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(c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.


NACA/NASA and the National Unitary Wind
Tunnel Plan, 1945-1965

R.D. Launius
Downloaded by Steven Dunn on July 28, 2014 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.2002-1142

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Washington, D.C.

T.B. Irvine Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Cleveland, Ohio

E.A. Arrington
QSS Group, Inc.
Brook Park, Ohio

40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences

Meeting & Exhibit
January 14-17, 2002 Reno, NV
For permission to copy or republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Virginia 20191-4344
(c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.
AIAA 2002-1142

NACA/NASA and the National Unitary Wind Tunnel Plan, 1945-1965

R.D. Launius*
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Washington, DC

T.B. Irvine**
Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Cleveland, OH

E.A. Arrington***
QSS Group, Inc.
Brook Park, OH
Downloaded by Steven Dunn on July 28, 2014 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.2002-1142

Abstract Center operated hy the U.S. Air Force. Recently, the

state of the aeronautics industry and the availability/
Just at the conclusion of World War n the utilization of the existing suite of ground test facilities
National Advisory Committee for Aox>nautics (NACA) have both been the subject of intense scrutiny. Several
began efforts to advance the aerospace sciences through noteworthy facility assessments are reviewed and put
a high-speed/high altitude research program aimed at into the historic context of the Unitary Plan. A
revolutionizing flight To do so, the NACA recognized recommendation is made that legislation, similar to the
that it would need a host of new tools, especially wind National Unitary Wind Tunnel Act, offers the best
tunnels, enabling than to collect data on the transonic, chance to revitalize the nation's investment in
supersonic, and hypersonic flight regimes. At the same aoxmautics research and technology and the required
time flie United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) ground testing.
recognized a similar need and set out to establish its
own research facilities for high-speed flight. What The NACA and the Quest for a Supersonic
resulted from these separate and competing efforts was a Wind Tunnel
decision to assess the current state of aerospace research
tools in the United States and to fashion a unified effort The <<unitary wind tunnel" program1 originated
to meet the varying research needs of all constituencies as two independent—in fact competing—efforts
by building several new facilities. The National Unitary begun almost simultaneously by the United States
Wind Tunnel Act of 1949 addressed these needs, Army Air Forces and the NACA just at the end of
providing for NACA funds to build three new World War n. Indeed, some have suggested
supersonic wind tunnels at its laboratories, to upgrade that the efforts were complementary, seeking to gain
other NACA facilities, and to support selected facilities congressional attention for the same actions from
at educational institutions. It also provided funding for two separate federal agencies. Such does not seem to
what became the Arnold Engineering Development have been the case, however, as various
This paper is declared a work of the U.S. governmental bodies pursued their goals in this
Government and is not subject to copyright arena to the exclusion of the requirements of other
protection in the United States. interested organizations. Ultimately, compromise
* Member; Chief Historian, NASA. resulted and three new supersonic wind tunnels were
** Senior Member, AIAA; Supv. AST, built at NACA facilities, and a new capability was
Experimental Fac. Techniques, NASA Glenn. added at Tullahoma, Toinessee.
*** Associate Fellow, AIAA; Task Manager, QSS The NACA effort began in April 1945 with a
Wind Tunnel Test Engineering letter to the committee's director of research, George
W. Lewis, from an engineer at the Aircraft Engine
Copyright©2002 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Research Laboratory (AERL) in Cleveland. Bruce
Astronautics, Inc. No copyright is asserted in the United States under
Title 17, U.S. Code. The U.S. Government has a royalty-free license Ayer wrote because he believed that that laboratory
to exercise all rights under the copyright claimed herein for had not given "sufficient consideration" to the needs
Governmental Purposes. Al other rights are reserved by the of supersonic flight. Ayer recommended not only
copyright owner."

