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Here is a graphic that, by its particular symbolism, acts on the body with a special focus on the chakras.

The supply
of energy and the stimulation of the different chakras will result in a considerably increased vitality of the subject.

If he is sick or recovering, the use of this chart will bring him to the point of healing more quickly, regardless of
current treatments. Not only will it bring the complementary energy, but it will also be a natural link with the other
treatments the patient enjoys, while minimizing their possible side effects.

Finally, this graphic will restore the balance of the entire body: little by little, each cell, so every element of our body
will start at the exact rate it is normally asked to act. It will follow a process that is usually called rejuvenation.

Place the witness in the center of the rosette and dowse to determine the time required for exposure. Point the
upper tip of the triangle to the north.

This chart should be used for energetic, and/or experimental research only. If medical or mental health care is
needed, please visit a licensed professional. Use it at your own risk.

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