and the lower kingdom. The salvation
of man consists in liberation from the domination of matter. The twelve heavenly spirits having
failed to accomplish their release, the Saviour came in a heavenly body which appeared to be like
that of other men, and through His doctrine and His apparent death released the souls of the men
from the influence of the material.

These doctrines could be harmonized with the teaching of Scripture only by a strange system of
exegesis, in which the liberal sense was entirely rejected, and an equally strange theory of
personal inspiration. The Old Testament was received, but the narrative of creation was rejected.
Several of the apocryphal Scriptures were acknowledged to be genuine and inspired. The ethical
side of the Dualism of Priscillian with its low concept of nature gave rise to an indecent system of
asceticism as well as to some peculiar liturgical observances, such as fasting on Sundays and on
Christmas Day. Because their doctrines were esoteric and exoteric, and because it was believed
that men in general could not understand the higher paths, the Priscillianists, or at least those of
them who were enlightened, were permitted to tell lies for the sake of a holy end. It was because
this doctrine was likely to be a scandal even to the faithful that Augustine wrote his famous work,
"De mendacio".
Believe: Religious Information Source

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It is very easy to see why Rev. Branham chose this messenger, but St. Martin of Tours
did not defend a people that were the “spirit-filled saints” of the day. As Irenaeus would
describe them, they were heretics. St. Martin would roll over in his grave to think that he
was accused of considering this group as “spirit filled saints!” Reading their beliefs
sends a very cold chill up your spine as you realize the themes throughout the ministry of
William Branham.

These Pagans will be described in more detail later in this book.

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Thyatirean  Church  Age  (A.D  606  to  A.D.  1520)  -­‐  Messenger:  Saint  Columba  

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To say that Rev. Branham knew this was the messenger for the age would be a laughing
matter, because St. Columba (521-597) was not even alive during this Church Age.
Regardless, we should take a look at whether or not St. Columba lined up with Rev.
Branham’s view of these “Jesus Only” messengers of the church ages.

St. Columba was one of the “Twelve Apostles of Ireland”, taught

under Finnian of Clonard who is said to be one of the fathers of
Irish monasticism.

Columba became a monk, and was later ordained a priest.

Tradition has it that around 560, Columba got in a harsh quarrel
over a psalter (scroll of Psalms). Columba copied the psaltery,
intending to keep the copy, and St. Finnian disputed his right to
keep it. This eventually led to the Battle of Cul Dreimhne (561)
during which many men lost their lives.

Columba devoted his life to save as many men as lost their lives in
that battle, and exiled himself from Ireland.

The main source of information about Columba’s life comes from Columba’s writings of
the Vita Columbae, which are essentially three books: One of prophecies, one of
miracles, and one of apparitions. These books are the first mention of the Loch Ness

Had Columba lived during his Church Age, he would have been a good choice for Rev.
Branham: healing the sick, exorcism, subduing wild beasts, calming the storms, raising
the dead, and telling good fish stories about monsters of the deep.

Unfortunately, however, he was not alive during this Church Age.

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Sardisean  Church  Age  (A.D.  1520  to  A.D.  1750)  -­‐  Messenger:  Martin  Luther  

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Martin Luther (1483-1546), like Columba, was born before his
church age. He was, however, alive for a portion of the end of his
life during the time period copied from Clarence Larkin.

During the years that were actually within the church age time
period, Luther was increasingly anti-Semitic, producing writings
that described how Jewish homes should be destroyed and their
synagogues burned and their money was to be confiscated.
Because of this, Luther has always been controversial.

Throughout his life, he would torment himself for his sins, not fully accepting the
formula that Paul had given of simply grace by faith.

The views that Rev. Branham described of Luther would have probably described some
of the works that Luther produced in his early years before the church age, because
towards the end of his life, he was certainly not of gentle disposition.

The messenger to this age is the best known messenger of all the ages. He was Martin Luther.
Martin Luther was a brilliant scholar of gentle disposition. He was studying to be a lawyer when
the lingering illness and death of a near friend caused him to become serious concerning the
spiritual condition of his life. He entered the Augustinian convent at Erfurt in 1505. There he
studied philosophy and also the Word of God. He lived the life of severest penance but all the
outward acts could not banish his sense of sin. He said, "I tormented myself to death to make
peace with God, but I was in darkness and found it not." The vicar-general of his order, Staupitz,
helped him to gain the insight that his salvation would have to be the experience of an inner work
rather than a ritual. With this encouragement, he further sought God. Later he became a priest. As
yet he was not saved.

Luther did not follow the formula that Paul gave to the Church, and instead placed his
salvation on works rather than faith and charity. He also did not follow the path of St.
Martin, avoiding violence towards the non-Christian believer. But the largest problem of
all for Branham’s claim that he was the messenger to the church age was simply the dates
of his ministry.

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Philadelphian  Church  Age  (A.D.  1750  to  A.D.  1906)  -­‐  Messenger:  John  Wesley  

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John and his brother Charles are well known for founding the
Methodist movement. He was a firm believer in Paul’s
ministry and beliefs, proclaiming that by faith everyone can be
saved, and that no man is immune from sin. Their enthusiastic
evangelism was the foundation for the Holiness movement, the
Charismatic movement, and the neo-Charismatic movement,
placing his emphasis on justification by faith.

Wesley did not believe in predestination, because according to

Paul’s formula, it was a matter of faith in Jesus Christ. He
refused to believe that some were condemned from before the foundation of the world.
In a sermon entitled “Freedom of Grace”, he attacked the Calvinistic belief of
predestination, calling it “blasphemous”.

Wesley was definitely not Jesus Only, as Rev. Branham described. He was firmly a
Trinitarian and was excited by others who praised the God he knew in fullness. Branham
would eventually change his mind on this, saying that “Jesus Only” was one of the
mysteries to the end-time age.

One of the best tracts which that great man, Dean Swift, ever wrote, was his Sermon upon the
John Wesley

I would insist only on the direct words, unexplained, just as they lie in the text: "There are three
that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: And these three are one."
John Wesley

Wesley was a very good choice by Rev. Branham as a messenger for the age, but he
clearly did not fit the description of “Jesus Only”, and did not subscribe to the doctrines
that Rev. Branham proclaimed were correct.

Laodicean  Church  Age  (A.D.  1906  -­‐  Rapture)  -­‐  Messenger:  William  Branham  

There should be sufficient evidence in this book to let you as a reader decide for
yourselves whether the last church age would fall to William Branham as a messenger. If
you take the formulas given by Paul for a doctrine, it will become very clear as you
continue to read.

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Chapter  3:  The  Visions  

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The most important aspect of Rev. Branham’s ministry, according to his followers, was
his visions. These visions were the very reason that followers believe Rev. Branham was
the prophet described in Malachi 4. There is no doubt by any follower of the message
that Rev. Branham indeed had visions. Several respectable followers very close to Rev.
Branham throughout his ministry would keep his predictions close to their hearts as he
had spoken them, and watch them being fulfilled before their very eyes.

It is common knowledge that members of the occult, from the Wiccan visions of today to
the roots of the Gnostic religions in the days of Irenaeus, to the Bible days of Balaam,
common men have discovered the un-Biblical formula for predicting the future with
some of their predictions. The Bible warns us of this, with simple steps to test the
prophets and when not to fear them.

When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that
is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou
shalt not be afraid of him.
Deuteronomy 18:22

Seven major visions that he claimed to have in 1933 set his ministry apart from the others
according to his followers, as they vindicated him as the return of Elijah.
1. Roosevelt  (or  Hitler  according  to  Rev.  Branham’s  Church  Age  Book)  would  take  America  into  
a  second  world  war  
2. Mussolini  would  invade  Ethiopia  and  that  would  be  his  last  
3. The  Maginot  or  Siegfried  Line  would  be  built  
4. Cars  will  become  shaped  like  an  egg  (or  plastic  bubble-­‐top  according  to  the  Church  Age  
Book)  and  drive  themselves  
5. The  United  States  would  be  ruled  by  either  a  woman  or  the  Catholic  Church  (and  the  moral  
decay  of  women  would  become  worse)  
6. California  would  sink  beneath  the  ocean  
7. United  States  would  be  smoldering    and  burning  

Rev. Branham could see nothing past 1977, and watched these events unfold vividly in
his visions of these 7 events before 1977. He said that he could see nothing past 1977,
and described it as “completely dark.” Similar to the Mayan calendar, there was simply
nothing beyond it, so there was good reason to believe that it would be after the end of
the world. These visions were written down in the flyleaf of Rev. Branham’s Bible, or
piece of paper tucked in his Bible, or a book at home (depending upon the retelling of the
seven visions).

Periodically throughout his ministry, he would refer to these visions, but it was not until
later in the ministry that they were numbered as seven. He would not list all seven until
his Church Ages Book.

Late in his ministry, he believed that the battle of Armageddon would involve the
Catholic Church joined with Communism against Israel in the year of “the jubilee”.
(Though in some instances of the retelling, the Catholic Church formed the World

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Council of Churches to combat Communism, and other retellings of the vision described
how Communism would send nuclear bombs to wipe out Catholicism)
God knows my heart, I never knowed it until yesterday, that 1977 is the jubilee, and exactly the
same amount of time run out that He give with Israel and everything at the end. So we're at... And
here we are at the end of the age, at the coming in of the seventieth week. We don't know what
time that the church will be gone.

As Christians, it is very important that we review each prophesy carefully according to

actual facts, or we are not doing according to what the Bible says in regards to a prophet:
test them to see if every one of their visions come to pass.

Also, we must be very careful not to worship that prophet, as they did in the days of the
Old Testament. Even the body of Moses was hidden from the believers so that his
carcass would not be worshipped as an idol.

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Vision  1:  Franklin  D.  Roosevelt  

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The president which now is, President Franklin D. Roosevelt... (Now
remember, this is twenty-eight years ago.) will cause the whole world to go to

It’s important that we review everything Rev. Branham said about this vision, and
compare it to actual, historical fact about World War II and Roosevelt. It is also
important to note that though Rev. Branham claimed that this vision came to him in 1933,
the first time he mentioned it in his recordings was 1958.
Now, look what happened now. In... President Franklin D. Roosevelt took America to England's
tea party. That's right. Germany never picked on us; we picked on them, throwed the whole world
into a war, to cause a world war.

From the Beginning, Rev. Branham would describe the vision as a clear insight that
Roosevelt would cause the world to war with each other as another world war.
Said, "We now have a president (Dwi... Mr. Roosevelt), and this Mr. Roosevelt will cause the
world to go into a world war through his--in his time of his administration, his--his--as president,"

Eleven years before the Maginot Line was built, I said, "The Germans... America will just...
President Roosevelt will be the rascal of all of them." And that's right. He was.

1933, one morning going to the Baptist tabernacle, I went into a trance, saw a vision. I saw
President Roosevelt was going to help lead the world to a world war, told it that morning. They
was going to lock me up for it.

As time progressed, and a better understanding of the war was given to the public, Rev.
Branham would change his views on the instigator. In later accounts, Rev. Branham
would proclaim that he had prophesied that Hitler was the one in his vision that caused
the whole world to go to war. The vision was said to have even predicted the country of
origin for Hitler, where he would become a dictator, and the mystery around his death.
The next vision foretold that an Austrian by the name of Adolph Hitler would rise up as dictator
over Germany, and that he would draw the world into war. It showed the Siegfried line and how
our troops would have a terrible time to overcome it. Then it showed that Hitler would come to a
mysterious end.

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History tells us that WWII began in March 1939. The United States finally joined into
the war after over 2 years of fighting in 1941, after several other major world powers had
entered into the war. Below is a list of the countries, and the date they entered into
Australia 3/3/39 Japan 9/22/40 Costa Rica 12/8/41
Germany 9/1/39 Bulgaria 4/24/41 Dom Rep 12/8/41
France 9/3/39 Romania 6/22/41 El Salvador 12/8/41
Great Britain 9/3/39 Hungary 6/27/41 Haiti 12/8/41
New Zealand 9/3/39 India 12/7/41 Honduras 12/8/41
S. Africa 9/6/39 Panama 12/7/41 Nicaragua 12/8/41
Canada 9/10/39 Yugoslavia 12/7/41 Manchukuo 12/8/41
USSR 9/17/39 Netherlands 12/8/41
Italy 6/10/40

Five world powers were already at war as either Axis or Allied forces. Though it was
necessary for the United States to get involved to stop Germany as their forces grew,
Roosevelt was hesitant to join the fighting. Instead, Roosevelt insisted on preventing
Japan from becoming a part of the war or a supplier of military supplies. It was Japan’s
bombing of Pearl Harbor that ultimately led to the United States joining the war, and only
as retaliation from a first strike.

Let’s compare the original vision with what it became:

Roosevelt would cause the whole world to go to war

What the vision became:

Hitler would cause the whole world to go to war

Clearly, Roosevelt did not lead the world into war, and we did not “pick on them
[Germany] first” as Rev. Branham claimed.

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Vision  2:  Mussolini    

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Mussolini, Rev. Branham claimed, was in his original prophecy as
both being one of the possible leaders of Communism until the end
of the world as “the king of the north”, and having his last invasion
in Ethiopia. He truly was a ruthless dictator, though not nearly as
insane as Hitler. Before the public knew of the Holocaust,
Mussolini would have seemed to be just as large a threat as Hitler.

He first said that he did not know which of the world powers would
take control, but said that it was to be one of the three: Mussolini,
Hitler, or Stalin.

and how that Fascism of Mussolini, and Hitler, and Stalin. I said, "One of them will take the place
of it. I don't know which one it'll be, but I believe it'll be the king of the north.

After Mussolini died, Rev. Branham changed this opinion to claim that he had previously
prophesied that he knew one of them would never take control. He also said that this
would be his last, and he would end in disgrace.
Said, "This new dictator, Mussolini, will take his first step toward Ethiopia, and Ethiopia will fall
at his feet." It did. It said, "That'll be his last. He will end in disgrace."

Once he found out that Ethiopia was not his last invasion, he took out the “That’ll be his
last” portion in his account of the vision.
But the Lord showed me a vision of the great powerful woman, in '33, 1933, it's on paper. Of how
that "Roosevelt would cause... he would help cause the world to go to war." How that "Mussolini
would make his first invasion to Ethiopia and he would take it, but he would come to a disgraceful

Later in his ministry, as his hatred for women who did not adhere to his teachings grew,
he added that he also had prophesied that Mussolini’s mistress would also perish after
Ethiopia was conquered.
Notice. I said, "Mussolini is standing up as a dictator; he will make his first invasion to Ethiopia.
But he will take Ethiopia, but he will come to a disgraceful end, him and that woman both."

Five of those things has perfectly been fulfilled exactly. How Mussolini would rise and go to
Ethiopia, and fall at his steps; and he would be turned to the people, in shame, with a woman.

How Mussolini would go to Ethiopia, and Ethiopia would fall at his step, and then how that he'd
come to a disgrace, and be spit on by his own people; and disgraced, hung upside down, with that
prostitute that he lived with, on the street.

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Once it had became news of the mystery surrounding Hitler’s death, Hitler was added to
the vision.
How Mussolini, how he'd come to his end. How Hitler would come to a mysterious end.

Now, let’s compare the original vision to the vision that it became:

If Mussolini takes Ethiopia, then either Mussolini, Hitler, or Stalin would come to power.
Mussolini would die with his mistress after Ethiopia was invaded, and Hitler would die

There are many more instances where this portion of the vision are mentioned, but there
are several important things to note here:

• The  first  instance  of  this  vision  being  announced  on  recording  was  long  after  the  event  
actually  happened,  1954  
• The  first  instance  did  not  include  the  details  about  it  being  his  last  invasion  
• Mussolini,  and  Hitler,  and  Stalin  were  in  one  vision  as  being  the  head  of  the  communist  party  
–  and  Branham  did  not  know  which  one  would  be  it.    …which  is  very  strange  if  Mussolini  
would  be  dead.  
• The  later  ones  include  the  woman  who  died  with  Mussolini  –  during  the  times  when  Rev.  
Branham  was  preaching  so  hard  against  the  women  of  the  day  
• After  Rev.  Branham  found  out  it  was  not  Mussolini’s  last  invasion,  that  part  was  taken  out  of  
the  prophesy  
• Also  important  to  note,  though  it  may  have  no  bearing  in  the  subject,  at  the  time  the  vision  
would  have  been  prophesied,  Ethiopia  was  named  Abyssinia,  and  it  was  called  the  
Italo/Abyssinian  War.  

But the most important thing to note is that this was not Mussolini’s last invasion. After
invading Ethiopia, Mussolini invaded Spain, Albania, Africa, Greece, Yugoslavia and

When Mussolini rose into power, many feared and knew that he would become as power
hungry as Hitler or Stalin. Mussolini was ousted by the socialist party and began to bring
instant power to Fascism. Though the first variation of the vision came after the event,
the first fears of the nation was that Fascism, Communism, or Socialism would take over
the world.

In an effort to create an Italian Empire, or as his supporters called it, “The New Roman
Empire”, he invaded Abyssinia (or what would later be known as Ethiopia). This
invasion was titled the Italo-Abyssinian War. In May, 1936, Ethiopia became part of
“Italian East Africa”.

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In July 1936, Mussolini got involved in the Spanish Civil War, which resulted in his
relationship with Hitler. In 1939, he made the “Pact of Steel” with Hitler, which made
the “Rome-Berlin Axis” official.

When World War II began, Mussolini decided to enter the war on the Axis side,
declaring war on Britain and France. His invasion of France ultimately resulted in the
surrender of France to the Axis. From there, he was involved in Sudan, Kenya, and
conquered British Somaliland.

His last major battle was war with the Soviet Union. Italian forces were spread so thin
over parts of the world, and were so broken down that Mussolini lost his political power
and influence over his people. Not long after, he was dismissed, arrested, and publicly

When compared to Rev. Branham’s vision, “Mussolini, will take his first step toward
Ethiopia, and Ethiopia will fall at his feet.” and “That'll be his last. He will end in disgrace”, the
actual history reveals some major conflicts.

This vision is clearly a moving target.

