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The life of Shakespeare

Q ) write short notes on William Shakespeare

‫السؤال فى امتحان الميدترم بيجى زى مانا كاتبه فوق كده هتكتبت عن حياه شكسبير بس طبعا اختصر مش‬
‫بالنص كده يعنى اهم النقط بتاعته انا كتبت نموذج صغير فى االخر لالجابه‬

William Shakespeare was born at Stratford – upon Avon in April , 1554 . the
official record in the parish church of Stratford has this baptism entry , for the
year 1564 : April 26th Gulielmus filius, Johonnes Shakespeare . since it was
the custom to have children baptized on the third day after birth . it would
seem that the date to be accepted as the poet`s birthday is April 23

‫ تم تعميد (طقس مسيحى يمثل دخول‬. 1564 ‫ولد ويليام شكسبير في ستراتفورد –ابون افون في أبريل عام‬
‫ حيث انه كانت‬. 1564 ‫ ابريل عام‬26 ‫االنسان المسيحيه) ويليام االبن رسميا فى كنيسه الرعيه فى ستراتفورد‬
23/4/1564 ‫ لذلك يبدو ان تاريخ ميالد ويليام يوم‬. ‫العاده تعميد الطفل بعد ميالده بثالث ايام‬
John Shakespeare , his father , lived in Henley street . he was a glover and
dealer in wool and other country produce . his mother , Mary Arden come
from an old Warwickshire family . William was the third child , and after his
birth five other were born
‫ كانت‬. ‫ كان صانع قفازات وتاجر صوف وغيرها من المنتجات االخرى‬. ‫عاش والده فى شارع هينلى‬ -
‫ اخوه اخرين بعد‬5 ‫ كان ويليام االبن الثالث وله‬. ‫والدته مارى اردين من اسره عريقه فى وروروكشى‬
(  ‫ يعنى‬8 ‫والدته (كانوا‬
The family lived in comfort when William was a child . his mother had
possessed a considerable estate . his father , when the child was five years
old , was elected to the office of high bailiff , or mayor . but this comfort was to
last for but a short time . in 1578 the father become involved in debt and
effected a mortgage of 10 upon his wife`s estate
‫ عندما كان عمره‬. ‫عاشت االسره فى راحه عندما كان وليام طفال فكانت والدته تمتلك مزرعه كبيره‬ -
1578 ‫ فى عام‬. ‫ ولكن هذه الراحه استمرت لفتره قصيره‬. ‫خمس سنوات انتخب والده لرئاسه البلديه‬
‫ عقارات من عقارات زوجته‬10 ‫ادين والده وكان من ضمن الرهن‬
very few facts are known about the boyhood of William . it is probably that
he attended the grammar "school at Stratford . Ben Jonson speaks of the
poet`s having acquired "little Latin and less Greek "from his writings .we
must conclude that he somewhere gained no inconsiderable classical
education . he quoted from Virgil , Horace , Terence and Seneca . one
may see in the museum at Stratford the desk that tradition says was
occupied by the boy
‫ ربما بسبب اهتمامه بالقواعد النحويه (فى مدرسه‬. ‫من المعروف حقائق قليله جدا حول طفوله ويليام‬ -
. ‫ تحدث بين جونسون حول اكتساب الشاعر القليل من االتينيه واليونانيه من خالل كتاباته‬.)‫ستراتفورد‬
‫ فهو يقتبس من من فيرجل وهوراس‬. ‫لذا فيجب ان نستنتج انه لم يكتسب اى تعليم كالسيكى يستهان به‬
‫ فيمكن للمرء رؤيه مكتب شكسبير وهو صبى فى ستراتفورد‬. ‫و تيرينس وسينيكا‬
In 1582 the boy of eighteen married Anne Hathaway , who was eight years
his senior , she lived in the little village of shottery , a mile away from
Stratford . her home is to-day in the hands of descendants and is a shrine
for many pilligrims
- In long two – storied house is approached by a paved path , bordered
by flower beds . the latticed windows peep from beneath the
overhanging thatch roof . the first child , susanna , was born in 1583
and the twins judth and hammet in 1585.
. ‫ تزوج الصبى ذات الثمانيه عشر بانى هاثواى والتى كانت تكبره بثمانى سنوات‬1582 ‫ فى عام‬-
‫يمتلك منزلها االن‬. ‫عاشت فى قريه صغيره من قرى شوترى والتى تبعد ميل من بلده ستارتفورد‬
‫ هناك منزل يتكون من طابقان يطل على طريق‬. ‫احفادها حيث اصبح مزارا للعديد من الزوار‬
‫ولدت الطفله االولى سوزانا‬. ‫ صرير الشبابيك تحت سقف القش المتدلى‬, ‫مرصوف ومحاط باالزهار‬
1582 ‫ والتؤمان جودث وهوميت فى‬1583 ‫فى عام‬
There are several traditions regarding youthful escapades of Shakespeare
, but little reliability can be replaced upon their truth . sir Thomas Lucy is
said to have had him whipped an account of the boy`s stealing of venison
and habits from his private park
‫ هناك العديد من التقاليد المتعلقه بمغامرات شباب شكسبير ولكن يمكن استبدال القليل من الصالبه فى‬-
It would seem that the year after his marriage Shakespeare went to
London where he become an actor . beginning in or very humble
capacity , he worked his way upward . at once he began the writing of
plays . it is agreed that his first play was love`s labor lost , which
appeared about 1591. He was then twenty – seven . for nineteen years
(1591-1610) he continued the writings of plays , the lost beings the
‫ فى البدايه وبكفاءه ضعيفه تقدم عمله‬. ‫ بعد عام من زواجه ' ذهب شكسبير الى لندن حيث اصبح ممثل‬-
"‫ فمن المتفق عليه ان اولى مسرحياته كانت "الحب مجهود ضائع‬. ‫ فى الحال بدا بكتابه المسرحيات‬.
‫ استمر فى كتابه مسرحياته لمده‬. ‫ عام‬27 ‫ كان حينذاك يبلغ من العمر‬. 1591 ‫والتى ظهرت عام‬
‫ العاصفه‬: ‫) حيث اكمل كتابه مسرحياته مثل‬1591-1610( ‫ عاما‬19
That he was a good actor seems beyond doubt . an old stage tradition
speaks of him as the original mercutio in Romeo and Juliet . he
become prosperous and was highly honored in London . this enabled
him to help his father in a court action and also to recover some of the
property that had formerly belonged to his mother , but which had
become heavily mortgaged
‫ حيث يتحدث عنه التراث القديم كشخصيه مركتيو االصليه‬. ‫ مما ال يدعو بالشك انه ممثل جيد‬-
‫ اصبح شكسبير ناجحا وتم تكريمه فى لندن مما مكنه من مساعده‬. )‫(شخصيه فى روميو وجوليت‬
‫والده فى رئاسه البلديه وايضا الستعاده بعض ممتلكات والدته التى كانت تمتلكها فى السابق ولكنها‬
‫مرهونه االن‬
The poet spent his last days after 1612 , in his old home village of Stratford .
here he had left his family when he went away to the city . he purchased new
place , one of the largest houses in the town . although he paid several visits
to the city . he spent most of the time quietly at home
‫ حيث ترك اسرته‬. ‫ فلى قريته القديمه فى ستراتفورد‬1612 ‫قضى الشاعر ايامه االخيره بعد عام‬ -
‫ حيث قضى‬. ‫عندما ذهب بعيدا عن اسرته واشترى مكانا جديدا واحدا من اكبر المنازل فى المدينه‬
‫معظم وقته بهدوء فى منزله‬