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(c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

AIAA 2002-1142

building new instruments for researching in this With the acceptance of this proposal at the
flight regime at existing NACA facilities, but also NACA, the die for the agency's future had been cast.
establishing an entirely new "Altitude and In essence, in a period of only nine months the new
Supersonic Research Laboratory" at a site near the supersonic laboratory had started as an interesting
recently completed Bonneville Dam on the Columbia but essentially unfeasible idea offered by a
River, where there would be ample water for cooling journeyman research engineer. It had gained support
and power generation.2 along the review process, and with its adoption
Ayer suggested that the advent of jet propulsion through the NACA committee structure a new
ensured that research problems for the foreseeable supersonic wind tunnel research facility had become
future would emphasize high-speed flight. Wind the cornerstone of the agency's plans for future
tunnels capable of operating in this flight regime aeronautical research.
would require enormous amounts of power, far
beyond the capacity of existing facilities. These USAAF and the Need for High Speed Aircraft
facilities would also need to be located in areas
where they would not disturb businesses and At the same time, the Army Air Forces had
residences. All of these requirements pointed toward also been working quietly on a proposal remarkably
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the need to create an entirely new research center. similar to that of the NACA. Sensing that the NACA
Ayer received a polite and non-committal was already on to something important for the
response from Lewis, but not until the following future, and seeing firsthand the German research
summer when NACA representatives returned from facilities under construction at the end of the war, in
Germany did the need for new wind tunnels win June 1945 the USAAF began developing their own
support at NACA headquarters. When first viewed proposal to support research for a new generation of
in 1945, the 100,000-horsepower water-driven jet fighters that would revolutionize aerial combat.
supersonic wind tunnel built by the Germans just The Army Air Forces investigated the need for new
outside Munich greatly impressed the NACA supersonic research facilities informally at Wright
representatives, as did a planned 500,000- Field until October 1945, and then established a
horsepower tunnel designed to produce airspeeds formal committee to prepare plans for an "air
between Machs 7 and 10. In a November 7, 1945, engineering development center." On December 10,
memorandum to NACA headquarters, AERL 1945, the USAAF published a formal plan and sent
director Edward Sharp concluded, "the utilization of it through Army Air Forces and War Department
water power for wind tunnel drive appears to be the channels in search of support.6
only feasible method for large supersonic wind At the beginning of 1946, then, the NACA and
tunnels." He recommended that the NACA contact the U.S. Army Air Forces each had concrete plans
the Federal Power Commission and the Reclamation for new research centers, both necessitated by the jet-
Service "with a view to determining the best propulsion revolution and both stimulated by the
locations for future laboratory sites at which would discovery of advanced facilities in Germany. In both
be located all of the future large supersonic tunnels instances, these responded to perceptions that
to be built by this country." He commented that "the aeronautical research capabilities in the United
Committee should at once take steps to preempt this States were behind those of Europe. The NACA and
field of high-speed research and an aggressive and the USAAF, therefore, were scrambling to catch up.
vigorous policy should be adopted in the interest of The NACA, not wanting to lose this
keeping America first in scientific development opportunity to advance supersonic flight
along these lines."3 technology—in the same way that it had with the jet
Sharp received a positive response from NACA propulsion revolution of the early 1940s—pursued
headquarters and a charter to open negotiations with the effort with diligence. The Army Air Forces,
the Reclamation Service. He learned that Boulder concerned that the NACA might be unable to make
Dam near Las Vegas offered an excellent site for a the rapid advances the military desired and at a
new facility.4 Sharp presented his proposal to the fundamental level wanting a "piece of the action" for
NACA High Speed Panel in December 1945, and itself, was equally tireless.7 Both started as rivals in
after further preparation again in January 1946, and the unitary wind tunnel plan, only to be forced into
received that group's endorsement. When Sharp cooperation through an intense political process.
reported on progress in February 1946, the new
facility had been given a name, the Supersonic Rivalry
Research Center.5

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(c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