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Vision  3:  The  Siegfried  Line  …  or  Maginot  Line  

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Rev. Branham always struggled with this one. For
some reason, he could never remember whether he
prophesied the Siegfried or Maginot line. As with all
of the visions, the name is not important. What is
important is the actual historical fact as it is compared
to the prophecy. We do know that he was talking about
the concrete line that was built in Germany.
I was quoting last night a prophecy that was given me back in 1933 of seven things that'd take
place: Germany, the Sieg--SiegfriedLine, and the president election, and all these other things.

I seen that Maginot (Maginot Line, it was instead of the Siegfried)--the Maginot Line
BRANHAM, 60-1126 WHY

Around 1961, Branham started claiming that the defensive line he was describing was
built 11 years after his initial vision of 1933.
"Our war will be with Germany, and they will build a great big concrete place and fortify
themselves in there, and the Americans will take a horrible beating." Almighty God knows that
Who I stand before now; I seen those independent Nazis kicking the Americans like that and
things at that wall. And there's many boys standing here now that was at that Siegfried Line that
knows what it was. And remember, that was eleven years before the Siegfried Line was built. Is
God true? Does He still foretell things to happen? Watch. That's--that was the fourth.

The Siegfried line was a line of defensive forts and tanks built by Germany as a section
of the Hindenburg line. Adolph Hitler planned the line in 1936, and had it built between
1938 and 1940. The Maginot line was built in France in several phases starting in 1930
and was largely completed by 1939.

In 1944, the Siegfried line had taken so much damage that Hitler commissioned forced
labor of 14-16 year old boys to build anti-tank ditches to refortify the badly battered line
of concrete defenses. The defensive line had already been built, but it was essentially
being refortified by Hitler’s labor commission.
1933, the Holy Spirit came one morning and told me seven things that would take place before this
nation was destroyed.
How Germany would fortify and build a Maginot Line, or the Siegfried Line, I believe it was,
eleven years before it was ever thought of.

Rev. Branham still did not realize that the defensive line had already been built. He
would continue to describe how this visions had shown him a full account of how the line
was going to be built before the first concrete foundation had ever been poured.
And I seen that, eleven years before the line was ever--ever a foundation was ever poured for it, or
anything, the Siegfried Line.

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He later decided to take out the portion of the vision that included the timeline of eleven
years, once he realized that the timeline of the vision was incorrect.
how the--the Siegfried Line would be built, and how that the Americans would take a beating there
(and they never would admit it till just about two years ago, and they got the German pictures of
the siege there; and they really took a beating. They liked... They lost their whole army almost
right there.); and all those things that were done.

This vision is another slightly moving target, but still we can compare the original vision
with what the vision became to see whether or not the vision matched in each retelling.
The first instance Rev. Branham spoke of this vision was in 1958, and over time, the
story would grow and change.

Original Vision:
I saw a concrete line 11 years before any concrete was poured

Later description of the vision:

I saw a concrete line that would give our troops a terrible time, and Hitler would come to a
mysterious end.

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Vision  4:  Egg-­‐Shaped  Cars  Driving  Themselves  

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As a Christian, we must ask ourselves: what spiritual significance does this vision serve?
Whether this vision is correct or not, is our salvation or even our well-being in any way
affected by cars that have the shape of an egg?

Though he considered science to be “of the devil”, Rev. Branham was constantly amazed
by science. He would speak of great feats of science he saw at the Worlds Fair, wonders
of medical science, astronomy, astrology, and psychology.

In 1956, around the time of the Heinkel Cabin Cruiser, Rev.

Branham claimed to have a vision of cars that would
become shaped like an egg. At the time, they were
considered the latest designs that would take the world by
storm, but fortunately for anyone with long legs, did not.

And, you, how many can remember what a '33 car looked like back there? Oh, it kind of run out
like this, and way up the back, and chopped down for the spare tire to hang on. I saw a vision, that
before the coming of the Lord, that cars would look like an egg. How many remembers that
prediction? Is there anybody left in here? Brother Steward's gone, and I guess. It was 1933 when
we were having services over here. I guess just about all of them's gone now, since then.

In 1958, after an article released by a few magazines showed cars that did not require
attention while driving. These cars, according to the magazines, would be self controlled,
self propelled, and the way of the future. Rev. Branham would incorporate this into his
accounts of the vision, saying that the egg shaped cars would even control your speed;
you wouldn’t be able to hit another car because they controlled the steering and the speed
according to the speed limit.
And in 1933 when the Lord, {…} And also said that cars would keep getting more like an egg,
until the last days they'd be just in the shape of an egg.
Now, I said, "It'll come to pass that those cars will not be run by a steering wheel; it'll be
something another run." It's them cars they're bringing out right now, remote control, for safety.
Correct. You won't be able to enter into a city then, a twenty-mile zone, you can just go twenty
mile. You can't hit another car, because it's remote control. See, it's going like that right now. {…}

The articles began to speak of electronic-powered vehicles that were self-directed. About
that time, the visions changed to electronic powered cars that the driver could not steer.
You remember, I predicted that in 1933. And it will be that way too. For I saw a vision before the
end time, that great and powerful thing stood up in the United States, and she become as stubbles.
So then, it's going to happen. I said, "Automobiles will--come like the shape of an egg." You know
what a '33 car looked like. And I said, "There'll even be traveling on the road, they won't even
have to guide it." They've already got that out; I seen it here not long ago. It'll be controlled by
electronics like

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The vision started to include families that were
playing games once they were commonplace on the
They'll control it with some kind of a steering outfit
that they don't have to touch it theirself." I seen an
American family, going down a great big broad way
playing cards with a glass-top car, looked like an

Now, the fifth thing. "Science will progress in such a

way until they will make a car that will not have to
be guided by a steering wheel, and the cars will
continue to be shaped like an egg until the
consummation," the end time. I seen American family
going down the road in a broad way, riding in a car
with their backs turned towards where the wheel
should be; looked like they were playing checkers or
BRANHAM, 61-0806

In a book, Branham would write that the vision was exactly like the photograph in
Popular Science. The egg shape would be removed from this version of the vision
altogether and replaced with a bubble top.
The fourth vision showed the great advances in science that would come after the second world
war. It was headed up in the vision of a plastic bubble-topped car that was running down beautiful
highways under remote control so that people appeared seated in this car without a steering wheel
and they were playing some sort of a game to amuse themselves.

The truth of the matter is, these cars already existed by science, and he definitely saw
them, they were in the popular science magazines of that day. But we must remember
that science progresses quickly over time, and that the vision is another moving target.

Let’s compare the original vision to the vision it became:

I predict that cars will become shaped like an egg

What it became:
I predict that cars will be electric, self-propelled, self-guided, shaped like an egg with a glass roof
that you can watch families playing checkers or cards as it is guided down the road.

We know that families today would be playing Xbox, PlayStation, or Nintendo – not
checkers. More than likely, they would be watching movies and eating popcorn on long

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We do have these cars today, and have cars with many of these features that popular
science predicted long before Rev. Branham predicted them. They are very rarely seen
on the roads, however, and because of the aerodynamics of the egg, probably will not be
as common as Rev. Branham described. That is the reason that they did not do very well
in the first place.

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Vision  5:  Woman  or  the  Catholic  Church  Will  Rule  The  U.S.  

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Rev. Branham was by no means silent on the fact that he did not appreciate women who
did not agree with his view of the lifestyles of women. His perfect apocalypse must
involve a woman in order to vindicate his message of the women of the last days.

In 1956, Rev. Branham added women to the retelling of the 1933

vision, letting the people know that a woman will be President of
the United States, and this would be a disgrace.
I didn't mean that to do any harm, women; I don't mean you Christian
women. But just to see women coming into politics and everything, it's
a disgrace; it's a breaking of the American morale. And remember, this
is... America will... A--a woman... I--I better leave it alone. But just
remember this. I predict this: that a woman will be president before
we're annihilated. That's right. I said that in 1933 by a vision.

A year later, this vision changed to say that America’s number one god would be
“women”. Though movie stars were worth hundreds of thousands (and sometimes
millions) in that day, Branham was convinced that any of the women in the film industry
could be bought for $25-$50 a night as prostitutes.
And I predicted that America, their number one god would be women. That's what it is. Everything
is fashioned after Hollywood. I have things on records from the FBI file that would shock you to
pieces just to tell you right where, and the scandal on these movie stars, there isn't a one of them,
hardly, but what's prostitutes. And the FBI exposed it just recently; I have it from their own file.
And so all of them living out, even these movie stars, where they've proved they went in and picked
them up, living with men, twenty-five and fifty dollars a night, of men, all up and down, in
Hollywood and everywhere, had private homes and men back in there where they would send
them out to these people.

In Branham’s vision of the woman, the woman would rule America right before the
annihilation, in which the entire nation is “wiped out”. He included the date 1977 in most
of the retelling of the woman’s vision, because he truly believed it would happen before

And then, there'll be a great woman rise up, 'cause America is a woman's nation. And it'll... A
great woman will rise up and be president, or something like that in the nation, and then there will
come a total annihilation, the entire nation will be wiped out. And that, I predict--now this is not
the Lord saying this--the other about the woman and this, is the Lord. But I predicted in 1933 that
the world would be total annihilation before '77.

In 1958, the vision changed a bit to include the fact that the US political structure could
be affected, and the woman could be a dictator.
And I said, "Remember, in that day, before the end time comes, before the end time comes, that a
woman... Now, you all keep this wrote down. There'll be a great powerful woman raise up, either
be President, or dictator, or some great powerful woman in this United States. And she'll sink
under the influence of women. Now, you remember; that's THUS SAITH THE LORD."

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In 1960, it changed a bit more to open up the options. She could be the President, Vice
President, or the Catholic Church
And so, this... I... I won't have time in this meeting to tell you. In 1933, this is a woman's nation.
It's the number thirteen. It appears in the thirteenth chapter of Revelation: thirteen stars, thirteen
stripes, thirteen... Everything's a thirteen. Everything is a woman. And remember, THUS SAITH
THE LORD there will be a woman rule before the end time. She'll either be President, Vice
President, or it'll be the Catholic church as a woman.

A few months later, it changed from a woman or the Catholic Church, to a man “that
would be wrongly elected by a woman”.
I said, "Then I seen a... They're going to permit women and are permitting women to vote. And by
voting, they'll elect the wrong man some of these days." And you did at the last election. It was the
woman's votes that elected Kennedy. We know that, see, between the crooked machines and things
fixed up, that FBI exposed.

In 1961, Rev. Branham was convinced that the election of Kennedy was the fulfillment of
his vision.
And I said, "In voting they'll elect the wrong man." I'm neither Democrat nor Republican. I'm a
Christian. Both sides is rotten. But they made their fatal mistake the other day. Women done the

Now, that brings us then to the election of President Kennedy, and this car coming on the--on the
scene, bringing five things out of the seven that has happened exactly.

As with the others, this vision is a moving target. We all know that women may some
day be president; during Branham’s day when women were starting to take public office,
they knew it then. Let’s compare the original vision to the vision that it became:

Woman will be president before we’re annihilated.

Woman will become president or vice president or dictator or elect the wrong man or it was the
Catholic Church and it was President Kennedy.

This vision clearly is a moving target, and America was not annihilated when Kennedy
became president.

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Vision  6:  California  will  Sink  Beneath  the  Ocean  

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The last year of his ministry, Rev. Branham would condemn Los Angeles for allegedly
rejecting Christ, and condemn the city into destruction. His vision would compare to
Capernaum, which Branham thought was beneath the sea during the time of his ministry.
That is solemn warning. We don't know what time, and you don't know what time, that this city one
day is going to be laying out here in the bottom of this ocean. "Oh, Capernaum," said Jesus,
"thou who exalted into heaven, will be brought down into hell. For, if the mighty works had been
done in Sodom and Gomorrah, it'd have been standing to this day." And Sodom, Gomorrah lays in
the bottom of the Dead Sea. And Capernaum is in the bottom of the sea. Thou city, who claims to
be the city of the Angels, who has exalted yourself into heaven, and sent all the dirty, filthy things
of fashions and things, till even the foreign countries come here to pick up our filth and send it
away, to your fine churches and steeples, and so forth, the way you do. Remember, one day you'll
be laying in the bottom of the sea, your great honeycomb under you right now. The wrath of God
is belching right beneath you. How much longer He will hold this sandbar hanging out over that?
When, that ocean out yonder, a mile deep, will slide in there, plumb back to the Salton Sea. It'll be
worse than the last day of Pompeii. Repent, Los Angeles.

Capernaum was a fishing village at the time of the

Hasmoneans (140-116 BC). To this day, it is located
in the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee.
Archaeological excavations have revealed two ancient
synagogues built one on top of the other. Capernaum
was spared by the Romans during the Jewish Revolt
(AD 66-70), and was referred to as a fertile spring in
the writings of Josephus. Many homes were built in Capernaum
the 4th century, and one of the homes was greatly
transformed in the 5th century. Evidence shows a
constant transforming city since before the days of
Christ until about the 5th Century. It has never been
under the sea.

It is common knowledge that California sits on a fault line that produces major
earthquakes of this day, just as the Bible predicted. It was common knowledge before
Branham made the prediction that Los Angeles particularly was very brittle under the
foundation, and Branham discussed this in his sermons.
And this scientist was speaking, being on an interview. We was watching on television. And he
said, "Beneath that is just a churning lava." And he said this, he said, "That is a chunk will break
loose," and said, "and it will." And this inter-... The man, scientist interviewing this chief scientist,
said to him, said, "Well, that could then all sink?" He said, "Could? It's got to!" Said, "Well,
course, will probably be many, many years from now." He said, "It can be in five minutes from
now, or it can be in five years from now." He just lotted five years. But just as I sure was standing
there under that Inspiration, put judgment on that West Coast, and then followed it right up here
with the sinking of Los Angeles, she is gone! That's right. It will happen. When? I don't know.

Previous visions by others have predicted earthquakes sinking Los Angeles since 1937.
While in a hospital, a 17-year-old Joe Brandt had an out-of-body experience that was so
clear to him that it was written down and formed into a book in 1965.

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I've been thinking about it all morning. I'm going home tomorrow. It was just a dream. It was
nothing more. Nobody in the future on Hollywood Boulevard is going to be wearing earrings—
and those beards. Nothing like that is ever going to happen. That girl was so real to me—that girl
with those kids. It won't ever happen—but if it did, how could I tell her (maybe she isn't even born
yet) to move away from California when she has her twins—and she can't be on the Boulevard
that day. She was so gosh-darned real.

The other thing—those ham operators—hanging on like that—over and over—saying the same

"This is California. We are going into the sea. This is California. We are going into the sea. Get to
the mountains. Get to the hilltops. California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, Utah. This is
California. We are going into the sea."
The Coming Earthquake – Joe Brandt

Branham claimed that he could see nothing past 1977, and made
that very clear throughout his ministry. According to a book by
Pearry Green, Branham saw Los Angeles under the ocean before
Billy Paul was an old man.
"Billy, I may not be here but you won't be an old man until sharks will
Mays Dept Store, Where
swim right where we are standing" They Were Standing
BRANHAM, See The Acts of the Prophet, by Pearry Green, page 119

Billy Paul Branham was born on September 13, 1935, putting him at age 76 in 2011.
Branham claimed to be an old man at age 56, and 76 years old is considered to be old age
by practically everyone in every nation.

Knowing that Los Angeles lies beyond the fault, knowing that the foundation under Los
Angeles is very brittle, and probably knowing that Joe Brandt also had a very clear
retelling of California going under the sea, it would be very easy for Rev. Branham to
“predict” that it would happen. Many scientists of the day had also predicted it, and still
worry about it to this day.

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Miscellaneous  Visions  

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Marilyn Monroe’s Heart Attack
Many of Rev. Branham’s followers do not know that Marilyn Monroe did not die of a
heart attack. Many have never heard that she died naked on her bed, not running and
clutching her heart. They have never researched the facts that surrounded her death, and
the actual cause of death of the famous actress. Worse, they do not realize that her death
has no actual bearing on their eternal salvation, and that it is highly unlikely that God
would use this type of prophecy in His mighty works.

Now, it don't make any difference how much I'd say it, they're still going to say she committed
suicide. But the child did not. She died in a heart attack. And if you'd watch, she had her hand,
trying to get to the phone, the phone in her hand. She had a heart attack. They said sleeping pills
was there. She had been taking them for a month, see, or more, out of that bottle. She died in a
heart attack. And she died about four or five seconds before four o'clock, exactly.

Her housekeeper found Marilyn Monroe dead in her bed on August 5, 1962. There are
several theories about who was responsible: deliberate suicide, accidental overdose by
herself or by her live-in housekeeper, murder by U.S. government agents, or murder by
organized crime. However, there is no doubt about the cause of her death: Monroe died
of "acute barbiturate poisoning" caused by an overdose of Nembutal (38-66 capsules)
and chloral hydrate (14-23 capsules), which should never be combined in normal doses.
The drug overdose was enough to kill ten people. Marilyn Monroe did not die of a heart
attack at the age of 36.

Brown Bear Prophesies

Most Message followers are also familiar with a vision Rev. Branham had concerning his
shooting of a grizzly bear during one of his many hunting trips. The bear rug now lies in
his Tucson home, and many are familiar with the event

Again, the question would arise of what spiritual significance this vision serves other than
to instruct eager followers to help fund other hunting trips, but what many of his
followers don't know is that Rev. Branham also prophesied at least 3 times that he would
shoot a large brown bear as well. In one of the retellings of this vision, he claimed that it
would happen during his hunting trip “when I come back next year”. He said:
Coming home the other night, or the other day, or just 'fore I come home, I was--fell into a vision;
and I seen some little fellows, thin, looked like young boys or something, had on caps. And we
were standing hunting. And I'd shot a mammoth, big, brown-looking bear. And then, they turned
around and said to me, said, "But there's some confusion about the meeting." And I said, "No
matter what the confusion is, if I was supposed to go, wherever it was, I'll go anyhow. (See?) It
doesn't matter." And the vision stopped. I don't know where that's at, but this is on tape. It's going
to happen. See? Just remember; it's going to happen; it's a vision. . .

Many of you remember the vision that I had, where I had shot the grizzly bear, nine-foot grizzly
bear (And the church remembers me telling it here.) and the caribou. I had another. Remember it's
on tape here, I seen a great huge brown bear. That might be a Kodiak and it wouldn't have worked
down there in Canada, 'cause they're not there. You see? But wherever it will be, it'll be. It will be;
that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. It will be.