Shakespeare died on april 23,1616 and was buried in the Stratford

church . his wife and two daughters susanno and Judith , were living at
the time of his death
‫ودفن في كنيسة ستراتفور عاش كال من زوجته وابنتيه سوزانا‬1616 ،‫ أبريل‬23 ‫توفي شكسبير في‬
‫وجوديث في وقت وفاته‬


- William Shakespeare was born at Stratford – upon Avon in

April , 1564 the official record in the parish church of
Stratford has this baptism entry , for the year 1564 : April 26th
Gulielmus filius, Johonnes Shakespeare . . very few facts are
known about the boyhood of William . Ben Jonson speaks of
the poet`s having acquired "little Latin and less Greek "from
his writings. he married Anne Hathaway. after his marriage
he went to London where he become an actor , worked his
way upward . at once he began the writing of plays . it is
agreed that his first play was love`s labor lost , which
appeared about 1591. He was then twenty – seven . for
nineteen years (1591-1610) he continued the writings of
plays , the lost beings the tempest . Shakespeare died on
April 23,1616 and was buried in the Stratford church
‫ تم تعميد‬. 1564 ‫ ولد ويليام شكسبير في ستراتفورد –ابون افون في أبريل عام‬- -
‫(طقس مسيحى يمثل دخول االنسان المسيحيه) ويليام االبن رسميا فى كنيسه الرعيه فى‬
‫ فهناك القليل من الحقائق المعروفه عن طفوله‬.1564 ‫ ابريل عام‬26 ‫ستراتفورد‬
‫شكسبير تحدث بين جونسون حول اكتساب الشاعر القليل من االتينيه واليونانيه من‬
‫ تزوج من انى باثواى ثم ذهب الى لندن حيث اصبح ممثل وتقدم فى‬. ‫خالل كتاباته‬
‫ فان اولى مسرحياته (الحب مجهود ضائع) والتى‬. ‫ بدا فى كتابه مسرحيات‬. ‫عمله‬
‫ استمر فى كتابه‬. ‫ حيث كان فى ذلك الوقت فى السابعه والعشرين‬1591 ‫ظهرت عام‬
‫ العاصفه‬: ‫) حيث اكمل كتابه مسرحياته مثل‬1591-1610( ‫ عاما‬19 ‫مسرحياته لمده‬
‫ودفن في كنيسة ستراتفور‬1616 ،‫ أبريل‬23 ‫توفي شكسبير في‬

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