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Exactly when each the NACA and US AAF NACA plan. The NACA could save the situation,
proponents learned of the plans of the other is not but speed was of the essence, for "the high-powered
clear, but many people believe that working level and high-pressure presentation of the Army's
engineers from both organizations were talking to proposal [was] such as to lead laymen and
each other and coordinating their efforts. At the congressmen to jump at it."11
October 1945 meeting of the NACA, General of the The NACA leadership acted quickly. Within
Army Hap Arnold mentioned that several agencies days they decided to send to key industry and
wanted supersonic research facilities. The subject government personnel their own proposal for a
was also discussed at the December 17, 1945, supersonic research center. They asked for comments
meeting of the NACA's Executive Committee, where by the time of the next meeting of the NACA
both NACA and USAAF reported on their interest in Executive Committee on April 25. A separate memo
developing supersonic research facilities. went to Edwin Hartman in the Western Coordination
These discussions prompted Edward Sharp in Office, asking him to get what response he could
Cleveland to ask a friend at Wright Field, Ohio, from industry. Hartman replied on April 29 that "the
about the details of the USAAF plan. He learned that companies had agreed among themselves, to give out
the Army Air Forces' proposed center would no information regarding their individual feelings
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probably be located in the Rocky Mountains, would toward the NACA proposal until a joint statement
include five tunnels—one of which could achieve had been prepared and submitted to the NACA
speeds in excess of mach 8—and would cost about through the AIA."12
$100 million. Armed with this information, NACA Unfortunately, the industry could not agree to
committee member Jerome C. Hunsaker suggested support publicly the NACA proposal. They failed to
that the two organizations seek to work together on agree among themselves on how research should be
their plans. Hunsaker wrote that these facilities divided between industry, the NACA, the military
"obviously cannot be duplicated for all the services, services, and various educational institutions. They
and that the same tools must be used by all."8 also failed to agree on how to choose between the
Hunsaker tried to achieve unity on the matter at USAAF and NACA proposals, on where new
an NACA Executive Committee meeting held March laboratories might be located, and on how to ensure
21, 1946. He urged development of a single that industry had adequate facilities for its own
"National Supersonic Research Center...adequate to developmental work. What they did agree to was an
meet the needs of industry and of the military independent review panel that would help merge the
services." The army and navy representatives agreed two proposals into a cohesive supersonic wind tunnel
that such a project should be large enough to meet plan.13
future needs of the services, and joined in
recommending that the staff prepare a supplemental The Raymond Panel
estimate to be considered at the next meeting.9
On the next day, however, General Curtis E. Convergence of the two proposals became
LeMay, recently appointed to the new office of essential for the effort to have much chance in
Deputy Chief of Air Staf£ Research, and Congress. At the April 25, 1946, meeting of the
Development, entered the offices of the Aircraft NACA, the Committee appointed Arthur E.
Industries Association (AIA) and presented what Raymond of Douglas Aircraft Corporation chair of a
amounted to a "sales pitch," complete with slick special panel chartered to merge the two proposals
brochures, for what would become the Air into a single package acceptable to all concerned. In
Engineering Development Center. His estimated June 1946 Raymond's panel recommended a unitary
price tag was $500 million. That estimate surprised wind tunnel plan incorporating the main features of
industry and AIA personnel, who recognized that the rival proposals, a national supersonic research
LeMay's scheme was so expansive "that it could be facility for the NACA, and an air engineering
done only once" and feared that the NACA, their development center for the Army Air Forces. The
first choice to run such a facility, was in danger of principal addition recommended by the Raymond
being cut out of the effort.10 panel was a provision for wind tunnels at
The AIA suggested that the NACA quickly call universities, both to allow independent testing and
a meeting with key government and industry research and to serve as training tools for the
representatives and present its own plan for engineers of the future.14
providing supersonic facilities for the whole country. The estimated $2 billion effort Raymond's
Presumably the industry was prepared to endorse an panel had recommended, which most believed was

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(c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

