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Best ENT Specialists and Hospitals in


The ENT problems are not life threatening in most of the cases but if you
neglect them it could cause a serious damage and pose life threatening
situation to you. So we have listed some of the ENT Problems along with
ENT hospitals and Best ENT doctors.

1. ENT Problems
In this Section of the article we have listed some of the most common ENT
problems and solutions for them. Our aim is to bring awareness about some
common ENT problems. Our solutions may not applicable in every case. So
please consult doctor if needed.
1.1. Ear Related Problems
1.1.1. Infections Of The Outer Ear

Ear infections can cause itching in the ear canal, pains and swelling of
the ear canal, crusts and ear discharge around the ear canal. Your doctor
will thoroughly clean and dry your ear. If your ear is very swollen, the
doctor can insert a wick soaked with an antibiotic into the ear to bring
the medicine into the infected area. You may advised to put some ear
drops several times a day to maintain the wick moist. Oral antibiotics
may also be given if you have a serious infection, or your doctor may
suggest a ointment or cream for certain types of infections.

1.1.2. Infections Of The Middle Ear

An infection of the middle ear is an infection of the air-filled space in
the ear behind the eardrum. Ear infections usually start with a viral
infection of the throat and nose. Ear infections can also occur when you
have allergies. Symptoms of middle ear infection include dizziness,
fever, a feeling of blockage in the ear, hearing loss, and earache. The
doctor will check for fluid behind the eardrum and a hearing test may
also be recommended if you have a hearing loss.

1.1.3. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

This is one of the most common causes of vertigo in adults. It will cause
illusion of movement, which occurs in a few seconds of a change in
positioning of the head. Most often, a short sensation of spinning is
felt after lying in bed, getting up in the morning or rolling in the bed
at night, but can also occur when looking up or down a shelf. under the
furniture. Typically, symptoms last a few seconds to minutes before
resolving. BPPV is due to otoconia, or microscopic crystals, floating in
one of the inner ear compartments. The movement of these particles
stimulates the sensory endings of the vestibular nerve (balance),
producing vertigo.
The good news is that BPPV responds well to physiotherapy. Medications
rarely help. A vestibular therapist or qualified doctor can perform a
therapy that can quickly eliminate symptoms of vertigo. These maneuvers
are designed to move the crystals to a part of the inner ear where they
will produce no symptoms. Treatments for BPPV can usually be done in one
or two sessions with very high success rates. This office frequently
diagnoses and treats this disorder correctly.

1.1.4. Meniere's Disease

Meniere's disease is a problem in the inner ear. It can cause hearing
loss and severe dizziness (vertigo). It usually affects only one ear, but
it can happen in both ears. There may be significant hearing loss, but
complete deafness is may not be seen. The symptoms may be mild or severe.
1.1.5. Acoustic Neuroma
Acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor that can cause balance problems,
hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and possible numbness of the
face. The diagnosis of an acoustic neuroma may include an assessment of
an MRI, hearing and balance tests.
1.1.6. Cerumen
Excessive amounts of cerumen or earwax can block the ear canal and cause
temporary hearing loss. Earwax should only be removed by a professional.
ear candles, Q tips or other methods of wax removal are not recommended.
Please consult your doctor if you suspect a wax impaction.
1.1.7. Labyrinthitis And Vestibular Neuritis
Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the inner ear. This infection causes
inflammation and swelling of the labyrinth or vestibular nerves.
Sometimes bacteria from a middle ear infection cause labyrinthitis.
Symptoms of labyrinthitis and vestibular neuritis include lightheadedness
or dizziness, impaired nausea and balance. Diagnosis may include MRI,
balance test, hearing assessment and possible blood tests.
1.1.8. Otosclerosis
Otosclerosis is the abnormal growth of bone in the middle ear that can
lead to conductive hearing loss, or the prevention of normal sound
transmission. It is most common for otosclerosis to affect one of the
bones in the middle ear called the stirrups. Other symptoms of
otosclerosis may include dizziness and ringing in the ears. This can be
diagnosed by your ENT doctor and will include an assessment of hearing by
an audiologist. A surgery named stapedectomy may be conducted, where a
prosthetic device replaces the abnormal bone growth.