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Now, I'm going back into the country, that you might know, when I come back next year. I'm going
to get a brown bear that's almost twice that size. You see if it's right or not. I seen it. When we was
standing, put my hands on his haunches laying on the ground, like that. And I could put my hands
on his hips like that, and him laying down. Now, you find out if that's right or not.

This prophecy was never fulfilled in 1963, or until Branham's death in 1965. The
interesting part about this vision, however, is the fact that it is only one of two visions
that Branham prophesied before the event on recording, and is the only one that describes
an event that did not come to pass completely.

Meetings in India

Rev. Branham prophesied of a great campaign in India, wherein “ten thousands times
thousands” would be saved. In the vision, there were three hundred thousand of the
believers in the meeting, and the spirit would fill the place:
Mark my word; write it in the pages of your Bible, for it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, "Remember,
when we land in India, you're going to hear of tens of thousands times thousands being saved."
The Holy Spirit has said it; I've wrote it here in my Bible; it's wrote in tens of thousands of Bibles
right here, like the resurrection of the little boy. By a vision that He said, "There's three hundred
thousand of them in there." And you see if that isn't right. There's how the Gospel's going to be
preached just overnight. She'll just sweep like that from place to place.
BRANHAM, Questions and Answers, May 15, 1954 (tape #54-0515)

Rev. Branham did go to India in September 1954, which in of itself can be considered
self-fulfilling prophecy. He quickly learned that the Hindi and Muslim people were not
entirely receptive to missionaries pushing Christianity, and Rev. Branham had to leave
India after having been rescued by the militia from an angry mob.

When I held my hand there, and when the prayer, of course wasn't interpreted, when I dropped my
hands, the man looked. He let out a scream. He grabbed me around the waist. He grabbed the
mayor of the city and begin hugging him and kissing him. He was just--could see as good as any
man setting in here. I'm telling you: a frantic, a scream went from those people, and the whole
thing went into a turmoil. Two or three hours later, they got me through the crowd with a army
there trying to push them back. I had no pockets in my coats. My shoes was gone. They'd pulled
every clothes off of me, nearly stripping me, screaming and crying. And the next day with sorrow.
I had to leave India with a promise that I'd be back again.
BRANHAM, India Trip Report, January 26, 1957 (tape #57-0126B)

Rev. Branham placed the blame for his lack of success in India on himself for not
following the leading of the Holy Spirit, saying that Africa was to be his first destination.
And when... I had been very much constrained to go to--to India. And yet, as many of you might
know, the Indian trip wasn't the success that it should've been, because I failed to follow the
leading of the Holy Spirit, and never recognized it after He give me a vision to go to Africa first
and then to India.
BRANHAM, India Trip Report, January 26, 1957 (tape #57-0126B)

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As with many of his other visions, the story changed over time. Rather than including the
portions of the actual event that described his being kicked out of the meeting, it became
a story of vindication of the original vision.
And yet, in the midst of five hundred thousand people that I was speaking to at Bombay, the Lord
Jesus Christ and Christianity triumphed over everyone of them and put every witch doctor and
holy man and everything else to shame. And there's no way of telling how many came to the Lord
Jesus. We had no cooperation amongst the churches and just dropped in for three days, and there
was no way of telling how many was saved.
BRANHAM, Be not Afraid, It is I, July 20, 1960 (tape #60-0720)

There are small followings in India today, but for the most part are very few and far
between. Christianity is very much frowned upon by the culture, and Christians are
killed in the streets in parts of India. There definitely are not “of tens of thousands times
thousands being saved.”

Descendants of the followers describe the sin that now surrounds the pastors of the
teachings of Rev. Branham. Some living in adultery, false teachings contrary to the
Bible, and worse.

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Thus  Saith  the  Lord  

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“Thus Saith The Lord” is the prophet’s message to the people from the divine Holy
Spirit. The only one with true authority to speak these words it the prophet that the Lord
has spoken to, otherwise it becomes using the Lord’s name in vain.

Rev. Branham was aware of this fact, and used it very carefully throughout the early days
of his ministry – mostly only in the prayer lines and when combined with actual scripture
that was truly from the Lord.

According to Rev. Branham, it must be a vindicated prophet:

But the only person that has a right to say, THUS SAITH THE LORD, is a vindicated prophet.

If anyone has based their theory on something other than “Thus Saith the Lord”, then
obviously the Lord has not given it to them. This would be his theme throughout the
latter part of his message, letting the people know that he was the only one of the current
“Church Age” that had the power to use the words, “Thus Saith the Lord”.
If a prophet, or a dreamer, or whatever it is, or a teacher, hasn't based his theory exactly on
THUS SAITH THE LORD, I don't believe it.

Somehow along the way, it got as easy as corn bread and beans: anyone can say it:
Look. Oh, brother, this is like corn bread and beans; It sticks to your ribs. It'll hold you some way,
you can go and do a good day's work for the Lord tomorrow, go out and meet the devil, say, "I
know where I'm standing, not because a chill run down my back, because THUS SAITH THE
LORD. Move off, Satan, I'm taking over now."

Rev. Branham predicted that the three “isms” would end in communism and that
communism would burn the Vatican City.
Going to Sunday school one morning, I was caught away in a vision. And I said, "Now..." Under
the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I said, "Now, there's going to be three great isms. Which is now
in existence. One of them is in Rome, which is--is Fascism, and one of them is in Germany which
is Nazi--Nazism. And the other one is in Russia, which is communism." I said, "Those three great
isms is the unclean spirits that went out of the mouth of the false prophet, and the dragons, and so
forth that will unite themselves together, speaking things that they should not, and they'll all beat
at one another, until they'll finally wind up in one ism. And I predict that that will be
communism. And communism will burn the Vatican City.

But the Lord showed me a vision of the great powerful woman, in '33, 1933, it's on paper. Of how
that "Roosevelt would cause... he would help cause the world to go to war." How that "Mussolini
would make his first invasion to Ethiopia and he would take it, but he would come to a disgraceful
end." And how that "Then the three ism: Nazism, Facism, and Communism, would all wind up in

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At the time when communism was feared most by the American people, Rev. Branham
clearly used this fear in his prophesies under “Thus Saith the Lord”.
You remember that, that Brother Branham said that, THUS SAITH THE LORD. Our nation is
debolished. It will never rise. She's gone, like all the rest of the nations. It's the greatest nation in
the world standing today, but the very seed of the devil has been planted into the hearts of the
people; how it come into Hollywood, how it got out into the people, and begin to this... And you
can't tell them nothing.
Get a President up there who will try to close whiskey, and not have prohibition, see what would
happen. He'd be shot in two hours after he got in there. Sure, he can't stand it; the whole world's
against him. Yes, sir. You couldn't do it.
She's gone. She's invaded, and the spirit of communism has took over.

His visions often told how that Communism was a tool by the hand of the Almighty God
to destroy the Catholic Church:
I'll prove to you that communism is working straight in the hands of Almighty God to destroy
the Roman... And remember, I say this as God's prophet: The Russian empire will drop an atomic
bomb of some sort on the Vatican City and destroy it in one hour. THUS SAITH THE LORD.
And the Bible said that God took them cruel-hearted men and put them in His hands, and they
were instruments in His hands to fulfill His will, and to bring back to her exactly what she had
coming to her. That's exactly. That's the Word.

Oddly enough, one day later, he realized that Communism was no longer feared:
But these religious teachers are trying to put it on communism, when they don't realize it's
working right in their own midst.

Confusing? It Confused Rev. Branham, also.

Heading up in the federation of churches, which will finally join with Romanism to fight
Catholicism--or with Catholicism to fight Communism. Pope John is calling for all the churches
to come back, and they will. And they'll unite themselves together, just exactly what THUS SAITH

Suddenly, the American people no longer feared communism. Probably because they
saw that Communism was fading quickly. It was Catholicism that was feared. Quickly,
the “vision” changed:
Keep your eyes on Russia. She'll all wind up in Communism. And then it'll all wind up finally in
Catholicism. Remember, it'll all wind up in Catholicism in the end time. That's exactly right.
That's at the battle of Armageddon, right over in here when Christ comes Himself.

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There was communism, fascism, nazism. They were spirits. Communism is a spirit. It gets on you.
See? It's a spirit. And that--it'll be something like that, only I'd... It--it... That really isn't it. But
it'll be three spirits just like that, which they was kind of a forerunner of. But, of course, you
know where... It's in Catholicism. You see? But I'd--I--I want to get a few things on that straight
before I say it (You see?), to be sure that I know what...

Moreover, the “Thus Saith the Lord” changed from communism to Rome, or
It isn't Russia. It's Rome. THUS SAITH THE LORD. Yeah. Show me a Scripture where
communism, or anything else besides Rome, will rule.

And Message believers around the world could rejoice, communism was no longer to
fear. There was a new fear in the world, and it was Catholicism. It was “Thus Saith the
Any prophecy don't stay with that Word... That's exactly. That's the reason I say today; no matter
how good it looks, how many preachers are saying this, that, or the other, "Communism is going
to take the world and throw it down." Don't you never try to fight communism. Fight Romanism.
For, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. The Lord said Romanism is going to rule, not
communism. It's just a puppet.

Although, it looks like Catholicism would be destroyed…

And I said, "There is three isms; Communism, Facism, and Nazism. They'll all wind up out of
Russia, in Communism." And it will destroy Catholicism. See if it don't!

Clearly, if communism destroyed Rome with Catholicism by an atomic bomb in one

hour, there is no way possible that both forces could join together at Armageddon against
There's that red dragon, the devil. Where's his seat at? In... Not in Russia; in Rome. And said,
"The devil give him his seat and his authority, red dragon," not Russia.
I hear great ministers saying, "The Russian is the antichrist." Why, the Russian has nothing to do
with the antichrist. That's communism. The faultry of Protestantism and Catholicism has produced
communism. The reason the Russians drove them out of there, because they had all the money,
and had all the prayers said to them saints, so they built the biggest buildings, and had all the
wealth of the people, and bundled it up like that. And they seen they lived no different, and was no
different from any of the rest of the world, and they spued it out and formed communism.
Now, if you'll give me one more night, if God does, I'll prove to you that communism is working
straight in the hands of Almighty God to destroy the Roman... And remember, I say this as God's
prophet: The Russian empire will drop an atomic bomb of some sort on the Vatican City and
destroy it in one hour. THUS SAITH THE LORD.

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Luckily, 1 Corinthians 14:8 teaches us this, and we can fear neither Communism or
Catholicism, for this trumpet has certainly given an uncertain sound:
For if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for the battle?

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Chapter  4:  Gnosticism  and  the  Occult  

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Gnostics, though the target of several prominent patriarchs of the
Church as the devil attempting to embed himself into religion,
brought Pagan ideology into the newly founded Christian religion.
Irenaeus devoted his full attention towards putting a stop to the
heresy, but ultimately was unsuccessful. Gnosticism would continue
to grow and spread throughout the ages, taking on several new forms
and religious sects as it grew.

In many ways, it is the foundation of the occult, as we know it today,

though its original roots came from the pagan ideas.

Throughout his ministry, Rev. Branham would subscribe to many of these ideas and
beliefs. It is not fully known by history, but is suspected that Branham had discovered
the Gnostic texts through his research, and mistakenly understood them as the true
foundation of the Church. Let’s review the beliefs of the Gnostics:

Divine Knowledge of the Truth

Gnostics teach that the realization of Gnosis, or divine knowledge is the way towards
salvation. Paul of the Bible teaches us the error of this pagan idea, and preached against
it during his travels to pagan cities.

Actually, there are two kinds of gnosis, (1) that which is acquired in the gnostic temple rites and
through the teachings of the masters, and (2) that which can only be acquired through the ministry
of Sophia (Wisdom, the feminine aspect of the Christ, or the Holy Spirit) within the individual
disciple of gnosis. Clement of Alexandria called these “human gnosis” and “divine gnosis.” The
effect of the reception of human gnosis is an opening of our minds to be able to think in new ways
so that we are enabled to receive divine gnosis.
Gnosis, 2000

Rev. Branham would claim that the Word of God (the Bible) must have divine
interpretation. Many of his followers use the example of the sights of a rifle lining up to
hit the target, comparing the front sight to the Bible, and the rear sight to Rev. Branham’s
divine interpretation.

Man was made to be a god. His domain is the earth. The whole earth's awaiting now for the
manifestation of the sons of God to be made manifest. Look how far behind we are. But remember,
the prophets... He said, "If you call them gods, who the Word of God came to..." What was a
prophet? A Divine interpreter of the Word, had the Divine interpretation. The signs of Him
foretelling, and foreknowing, that was a vindicate to the people that he was a prophet.

According to Peter in the Bible, this clearly is not correct.

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. (2 Peter 1:20)

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Unfortunately, Branham would devote the latter part of his life towards finding the
mysteries, or divine revelations, that would restore the Church and prepare it for Rapture.

That's some of the mysteries that this angel is supposed to wind up, all "the mystery," all the
mysteries of God.

Divine Nature

Branham believed that a “deep called to the deep” as he called it, or a spirit by nature
would naturally be called to believe that which he was intended to believe.

Neither the sages of the Pagan Mysteries nor the Christian Gnostics were actually preaching
immortality, however. They were both simply acknowledging that there was a spiritual
understanding deeper than an externally imposed set of ethical rules, and that human beings who
were in tough with their divine nature would act intuitively and spontaneously in harmony with the
whole of life. The Gnostic sage Basilides explains that “spiritual” Christians are moral simply
“by nature”
The Jesus Mysteries: Was the “Original Jesus” a Pagan God?

He believed that he was the divine one to bring this revelation to the last age.
Notice now, Lot was down in Sodom. And two Angels went down into Sodom, to preach the
Gospel, to call the righteous out from amongst the unbelieving. Is that right? [Congregation says,
"Amen."--Ed.] A modern Billy Graham. They didn't do many miracles; smote them blind, which,
preaching the Word does smite the unbeliever blind. But a perfect, modern Billy Graham. 176 And
did you ever notice? Of all the great man we've had in the world, of preachers, since the days of
Jesus Christ; Sankey, Moody, Finney, Calvin, Knox, so forth, on and on, and on and on, we've
never had a man in there that ended his name with h-a-m, like Abraham, but G-r-a-h-a-m. But
notice, six letters, G-r-a-h-a-m, six. A-b-r-a-h-a-m is seven. Never have we had it, but there is a
messenger down in Sodom, "Come out of it." And God has sent the correct man, Billy Graham,
calling them from Sodom. And they received the sign of the preaching of the Gospel. And they are
getting It today, the world over, by the noted, precious brother, Billy Graham, with a message of
salvation, and, "Get out of Sodom!" That's right. With his name ending, h-a-m, means "father of
the peoples, or nations." 177 But there was a Messenger, also, that stayed with Abraham, A-b-r-a-
h-a-m. And notice, as He said, He give them a sign.

The number of the letters in the name had very little to do with it, however. We do not
know the true reason for the change in name, but can assume that there was significance
in the meaning of the name, not the count of symbols. Especially since the symbols of
Abraham's name looked something like this:

Material World Not Created by God

Gnostics believe that God does not create the material world, the one we live in. The
spirit world is the one created by God.

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Rev. Branham was a firm believer of the Spirit World, and was in close contact with it.
Throughout his ministry, he would call upon the Spirit World to “contact their spirit” for
healings and salvation.

Now, I have my idea of what I think He was doing. I think what He... She--she was a human. She
had spirits. And He was trying to contact her spirit (See?), in spirit world. Now, that's the same
thing, by His Spirit I'm trying to do for you, contact your life.

Now, someday when we go to be with Him, these spirits in here that can feel that Spirit, presses
into that. Then on the resurrection when He makes Hisself visible, we'll be made visible and have
a body like His own glorious body. For when we come from the spirit world, He will bring us with
Him. All that are dead in Christ will God bring with Him in the resurrection. Oh, what an
enlightenment, what a blessed thing.

Jesus is the Full Embodiment of the Supreme Being

The Gnostic Jesus is like a Pagan hierophant who initiates his disciples into the Mysteries through
dance and song. The Gnostics taught that Christianity, like the Pagan Mysteries, had Outer
Mysteries for beginners in the faith, and Inner Mysteries for the initiated.
The Jesus Mysteries: Was the “Original Jesus” a Pagan God?

The very Emmanuel, the very God of heaven inveiled in human flesh, walking among those people,
and failed to touch a one of them, or heal a one.

Other Divine Beings Are “Aspects” (Attributes) of the Supreme God

Despite an occasional Gnostic expression of male primacy, Gnostics regarded God as a dyad
containing both masculine and feminine aspects of God. In this, they follow Judaism, which
includes the shekhinah, or feminine aspect of God. The Gnostics pointed out that in Genesis God
made humanity “both male and female,” and since He made then “in our image, in our likeness,”
that there must be a feminine element in the godhead. Similarly, there is a bi-gender element in
humanity; Adam contained both sexes, giving “birth” to Eve from his side.
The Gnostic Gospels

Now, in the beginning they were one. God, when He made man, He made him a dual person, both
male and female. He separated him in flesh and put him here on earth in flesh, and the female part
was still in spirit.

The Other Supreme Power Fashions the Flawed World

Two supreme powers or gods fight one another for supremacy. One is the pleroma ("fullness" in
Greek) — the good unknowable godhead, from whom many spiritual entities called aeons
emanated. The other is an evil, deformed god, called the demiurge ("craftsman") that fashioned
the flawed universe, along with archons, or demons.
Gnosticism and Christian

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Rev. Branham firmly believed that Satan and God were the two powers almost or even
equal from before the foundation of the world. He believed that God originally created
the World as it is stated in Genesis of the Bible, but that Satan was perverting it to
become “Satan’s Eden”, which God was allowing to happen.

Did you know Satan was co-equal with God one day? Sure was, all but a creator; he was
everything, stood at the right hand of God, in the Heavens, the great leading Cherubim.