AIAA 2002-1142

still not enough to do everything, appeared to many American defense policy in the face of an
advocates as a "poison pill" for the whole effort.15 escalating cold war.
Always a voice of reason, Hugh L. Dryden of the 2. National Research and Development Board:
National Bureau of Standards recommended an Sought to reconcile the enormous expense of
approach to supersonic facilities less aggressive than this unitary wind tunnel proposal with other
those advocated by the NACA and the Army Air worthy priorities.
Forces. Commenting on the report of the Raymond 3. United States Air Force: Sought to ensure
panel in 1946, Dryden wrote: continued supremacy of American air power, a
I believe that this plan answers any superiority that rested on technical advances
foreseeable demands of the next twenty years, produced by intensive research and
but there are some doubts in my mind as to development. They could afford to be second to
whether the 8 ft and 15 ft supersonic and the none, but could they entrust that responsibility
large hypersonic facilities should be built on to any other organization.
the time schedules proposed. If our diplomatic 4. United States Navy: Also sought to ensure
and military leaders feel that a new war is so continued supremacy of American air power, but
imminent that active technical preparations also was increasingly concerned about its power
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should be expedited, the whole program should within a defense establishment where an army-
be prosecuted vigorously. If this is not the case, air force alliance seemed a real threat.
ordinary engineering prudence would dictate 5. Bureau of the Budget: Wanted to coordinate the
that some operating experience be accumulated proposals so as to prevent interagency rivalry.
in the five large supersonic tunnels now under 6. Congress: Spoke with multiple voices, as it had
construction before building facilities of a in the past and would in the future, seeking to
different order of magnitude. The fact that no ensure an appropriate defense posture while
other nation has facilities or so far as known is failing to define what was appropriate, and as
even contemplating facilities remotely always searching for duplication and waste.
approaching those already undo: construction 7. NACA: Wanted to regain its role in fundamental
in this country and that the Germans designed research and dominate the new field of
the V-2 and other supersonic missiles on the supersonic research.
basis of tests in a 1.3 ft intermittent supersonic 8. Industry: While speaking with multiple voices,
wind tunnel appear to me to justify some it wanted to protect its development prerogatives
degree of conservatism.16 against encroachment by government agencies
Dryden's reservations about the Raymond plan and at the same time gain access to facilities
did not necessarily convince the NACA and the built at government expense,18
USAAF of the need to restructure grandiose plans, These major groups were neither monolithic
but a similar skepticism from Congress eventually nor mutually exclusive, and members of one were
led to legislation more in keeping with his concerns. often also members of another of the remaining
When Dryden became director of the NACA in 1947 seven. Sometimes dedicated scientists, such as
he also served as a conduit for iurther convergence Theodore von Karman, were also business leaders,
on the details of the plan, and a reduction in size of as he was for a time in the Aerojet General Corp.
the effort. Some advocates from the military, such as Air Force
Scientific Advisory Board chair Vannevar Bush, also
Key Interest Groups in the Debate over the served on the NACA and the National Research and
Unitary Wind Tunnel Act Development Board. All of these actors, regardless
of their membership in other interest groups, were
Even with a convergence of proposals through often adamant cold warriors. The interplay of the
the Raymond study in 1946, the steps leading to individuals making up these various groups created a
passage of the Unitary Wind Tunnel Plan Act of climate in which passage of the National Unitary
1949 were intricate.17 The interested parties each Wind Tunnel Act was difficult but certainly possible.
had their own perspectives, priorities, and political That was true largely because everyone wanted
interests. Eight principal entities were dominant in something done. The public policy debate, therefore,
the act's passage. was over the substance and the amount appropriated
1. Joint Chiefs of Staff: Attempted to decide where for supersonic wind tunnels rather than on whether
air power and guided missiles would fit into or not to build them. What had to take place,
however, was to find a way to negotiate the

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(c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