1.1.9. Tinnitus (buzzing in the ears)

Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) is not normal and may be a symptom of
other disorders. Some of the causes of tinnitus are thyroid disorders,
smoking, stress, anxiety, certain medications, ear infections,
cardiovascular disease, otospongiosis, Meniere's disease, sinus
infections, ear infections, noise exposure and hearing loss. Tinnitus can
be described as escaping air, buzzing, crickets and many other types of
sounds. Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and may order a
scans or blood tests, hearing test to determine the possible cause. There
are many treatment options that may include a masking device or hearing
aid, tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT), and perhaps some medications.
1.1.10. Noise Induced Hearing Loss
Noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most common types of hearing
loss. Noise can damage sensitive cells of the inner ear. This can happen
with a single exposure to a loud sound or over time to continuous
exposure. Noise-induced hearing loss can cause hearing loss from infants
to the elderly. To avoid noise-induced hearing loss, you need to be aware
of the types of noise that are too loud. Noise greater than 85 dB can
potentially damage your ears. Some examples of these types of noise are
ambulance sirens, hand exercises, rock concerts, hair dryers, gas

1.2. Nose Related Problems

1.2.1. Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a serious sleep problem. Sleep apnea stops you from
breathing for more than 10 seconds at a time or several times during your
sleep. Another term for this problem is obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep
apnea affects between 2 and 10% of people. It is more common in men than
in women. Possible causes of sleep apnea include abnormal sleep,
excessive alcohol consumption, lung disease, smoking and overweight.
Symptoms include noisy snoring interrupted by breathing pauses followed
by drowsy driving, irritability, anxiety, poor concentration, daytime
sleepiness, morning headaches, not resting when you wake up in the
morning, and loud gasps. Sleep apnea can be diagnosed by a doctor after a
thorough examination and perhaps a study of sleep.

1.2.2. Nosebleed (epistaxis)

Nose bleeding occurs when the membranes lining the inner nose are
sufficiently disturbed or irritated to cause abnormal bleeding. Epistaxis
is the medical term of nosebleed. The nosebleeds may happen because of
the reasons like rupture of the high blood pressure, drug abuse with the
nose, high altitude, nose or face wounds, nasal mucosa, medications that
prevent coagulation of the blood.

1.2.3. Septoplasty
Septoplasty is a reconstruction of the nasal septum that straightens the
central wall or nasal septum that divides the two nasal passages in the
nose. The reasons for this procedure include a a blood clot as a result
of an injury that makes it difficult to breathe, recurrent sinus
infections, septum deviated from an injury that makes it difficult to
breathe, or if you experience a lot of bleeding from nose. Septoplasty is
a surgical procedure, and your doctor will discuss with you why you would
need the surgery and results you can expect.

1.2.4. Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty is an operation that can be used to improve the size or
angle, appearance of your nose. It can also be used to correct blockages
and deformities caused by diseases or birth defects, injuries. Sometimes
this can be done to make your breathing easier. Your doctor will discuss
with you why you need the surgery and the results you can expect.
1.2.5. Sinusitis
Sinusitis is swollen, linings infected sinuses. Sinuses are hollow spaces
in the bones of your face and skull that connect with the nose through
small openings. Symptoms may include sore throat in the morning or
evening, from the throat (postnasal drainage), runny nose or blocked,
pain in the upper jaw and teeth, sensitivity to the eyes, painful
headache when waking or tilting, and feeling of fullness or pressure in
the head. Sinusitis is diagnosed and treated by a doctor. Treatment
options may include medications.

