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Static CLING is a THING!!!

Name: _________________________________

Station One: Walling Around

Take a balloon and hold it against the wall and let go.

1. Does the balloon stay on the wall? Why do you think it does or doesn’t?

Now, rub the balloon against your hair. Try putting the balloon back against the wall, and let go.

2. Does the balloon stick to the wall now? What do you think changes about the balloon or

3. Draw the balloon and the wall and label what kind of charge (positive/negative) you
think they have.

Station Two: Record Cereal

Hold the record about 3 inches over the plate with the cereal.

1. Does anything happen to the cereal? If so, what happens?


Rub the record on the wool fabric quickly for 5 seconds. Now hold the record over the cereal. If
nothing happens, rub the record on the wool again and try again.

2. What happens to the cereal when you hold the record over it? What do you think

3. Draw what charge you think the record has, and what charge the cereal may have.
Station Three: Soda Can Race

1. Place a can on its side so it can roll freely. Hold a balloon near the can. Does anything

2. Rub the balloon on a piece of wool. Now hold the balloon towards the can. Does
anything different happen?

3. Draw your observations, and label each object with the charge you think it has.

Station Four: Combing Water

Turn on the tap slowly so that a steady stream of water flows. Hold a comb near this water.

1. Does anything happen between the water and the comb? Why or why not?

Rub the comb against a piece of wool fabric. Hold the comb near the water again. If nothing
happens, try rubbing the comb against the wool faster and test if you see a difference.

2. What do you think rubbing the comb against the wool does?

Draw your observations of the water and the comb, and determine if these objects have the same
charge or different charge.

Simple Circuit

Open Circuit

Closed Circuit



Series Circuit

Parallel Circuit

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