AIAA 2002-1142

differences between the needs of the NACA, the and to define the research agenda of a host of
military, and the aerospace industry. Each had its professional disciplines.20
own perspective. Each of these groups was initially empowered by the
The NACA believed that it had the necessary government and in turn sought to effect its direction.
expertise as well as the responsibility for conducting Their loose alliance created a critical mass in favor
all fundamental supersonic research for the nation. of passing the National Unitary Wind Tunnel Act of
The military services believed that they had to ensure 1949.
their readiness for any military threat the United The key interest groups jockeyed for position as
States might face, and that could well involve the policy debate took place in Washington. Refusing
responsibility for whatever research might be at first to work for compromise, they emphasized the
necessary to meet that threat. They nominally agreed need to give each competitor everything requested.
that their proper field was testing and evaluation, but Leaders on the House Armed Services Committee
the line between development and evaluation was no recognized these rivalries for what they were,
more distinct than the NACA's line between concluding that many of the same "conditions which
research and development. Squeezed between them previously led to our taking second place in the race
was an industry that feared encroachment by two for more advanced aeronautical weapons [in World
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arms of government on the area it insisted on War II] may still be present today and that the
holding exclusively—product development. Unable existence of such conditions can lead to a repetition
or unwilling to build expensive supersonic tunnels, of our earlier experience-possibly with more
industry wanted the government to pay for the disastrous consequences."21 Only through concerted
tunnels and then make them available to industry— effort by Congress, especially its staffers, did the
either at government laboratories or at universities— various groups agree to the act as finally hammered
where tunnels might serve dual purposes of training out in 1949.
and testing.
Convergence of these differing priorities, The Legislation
which everyone knew would be required for anyone
to obtain any new research tools, involved several The National Unitary Wind Tunnel Plan Act of
compromises. First, they agreed that NACA should 1949 consisted of two titles. Title I authorized $136
receive supersonic research tunnels that it would million for the NACA to build three new supersonic
operate. Second, tunnels for industry would be wind tunnels, one at each of its existing laboratories,
situated at universities or at government laboratories and $10 million to build tunnels at educational
where they would be clearly earmarked for institutions. The tunnels to be built at the NACA
developmental work. Third, the Air Force should laboratories were to be shared with industry 'Tor
gain tunnels for the military. Finally, some existing testing aircraft and guided missiles under
NACA laboratories would get still more tunnels development by industry." The committee report
earmarked for industry's developmental work. emphasized, "It is absolutely essential that tests be
Everyone understood that some NACA research scheduled and conducted in accordance with
would spill over into development, as would some industry's requirements and the laboratory time be
military evaluation, but there would be plenty of allocated with proper emphasis upon the
latitude to work out boundaries and requirements of the various contractors engaged in
responsibilities.19 the development of new types of military aircraft for
In some respects these relationships reflect the the services." Title II provided for an Air
dynamics that Brian Balogh cumbersomely labeled Engineering Development Center, allocating $100
the "proministrative state," a union of government, million to this construction effort. The committee
university, political, and business elites that allotted this sum with the understanding that future
developed policy aimed at furthering their respective construction would be necessary to expand the
agendas. "Armed with unprecedented organizational center.22
resources," Balogh concluded, Several important points should be made
the Federal government emerged from World concerning the final legislation. First, the effort to
War n as a formidable political actor in its own obtain legislation for supersonic research facilities
right. It not only responded to well-organized was successful. While the process was neither
interest groups, it now had the capacity to straightforward nor without pain, the end result was
create them. It not only had access to vast a political decision to expend significant resources
networks of expertise, it helped to create them for new supersonic wind tunnels. Second, at virtually

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(c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