1.3. Throat related problems

1.3.1. Vocal Cord Lesions
Vocal polyps and nodules are tumors that can occur in a variety of
situations: radiation therapy in the neck, hypothyroidism, voice
enhancement, or long-term sinusitis with frequent throat clearance,
drainage, and coughing. The first symptom of nodules and polyps is
usually hoarseness, which occurs when growth interferes with the flow of
air past the vocal cords. Treatment may include referral to a speech
therapist to advise on how to use your voice better. Sometimes surgical
removal may be indicated.

1.3.2. Leukoplakia
This refers to thick white patches of abnormal tissue, often caused by
chemical irritation of alcohol or tobacco smoke. Leukoplakia usually
causes no symptoms. Over time, it can turn into cancer of the voice box,
especially if you drink alcohol and smoke. If you have leukoplakia, you
will be tested for cancer and your doctor will advise you to stop
1.3.3. Thyroidectomy
Thyroidectomy is a surgical procedure that removes part or all of the
thyroid gland. A thyroidectomy can be performed when you have a nodule
(nodule) in your thyroid gland that could be cancerous. A thyroidectomy
can also be performed when the thyroid gland is overactive
(hyperthyroidism) and the drug has not allowed to control the problem.
Radioactive iodine and antithyroid medicine are generally effective, but
there are cases where surgery is the treatment of choice or the only
effective treatment. Ask your surgeon to talk to you about these
situations. The details of the procedure will be carefully described by
your doctor.

1.3.4. Heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Heartburn refers to the symptoms you experience when the acids in your
stomach flow back into the esophagus. The tube esophagus carries food
from your throat to your stomach. Heartburn that occurs often is called
gastroesophageal reflux disease. The symptom of heartburn is burning pain
in the lower part of the chest, usually near the bottom of the sternum.
Other symptoms that you may have are the sour taste in your mouth, and
the fullness of the stomach or bloating and belching. Usually, heartburn
can be diagnosed using your medical history. Additional tests can be used
to check for ulcers or other problems that may be causing your symptoms,
endoscopy, barium radiography and complete barium study. Reducing
symptoms of heartburn can be done by avoiding substances that make the
symptoms worse, by looking up in bed or using more than one pillow,
taking over-the-counter antacids. If the simple measures described above
do not relieve symptoms, your health care provider may prescribe
medication. Prescription drugs help reduce stomach acid and help with
gastric emptying. Very few people who do not receive medication may need

1.3.5. Tonsillectomy And Adenoidectomy

Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy is a surgical procedure performed to
remove adenoids and tonsils. Tonsils and adenoids help the body fight off
respiratory infections. However, they can be removed without changing the
body's ability to fight off the infection. Reasons for removing adenoids
and tonsils can include difficulty swallowing in because of the enlarged
tonsil, abscesses around one or both tonsils, frequent tonsils infections
and difficulty breathing at night due to enlarged tonsils.

2. Best ENT Hospital In India

We have listed some of the best hospitals in the ENT department in
various cities like Hyderabad, Chennai, Jaipur.
2.1. Best ENT Hospital In Hyderabad
2.1.1. Maa ENT Hospitals
Founded in 2001, MAA ENT has created the Alcove as the most conscientious
ENT center with affordable patient services, excellent state-of-the-art
technology and a competent team of physicians.
Today MAA is a leading ENT center in South India for the treatment of
disorders and infections of the throat, ear and nose with a record of
Thousands of patients across the state and the rest of the country have
benefited from their services. They are part of a small number of ENT
institutes recognized by the Andhra Pradesh Government for the
Aarogyasri-Healthcare Trust. Medical tourism has also helped foreigners
to benefit from our services.
MAA Hospitals Pvt. Ltd.,
H. No. 8-2-293/82/A/1266,
Road No. 36, Jubilee Hills,
Hyderabad – 500 033.