The Salvation of the World Would Depend on a Concurrent Restoration That

Would Elevate Individual Redemption to the Level of a Cosmically Significant

Gnostic cosmology also varies, but the common theme of a number of

heavens can be found in all accounts. The exact number of heavens is not
clear, but there are at least seven and perhaps more. Each of these
heavens is guarded by a being know as an Archon. These entities are
responsible for extracting a password from the soul attempting to return
to the Father. As The Apocalypse of Paul illustrates, the soul that fails to
give the correct password is sent into the world to be reborn. Above all
the heavens is the plenora, or light. This is the home of the Father and
the realm all Gnostics aspire to reach. There is also mention of an
underworld and an abyss, but the their purpose is not known. Possibly,
these realms may have been borrowed from Greek, Jewish, and
Mesopotamian sources.

Rev. Branham believed that he was born according to a cosmic event, that cosmic events
would vindicate his message throughout the ages, and a cosmic event would give signs to
point people to the Rapture.
I said, "I have nothing to do with preachers." I said, "I don't have nothing at all to do with them,
at all." I'd always run from it, you know. I... Thinking of that, speaking to me, and I knowed that
was the same thing, my mama told me them things was of the devil, and I stayed away from them."
See? And I said, "No, sir. I have nothing to do with it." And she said, "Well, nobody ever told you
that?" She said, "Isn't it strange that preachers wouldn't know that?" I said, "I don't fool around
where they're at." And I said, "I--I thank you very much." She said, "Well, look. You were borne
under a sign, I want to tell you this, as a gift." And she said, "If you'd only could recognize it."

He also believed that a cosmic event led the Magi to baby Jesus at his birth.
For, we are told in a recent newspaper clipping, of the Magi there, that when those three stars
lined up and made one star, that the Messiah was then on earth. And they were actually Jews up
there, study, get their education in astronomy. So then when they--when they seen that, they
knowed that Jesus was born somewhere. That they didn't know where it was, but they must have
drew straws to find out what to do, just how, who was going to go. Everybody wanted to go,
everybody. But they always take, as I said a while ago, three is a witness, to witness, to come back

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and tell them if it's the truth. So what did they do? They loaded up their wealth, they loaded up
their gifts, and everything, to take to Him.

He originally believed that a constellation of angels brought them the divine revelation of
the seven seals, and that he was brought into this constellation, though over time he
would have different variations of the story.

And Those, blasting, the other morning, that shook me plumb till I raised up in the air, as high as
this building, that constellation of Angels, seven Angels in the form of a pyramid.

Cainites (Cain’s Bloodline) Possessed Knowledge From a Superior Being

Gnostics believe that Cain was the first “victim” of the Demiurge, and was clearly
identified as pure evil. The sect is relatively small, and produced texts that were
controversial even to their day, such as the Gospel of Judas. They believe that evil in this
world comes directly from the bloodline of Cain. According to Irenaeus, this sect existed
as early as the 2nd century A.D.

Rev. Branham taught that Cain was Satan’s son, brought to this world by sexual
intercourse between Satan and Eve.

That's some of the mysteries that this angel is supposed to wind up, all "the mystery," all the
mysteries of God. And the other: May I say this with reverence, and not referring to myself, but
referring to the Angel of God. The serpent's seed, that's been a hidden mystery, all through the

He said, "I'll put enmity between your seed and the serpent's seed." See? Now, she doesn't have a
seed. Therefore, how she got this seed was Satan's seed. Cain was Satan's son. She had no seed, so
she received it through sexual intercourse.

He also firmly believed that Cain’s bloodlines brought forth the smart, intelligent,
educated men, while the bloodlines of Seth did not produce an intelligent people.

And if you'll notice, man became wise and smart. But the shrewdness never come through the side
of Seth. All the scientists, and the smart, and intelligent, and educated men, come through the side-
-the side of Cain. Because they eaten from the tree of knowledge, of course, but--of good and evil.
But the other side was a humble side.

Monad (God is One, The Absolute)

The Bible uses different words to describe God, speaks of different individual beings that
are to be considered God, and almost any Christian pastor who is being honest with you
will openly tell you that they do not fully understand it. God is greater than our mortal
minds can comprehend, and the fullness of God cannot be related to terms that our
language can describe.

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The God of the Old Testament was described in some places of the original text by using
Elohim (plural of God, or Gods), and other places by using Yahweh (the Supreme God).
In the New Testament, God was described as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Early days of the church described God as simply the Father and the Holy Ghost, and
later as the Trinity as we have today. All represent one God.

Though there is one instance of the Trinity being at the same place in the same time as
Jesus was being baptized, and Jesus said that “I go to my Father”, Branham placed his
emphasis on Jesus as being the only God.
Now, my precious brother, I know this is a tape also. Now, don't get excited. Let me say this with
godly love, the hour has approached where I can't hold still on these things no more, too close to
the Coming. See? "Trinitarianism is of the Devil!" I say that THUS SAITH THE LORD! Look
where it come from. It come from the Nicene Council when the Catholic church become in
rulership. The word "trinity" is not even mentioned in the entire Book of the Bible. And as far as
three Gods, that's from hell. There's one God. That's exactly right.

To explain this scripturally, which was impossible, he was say that the current translation
is incorrect, and we must look back to the original translation.
He was in the Pillar of Fire as God, Jehovah. He... No one could touch Him. Sin was so far from
Him; He couldn't get near them. Then He come and overshadowed a virgin, created a Blood cell
in her womb. The child come forth, Jesus, holy body, neither Gentile nor Jew, God's own Blood.
And then the great Holy Spirit came down from heaven, the Spirit of God like a dove, descending
and went on Him, "This is My beloved Son (correctly on the right translation) in Who I am
pleased to dwell in. My Father dwelleth in Me." Ask any good translator of the Scripture and find
out if that's not in the Hebrew. Yes, sir. "

Let’s review the literal translation of this from the Bible:

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Not not one translation adds the word “dwell”, and the literal translation would be
something like:

"Behold, a voice [from] heaven say[s] this beloved son that [I] think well of

Let’s review all of the translations:

New International Version (©1984)

And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well

New Living Translation (©2007)

And a voice from heaven said, "This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great

English Standard Version (©2001)

and behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am
well pleased.”

New American Standard Bible (©1995)

and behold, a voice out of the heavens said, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I
am well-pleased."

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)

And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well

International Standard Version (©2008)

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Then a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love. I am pleased with

Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)

And behold a voice from Heaven that said, “This is my Son, The Beloved, in
whom I am delighted.”

GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)

Then a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love-my Son with whom I
am pleased."

King James 2000 Bible (©2003)

And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well

American King James Version

And see a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well

American Standard Version

and lo, a voice out of the heavens, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am
well pleased.

Douay-Rheims Bible
And behold a voice from heaven, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am
well pleased.

Darby Bible Translation

and behold, a voice out of the heavens saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I
have found my delight.

English Revised Version

and lo, a voice out of the heavens, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am
well pleased.

Webster's Bible Translation

And lo, a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well

Weymouth New Testament

while a voice came from Heaven, saying, "This is My Son, the dearly loved, in
whom is My delight."

World English Bible

Behold, a voice out of the heavens said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am
well pleased."

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Young's Literal Translation
and lo, a voice out of the heavens, saying, 'This is My Son -- the Beloved, in whom
I did delight.'

God is the Source of Light

It is quite true that many things seem very uncertain as we enter into the
twenty-first century, and there may well be a potential for far greater
darkness and horror than we witnessed in the last century, with two great
world wars and the use of the atom bomb. At the same time, however,
there is equally the potential for great beauty and light to emerge. In the
material world, according to Gnosticism, a greater light only becomes
possible along side the movement of great darkness, and the potential for
greater good is naturally the potential for greater evil. If we wish to gain
insight into this, according to Christian Gnostics, all we need to do is look
back into the times of the Christ revelation some two thousand years ago.
The tumultuous times surrounding the events of the Gospel and the
darkness that was moving in the world were completely integral to the
divine revelation—as it was then, so it is now.
In the Light of Gnosis – Tau Malachi

Gnostics believe that the world is made up of lights, and there are greater lights and
lessor lights. Man himself is made of light, and every man’s light shines for the Supreme
God. Rev. Branham believed that light in the photo above his head in Houston, TX was
vindication of the Supreme God in his ministry, and was said to have been seen in several
other meetings and photographs throughout his life.

Now, we're made up of light meters. Inside of us is cosmic light. Now, that cosmic light is a light
that they can take an x-ray with. The x-ray doesn't come from the x-ray light; it comes from your
own light. And then if that cosmic light, say, could be pushed to a place to where not cosmic light
but Eternal Light... God could dwell supremely, to do our thinking, do our walking, do our talking,
then it's no longer the man; it's God in the man.

The World is Controlled by Evil

Some of the Gnostic views of cosmology were different than both Jewish and Christian traditional
interpretations. Like the modern theologian, Paul Tillich, they asked the question as he put it, "Is there a
"God beyond God?" So in their attempt to define or explain evil, they said there was a more perfect God
than the God who some believed created us and the world in seven days and now observes and judges all
the evil on earth. In other words, they believed that interpretation of God to be too small? As God was
incomprehensible, The Gospel of Philip asks if not some concepts of God are not man made in order to
match special interests? Or as as Tillich asked, maybe there is a God beyond the God-- we create!
(Certainly, most have now gotten beyond "the old man upstairs" --well lets hope!)
Gnostic Christians

Rev. Branham was thoroughly convinced that the world he lived in was evil. In his
defense, having experienced the rise and fall of Nazism, Communism, and other fearful
events of his day, it would be difficult to see God’s hand in all of it.

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Now, notice closely now as we study the Word. The God Of This Evil Age, that we're now living.
May seem strange, a very strange thing, in this age of grace, when, "God is taking a people for
His Name's sake," that is His Bride, in this evil age that should be called the age of evil. The very
age that "God is calling a people for His Name's sake," by grace, out, and is called an evil age.
Now, we'll prove by the Bible that this is the age that He was speaking of. Very strange thing to
think that, that in a evil age like this, that God then would be calling His Bride.

The Bible teaches that there is evil in this world, and that eventually it will come to
Armageddon. Jesus did say that Satan ruled the world, but there is very little scripturally
to provide a foundation that the entire world is evil, so long as there are Christians on the
earth to provide a balance.

The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the
children of the wicked one; (Matthew 13:38)

Kabbalah, the Jewish Variation

Some of the Gnostic teachings spread into the Jewish religion. The Gnostic scroll of the
“Gospel of Phillip” was initially rejected by Irenaeus, but eventually was incorporated
into the Kabbalah. It is considered a false doctrine by mainstream Protestant
denominations. Catholic theologians point to the fact that the Bible states that the original
sin is that of Adam and Eve eating a forbidden fruit.

If the verses in Geneses are read without private interpretation, it is very clear that the
trees (including the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life) were created
for food before Eve was created, and that God told Adam not to eat of the tree of
knowledge of good and evil.

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Chapter  5:  Priscillianism  

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Branham considered the Priscillianists to be the “small group of message believers” for
their day. He believed that they were being persecuted for their God-like faith instead of
practicing the occult, and that St. Martin of Tours was doing God a service by rising
against the emperor who had decreed to put them to death.

Martin never did fear the enemy regardless of who it was. Thus he went to personally face a
wicked emperor who was responsible for the death of many Spirit-filled saints.

Though Priscillianists were a branch of the Gnostic faith, they differed in several ways.
These small differences would be seen throughout Rev. Branham’s ministry, though it
was not the primary theme of the doctrines he brought forth. Priscillianists believed that
those among them who were enlightened, were permitted to tell lies for the sake of a holy

Rev. Branham’s first commission calling him to a healing ministry was in the form of a
vision of a great mountain and saints in white robes. This story was printed on a religious
tract that was published in 1945. He knew that it would lead a greater number of people
to believe if it were an angel that directly gave him his commission, so he would retell
life stories of running from God until the angel gave him his next “first” commission in

Though his official birthdate according to his marriage license and the US Census was
April 8, 1908, he would choose to tell the official birthdate as what the fortune teller of
the angelic commission stated, which was April 6, 1909, which happened to coincide
with exactly one hundred years from Lincoln’s birth.

We must remember that Priscillianists were permitted to tell lies for the sake of a holy

In an original book of “Man Sent From God” by Gordon Lindsay in collaboration with
William Branham, a very normal birth is described in 1909, but later revisions of this
book would be modified greatly to include bright lights coming in the room, add the idea
that it was a “humble log cabin”, presence of the angel, and how they watched in
astonishment as the pillar of fire came into the room.

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William Branham, A Man Sent From William Branham, A Man Sent From
God, by Gordon Lindsay in God, by Gordon Lindsay in
collaboration with Wm. Branham collaboration with Wm. Branham.
Substantially modified from the original.
Actual book version
Internet version
It was breaking dawn on a beautiful April
morning in the year 1909 in the hill country Not unlike some of the Bible prophets, the
of Kentucky not far from the place where birth of William Branham was marked by
Abraham Lincoln was born almost exactly the Presence of the Supernatural. He was
one hundred years before. In a humble born on April 6th. 1909. The first child of
cabin the light began to creep through the Charles and Ella Branham. It was a
window over a small crude bed, when a beautiful morning in the hill country of
baby’s voice was heard. Two little hands of Kentucky. In a humble log cabin the voice
a five-pound infant were stroking the of a baby was heard. The parents of this
cheeks of its fifteen year old mother. child were delighted over the birth of their
Standing near the bed was the young first son. But even from birth he would be
father, Charles Branham, with his arms a peculiar child. On this morning, God
folded in the bib of his new overalls, Himself would confirm that this child was
dressed up a bit, for mountain folk for this His choice. The young mother and father
special occasion. As the day dawned, the watched in astonishment as the Pillar of
birds had already begun their singing, and Fire came into the little cabin, moved
it seemed to the father that the morning star across the room and stopped directly over
shone a little brighter. The little one cried the sleeping child. Little did the mother
again as its tiny hand brushed against his know that this little five pound infant
mother’s face. “We’ll call his name would be used of Almighty God to
William,” said the father, as he gazed deliver His people from sickness and
happily down on his newborn son. “That bondage. God would use him to carry the
will be well,” said the mother, “for then he Gospel all over the world. No wonder, the
will go by the name of Billy.” Little did the neighbors, who had gathered to see the new
mother know that the hands of this little born baby, spoke of a strange feeling of
child, that were touching her cheeks would awe in the room. No doubt it was caused
be used of Almighty God for delivering His by the Presence of the Angel, who would
people from sickness and bondage. No one later speak to him and guide him through
in that part of the country would ever have his life and ministry.
thought that this little humble-born
mountain baby would carry the message of
the Gospel all over the world.

Legend of the Fall

His later sermons would describe him as the sole provider for his household during a
poverty-stricken age, but he also would confirm that he was one of ten children, which
would make it very difficult for a young William Branham. In other sermons, he was

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describing his father as a logger on the Cumberland River, which was a very good paying
job for the time. (At the time, Burkesville was a booming river port). Other accounts
describe his father as a good-for-nothing drunkard fleeing from the law who could not
provide for his family.

These accounts did not match, but remember, he was permitted to tell lies for the sake of
a holy end.

When they moved to Indiana, his name was supposedly changed from Branam to
Branham, and his father worked as a chauffer for a millionaire named Mr. O. H. Wathen
who lived in Utica Pike and owned the R. E. Wathen Distillery in Louisville, KY. Other
accounts having Charles owning a farm that grew corn, and others had him making
whiskey and drinking the profits. Though this would be impossible for one man to drink,
since he had three moonshine stills in other accounts of the story.

These stories of tough times captivated an eager audience, many of which could relate
directly to those stories. Different accounts of the story would be told to different groups
of people to make the accounts more inspiring to the faith.

He would place the date of his conversion to the faith throughout his ministry (although
after his first religious tract) at 1933, though he would have different days of the month
for the exact moment. Lindsay’s book would describe Branham as 22 years old, which
contradicts the second description of the commission, since that would make the year
1930, but would actually coincide with other writers of the day.

Within six months after his conversion [1930], plans were being made for his first service. He
began tent meetings in his home town of Jeffersonville...At the baptismal service which followed
his campaign, over a hundred and thirty people were baptized in water. It was at that time that the
heavenly light appeared above him...The people who had been saved in the Jeffersonville meeting
decided to build a tabernacle, which is now known as the Branham Tabernacle.”
Julius Stadsklev

Rev. Branham claimed that in 1941 at Milltown Indiana, little Georgie Carter was healed
in his healing campaign, yet he was not commissioned by the angel to heal until 1945 or
1946 depending upon the version of the vision or angel commission.

The place of his angelic commission was sometimes described as an old cabin with a
wood floor and a wood stove, a cave, a fishing cabin, and a house, depending upon the
story given. Likely it depended upon the type of audience he was presenting to, since he
was “permitted to tell lies for the sake of a holy end”.

One of the healing stories grew to fame when it was featured in Reader’s Digest in 1952.

The healer asked no questions, but his eyes searched the boy's wide blue ones and saw his
emaciated, twisted body. "Your son is suffering from a serious brain malady," he said to Morton.
"But do not give up hope. With faith in God's power, and help from the medical world, your son
will live."

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But on November 2 [months later] Donny Morton died in his sleep, defeated by an inexorable
combination of pneumonia and meningitis.

Rev. Branham would hold large prayer lines, and

become world-famous for his healing the sick and
afflicted, greater than any before him, any after him,
and any to come.

His procession was very simple and organized; the sick would request prayer cards from
ushers in the meetings, write their name, address, and sickness on the cards, and submit
them for prayer. Though it may never be proved, it has been suggested that the first
person in the line was a plant – they would agree to any sickness or disease Branham
proclaimed, or they would just simply be prayed for and be sent on their way to claim
their healing. When he read the card for vindication, he would actually be reading the
card for the next person in line. Then, knowing their name, address, and sickness
beforehand, he could easily “discern” their conditions. Other assumptions are that the
first person in the line would simply be prayed for and sent on their way, but whatever
the method in which Rev. Branham discerned their “secrets”, it would cause the faith of
the entire congregation to grow to a place where true healing could take place.

One person had figured this out in a meeting, evidently, and Branham warned others of
the deadly wrong they had committed. He would give several accounts of this story
throughout his ministry, putting the fear of death into the hearts of any who would
question his methods. These accounts would not line up, though, with some accounts
differing drastically in less than one year’s time.