AIAA 2002-1142

every step of the review and authorization process, the debate toward a centrist position. Such a process
the National Unitary Wind Tunnel Plan had to be cut is basically government by a large committee, and in
back. While unfortunate for the organizations it all give up what they passionately believe, so that
seeking these new facilities, the discipline involved they can dispassionately agree about something none
in multiple reviews, in-depth negotiations between of them believe.
communities with different ideas on the subject, and This debate was the first instance in which the
interagency ''murder boards" that looked for NACA had ever been forced to participate in this
weaknesses in the plan and arguments for its type of political decision-making process for an
necessity served the public decisionmaking process expensive and far-ranging initiative. Other federal
well. Third, not surprisingly and indeed most of the agencies were seasoned veterans in the political give
time in the history of flight, the industry enjoyed a and take of Washington, and accomplished their
significant level of influence in shaping this duties within a framework that required cagey
legislation.23 partisan activity. The challenges and competition
In the end, the legislation gave everyone some between them and their leaders ensured that in most
but not all of what it wanted. The House Armed instances middle-courses were agreed upon. Because
Services Committee suggested in its report on the of this environment, the ability to navigate the
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legislation's hearings that it would be inappropriate labyrinth of the Washington political community
to "place the bulk of our aeronautical research eggs was a hard-won and highly-prized skill within the
in one basket—the NACA basket. Even the most federal government.26 As a result the NACA was not
competent and best qualified scientists and research forced to operate in this political arena in anything
workers can always profit from the stimulating approaching the intensity of most other federal
effects of healthy outside competition."24 Concerning agencies.
the Air Force's role in this legislation, congressional The National Unitary Wind Tunnel Act was
leaders added, "A serious question may very well be based on what was then known about the political,
raised as to whether the military may not be stepping economic, social, and technological issues raised at
outside of its proper sphere when it enters into the the time. It was informed by the realities felt by those
arena of research as distinguished from development involved in the process. It was an example of
and evaluation." heterogeneous engineering, which recognizes that
The committee then presented an informed technological issues are simultaneously
commentary on the "Differentiation between organizational, economic, cultural, and political.
Research, Development, and Evaluation." It assigned These interests often clash in the decision-making
the first responsibility to the NACA and private process as difficult calculations have to be made.
institutions, the second to industry, and the third to What perhaps should be suggested is that a complex
the military. It concluded that "the services, by their web or system of ties between various people,
very nature and organization and the training of institutions, and interests brought forward the
their personnel, are not well qualified to, undertake National Unitary Wind Tunnel Act of 1949.27 These
activities in the fields of research and development came together to make it possible to build a set of
as distinguished from evaluation."25 supersonic wind tunnels that satisfied the majority of
the priorities brought into the political process by the
So What? various parties concerned with the issue at the time
but that left others untamed, most of which arose
This debate over the National Unitary Wind later. What resulted from these separate and competing
Tunnel Act of 1949, and by extension the nature of efforts was a decision to assess the current state of
supersonic research and development in the United aerospace research tools in the United States and to
States, led to complex political interaction and fashion a unified effort to meet the varying research
eventually a decision to proceed with a program far needs of all constituencies by building several new
different from what any of the advocates had facilities.
originally envisioned. In this political process the
extreme positions were identified and compromised The Wind Tunnels
to a middle ground so that a majority of decision-
makers could live with the outcome. Competing The Unitary Plan as implemented by the
people, positions, institutions, and interest groups NACA and by the Army Air Force included five
haggled over a myriad of specific issues. While there wind tunnel complexes, one each at the three NACA
was not a clear-cut winner, the negotiation moved Laboratories and two wind tunnels plus an engine

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(c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