2. Asian ENT Care Centre

Asian ENT Care Center was established in Hyderabad, and the main
objectives are to keep abreast of developments in ENT field and
pioneering treatment methods that have not been available in India. Most
importantly, Asian ENT Hospital strives to introduce research-based
diagnostic and therapeutic ENT practices in India, and to make treatment
affordable and accessible to the masses.
First Floor, Zore Complex, Above Red Rose Restaurant,
Opp.NIMS, Panjagutta Main Road, Panjagutta,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

3. Dr.Sastry's ENT Care

Dr. K V S S R K Sastry has been serving and curing patients for over two
decades with a range of high quality ENT consultation services in and
around Hyderabad. His professional reputation ranks first among his
patients very satisfied.
Dr. Sastry's ENT Care
Nagarjuna Homes, Beside icici Bank,
Nizampet Road, Kukatpally,
Telangana - 500072

2.2. Best ENT Hospital In Chennai

1. Amrit Hospital
Amrit Hospital formerly known as Aswini Eye Clinic was founded in 1994 by
Dr. M. Sohanraj, an ophthalmologist and his wife, Dr. Vimala Sohanraj,
gynecologist. It is the first and only multi-specialty hospital that
offers the best surgical and medical care at an affordable price. They
have consultants of all specialties who visit hospital and treat patients
selflessly. They are committed to provide the best in health care.
Amrit Hospital
New No. 310, Mint Street Chennai- 600 079. Phone: 044 – 25295135/
25296786/ 25290468 / 25292661

2. Dr. Kamakshi Memorial Hospital

Dr. Kamakshi Memorial Hospital is one of the tertiary care hospitals

committed to providing modern scientific medical care to society with
international standards at an affordable cost. This super specialized
hospital provides services to cancer care, pediatric, cardiac, geriatric,
all divisions of trauma, etc. all under one roof - little of its kind in
India. The hospital is a pioneer not only in the advanced scientific
management of diseases but also in equipment with modern technologically
advanced gadgets such as apheresis, cyclotron, image guided radiotherapy
(IGRT), positron emission tomography (PET scan) etc.
1,Radial Road,
Pallikaranai, CHENNAI - 600 100.
Tamil Nadu,India
3. Chitras ENT Hospital
Chitras ENT Hospital has state of the art surgical diagnostic equipment.
The driving force behind this sophisticated hospital is Dr. Ch.
Krishnaiah. M.S., F.I.C.S. full time director.
30-C, Cathedral Garden Road,
Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034

2.3. Best ENT Hospital In Jaipur

1. Jain ENT Hospital
A humble beginning began in the year 2000 in a tree-like form and with
the advent of time, it became the largest private hospital in India
catering to exclusive ENT problems offering world-class services under
one roof .JAIN ENT Hospital is a super specialty hospital with general
OTs, semi-private, private, six modular and ICU
23-24, Satya Vihar Colony,
Pankaj Singhavi Marg, Nr. Vidhan Sabha,
Lal Kothi, Jaipur, Rajasthan (IN)

2. Adinath ENT & General Hospital

Adinath Hospital is a symbol of quality ENT care in Jaipur, Rajasthan,
with top quality services and a pioneering word. Adinath ENT Hospital
located in the heart of Jaipur is one of the largest private hospitals
dedicated to ENT problems, providing an innovative and effective surgical
and medical solution.
B-102 A, Udai Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan

3. Neha Maternity & ENT Hospital

The Neha Hospital is located at 72, Devi Nagar, 60 feet wide main road
connecting New Sanganer Road at 50 meters distance between Sodala on
Ajmer Road and Gurjar Ki Thadi. The hospital covers an area of 9,000 sq.
Ft. With all the latest equipment, a fully equipped operating room and
work room. ICU Laboratories and Audiometry of International Standard.
This is one of the hospitals in Jaipur that offers a comfortable
environment with a Para medical staff and team of competent doctors.
Metro Pillar 79, 72 Devi Nagar,
New Sanganer Road. Jaipur

3. Best ENT Specialist In India

We have listed some of the best ENT Specialists in various cities like
Hyderabad, Chennai, Jaipur.