1. He fell to the floor and began screaming (1950)


2. He received the diseases that were written on his prayer card and was still afflicted (1953).

3. He died from the diseases written on the card (1954).


4. He was still bedfast "to this day" (1956).


5. He ran screaming from the platform (1956).


6. He died a year later (January 1957).

57-0127E BLIND.BARTIMAEUS_ LIMA.OH SUNDAY_ E-66 through E-67

7. He was still in "serious condition" (June 1957).


8. He died 6 months later from cancer (1958).


9. He was carried from the platform paralyzed and was still paralyzed (1958).

10. He died six weeks later (1961).

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11. He died six weeks later (1962)


12. He received the diseases that were written on his prayer card (1963).

He knew that he was permitted to tell lies for the sake of a holy end, and that if anyone
decreased the faith of the congregation would put a halt to the successful healings that
took place.

In Middletown, OH, the prayer line got out of order. The first person was praying for her
son, and the first person was praying for a sinner. They were out of order in the prayer

God will reveal to me what that someone has, will you believe? It’s your son. He's just a lad, a boy of about
twelve years old. {…} That's correct. THUS SAITH THE LORD.

…next person…

Your a praying for your son. And your son has a heart trouble. And he's got a black shadow over him, for
death. No, I beg your pardon, lady. He's a sinner.


Later, also in Middletown, Mr. Short and Miss Day were out of order.

Back trouble and kidney trouble, down the row there, Miss Day, you want to receive your healing?

…next person…

There is a man standing before me, he's had a operation for hemorrhoids; didn't do any good. Mr. Day, I beg
your pardon, Mr. Short, stand up and receive your healing.


At home in Jeffersonville, Mrs. Burton was supposed to be after his landlord, and Mrs.
Parker was supposed to be in line ahead of his landlord.

Mrs. Burton, if you will believe... I don't know the woman, but if you'll believe with all your heart...

…next person…

Sister Larsen, I do know you. She's my landlord.

…next person…

You're near Bedford, Springville, something like. That's where it's at, Springville. Mrs. Burton… not… I
beg your pardon; I didn't mean it. Mrs. Parker, that's your name, isn't it?


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The crowds would see the sick and afflicted in the lines being healed, hear about them
afterwards confirming their names, addresses, and afflictions exactly according to how
Rev. Branham “predicted”, and the overall faith of the people increased to a place where
people believed in their healings and God truly started healing them through their faith.

George J. Lacy, who Branham claimed to be the “head of the FBI fingerprint and
documents for the United States Government” was proof by science (according to
Branham) that he had a supernatural halo. The actual report from Mr. Lacy simply stated

Based upon the above described examination and study I am of the definite
opinion that the negative submitted for examination, was not retouched nor was
it a composite or double exposed negative.
Further, I am of the definite opinion that the light streak appearing above the
head in a halo position was caused by the light striking the negative.
George J. Lacy, Report and Opinion

Never was a question that the light had indeed struck the lens, the more obvious question
was the source of the light, especially since it did not shine on Branham’s head in the

George J. Lacy was never the “Head of the FBI Fingerprint and Documents” division, if
such a position even existed, and he never claimed the photograph to be supernatural
according to written statements.

Such a testimony by the FBI, though, would increase the faith of the followers, and
remember that Branham was permitted to tell lies for the sake of a holy end.

Rev. Branham would also tell of a vision in which five angels were to
give him another commission, which would become eventually seven
angels in later retellings of the actual event. He would preach several
sermons before a strange photograph was printed in magazines of the day
with a different description of the angels, such as stars and constellations,
but after the printing, would affirm that the strange cloud was exactly
what he had seen.

Those who closely followed his ministry never noticed that he was not in Arizona at the
time of the cloud:

1. Cloud seen on Feb. 28, 1963 were 7 Angels who picked him up while hunting
2. Javelina hunting season was from March 01 through March 10, 1963
3. WMB was in Houston Texas on March 04, 1963. He traveled Mar. 05- Mar. 06
4. WMB started hunting March 07, 1963 and shot his Javelina on Mar. 08, 1963

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Had Branham been in Arizona at the time, the cloud would have
taken on a much different appearance, since it was about 300 miles
to the north and travelling eastward. This would not have been an
issue, however, because it was at the wrong time of the day, and was
confirmed to be a THOR missile detonation from Vandenberg AFB.
Again, this did not matter to Rev. Branham; he was permitted to tell lies for the sake of a
holy end.

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Chapter  6:  The  Women  

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Rev. Branham had a holiness view of how women should look, dress, and act that was
widely accepted during the early days of his ministry. Women, especially in the smaller
cities still had the opinion that dresses, long hair and lack of makeup was a much simpler
and holier way of life.

Women were starting to gain respect in several areas, thanks to great figures such as
Eleanor Roosevelt and Margaret Chase Smith. Women were starting to get recognized in
politics, sports, and in the workplace.

Branham was raised in a day when women were just beginning to enter the workplace,
and many of the men of the time did not approve. The unknown is the greatest fear of all,
and men were unsure how different the world would become as women started climbing
up the corporate ladders.

As time progressed, women not only became more common in places that used to be
predominantly male, they started slowly migrating from the holiness views of the dress
codes. Television shows like “I Love Lucy,” and “The Dick Van Dyke Show” would
portray a modern woman in a modern world. Women in the church would also start to
follow suit, and this would infuriate Branham as the years progressed.

Rev. Branham would admit often that he did not like women, even from his adolescent
years. He would often follow up by saying that it was not all women, just the women
who did not adhere to his stature of the perfect woman.

I was a young man; I--I seen the way women lived. I never did like girls, never did like women,
'cause I--I got enough to see the way they would live.

In Rev. Branham’s Gnostic view of the evil world created by Satan, women who did not
wear long dresses, long hair, and avoid makeup were prostitutes trying to lure the male
followers into sin and adultery. Even worse, since to look upon a woman to lust after her
was committing adultery, each one of these women were already an adulteress and
responsible for sending men to hell regardless of whether she intended for this to happen.

Did you know Jesus Christ said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath
committed adultery with heralready in his heart." Does anybody know that? If I... And if you dress
yourself sexy like, no matter how modest you think it is, and go out on the street, and some old
sinner looks at you to lust after you, at the judgment bar you'll be guilty of committing adultery
with that man when he answers for it. Why is it? It was you was the one done it. You presented
yourself that way, so you are the guilty one. And you, no matter how virtuous and pure you've
lived, you'll be guilty before God of committing adultery with a sinner, just the same as you'd went
through the act. Jesus said so. That's not skim milk, brother; that's the truth. It's barbed wire. But
it's what God's Word tells, it cuts and sharper than a two edged sword.

Over time, his view of women would turn violently aggressive towards the “spirit” of
women who were not following the holiness views of the past.

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Women, there was only one woman in the Bible that ever painted her face, and that was Jezebel.
And God fed her to the dogs. So if you see a woman wearing that, you can say, "How do you do,
Miss Dogmeat?" That's exactly what God called her. He fed her to the dogs. Exactly right.

Branham would eventually turn towards the view that sin did not enter the world through
Adam as the Bible taught, but through Eve by her alleged sex with the serpent. Because
of her mistake, Branham believed, every death in the world was caused.

Now, I believe that the Angel guarded the Tree of Life. And that Tree of Life was Christ, of course.
The tree of death was the woman. Through birth of a woman we all die. Through birth of Christ
we all live. It's just as simple as anything. But there was that... Now, I have my thought of what sin
was and what the first sin was. And if I tell you, you'd disagree with me, so I'll just keep it to

In Rev. Branham’s view, any man who struggled with the obsession of women was not at
fault in any way, it was always the woman’s fault. Even in the case of David and
Bathsheba, David was not the one Rev. Branham considered to be at fault; Bathsheba
should not have been bathing as was common in the entire culture of the day. Even
though David sent her husband to die so that he could have her, this was her fault, not

Bathsheba done wrong just like Eve done wrong, but Adam was included in it.

In Rev. Branham’s view, this was not limited to her outward appearance, he believed that
women must separate themselves from what he considered “acting like a man”. Rev.
Branham would often say that the woman’s place is in the home, and many male
followers do not believe in their wives entering the workplace unless they are unable
financially to survive.

She should be feminish and not masculine. And today she tries to be masculine; the man, feminish.

In his mind, how could the man be at fault? The woman had committed adultery by
having sex with the serpent; she had obviously betrayed Adam.

And if one sin kept Eve, or made all this... Every sickness, death, and sorrow come from one
woman just reasoning it was all right.

According to the Bible, God created woman as a helper for Adam. The book of Genesis
describes God seeing that Adam needed a helper. Throughout the Old Testament,
woman certainly did not hold an equal status as the men but were often used as slaves,
handmaidens, and concubines. After Jesus died for all, this was clearly not the case.

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Men and women were all considered equal, sons and daughters of God. All were equal
heirs according to the promise.

You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ
have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor
female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed,
and heirs according to the promise. (NIV, Galatians 3:26-29)

Rev. Branham often considered the current “church age” to be under the same rules and
laws of Moses, referring to Nazerite vows that apply today, and quoting some of the
cultural ideologies without researching the culture to which it applied. Woman’s place in
the world was no exception to this:

But remember, "Woman was made for man; not man for woman." The last creative being that God
ever created was a man. A woman is a by-product from a man. "And she was made for a man; not
man made for the woman." They have vice versa-ed it around, and man falls at the shrine of
women. That was the very thing that started it at the beginning. That's what happened in the
beginning. When God's son, Adam, could not be tempted to doing what was wrong, Satan come
into a person called the serpent, which was like a man. And there is where it started, that Eve got
from behind the Word of God, and that caused every heartache, every graveyard. Every sin that
was ever committed, started right there. Here it is again. What? Women was the cause of the first
fall, and women ends up the time. She started it; she ends it. No wonder the Bible said, "Those that
escape out of Zion shall be glorious in the sight of the Lord."

His views of death and sin are not Biblical, however. The Bible clearly states that it was
the man, Adam, who was responsible – not Eve.
Therefore, as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin; and so death
passed unto all men, for that all sinned
Romans 5:12

Though many female followers of Rev. Branham will deny it outwardly, they are often
harboring inward pain without even realizing it. Rev. Branham put the entire
responsibility of sin in the world upon the woman, and would increasingly say that in the
end times it would become worse to the point that it would become “a woman’s nation”.

Women of today following Rev. Branham’s beliefs are still in many ways treated like
handmaidens. In the more extreme cases, the women are not involved in the household
finances, major life-changing decisions, or intellectual discussions. Though they can do
it if required, certain tasks are not considered “feminine”, and are simply never taught or
spoken of to daughters of the Message. Very seldom will you find a woman mowing the
lawn in the more devout Message followers unless there is a good reason why the man is
unable. Women are dominant in the kitchen, though it can easily be said the same of
women outside of the followers of Branham, but most male followers do not consider it
their duty to clear their plates after meals, help with cleanup, or even simply place a fork
in the automatic dishwasher.

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Younger female followers struggle with their changing bodies in many ways, and many
topics commonly discussed in normal households are forbidden among the more devout
followers. Questions that are normal to the young adolescent woman are often
suppressed and ignored.

For the male followers, a simple trip to a store is nothing unusual from other men. Most
men in the world today wear pants, clean-cut hair, and a shirt, just the same as any male
follower of Rev. Branham’s ministry. For the woman, there is clearly a separation
between themselves and the “evil world”. They take pride in their appearance, which
they consider Christ-like, but definitely have more responsibility since they could easily
cause “some sinner to commit adultery with them” by looking at them with a lustful eye.

Integrity became an increasing fixation in my life. Every day, I worked an eight-hour shift at Wal-
Mart, and despite my best efforts to vary my wardrobe and to solicit comments on being
overdressed rather than appearing strange, inevitably somebody noticed that I didn’t wear pants.
“It’s Biblical,” I sighed. It was a shortcut other women had taught me to say when I didn’t want to
have a long conversation about my dress. “If they’re thirsty, they’ll keep asking,” my mother and
her friends had instructed. Inwardly, I was sick of inspiring thirst.
I felt as though the Holy Bible were plastered to my chest. There was nothing I could do to avoid
mentioning it. I began to obfuscate when strangers and friends confronted me. “It’s religious,” I
said sometimes. Other times, “I just like skirts.” As I looked around at my coworkers in cute jeans
and tank tops, I felt less and less inclined to “witness” and wanted desperately just to go about my
business without incurring questions from strangers.
I couldn’t see the other girls as evil, depraved, captive or on the prowl to destroy men with their
Sierra: Daughter of the Patriarch

Rev. Branham makes it very clear that the cultural statutes of the Bible days significantly
apply to today, and women who do not adhere to this are “prostitutes”. It is often
preached that women must adorn themselves in modest apparel, and those who do not are
purposefully denying God and driving sinners into hell. Those who preach it today
preach it with the same enthusiasm Rev. Branham did when he was alive, using his views
of the scriptures to mold their sermons. All the time, they do not realize that Rev.
Branham left out the second part of that scripture, which states that women should also
not wear braided hair.
In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with decency and propriety;
not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array (Timothy 2:9)

At the same time, the cultural differences are not

even accounted for in the preaching that “women
should not wear a garment that pertains to a man”.
The fact that men and women wore practically the
same garments as the women during the Bible times
presents the fact that this separation was purely non-
sexual in nature. Never is it questioned why this
particular law of Moses must be followed, when so

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many other of the laws regarding sex and bodily
functions are not carried forward.

The cultures of the Bible and the customs of the believers throughout the Old and New
Testament are completely ignored for the female followers of Rev. Branham, and are
widely accepted as doctrinal fact without any research into the matter. The Bible speaks
often of women in mourning shaving their hair as an outward display of their sorrow,
though very few followers know that a razor had ever touched the hair of a woman during
the Bible days. Women who are taken as captives or slaves during battles are Biblically
required to enter mourning for a period of time should they decide to wed with their
captor, during which time they were required to shave their heads to outwardly display
their sorrow for the change of husband.

Women of the Bible were required to wear veils as a covering when they entered the
temples to worship. Their covering was to show their total submission to God, and to
outwardly display the opposite of mourning. Paul himself preached to the people of
Corinth about these customs, and presented his sermon a very clear, concise, and simple
manner. Contrary to any sermon of Rev. Branham, Paul was the very example of love,
charity, and God in simplicity – needing no private interpreter to understand the words he
spoke to the people of his day. No mysteries or in-between-the-lines interpretation was

Though his message has been misconstrued by Rev. Branham, and has been read by
followers through the “sights” of Rev. Branham’s revelation throughout the years, they
fail to understand the simple passage. Here are the key elements, paraphrased in such a
way that is culturally examined as well as scripturally:

1. The  head  of  man  is  Christ  (Jesus)  

2. The  head  of  the  woman  is  man  (her  husband)  
3. The  head  of  Christ  is  God  (clearly  a  separate  being)  
4. Every  woman  prophesying  without  her  veil  dishonors  her  husband;  she  has  displayed  
herself  as  though  shaven,  or  in  mourning  
5. If  she  is  not  wearing  the  veil,  then  she  should  be  shaven  
6. If  she  is  not  in  mourning,  then  put  the  veil  back  on  
7. Men  should  not  wear  a  veil  in  the  temple  
8. Since  the  woman  was  created  for  the  man,  the  veil  represents  power  of  the  angels  
9. In  Christ,  they  are  both  equal,  and  all  things  (man  and  woman)  are  created  by  God  
10. Ask  yourselves,  does  it  bother  you  when  the  woman  is  praying  without  a  veil  
11. According  to  nature,  it  is  a  shame  for  men  to  have  long  hair  (some  men  of  that  day  did,  he  
was  preaching  to  them  a  little  bit)  
12. A  woman’s  hair  was  given  to  her  for  her  glory,  and  can  be  considered  a  covering  (no  veil  
13. But  if  it  bothers  you  that  a  woman  is  either  entering  the  temple  without  long  hair  or  without  
a  veil,  don’t  argue  among  yourselves!    We  do  not  have  any  of  these  customs!    Neither  does  
14. Come  together  to  praise  God,  not  to  argue!!!  

Now, compare it to Paul’s actual words:

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1 Corinthians 11

1. Be  ye  followers  of  me,  even  as  I  also  am  of  Christ.  
2. Now  I  praise  you,  brethren,  that  ye  remember  me  in  all  things,  and  keep  the  ordinances,  as  I  
delivered  them  to  you.  
3. But  I  would  have  you  know,  that  the  head  of  every  man  is  Christ;  and  the  head  of  the  woman  
is  the  man;  and  the  head  of  Christ  is  God.  
4. Every  man  praying  or  prophesying,  having  his  head  covered,  dishonors  his  head.  
5. But  every  woman  that  prays  or  prophesies  with  her  head  uncovered  dishonors  her  head:  for  
that  is  even  all  one  as  if  she  were  shaven.  
6. For  if  the  woman  is  not  covered  with  a  veil,  let  her  also  be  shorn:  but  if  it  is  a  shame  for  a  
woman  to  be  shorn  or  shaven,  let  her  be  covered.  
7. For  a  man  indeed  ought  not  to  cover  his  head,  forasmuch  as  he  is  the  image  and  glory  of  God:  
but  the  woman  is  the  glory  of  the  man.  
8. For  the  man  is  not  of  the  woman:  but  the  woman  of  the  man  
9. Neither  was  the  man  created  for  the  woman;  but  the  woman  for  the  man.  
10. For  this  cause  ought  the  woman  to  have  power  on  her  head  because  of  the  angels.  
11. Nevertheless  neither  is  the  man  without  the  woman,  neither  the  woman  without  the  man,  in  
the  Lord.  
12. For  as  the  woman  is  of  the  man,  even  so  is  the  man  also  by  the  woman;  but  all  things  of  God.  
13. Judge  in  yourselves:  is  it  comely  that  a  woman  prays  unto  God  uncovered?  
14. Doth  not  even  nature  itself  teach  you,  that,  if  a  man  have  long  hair,  it  is  a  shame  unto  him  
15. But  if  a  woman  has  long  hair,  it  is  a  glory  to  her:  for  her  hair  is  given  her  for  a  covering.  
16. But  if  any  man  seems  to  be  contentious,  we  have  no  such  custom,  neither  the  churches  of  

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Chapter  7:  The  Men  

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As with most religious followings wherein the leader places the man on a high platform
and the woman on a dirt floor, the male followers of Rev. Branham have things pretty
easy. When they are in public places, people are typically not staring at them for being
different unless their wives are with them. Though they are instructed not to wear shorts,
they are seldom even noticed for wearing sweatpants or jogging suits.