AIAA 2002-1142

test facility at what would eventually become known drive system. At the Ames Aeronautical Laboratory,
as the Arnold Engineering Development Center two supersonic research wind tunnels were
(AEDC). These ground test facilities were built and constructed. These included the 1 X 3 ft. SWT that
operated to meet the needs of industry, the military operated to a maximum test section airspeed of Mach
services and other government agencies. Primarily, 2.2. A larger 6 X 6 ft. supersonic research tunnel
these organizations needed large, or as near to flight was also constructed at Ames. This tunnel is notable
as possible, Reynolds Number (Rn) testing of as it was the first large supersonic tunnel that made
supersonic aircraft and missiles and high speed/high use of the asymmetric supersonic nozzle (see figure
altitude testing of engines. la) that would be successfully used in several of the
During World War H, the United States had yet to be designed Unitary Plan Wind Tunnels. It
developed weapons, including the atomic bomb, but also contained for purposes of flow visualization a 50
lacked advanced weapon delivery systems. The in. Schlieren window system. Tests performed in the
necessary systems required that the government and Ames tunnels included research on wing shapes,
industry perform extensive research and dynamic stability, aircraft control, panel flutter and
development of airplane propulsion systems and air inlet design. At the Lewis Flight Propulsion
swept wing aircraft, as well as long-range rocket and Laboratory a large 8 X 6 ft. transonic wind tunnel
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guided missile technologies. In these areas, the with the capability to operate at test section .airspeeds
United States lagged behind Europe, and especially from Mach 0.4 to 2.0, was built for testing aircraft
Germany. Entirely new wind tunnel capability was power plants and was operational by 1949. This
required to take these systems from concept to design wind tunnel was an open circuit tunnel whore the air
to fabrication and assembly. At the time, however, was vented to atmosphere in order to dispose of the
the significant technical obstacle to high speed engine combustion products.29
research in wind tunnels was the choking affect as Through the design of these supersonic wind
test section airspeeds approached Mach 1.0. tunnels, NACA engineers perfected their
Breakthroughs at the NACA laboratories, including understanding of the differences between supersonic
the creative use of expanding nozzles and of slotted and subsonic wind tunnels. Some of these
wall test sections, made possible the large scale differences included the wind tunnel nozzle design
supersonic wind tunnel technology envisioned by upstream of the test section, the energy losses in the
authors of the Unitary Plan Act. wind tunnel circuit and the required cleanliness and
dryness required to successfully operate wind tunnels
Precursor Facilities at supersonic speeds. Lessens learned by NACA
engineers in the operation of these five supersonic
Prior to the availability of supersonic wind research wind tunnels at the three NACA sites laid
tunnel capability, high speed research was done the groundwork for that organization's future
primarily by one of two methods. The first, known successes in designing and building the Unitary Plan
as the 'Tailing-body technique," required dropping Wind Tunnels.
models from high altitude bomber aircraft Data was
transmitted to the ground via radio-telemetry. The New Tunnels
second method was to use solid propellant rockets to
achieve supersonic speeds. This method, for the As mentioned previously the plans being
most part, limited researchers to the study of forwarded by the various interested parties in the
aerodynamic shapes.28 nation's supersonic ground testing capability were
In order to address the need for supersonic wide ranging in scope and magnitude. One plan
ground test capability and prior to the Unitary Plan envisioned a complex of up to 33 large transonic,
Act becoming law, the NACA had committed to the supersonic and hypersonic wind tunnels to be built at
construction of five supersonic wind tunnels located NACA sites, an Air Force Center, industry and
at it's various research laboratories. At the Langley academia. What was finally built was less expansive
Aeronautical Laboratory, a 9 in. supersonic tunnel in scope and reflected the political and budgetary
was operating, in which much of the pioneering realities discussed previously. Under the Unitary
research on swept wing drag reduction was Plan Act, a large supersonic wind tunnel was
performed. Langley also committed to designing constructed at each of the three NACA sites and the
and building a 4 X 4 ft. supersonic research wind Air Force was authorized to go forward with
tunnel. This tunnel would become operational in construction of the Air Engineering Development
1948 following installation of 45,000 horsepower Center.

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(c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

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The business management of the NACA wind