3.1. Best ENT Specialist In Hyderabad

1. Dr. P. Padma
MBBS, DLO, DNB - Otorhinolaryngology
ENT/ Otorhinolaryngologist, 20 Years Experience
Dr. P. Padma is ENT, Otorhinolaryngologist in Hyderabad. She is an expert
in the field with an experience of 20 years. Dr. P. Padma practices at
Srikara Hospitals in Miyapur, Hyderabad and ENT Laser Clinic in Miyapur,
Hyderabad. She finished her MBBS from the MGM Institute of Health
Sciences, Bombay in the year 1989, DLO from Devi Ahilya Vishwa
Vidhyalaya, Indore in 1994 and DNB - Otorhinolaryngology from Jawaharlal
Nehru Medical College, Ajmer, Rajasthan in 1997.
She is a member of Indian Medical Association (IMA) and AICON. Some of
the services provided by the doctor are: Assessment of Hearing
Impairment, Parotidectomy, Thyroid Disorder, Labyrinthitis, Throat, Nose
and Ear Allergies etc.
Srikara Hospitals
222, Mythri Nagar, Phase II, Madinaguda, Landmark: Near Reliance Fresh,
Experience: 20Years
Mon - Sat
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Consultation Fee: Rs. 400

2. Dr. S Ravi Kumar

MBBS, MS - Otorhinolaryngology
ENT/ Otorhinolaryngologist, 17 Years Experience
Dr. S. Ravi Kumar, a popular ENT surgeon started the ENT hospital in
Hyderabad. He regularly updates his techniques and skills and is exposed
to the latest technological knowledge in the field of ENT.
Magnas V ENT Hospital
Chaitanyapuri Cross Road, Dilsukh Nagar, Landmark: Near Kalaniketan,
Experience: 17 Years
Mon, Wed - Sat
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Consultation Fee: Rs. 350

3. Dr. Nagendra Mahendra

MBBS, Diploma in Otorhinolaryngology (DLO), DNB - ENT
ENT/ Otorhinolaryngologist, 40 Years Experience
Nagendra Mahendra Clinic
Near Malakpet TV Towers, Honda Show Room, Saleem Nagar, Malakpet,
Landmark: Opp. Farhat Hospital., Hyderabad
Experience: 40 Years
Mon - Sat
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Consultation Fee: Rs. 400

3.2. Best ENT Specialist In Chennai

1. Dr. N. Ahilasamy
MBBS, MS - ENT, DNB - ENT, FRCS - General Surgery
ENT/ Otorhinolaryngologist, Head and Neck Surgeon, 20 Years Experience
Dr N. Ahilasamy was educated in ENT at Madras Medical College, Chennai in
1998 and completed DNB (National Board) in 1999. He was awarded a
scholarship from Edinburgh (United Kingdom) in 2003. He worked with
Prof.K.K. Ramalingam and Dr. Ravi Ramalingam managed outlying centers for
8 years before setting up his own center in 2006. He is also heads the
ENT department of Dr. Kamakshi Memorial Hospital and Kauvery Hospital,
Chennai. He has experience in managing rural and urban patients and has
conducted more than 550 free ENT clinics for all sections of society.
Ahilasamy ENT Centre
1, 2nd Street, Venkateshwara Nagar, Landmark: Velachery Bypass Road &
Near Lawrance & Mayo, Chennai
Experience: 20 Years
Mon - Fri
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
7:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Consultation Fee: 300

2. Dr. Dinesh Kumar A

MBBS, MS - Otorhinolaryngology
ENT/ Otorhinolaryngologist, 7 Years Experience
Dr. Dinesh Kumar A is ENT / Otorhinolaryngologist in Pallikaranai,
Chennai and has 7 years of experience in this field. Dr. Dinesh Kumar
practiced at Mint Hospital in Pallikaranai, Chennai, Dinesh ENT Clinic in
Velachery and Dr. Kamakshi Memorial Hospital in Adyar, Chennai. He
finished MS - Otorhinolaryngology from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health
Sciences, Bangalore, India in 2016 and MBBS from Vinayaka Mission
University Pondicherry in 2011.
Some of the services provided by the doctor are: voice surgery, throat
surgery, head and neck tumor surgery / cancer, micro ear surgery and sore
throat, Ear drum repair etc.
# New Number 298, Old No 54, Velachery Main Road, Landmark: Opposite to
Natesan Super Market, Near Post Office, Chennai.
Experience: 7 years
Mon - Sat
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Consultation Fee: 300