At home, they are the kings of their castle. In most cases, they will arrive home with a
hot meal on the table waiting for them, as though they were coming home to June
Cleaver from “The Leave It To Beaver” show. They never have to do any laundry or
housecleaning, for that is the feminine chore. Instead, they mow the lawn once every one
to two weeks, and come inside to a nice cool glass of iced tea for their gallant effort.

What most male followers will not tell you is that their difference from the world is
within their minds. From day to day, they struggle with battles that they themselves do
not even understand, are afraid to talk about, and hide in the small corners of their mind.

Every man who is not dead has a natural attraction to the opposite sex. Man is born into
sin, and is every day required to do his best not to commit sin, and repent of it should he
fall. Branham taught that the man who looks at a woman is not the one responsible, since
the woman is the daughter of Eve, but still yet he has committed adultery should he lust
after her.

It is like placing an open jar of cookie on the counter, leaving the house, and telling the
kids not to eat them. Men unfortunately live in a world filled with women and to be told
that they are prostitutes that you cannot look at drives a hard bargain.

Eventually, though many do not realize it, the male followers will begin to objectify
women. Especially those who are diligent in searching through the teachings of Rev.

The worst part of it is that many do not fully understand the difference between lust and
common male curiosity, so they assume that even by looking at women who are
attractive and wearing clothing that does not resemble Rev. Branham’s perfect plan for
the woman, they are committing sin. These men find themselves constantly condemning
themselves for their failure and their “unbelief”.

Narcissistic personality disorder is widespread throughout the older followers of Rev.

Branham’s teachings, and unfortunately, many of them have never even heard this term
to understand they have it.

Let’s examine the symptoms of this disorder:

Reacts to criticism with anger, shame, or humiliation

Ask any older male follower about whether or not they believe that Marilyn Monroe died
of a heart attack, and tell them that you disagree with them for believing it. At first, they
will become very angry that you even questioned the divine inspiration of a prophet.

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Some will go through periods of shame believing that they have somehow raised you
wrong or should have never befriended you; you had a question! Moreover, they will
express their humiliation in the eyes of the other followers since you have not fully
agreed with every word that has been spoken.

May take advantage of others to reach his or her own goal

Examine the most common failure of the followers of Rev. Branham: the love of money.
Followers are very quick to take advantage when trading or selling to other believers, and
often expect to pay less or not at all for services rendered by other followers of Rev.
Branham. It is especially worse for believers than non-believers, because most followers
realize that people outside the following are smarter than that.

Tends to exaggerate their own importance, achievements, and talents

Followers will be very proud to tell you that they have never had a drink of alcohol,
smoked a cigarette, gambled, or disbelieved one single word spoken by their prophet,
Branham. At the same time, they will condemn others who have not had the same
success, and will offer little or no support to them.

Imagines unrealistic fantasies of success, beauty, power, intelligence, or romance

In the spiritual realm, followers will search through the message to find what they call
“nuggets”, little mysteries left by Rev. Branham like Easter eggs in a lawn full of ostrich
eggs. Once they have found anything that can be even slightly hinted as a “nugget”, they
praise themselves.

In the natural world, followers will set moral goals and standards for themselves that men
by nature are not capable of attaining.

Requires constant attention and positive reinforcement from others

Followers tend to promote their need for attention in many ways from simple gossip to
exaggerating pain or sickness to levels beyond their condition. Moral standards that
cannot be met will cause a broken-down condition that requires uplifting.

Easily becomes jealous

As soon as one follower has a new stereo, car, or other item of value, others quickly race
to the store. Men are often jealous of their wives, monitoring their email or text
messaging to find something out of the ordinary. Where most of the outside culture will
congratulate you that you have bettered yourself, followers of Rev. Branham will
typically attempt to match your new success.

Lacks empathy and disregards the feelings of others

Women wearing pants, miniskirts, shorts, or even makeup are not permitted in the houses
of the more devout followers of Rev. Branham. The believers of other religions have
chosen the “mark of the beast”, yet the followers are not in constant prayer for their lost
souls. 20% is far too much to tip a waitress, and often a dollar is the maximum no matter
how hard the waitress or waiter has worked the table. If 10% is good enough for God, it
is good enough for them also. (So they believe)

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Trouble keeping healthy relationships
Marriages are very stable due to Rev. Branham’s divine explanation of marriage and
divorce. With the exception for the men, since they are allowed to remarry in certain
situations, men and women for the most part do not separate unless there is some form of
abuse. That being said, they will tell you that they love each other with all their hearts
and fight like the Lockhorns when nobody is around.

Is easily hurt and rejected

Most followers walk as though they are on eggshells around other followers. If
something is said in the wrong way, if they do not believe the doctrines just exactly as the
other one does (which is often the case), or if they simply have a different idea, they are
in very clear outward pain that there could be a disagreement.

Sets unreal goals

Sin is unbelief. If you sin, you are an unbeliever. You must never sin, the Bible says to
repent and sin no more. This is without a doubt the most impossible task, and clearly
impossible according to the Bible.

Wants "the best" of everything

Though Rev. Branham’s many stories of poor, humble beginnings attracted a captive
audience throughout the years, there are many expensive homes, expensive cars, and
expensive lifestyles throughout the followers of Rev. Branham. Those that have the most
are constantly looking for better, never satisfied with what they have.

Appears as tough-minded or unemotional

Emotional reaction to the calling of Christ is a sign of “fools gold” or “shining instead of
glowing”. Though Rev. Branham himself said that anything that does not have emotion
is dead, some of the more devout followings preach that emotion is a faked experience.
Some churches do not approve of clapping during a song service or songs that make your
foot tap to the beat. The beat itself is wrong.

Yes, there are many variations of these, which manifest themselves in many different
ways. There are no organized doctrinal beliefs of Rev. Branham, and his sermons often
contradicted themselves, so you will find no two churches of Rev. Branham’s following
that believes the same or has the same conditions. Within each church, you will find
several different groups of believers, each believing differently and having different

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Chapter  8:  The  Depression  

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Depression is a real disease, and it is just as deadly as cancer. It has claimed the lives of
many throughout the world, and the followers of Rev. Branham are not immune.

Unfortunately, they are more susceptible, due to the constant feeling that they are sinning
because they do not believe, and are following a doctrine that is legalist. When they
experience normal sickness, they do not heal quickly because they did not believe. When
Rev. Branham healed, he did not place the emphasis on the real healer, God, he placed
the direction on the sick and afflicted. Now believe, and have faith. If you do not
believe, those things will come back on you.

Depression has claimed the lives of the children of the followers closest to Branham, and
depression has claimed the lives of others throughout the world. Any person can have it
in their family history, no matter whether their parents seemed “strong” or not.

Depression is seldom spoken about, whether in the churches or in the homes. Most
followers do not watch television or listen to radio stations other than the local gospel
stations, and either do not fully understand the disease or in some cases have never even
heard of it.

Preachers will preach that medication for this disease is of the devil. Jesus healed the
man of his devils, and they entered the swine, he can do the same for you. Other
preachers will tell you to take the medicine once you need it, and that the disease is still
“of the devil”. In many ways this is correct; all disease is “of the devil”.

Depression is very similar in nature to diabetes. Where diabetes is the inability for your
body to produce insulin, depression is the inability for your body to produce serotonin. It
is a vicious cycle, because the lack of serotonin causes a lack of sleep, and a lack of sleep
causes more depression.

Depression, in its worse stages, will produce an effect that will take your mind fully out
of control from your actions. Depression has produced some of the most violent
criminals, murders, preachers, sinners, and some of the best songwriters. Churches
preaching the doctrines of Branham have been said to attract crazy people, and to some
extent this may be true. It is seldom considered that Rev. Branham’s doctrines may also
produce them.

Not long ago, two of the most respected singers and songwriters following the message
of Rev. Branham tragically ended their lives in a murder-suicide. Depression had taken
one of the couple past the point of no return, and the spouse was taken with the depressed
follower to their final destination.

Others, on the verge of collapse, will proudly proclaim that Branham is God. Others will
proclaim that Branham’s son is God. Prayers in the church will sometimes end in
praising the name of the son of Branham. Pastors, though they know this is certainly
neither true nor aligning with the scriptures will refuse to preach against it, because these

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followers are mentally challenged or unstable. This strange doctrine is spreading, and is
not openly preached against.

It is important, for the sake of saving lives that the symptoms of depression are

• Agitation,  restlessness,  and  irritability  

• Dramatic  change  in  appetite,  often  with  weight  gain  or  loss  
• Very  difficult  to  concentrate  
• Fatigue  and  lack  of  energy  
• Feelings  of  hopelessness  and  helplessness  
• Feelings  of  worthlessness,  self-­‐hate,  and  guilt  
• Becoming  withdrawn  or  isolated  
• Loss  of  interest  or  pleasure  in  activities  that  were  once  enjoyed  
• Thoughts  of  death  or  suicide  
• Trouble  sleeping  or  excessive  sleeping  

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Chapter  9:  My  Testimony  

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Since very early childhood (what I remember of it), I have always served God to the best
of my ability according to the progression in my knowledge of the Bible and the Bible’s
teaching. Many Christians can remember a specific time when they were “changed”, and
they took on the New Life, putting on the whole armor of God. I have no recollection of
the time in which I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior, though I know that it did
indeed happen at some point. For me, it has just always been.

I was brought up with the teachings of the doctrine of William Branham from birth, and
always accepted those teachings without wavering in my faith in his Message. I would
proudly defend those teachings throughout my adolescent years. I was very vocal of the
special insights and knowledge that I had been born into, as though they made me some
kind of royalty because of my bloodlines.

My walk with God was very close. He was not only my Lord and Savior, He was my
best friend and Counselor. When I was in need, He provided. When I was down, He
lifted me up. When I was in trouble, He rescued me. I could sit and talk to him as a
close friend sitting in the seat next to me, or I could bow my head and worship him in His
Majesty in Glory.

Our family was very mobile throughout my years, and my surroundings changed often.
At each of the cities of the states we lived, from South Carolina to Arizona, I can still
create a mental image of one person at each location that I chose to attempt friendship
with in distant memories, but have very little recollection of most of them and do not
even remember their names. Over time, it was in my best interest to avoid getting too
close to those around me, because we could move to another state in a moment’s notice,
essentially severing all contact with those I would see from day to day.

We were not military or government, and I really cannot attribute any specific reason to
our relocation on any occasion other than simply: things change. I’m sure there were
very good reasons for each change, and our best interests were in consideration, but it
was troublesome for me so I simply avoided contemplating the changes as they would

I am even told that my father was a pastor during either one or two of the cities,
preaching or introducing recorded sermons by William Branham, but because my
memories have no solid foundations to associate with, this memory has been erased from
my childhood.

During this very emotional time, God was there for me to give me comfort and help me
to stay strong. I could pray to Him daily, speaking to Him as though He were holding my
hand and walking with me as I went through life, or sitting as a father would, watching
his children playing toys on the floor. If I lost a toy, I could simply ask Father God to
help me find it, and it was not long before it turned up. If it were broken, Father God
would fix it. Over time, it would amaze me how great an electronics repairman God
actually was!

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God as a consolation to my troubles gave music to me. From early childhood, tunes even
with lyrics would flow through my head constantly. At times, the music would flow
through my mind even when speaking to people, and I learned to concentrate on the
speech, separating the music from the voice so that I would be able to fully understand
and comprehend what people around me were saying, and have the ability to give an
intelligent and responsive reply. At first, this was very difficult, and I struggled with it,
but over time, I would have full symphony orchestras of Gospel music flowing through
my mind while I was speaking, studying for school, or simply meditating.

My first guitar was given to me sometime between age 11-13, and it was the most
wonderful thing that happened in my childhood. Within just a few minutes of holding it
in my arms, I realized that this was the answer to the music within me, and that I would
now have the ability to audibly hear some of the things that were flowing through my

I prayed to God that day that He would help me to learn the instrument. I promised Him
that if He would teach me to play, I would only play His music. That night, in the late
hours of the night, I couldn’t lay still; I had to play it. I carefully sneaked out of my room
to the family room, and started playing it quietly until caught. Within just a few minutes,
“I’ll Fly Away” was ringing through the air. I was so excited that I played a little too
loudly, and was asked to return to bed.

Satan was not happy with this in the slightest bit. Not long after, the family instructed me
that this instrument was “of the Devil”, and that Rev. Branham did not agree with this
instrument (even though I later found a picture of Rev. Branham himself playing one.) I
was greatly troubled and confused at first: how could God have given me such a gift,
presented me with such a wonderful instrument, and was this “of the devil”?
Unfortunately for my troubled mind at the time, I was not familiar enough with the
scriptures to recognize the fact that David himself played a great number of stringed

My mother, and my grandfather (her father) would take a stand for me, though at the time
they did not realize the significance that this instrument had in my life. While other
family members would try to put a stop to it, recording telephone conversations with
other followers of Rev. Branham to describe Branham’s negative statements about the
instrument, my mother and grandfather would teach me the importance of true worship of
Christ through music. Music was healing; it had an effect on me that was greater than I
even realized at the time.

Knowing what I know now, I suffered depression from a very early age. Some of it was
due to the moving, some of it was the things I was hearing about the evil world around
me on the recorded sermons, and most of it was simply the fact that I could not
understand how any respectable Christian could think that any instrument could be evil,
when every instrument known to man can be used to produce praise and worship to the
God of Heaven.

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I struggled with my depression, not fully understanding what it was. Hours of time
would go by while I would sit alone in my room with my guitar, playing and crying. All
the while I was sure in my heart that the tears were because of my devotion to worship. I
did not realize that my body was fighting to produce serotonin.

At an early age, the lack of serotonin would play a large part in my growth in music.
Sleep is problematic with me, as it is with several people I know who follow the
doctrines of William Branham. When the body does not produce serotonin, the
imbalance first starts leading to insomnia. Throughout middle and high school, I would
wake at sometimes around 4:00 AM and struggle to get back to sleep. Once time had
reached a reasonable hour, such as 5:00 or so, I was usually trying to play my guitar
quietly in my room – hoping that others were not disturbed. I’m told now that I had
evidently not been as quiet as I thought.

My study in the sermons of Branham progressed quickly once I entered high school. My
father had a copy of every recording available at the time, and I engulfed myself into the
study of the Message. Many of the sermons were of special interest to me, as they
described the “World Falling Apart”, or “Satan’s Eden”. I was awestruck at some of the
Christian people around me in school that would openly profess their faith in Christ, yet
had taken the “Mark of the Beast” by having joined a denomination.

Mother and Father truly did not believe this way, looking back on the situation. We lived
in a city with very few followers of Branham, and there was not a church that followed
the doctrines for well over a hundred miles away. Some of their best friends were not
followers, and they were well respected. Unfortunately, I did not catch this. While I was
listening to these sermons of Rev. Branham screaming “COME OUT OF HER”
(speaking of denominations and organizations), I was watching my mother and father
avoid church on Sunday because there was not a church that followed the doctrines.

Eager to hear more, I learned about a church in the Ozark Mountains that was following
Branham’s message to the Bride of Christ. I started going as often as possible, riding
with friends until I was of an age that I would be able to drive myself. It was about an
hour and a half journey one-way, and we would leave early to reach the little church on

Excitement flowed through me when I heard this minister preaching God, the Bible, and
Rev. Branham’s message. He truly was a man of God, and he believed God as the Bible
described Him. To this day, I have no doubt that the pastor will have his special place in
Heaven, because he followed the message exactly like my hero, Paul preached it. I never
remember hearing the pastor condemning anyone, but he pointed souls to Christ. He did
it using words from the King James Bible as well as the sermons from Branham, and he
did it accurately.

Depression had really started setting in to my body, and I was forced into extreme guilt
that would plague me for years to come. The body’s lack of serotonin would eventually

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send signals to the brain that it was going into “red alert”, and would activate every
means necessary to respond to the lack of the vital chemical of the brain.

Though it pains me to say this, I know of many others who have experienced the same
problem and have been plagued by it throughout their lives: depression leads to sexual
addiction. The heightened state of emotions during the arousal will cause the body to
produce the much-needed serotonin. Though my walk with Christ was as close as
humanly possible for me, sexual addiction started at a very early age. I would conceal
this with fear and crying, but my body was begging me for something that it could not
produce by itself. Pornography had entered into my life.

Daily, I would pray for forgiveness. This was increasingly painful for me. Branham said
that when we receive the Holy Ghost, we have no desire to sin! I knew beyond the
shadow of any doubt that I had the Holy Ghost, and my Comforter walked with me daily.
It was a shame and a disgrace that my willpower was not strong enough to battle Satan
against this very evil thing; I knew I was doing wrong, and I did it anyway. My body
begged me for it.

Over time, my head would hang in shame. I would go through prayer lines at the little
church in the Ozark Mountains with an “unspoken request” to God, because I could not
let anybody know that I could not control my sin. I had even begun to question my faith
itself, knowing that those embodied with the full power of Christ, according to Branham,
have no desire to sin. Paul said, “Repent and sin no more!”.

Every church service from early high school until several years after my marriage, I
would have an “unspoken request”. Every baby that was dedicated, I would pray a very
tearful prayer that the child would not suffer from the same sins that I suffered from, and
that God would protect them from this sin that plagued me.

Some say that there are certain followers of Rev. Branham are legalists. Knowing what I
know now, I can truly say that all followers of Rev. Branham, who have studied his
doctrines, who have intently tried to follow everything he preached, and who have
compared it to his view of the Bible are legalists.

I personally was an avid studier of the teachings of Rev. Branham, and would
instantaneously quote doctrines and statements by the man I considered to be a prophet of
God. I would quote his interpretations of the Bible great and small. I personally knew
that I was living wrong, and no doubt I was, but I knew that if I could not overcome, I
would be going to hell. Though my name was on the Lamb’s Book of Life, Rev.
Branham told me that it could just as easily be wiped off of that book.

I can remember the first day I brought my lovely wife home and the excitement that
flowed through young lovers. It was the greatest day of my life for two reasons: I knew
that this was the woman that I would spend the rest of my life with, and I loved her with
all of my heart, mind, soul, and body. And also, I knew that because I would now have a
woman to live with, this sin would quickly leave me.

