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Statement of Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives

The Vision states the institution hope to become in the future.

The MGO represents the hierarchy of aims of the institution. The mission reflects the
mandate/aim of the whole state university or state college.

The Goals are the aims at the hierarchical structure below the institutional level (the

college/institute/school); and the Objectives are the aims at the program level, i.e., what
the program

hopes to achieve.The SUC shall define its mission in accordance with its legal and
educational development mandate andthe thrusts of the government.

The program outcomes are the focus of program accreditation. These are the
competencies (knowledge

and skills), values and the other attributes, which the institution hopes their graduate
shall acquire

to enable them to compete for employment, locally and internationally.

Dissemination and Acceptability

It is expected that the institution disseminates, and works for the acceptance of the
Vision, Mission Goals and Objectives by the stakeholders. In order
to facilitate the awareness and acceptance, it is good practice that the faculty, non-
teaching staff, students, linkages, the community, and other stakeholders are
involved in the formulation, review and/or revisionof the VMGO. An outcomes-based
assessment will focus on the extent to which the program outcomes are attained.
Thus, there must be common understanding and acceptance of the end results of the
program by both the faculty and the students

C.Congruency of MGO Statement and Implementation

It should be demonstrated that the program objectives (outcomes) are consistent with
the College goals, and the College goals to the Mission of the Institution. On a long-term
perspective, the accomplishment of the Mission will lead to the realization of the Vison
of the Institution. The activities and projects that are carried out by the faculty and the
students should directly contribute toward the achievement of the program outcomes.
D.Documents and Additional Information/Exhibits

Documents or printed materials, which serve as data or provide information for the
Program Performance Profile, and others identified to belong to this area, should be
available at Accreditation Center. During the actual survey visit, additional informa
tion and exhibits may be added/presented to clarifyissues and concerns about the
program, as required by the visiting team to support the claims in the
written report.


All academic units of a University must have goals that are consistent with the University's vision and
mission; and all programs under an academic unit must have objectives that are consistent with the
goals of the academic unit. Every single transaction is justified only up to the extent that it realizes its
VMGO ( Castillo, 2014). The best justification that the VMGO were translated or realized in concrete
terms is the employability and productivity of its graduates.

Definitions of Terms
For the purpose of clarification, the following definitions were used throughout the
study. As presented by Gough (1997) and Athman and Monroe (2000), the
UNESCO Intergovernental Educationdefines the following environmenta
leducation terms as:

Environmental education
: a process of developing a world population that is aware of and concerned about
the total environment and its associated problems, and which has the knowledge,
skills, attitudes,motivations and commitment to work individually and collectively
toward solutions of current problems and the prevention of new ones.

: to acquire concern and sensitivity towards the environment and its

: to gain experiences anda basic understanding of the environment
and its problems.
: to acquire values, feelings of concern, and motivations towards the participation
of environmental improvement and protection.

The following terms used throughout the study are defined as:

: a construct of Bandura’s social-cognitive learning theory. As summarized by
Gredler (2001, p. 328), “perceived self-efficacy is the learner’s belief in
his or her capabilities to successfully manage situations.”

Environmental specialist
: An educator that coordinates the EE program in his/her school district and
represents their school in meetings with the school board as the EE coordinator.

: An educator that implementsa portion of the environmental curriculumin their
class.The educator may or may not be a science instructor.

: A volunteer participant chosen fromthe population of students in the 12grade in
Lee, Charlotte, and Hendry County public high schools.

: A parent is the corresponding authoritative representative, female or male,
responsible for the student.
: The evaluative questionnaire used to study the participant groups.

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