3. Dr. Govindaraj
DNB - ENT, Diploma in Otorhinolaryngology (DLO), MBBS
ENT/ Otorhinolaryngologist, 19 Years Experience
Dr. Govindaraj is a senior ENT consultant at Apollo Hospitals, Vanagaram,
Chennai. Specialized in oncology of the head and neck, micro-auricular
surgery, skull base surgery and endoscopic sinus surgery
Appasamy Hospital
23, Friends Avenue, Landmark: Near Anna Arch, Chennai
Experience: 19 Years
Mon - Sat

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Consultation Fee: 500

3.3. Best ENT Specialist In Jaipur

1. Dr. Prakash Mishra

ENT/ Otorhinolaryngologist, 36 Years Experience
Dr Prakash Mishra is ENT / Otorhinolaryngologist at Jaipur and has 36
years of experience in this field. Dr. Prakash Mishra practices at Apollo
Spectra Hospitals in Jaipur. He obtained his MBBS at the Sawai Mansingh
Medical College in Jaipur (SMS College) in 1977 and his MS - ENT at the
Sawai Mansingh Medical College in Jaipur (SMS College) in 2008.
He is a member of the Otologie Patrik Society, Paris, France, President
of the Association of Otolartngologistics of India 2009-10, Life Member
of the Otolartngologistics Association of India - 1990, Indian Society of
Otology and Indian Medical Association (IMA). He is well known for
following services: ear pain, hearing aids, foreign body in the throat,
nose, ears and eyes, weakening of speech and Thyroplasty etc.
Chamber - 1(Basement) , Madho Pearl Pride, 6- Vivekanand Marg, C- Scheme.
Landmark: Near OK Lab., Jaipur
Experience: 36 Years
Mon - Sat
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Consultation Fee: 300

2. Dr. Lovelish jain

ENT/ Otorhinolaryngologist, 18 Years Experience
Dr. Lovelish Jain is otologist / neurologist, Pediatric
Otorhinolaryngologist and ENT / Otorhinolaryngologist at Tilak Nagar,
Jaipur and has 18 years of experience in these areas. Dr. Lovelish Jain
practices at Aadinath ENT & General Hospital in Tilak Nagar, Jaipur. He
completed MS - ENT from Sawai Mansingh Medical College, Jaipur (SMS
College) in 1998 and MBBS from Sawai Mansingh Medical College, Jaipur in
He is a member of the Indian Medical Association (IMA). His well known
services are: neck infection treatment, laryngitis and head, sore throat,
mouth sores and sinusitis and polyps etc.
B-102A, Udai Marg, Tilak Nagar, Behind LBS Collage, Rajapark, Jaipur,
Experience: 18 Years
Mon - Sat
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Consultation Fee: 200

3. Dr. Raj Kumar Garg

ENT/ Otorhinolaryngologist, 43 Years Experience
Dr. Raj Kumar Garg is ENT / Otorhinolaryngologist in Mansarovar, Jaipur
and has 43 years of experience in this field. Dr. Raj Kumar Garg
practices at Anshu Hospital in Mansarovar, Jaipur. He completed the MBBS
of the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College in Ajmer in 1975 and MS - ENT of
the Sardar Patel Medical College in 1979.
He is a member of the Indian Society of Otology and the Jaipur Medical
Practioner Society. His Well known services are: Microsurgery of Larynx
and Cochlear Implants, Hearing Loss, Restorative Middle Ear Surgery, Head
and Neck Tumor / Cancer Surgery etc.
22/12/1, Swarna Path, Mansarovar, Landmark: Nera Swarn Path Chauraha.,
Experience: 43 Years
Mon - Sat
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Consultation Fee: 150

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