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When it did not, I was devastated.

Not only did it not leave me, it had increased. Though marriage is the greatest thing that
can happen to a couple, there is also a certain amount of stress that is involved. Will I be
able to support this woman? Will I be able to support children when she wants them?
Am I in the right career for our future? Will she find out about my secret sin?

Again, I engulfed myself further into the sermons preached by Rev. Branham. At the
time, we were then living in New Albany, Indiana, just a few miles from Rev. Branham’s
home church in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Never once did it cross my mind that I should
seek help for my situation; this was my fault that it was happening and I would have to
conquer it myself. I knew that in the prayer lines that Rev. Branham would tell not only
sick and afflicted, but sinners as well that they should go forth believing. Do not
disbelieve, or the thing would come back on them worse than before! I put my whole
heart, mind, and soul into conquering it, but the more I struggled, the worse things

This continued for several years, all completely hidden from everyone but my God and
myself. All considered me a strong believer, and truly I was. Unfortunately, though, I
had finally given up hope. I caved in, because I finally realized that I could not fight this
“demon” that had possessed me.

I’ve now learned that depression can cause serious brain injury, and even damage.
Though I did not know what they were at the time, the headaches started. It was a direct
correlation between the times that I was struggling to sleep and the times that my
depression would cause the pain to become so severe that my skull would physically hurt.

I was very emotional. Not just emotionally sad, but floods of emotions. When serious
situations would arise, I would struggle to keep laughter inside, and thought it was
ridiculous that I could have any amusing thoughts during painful events. Emotions
would rise to such an intense degree that normal situations would become happy, sad,
funny, and angry all at once. Crying became a part of my daily routine; for me, this flood
would usually end in crying. Me, a grown man, bawling like a baby! I just knew that it
was because I had given up hope in conquering my sin.

God began to do a strange and mighty work in my life.

At the time, it was the most difficult thing I have ever endured. Looking back, it truly
was the most wonderful thing that God has done for me in my entire life, but at the time,
it was awful. Afterwards, I realize that this was the one thing that would change my life.
I can finally look back unashamed because Jesus Christ has set me free. I am finally
broken from the chains of sin, finally washed in His blood, and finally living life un-

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God started with my father, in more than one way. My mother and father were constantly
moving growing up. Though I had spent my entire life with them, they would be
migrating to a city that was over twelve hours driving time away from me. I was strong, I
had a small family, and we would survive this hardship. On the outside I was as solid as
a rock, but on the inside I was as weak as wood rotten from floating in the ocean.

We helped move them from Indiana to Louisiana, and helped them to setup in their new
home. I can remember driving alone as we helped bring their belongings, crying so hard
that I could barely see the road. Depression had overtaken my life at this point, and any
slight sadness would cause uncontrollable crying for me. It was a way of life, and I had
learned to adapt – driving through tears could be accomplished by squinting.

They were in their new home for some time, and I was coping back in Indiana when God
again started moving. A misunderstood disagreement over money and old friends led to
the harshest argument between my father and me since the day of my birth. I was
confused, and did not fully understand why it even started. I was simply trying to help a
friend as they purchased a new product. Looking back now, I realized that God was in
control, and He has a purpose and a reason for everything that happens in our lives. This
was the start of the turning point in my finally conquering both my depression and my
addiction, though it would become exponentially worse before the end.

I lived life in pain. I felt rejected, cast out. When it first happened, I went days without
sleep, and struggled to eat. According to what I now understand, the lack of serotonin
will cause the brain to physically swell, and push itself against the skull. When it does, it
is excruciating pain and agony.

I worked in a consulting job that had been a mistake. The company that hired me had not
fully explained that I would be a contractor, and they had in a sense tricked me into a job
that I learned sometime later was not what I had agreed to. I worked with my mind,
focusing on computing as I built computer code and solved programmatic puzzles.
Though my brain was physically hurting, medication like Ibuprofen and Tylenol would
help me to make it through the pain. When I struggled with a puzzle, it would worsen,
giving me such pain it was sometimes unbearable. God helped me. Though I was able to
do the work without flaw, and was congratulated on multiple occasions.

When I realized that this job was a mistake, I objected harshly. Even my contract had
large markings that stated that I was not under the clear understanding that I would be
working for this contracting agency, and I had recommended other people to work at the
client – not knowing that they would more than likely be tricked as well. I found others
employed with this agency who were fed the same lies, and was very upset about it.

This enraged me. My anger increased my depression to an almost unbearable level. My

addiction increased. My crying increased. I struggled to make it through each and every

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During the course of my employment with this company, I would witness other
employees facing the same situations, other clients who also were signing contracts with
the same false pretenses, and all the while, I was at a director-level position. Once I
found out, I began to take a stand. I refused to let this happen on my watch, so I took
over as much of the process as I possibly could, being as truthful and honest as humanly
possible. My clients to this day respected me for it, they knew that what they saw on the
outside, with me, was what they would see on the inside.

When it finally reached the point that I could no longer control it, the economy was at the
very lowest and was quickly getting worse. I did not know what to do, but God had his
hand in it all the time, preparing me for what was to come.

I finally decided to leave and work for one of the clients that I had found to have similar
interests as my ambitions. The non-compete portion of my contract was crossed out and
initialed, so I was not under any obligations, but so that there was no appearance of evil, I
spoke with the owner of the consulting firm and told him of my ambitions. He followed
up with internal meetings wherein they congratulated me and sent me on my way with
the intent that they would be a vendor for me in the future.

Before my first day in the new position as CTO of a growing medical company, my
previous boss had a meeting with my new CEO. I was given an aftermath of the
situation, and they described his threats with very clear accuracy as details were brought
forth that could have come only from my previous boss. I knew that this was the
beginning of a very bad situation.

Within a few days of being in my new position, I began receiving threats by phone and
email from the old company. Since there was little trust, I severed all ties. Within a few
weeks, this led to very harsh conversations between the two companies; some that I was a
part of, and some that I was not.

Talk was spreading about interest in a class-action suit against my former employer,
which would put me at the primary witness seat of lawsuits worth several million dollars.
I was terrified. I knew very little about the legal process, and, my depression was so bad
that I knew that I would make a very poor witness for any court trials.

Luckily, my previous employer struck first, putting a halt to everything. Though my

contract was clearly marked with a big ‘X’ through the non-compete section of the
agreement, they chose to file suit against my new employer, my friend that worked there,
and against me for breach of contract.

For most people struggling with depression, this would have pushed them over the edge.
My father and mother were no longer there to help me through it, my father was still in
strong disagreement with my stand against the love of money, and I stood to lose
everything that I owned in a lawsuit that I knew was unjust. I was strong willed,
however. My addiction increased exponentially, and my depression became much more

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powerful, but I hid it with a firm disposition like many would view Stonewall Jackson
taking his stand.

My youngest son was on his way, and we were very excited. At the time, I did not know
that this was also a stress factor, and was very glad that I would be a new, proud father.
None of these problems were a concern to me outwardly, and I was able to conceal them
inwardly (or so I thought). My emotions were growing stronger, though, and the door to
my office would be closed often so that I could conceal the constant flow of tears
through my eyes.

Then, it happened. The mighty hand of God, who has the power to move mountains,
began to put an end to my sin and affliction. I didn’t know it, but the sin that I had
struggled with, the addiction that most people have to be extensively counseled for was
about to be put to rest.

My brother’s son had a fall, and the side of his face began to swell. It did not go down
after several days, so he was taken to a dentist for examination to see if some tooth was
infected. The dentist sent him directly to Kosair Children’s Hospital for a complete and
thorough examination, because it was suspected that he had cancer.

The examination at Kosair revealed that my nephew indeed had cancer, and that the
cancer was life threatening. I watched as the cancer was described, displayed in the x-
rays, and listened as the doctor described the low chances of success.

I felt like I was the only one there for my brother. With our parents so far away, I knew
that I would have to be strong for him. I also knew that there was something preventing
me from being strong, and still at the time did not know what it was. My nephew’s
condition worsened and worsened.

I soon found myself spread very thin between a job that required 80-100 hours per week
or more, frequent hospital visits to see my nephew during treatments, starting tests for the
birth of my child, meetings at the District Attorney’s office, and threatening phone calls.

One day, I received a call from the District Attorney’s office in the hallway, a threatening
phone call in the elevator, an angry past client in a new hallway, watching my child as he
started to be cared for by the hospital, and crossing the river into Louisville, KY to help
my brother through what I thought at the time to be the death of his son.

I cracked. This was the very height of my depression, the very worst of my addiction, the
very worst day of my life, and quite possibly the very worst day I would have for the rest
of my life. My depression took over my body, mind, and control. I could no longer drive
through the tears, but would get out and walk it off. My body was craving the serotonin
so harshly that I could not control my actions. I could no longer concentrate on anything,
job, nephew, son, lawsuit. I was broken.

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Not long after, I found myself in jail. No longer in control of my actions, I would find
myself releasing all control to the addiction, no matter where it took me. Fortunately by
the grace of God, I remained true (in a sense) to my wife and never touched another
woman. It was in the hard concrete bed of that jail, I finally felt release. God had taken
over. I was no longer in control. I no longer had to fight. Nothing mattered any more.

I learn now that depression is a very deadly disease. It has clamed the lives of many
people, similar to many other chronic illnesses. I never fully understood why people
would take their own lives, commit hideous crimes, be unfaithful to their wives, lie,
cheat, or steal. Once I let go, everything made perfect sense to me.

God was fully in control of my emotional release, my recovery, and my freedom. I

realized for the first time that the sin I had battled against was not from anything I could
control. It was not because I had rejected the prophet or the “message”, and it was not
because I did not walk with Christ.

Not only was my sin a direct result of my lack of serotonin and increased by addiction, it
was God’s perfect plan for the salvation of my soul. Though I walked with God daily, it
was the “experience” that I would have to tell about, how God brought me out.

My recovery was a very long process. At first, I had no job or income, so I would try to
research depression myself. I could take too much of the medication and turn into a
vegetative state, or I could take too little and be forced into the bed for days at a time. I
spent several days in a row simply staring at a wall.

I had told less than a handful of people what I went through that day. My pastor knew
everything, and a few others knew part of it. I realized over time that since I had been
absent from church for a few months, those that I knew and held close to my heart would
not even question why I no longer attended. Not one phone call would be made to even
ask how I was doing, or if I was OK. Family, friends, brothers in Christ, none would
come to my help with the exception of a couple of family members.

One day, I received a phone call from a true man of God who did not follow the doctrine
of Rev. Branham. At the time, he was an acquaintance that I knew well, but I did not
realize the true friend he would become. He told me that he and his family were praying
together the night before, and my name came up in prayer. Out of the blue! He took me
to lunch, and I told him most of my story. We prayed together, and he would continue to
call me, pray for me, and ask me how I was coming along as my healing took place.

I still held everything Rev. Branham said with absolute confidence. I would try as I was
being healed to minister to him, and he would listen passionately. He never once
disagreed with me or tried to argue with me, but would simply tell me what the Bible
said. I would look it up, and he was absolutely correct each time.

This confused me. How could this true child of God know God’s word so vividly and not
be a follower of Rev. Branham? How could he suddenly have my name in prayer, when

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he had never heard the Message Rev. Branham gave? I just pushed it aside in a corner of
my mind and went on.

My healing continued. I would start to see the medicine working, finally after over a
year. I still had the addiction, but was watching it become much, much less dominant in
my life. Days would start to go by where I felt normal, even on top of the world at times,
but then there would be a few days where I was forced into bed with pain in my head that
I could not bear. The good days started outnumbering the bad days. I started being able
to concentrate with clear and concise thoughts like I had never experienced before. A
dark cloud that seemingly hovered in my mind since childhood was suddenly starting to
lift away and I could start to see and understand why I had suffered so.

As I lay there during the bad days, I began to have this sudden thought on my mind: If
Branham could not see anything past 1977 as he said, why is California still standing and
Billy Paul, who he said would not be an old man before it happened, such an old man? It
kept going through my head, over and over. I’d start praying about it. I still believed
every word, but did not understand.

Over time, I started searching. I found that Jesus said to “Search the scriptures”, and I
quickly realized that I had always read my Bible according to the way that Branham had
taught it. A common statement by ministers in the Branham following would often use a
description of a rifle, wherein the Bible was one of the sights, and Branham’s doctrine
was the other sight. Meaning, clearly, that you must have Branham to understand the
Word of God.

I started realizing that this was not true. The Bible was of no private interpretation. The
more and more I read of the Bible, the more questions I had regarding the life-long study
I had put into the Message. I knew practically each and every doctrine by Branham, no
matter how big or small, and listened to pastors tell how his sermons did not contradict
themselves or the Bible – it lined up exactly like the hind site and the fore site of a rifle.
Yet, the more I read of the Bible, the more I found that not only did Branham contradict
the Bible on several occasions, he contradicted himself even more.

I started researching California. I listened to every quote. I started searching the

sermons, comparing it to the Bible, and actual history. I found an excellent article about
the “spiritual cloud”, and found that not only was Branham not there when it happened,
but his description of the event did not match the various accounts of the event. And he
never claimed the cloud until after it was printed!

I studied the vision of the destruction of California, how God gave him such harsh words
of such an evil place. And God speaking, said that Capernaum was at the bottom of the
sea. And I found where Capernaum was never at the bottom of the sea! This did not
make sense!

Still, I was a believer. I knew there must be some explanation. I studied each and every
vision, church age, and church angel intently. I knew that it was me that was wrong, not

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the Message of William Branham. I hid my searches from my wife, because I did not
want her corrupted by these things. I knew that it would take a strong-willed Message
believer to resist the devil trying to pull them away from the Message.

About that time, I thought of the man who disbelieved Rev. Branham during the prayer
lines. I started to fear, because he did not believe, questioned the prophet, and was struck
down on the platform in an instant. I started studying on this. Though the bible says we
are to test the prophets, I knew this had happened; Rev. Branham said it!

I quickly searched everything said about the man. I found the city of the event, and
searched for news articles, something to confirm it. Suddenly, I was very shocked! The
retellings of the story did not match! He could not have been struck down paralyzed on
the platform and ran screaming from it! He could not have been dead a few weeks later
and still be “bedfast ‘til this day”! This was very wrong.

I began to search more and more, looking for all of the many things that I had studied in
the recordings of Rev. Branham, one-by-one. No matter how big or small it was, no
matter how insignificant, I wanted to know the truth!

Having been taught that every single word was infallible by the ministers in
Jeffersonville, I was starting to be very shocked. I found a sermon where one of
Branham’s sons said that the Message was his Absolute … not the Bible. The website started putting out web pages for children with a topic of “Did you
Know?” These pages would sometimes give silly things that I have always known to be
false, but for some reason, I was blind to it. I could not realize that the prophet had
spoken anything untrue, science must be wrong.

Man actually has been to the moon. I knew this already, but never considered that the
prophet said they’d never make it there. Women do not have one more rib than a man,
though I clearly remember this statement in my childhood as someone tickled my ribs.
Animals do not get their color from the dirt of the plants they eat. The great pyramid of
Giza has a shadow. Mars is not a million light years away. I was shocked at how blinded
I was! All of these things were false, yet I both knew them and was blinded to them at
the same time!

I thought within myself: none of this really matters. The Bible is my absolute, not any
man, preacher, saint or sinner. If Branham was truly the vindicated prophet of God that
was described in Malachi 4 as I had been taught, then his visions and revelations would
be proof enough. I actually felt that if I researched all of them out fully, it would take me
right back to the Message where I started.

I started by taking each of the seven visions that he claimed to have had in 1933, and
studied every instance he spoke about them and every description he made of the event. I
compared it to actual history, and what the Bible said about it. I quickly realized that not
one of the seven that were supposed to have already happened according to Rev.
Branham was prophesied before the actual event. Even worse, each prophecy was a

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moving target! Over time, they would change completely to fit the current events or
proven history as they knew it at the time. A woman that would rule the country changed
from a president to a dictator to a vice president to the Catholic Church to a voter who
would elect Kennedy to office. There was no way to prove any of them; they changed

I was devastated. I had studied each of these events throughout my life, and had
preached them to several people along the way. Some would laugh at me, but I’d simply
pat myself on the back that I had witnessed to them and would hopefully someday save
their lives because they knew the mysteries given by Rev. Branham.

Things really started getting scary when I went through the Church messengers. I found
that Rev. Branham had copied the dates of each age from books and studies by Clarence
Larkin. From these dates, he had assigned a “messenger” to each age who he considered
to be the “angel” for the age.

I found books and writings by each one of them. The first problem I ran into was
Irenaeus: he wrote a book entitled “Against Heresies” that was condemning the largest
threat to Christianity at the time, which is Gnosticism. I had no clue what Gnosticism
was, so I started researching that first.

I found that the Gnostics preached that Jesus was the only One Supreme God. This did
not sound right to me, why would Irenaeus condemn a group that said they followed
Jesus only, when Rev. Branham preached that Irenaeus was Jesus Only? Even worse,
they put focus on mysteries instead of the scriptures. Did I do that?

I learned that during time of the ministry of Rev. Branham, new copies of scrolls found in
the Dead Sea by two children playing in caves were starting to be translated to English.
The most interesting of these books to me was a Book of Enoch, which contained
portions of a Book of Noah. I found in these books the hidden revelations that Rev.
Branham claimed to have, such as the duration of Enoch’s life and other revealed stories.

I read the Gnostic texts, such as the Gospel of Judas – which clearly were not scripturally
accurate. But in these texts, I found where they taught that the Zodiac was the original
Bible, just as Rev. Branham taught, even though the Bible preaches against worship of
the stars!

I started reading everything, from works of Plato to Josephus to Gnostic texts. I started to
quickly realize that the mysteries Rev. Branham taught with these hidden “revelations”
merely contained things that he had read in these lost texts. …many of which were
clearly occult.

I started researching Saint Martin of Tours, who was definitely a man of God. As Rev.
Branham said, he stood up to the evil emperor until death. I read what Rev. Branham
said about Martin, however, and found that Rev. Branham said that Martin of Tours had
stood up to the emperor for the “spirit filled saints”. Knowing nothing about these

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people, I studied and found that they were Priscillianists, or a group of Gnostics so filled
with the occult that they were even rejected even by the Gnostics of the day.

Priscillianists, as Gnostics, were a blend between Pagan ideas and Christianity. They
took the Pagan standpoint on all things, and translated them to their version of
Christianity. They believed incantations, vegetarianism, and astrology. They believed
that lies could be told for the greater works of God. …and then it sunk in. Lies for God?

I started studying Columba. I was very shocked when I found that he was dead before his
church age even began. I had listened to the Church Age preaching over and over, but
never even considered questioning whether or not the man was alive!
I studied Martin Luther. He was born before his “church age”, and during the portion
that was within his church age, he was a very violent man. He would quickly oppose the
Jewish religion, burning their homes and destroying their synagogues, which was clearly
not Christ-like. I studied what Rev. Branham taught about the Jews, saying that the
Gospel was not for them! This was contrary to Paul’s preaching!

I read works by John Wesley, who believed in the Trinity contrary to Rev. Branham’s
teachings, since Rev. Branham taught that the messengers were all “Jesus Only”. Though
he was a good man, he would protest the very foundation of the message that Rev.
Branham taught.

Then came the Laodicean age. I had nothing to research other than Branham himself.
This is no easy undertaking, especially when you have viewed the Bible through Rev.
Branham’s eyes for over 30 years. Luckily, I found others who are starting to see the
truth, and their research helped me quickly get a kick-start. I could easily make a list of
what Rev. Branham said, what Rev. Branham said that contradicted the Bible, and what
the Bible said that contradicted Branham.

Through reading the works of these who had done as I had, sought out the truth, I quickly
found that I was not alone. I had been in a cult, brainwashed to be oblivious to the truth
that was right before my very eyes. They were also in this cult, and experienced the same
thing. Stories of depression, stories of addiction, stories of helplessness and
worthlessness all started making sense to me. Many who leave the Message leave
religion altogether. Others live in fear because in the back of their minds, they will
always have false teachings of the evil world around us.

For the first time in the 36 years of my life, I worshipped at a local Baptist church.
Within two visits to the church, I quickly realized that I had never been in a “real”
Sunday school. We studied the Old Testament in a way like I had never before, and I
learned things that I never knew. Using Branham’s special “insight” or not, I should
have known these things, they were in my Bible!

My children had the same experience. Rather than curl up in a ball in the seat counting
ceiling tiles or sleeping through a recorded sermon from years gone by, they entered the

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room with wide eyes and interest. After their first visit, instead of begging not to go
back, they asked, “Daddy, can we come back here next Sunday?”.

I am very glad that I took the time to seek out the truth. It has opened up a new
excitement for God, like never before. My Bible is a new book, and my life is a new and
encouraging life.

I hope and pray that you do the same.

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Chapter  10:  About  The  Author  

Copyright 2012, 1/26/2012 John Collins | Page 109

John Collins is the author and webmaster of

Almost 36 years in “the Message”, the name of the group of people (cult) following the teachings of
William Marrion Branham, John has dedicated his life towards helping those who are still in this cult, and
to those who are no longer bound but serving Jesus Christ with many questions. His goal is to remind both
groups that we serve a living God who does not look to any organization, doctrine, mystery, or gift of the
Spirit; we serve a God who looks at the heart.

His main purpose is to point others back to the Bible, which is the Absolute. All words of men may fail,
but the Word of God will never fail. We should put our hearts and minds back on Jesus Christ, who died
on the cross so that ALL could be saved by grace through faith.

Seek Ye The Truth started as a central place for all cult followers to ask the questions openly and
anonymously, many of which they had in their hearts and minds for several years and were afraid to ask.
The original goal was to go "hand in hand" with the local pastors, spreading the answers and vindicating
the teachings of William Marrion Branham.

As research started to progress, more false teachings were found than truths. More prophecies had failed
than had succeeded. None could be proven. Bible teachings came from Gnostic texts and other strange
beliefs, and did not line up with the Word of God. Cult pastors had no answer.

While some live normal lives walking "middle ground," many are starting to become very hurt and abused.
Many suffer depression. Physical and sexual abuse, and self-condemnation stories started surfacing.

Over time, Seek Ye The Truth slowly transformed from a site of questions into a site dedicated to help
those in need. There are almost two million cult followers of William Branham around the world, making
it larger than some of the other cult followings, and there are almost no support groups for those
desperately seeking help. Please join us as we help others.

God Bless You!

Copyright 2012, 1/26/2012 John Collins | Page 110

Answers  From  the  Bible,  and  Quotes  From  the  Simple  Test  

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NOTE: For almost every one of the quotes from Branham, you may find the exact opposite answer or
something in-between. For the sake of proving the point that the prophet is not infallible, these are the
answers chosen.

William Branham The Bible

1. The first creation was God Himself; then out of Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever
God came the Logos, which was the Son of God; thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even
("Questions and Answers on Genesis," 7/29/53; Conduct, from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.
Order, Doctrine, page 14, sermon paragraph 22) (Psalms 90:2)
2. He can’t have a mother. Jesus was not even Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign;
anything to Mary, but He was just...she was an Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and
incubator that hatched Him. shall call his name Immanuel.
("Oneness," 2/11/62) (Isaiah 7:14. See also Psalm 22:1-9 and Luke 1:43)
3. The Bible never says it’s Eternal, It says And these shall go away into everlasting
"everlasting" hell. Don’t say the word Eternal, it punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
says an "everlasting hell." {…} It might be for five (Matthew 25:46)
minutes, it might be for a million years; it might be
for ten million years
("Smyrnaean Church Age," 12/6/60)
4. But when he is born into the creation of God, he 1) God Formed Man
cannot die; he is from that other Tree that was in the So God created man in his own image, in the image
garden of Eden, Christ. Eternal Life come by the of God created he him; male and female created he
Tree. "Oh," you say, "she was a tree?" Sure. "Well, them. (Gen. 1:27)
they said, 'Thou shall not take of this tree.' God said,
in Genesis back there, 'Thou shall not take of this 2) God made the trees
tree.'" Well the woman is the tree. She is the fruit And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb
tree. You're the fruit of your mother. The fruit of the bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth,
womb is you. That's right. And then the fruit of the and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree
Tree of Life, that was in the garden of Eden, is yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. (Gen 1:29)
Christ. Through the woman come death; through the
Man, in the original creation, come Life. To be born 3) God made Eve (next day)
of a woman is death; to be born of Christ is Life. And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from
Get the idea? That's where. Now you see where the man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the
goddesses went to, don't you? First Adam and Eve man. (Gen. 2:22)
typed the second Adam and Eve, see, the
multiplication. Now the multiplication of Adam and 4) Eve ate FOOD from the tree
Eve was through sex, to replenish the earth, but it And when the woman saw that the tree was good for
wasn't so at the beginning. God just made a male food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree
and a female, like He did His other creatures, see, to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit
legal, just like the Church. thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband
65-0221M MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE with her; and he did eat. (Gen 3:6)
5. This topic was covered fully in this book And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the
times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in
So I repeat, I sincerely believe and maintain as a his own power. (Acts 1:7)
private student of the Word, along with Divine
inspiration that 1977 ought to terminate the world
systems and usher in the millennium.
(Church Ages, page 322)
6. I don’t say I’m a prophet. Nobody hears me say For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who
that; shall prepare himself to the battle?
("Q And A On The Seals," 3/24/63) (1 Corinthians 14:8)

There sets another lady setting by you there, with a

pink looking hat on, setting there praying. You
believe, lady? You do? You believe me to be His

Copyright 2012, 1/26/2012 John Collins | Page 112

7. Look at Esau. Esau was a good man, moral, a Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as
good church member today. Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his
("Q and A," 12/23/59, COD page 482-59) birthright. (Hebrews 12:16)
8. That's the reason on some things that I might God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a
speak, it might seem to seem strange to you. The liar; as it is written, That you might be justified in
Angel of the Lord Who speaks to me, has never told your sayings, and might overcome when you are
me nothing but what was vindicated in this judged. (Romans 3:4)
Scripture. That's the reason I know it come from
God. See?

9. How can Jesus be His Own Father? See? So it For through him we both have access by one Spirit
knocks that out. unto the Father. (Ephesians 2:18)
("Questions And Answers On The Seals)
10. I want anybody that can show me one place Go you therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing
where any person was ever baptized in the name of them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and
"the Father, Son, Holy Ghost," I'll walk off the of the Holy Spirit: (Matthew 28:19)
pulpit, say I'm a hypocrite.
(54-0513, Mark of the Beast)
11. Cain was just as just as Abel was. Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew
("Why I Am A Holy Roller," 8/30/53) his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because
his own works were evil, and his brother's
12. Now, He’s got something in His mind, and And beware not to lift up your eyes to heaven and
what’s He doing? He’s writing His first Bible. The see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host
first Bible that man ever looked to was the stars, the of heaven, and be drawn away and worship them
zodiac. and serve them, those which the LORD your God
("Q and A in Genesis," 7/29/53) has allotted to all the peoples under the whole
heaven (Deuteronomy 4:19)
13. Now, God made Eve from Adam's side. The A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only
woman has one more rib today in the anatomy, the in expressing his opinion. (Proverbs 18:2)
make-up than man does, because a rib was taken
from Adam's body.
14. "I got the baptism of the Holy Ghost; I’m going to But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the
heaven." That don’t mean one thing that you’re going to dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the
heaven. No, sir. You can have the baptism of the Holy dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by is the
Ghost every hour in your life, and still be lost and go to Spirit that dwelleth in you.
("Leadership," 12/7/65) (Romans 8:11)

If a person dies without the baptism of the Holy Ghost,

will he be lost? No sir.
("Q & A, Image Of The Beast)
15. Now, we are an organization.... Recorded here For I know this, that after my departing shall
in the – in the court as an organization, a group of grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the
people that’s organized together to worship Christ flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise,
("Why Are We Not A Denomination,") speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples
after them. (Acts 20:29-30)
16. What is this modern Babylon that we're trying to A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only
build a machine to take us to the moon? You'll in expressing his opinion. (Proverbs 18:2)
never make it.
17. No, no, sister, brother, your precious name is put on Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits
the Lamb’s Book of Life up yonder. No man can rub it are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are

Copyright 2012, 1/26/2012 John Collins | Page 113

out. There isn’t enough rubbing compound in the world to written in heaven.” (Luke 10:20)
rub your name from the Book there, where His blood has
bought it.
("The Easter Seal," 4/10/65)

Oh, my, there is your two Books. One of them is the

Lamb’s Book of Life. Your name on there is
predestinated on there. It can’t go, because you no more
can take that away than nothing, because it was
foreordained to be on there. But the regular Book of Life,
you can take that off at any time. ("Invisible Union Of The
Bride Of Christ,")
18. It’s all right to have denominations. I ain’t For I know this, that after my departing shall
against that. But, see, that -- that’s what the people grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the
are... Many people say I tear down denominations; I flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise,
kick them. I do not. No sir. The denominations, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples
they’re all right. after them. (Acts 20:29-30)
("Identified Masterpiece Of God," 12/5/1964, E-70)
19. See, there cannot be an Eternal son, because a son had Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty
to have a beginning. And so Jesus had a beginning. God years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? Jesus said
had no beginning. See? unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before
("Q and A on Hebrews, Part II)
Abraham was, I am. (John 8:57, 58)

20. Somebody said "Remember, don’t say nothing about Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is
the Jews, ‘cause He was a Jew." He wasn’t a Jew. it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which
("Smyrnaean church Age," 12/6/60)
am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no
dealings with the Samaritans. (John 4:9)
21. At the end of the Pentecostal Age we are supposed to And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with
receive, according to the Word, as God help me tonight to enticing words. For though I be absent in the flesh,
show you through here, that we are to receive a yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding
messenger that will take all those loose ends out
your order, and the stedfastness of your faith in
there and reveal the whole secret of God for the rapturing
of the church. Then there is coming forth seven
Christ. As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus
mysterious thunders that are not even written at all! the Lord, so walk ye in him, Rooted and built up in
That’s right! And I believe that through these seven him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been
thunders will be revealed in the last days in order to get taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.
the Bride together for raputuring faith; because what we Beware lest any man spoil you through Philosophy
got right now, we wouldn’t be able to do it. There is and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the
some- thing that has got to step forward for we can’t have rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. For in
enough faith for divine healing hardly. We have got to him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
have enough faith to be changed in a moment to
And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all
be swept up out of this earth, and we will find that after
awhile, the Lord willing, find where it is written.
principality and power: (Colossians 2:8-10)
("The First Seal," 3/18/63, Seals, page 128)
22. You say,"Oh, it’s alive!"No it isn’t! That’s little For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation
nerves jerking, muscles, see? The baby hasn’t received sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb
life till it’s born. ("Q And A," 8/30/64, COD, page 1121-277) for joy. (Luke 1:44)

23. And Judas Iscariot professed to be a believer, and he While I was with them in the world, I kept them in
had his name written among them on the Book of Life. Is thy name; those thou gavest me I have kept, and
that right? He claimed to have Eternal Life. And his name none of them is lost, but the son of perdition, that
was put on the Book of Life.
("Q And A," 8/30/64M, COD)
the scripture might be fulfilled. (John 17:12)

24. The breaking of those Seals this week And when he [The Lamb] had opened the seventh
Oh, if we just had ... I’ve got the notes wrote here on it, to seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of
show what them things are, and we’ll get it on the half an hour. (Revelation 8:1)
breaking of those Seals this week, anyhow.
("Simplicity," 3/17/63, Seals, page 59-5)

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25. That’s why He said to Adam before sex was ever And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be
induced – or introduced, "Multiply to replenish the earth" fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and
– when he was yet in the beginning, when he was yet both subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the
male and female in himself! sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every
("Marriage And Divorce)
living thing that moveth on the face of the earth.
And God saw every thing that he had made, and,
behold, it was very good. And the evening and the
morning were the sixth day. (Genesis 1:28, 31)

26. He made the woman and the man before they was And the Lord formed man of the dust of the ground,
ever formed out of the dust of the earth. and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and
("Q and A on Genesis)
man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7)

27. The red dragon put his tail around two thirds of the How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son
stars and pulled them to the earth." We realize that Satan, ofthe morning! how art thou cut down to the
in the beginning, set up a kingdom in the northlands, to be ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou
more beautiful than the—than what the Michael was, and
hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I
there was a day he declared war in heaven. And he pulled
two thirds of the angelic beings right with him.
will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will
("Q And A in Genesis," 7/29/53) sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the
sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of
NOTE: This idea came from the Book of Enoch, not the Bible, the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou
and was misquoted from 1/3 to 2/3rds.
shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
(Isaiah 14:12-15)

28. Stay away from Israel! Stay away from it, all you Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks,
people that talk about converting the Jews. Before this repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord
message is over you’ll see it’s THUS SAITH THE LORD Jesus Christ. (Acts 20:21)
by Word and by Spirit! Israel will be converted over, the
whole nation in one night; the Bible said so. But the
Gospel’s not even to them.
("Gabriel’s Instructions to Daniel)
29. Smoking’s not a sin; cursing’s not a sin; committing Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the
adultery’s not a sin; lying is not a sin; that isn’t sin; that’s law: for sin is the transgression of the law. All
the results of unbelief. unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto
("I have Heard But Now I See,)
death. (1 John 3:4; 5:17)

30. For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is
and are free from sin, and we cannot sin. There is an present with me. For I delight in the law of God
Atonement waiting for us. And if there’s still desire in after the inward man: But I see another law in my
your heart to sin, you have never been baptized into that members, warring against the law of my mind, and
body, because you are dead and your life is hid in Christ
through God and sealed by the Holy Ghost. Christians
bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is
don’t sin. They make mistakes, but they don’t sin. in my members. (Romans 7:21)
("Q and A," 6/28/59E, COD, 390-134)
31. If you use a bunch of men, you get different ideas Son of man, when the land sinneth against me by
(See?); each man, two men. Never did He have two major trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out mine
prophets on the earth at one time. He takes one, so the hand upon it .... Though these three men, Noah,
other one can take its place for another day, another
Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but
message. He never has two; He has one at a time.
("Evening Messenger," also Church Ages, p. 329) their own souls by their righteousness, saith the
LORD God. (Ezekiel 14:13, our ellipsis)
NOTE: The "major" prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel
lived and ministered on the earth at the same time. There is more than one instance where a “major”
prophet was teaching at the same time as another.

32. Look at Jacob, out of whom come the patriarchs. He And he rose up that night, and took his two wives,

Copyright 2012, 1/26/2012 John Collins | Page 115

had at least a dozen wives. and his two womenservants, and his eleven sons,
("Marriage and Divorce," 2/21/65M) and passed over the ford Jabbok. (see Genesis
32:22; 31:50; 37:2)

33. Now I know you ladies don’t like this kind of When you go out to war against your enemies and
preaching, but sister, you are dead wrong in what you are the Lord your God delivers them into your hand,
doing. The Bible forbids you to cut your hair. God gave it and you take them captive, and you see among the
for a covering. He gave a command for you to wear it
captives a beautiful woman, and desire her and
long. It is your glory. When you cut your hair you
signified that you left the headship of your husband. Like
would take her for your wife, then you shall bring
Eve you walked out and went on your own. You got the her home to your house, and she shall shave her
vote. You took men’s jobs. You left off being females. head and trim her nails. (Deuteronomy 21:10)
You ought to repent and come back to God.
(Church Ages, page 344)
34. Now, when Adam and Eve listened to the lie of the Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his
Devil, the holy image of God left them, and their blood be shed: for in the image of God made he
fellowship was broken with God. man. (Genesis 9:6)
("Oneness," 2/11/62, V-10, N-2, paragraph 62)

35. Now, the sleeping virgin, she lost her place, we Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling,
know that. She comes up in the judgment. And if and to present you faultless before the presence of
she's ever heard the Truth, she's condemned. his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God
60-1211M THE.TEN.VIRGINS our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and
.AND.THE.HUNDRED power, both now and ever. Amen.

36. Did you know Satan was co-equal with God one And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee
day? He sure was. All but a creator; he was everything, behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt
stood at the right hand of God in the Heavens, a great worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou
leading cherubim. serve. (Luke 4:8)
("Marriage And Divorce)

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