Air Engineering Development Center tunnels was retained at NACA Headquarters, while
the technical management was delegated to the
Initially, the plans for AEDC included two 16 laboratories. Business management responsibilities
ft. supersonic wind tunnels, a jet engine altitude included facility/test schedules, responding to
chamber, an aeronautics laboratory and the requests for testing and cost estimating and billing.
necessary support facilities. AEDC was dedicated by Technical management included facility operations
President Truman on June 25, 1951. The first and maintenance, test support equipment/facility-to-
facilities at AEDC included an engine test facility, test model template management, and dissemination
the Gas Dynamics Facility, later renamed in honor of of facility technical performance information. All
Theodore von Karman, and the Propulsion Wind tests performed in the wind tunnels were conducted
Tunnel Complex.30 under NACA supervision provided by the
The Engine Test Facility made extensive use of laboratories.
captured German and Japanese WWII vintage The NACA distinguished between the types of
equipment. It was designed for turbojet and ramjet tests being conducted in the Unitary Plan Wind
testing. It operated at pressures equivalent to 80,000 Tunnels as being either "Company Projects" or
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ft. altitude and at temperatures down to -125 °F. It "Government Projects." The priority assigned to a
included three separate test chambers. The Gas given test activity, a company's access to the wind
Dynamics Facility was designed for test and tunnels, and the fees associated with the tests were
evaluation of aircraft and guided missiles through dependent on the type of tests being performed. The
the supersonic and hypersonic range. Initially, there master schedule of the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnels
were two test sections both with adjustable nozzles. was maintained by NACA Headquarters and was
The transonic leg of the Propulsion Wind Tunnel released on the 20th day of each month for the
was constructed with money from the original succeeding six month period.
Unitary Plan appropriation. The construction of the Company tests were defined as work for
supersonic leg required additional appropriated industry on projects not undo* contract to the
funds at a later date. The purpose of the PWT was government or not supported by a letter of intent
for testing of full-scale, operating ramjet and turbojet from a Government Agency. This category also
powerplants. The size of the PWT test sections, both included tests related to a government project that
16 X 16 ft., also allowed for testing of full-scale was beyond the scope of test requested by the
components of aircraft and missiles. government. Sixty working days per NACA facility
The performance parameters of the PWT, were set aside for company tests, in four, 15 day
including test section size, total temperature, speed blocks. No more than 15 days in a given facility was
range, pressure altitude and dynamic pressure and allocated to any single company. Priority was
Reynolds Number (Rn) are shown in Table 1 along established via order of test request receipt.
with data for the NACA wind tunnels31'32. A Previously scheduled time for a given company was
schematic of the PWT is shown in figure 2. also considered. The company defined the test
objective and program. The only non-negotiable
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics constraints on the test program were personnel and
facility related safety requirements.
The NACA constructed three supersonic wind The fees associated with a company test were
tunnels as part of the initial Unitary Plan comprised of an occupancy charge (ranging from
appropriation. These included the Ames $25,000 to $35,000, depending on the fecility of
Aeronautical Laboratories Unitary Plan Wind choice), electric power, data reduction and report
Tunnel with three test sections including the 11X11 preparation, and special charges associated with
ft. transonic test section, a 9 X 7 ft. supersonic test propulsion testing (fuel usage, open loop operations
section and an 8 X 7 ft. supersonic test section. At expenses). A company had access to the test facility
the Langley Aeronautical Laboratory, a Unitary Plan 24 hours a day but only one, 8 hour shift was
Wind Tunnel was constructed with two 4 X 4 ft. dedicated to actual testing. The myriad conditions
supersonic test sections. At the Lewis Flight associated with performing company tests in NACA
Propulsion Laboratory, a 10 X 10 ft. Supersonic wind tunnels, such as delays, cancellations, billing,
Wind Tunnel was erected. and damages, were defined in "Regulations for
Development Work for Industry in NACA Wind

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Tunnels and Engine Test Facilities," Federal from the NACA for use in the tunnels. Pressure
Register, Vol. 19, No. 178, Sept. 14, 1954. measurements were taken via a manometer. A
Government projects were defined as industry Schlieren system was installed in the test section
work being done under contract with, or letter of wall with a 49 in. diameter field of view and a 9 X 9
intent from, the government. There were no fees in. aerial camera was available for photographing
passed on to industry for this type of test. Two the shock waves. A force data readout system was
management groups decided priority and test time available to record strain-gage and other electrical
allocation for government projects. These groups signal output.
were the "Aircraft and Missiles Projects Allocation The operating characteristics of the Langley
Group" and the "Propulsion Projects Allocation UPWT are found in Table 1. The average power
Group," One representative from each of the Air costs to run the Langley UPWT was $15/M-hr.33
Force, the Navy, the Army and the NACA sat on
these groups. Scheduling of tests and due The Ames Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
consideration of priorities also fell under the purview
of these groups.33 The Ames Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
represented a continuing commitment on the part of
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The Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel (UPWT) the NACA to update it's inventory of wind tunnels
in order to provide the U.S. aerospace industry with
The purpose of the Langley UPWT was for the advanced testing facilities. The Ames UPWT was
aerodynamic development of high-speed missiles. used extensively by the west coast aerospace
As such, the test section size could be limited to 4 ft. industry, including Boeing and Douglas Aircraft, to
by 4 ft. Missiles were tested for high speed improve cruise efficiencies and enhance landing
performance, stability and control, maneuverability, performance. The Ames UPWT has contributed
jet-exhaust effects and other miscellaneous equally to the development of aircraft and manned
performance factors. The construction of the spacecraft. Construction of this complex started in
Langley UPWT was completed in 1955. Basic 1950 and was completed in 1955.35
experimental fluid-mechanics research that gave rise The Ames Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel is
to methods for predicting supersonic aerodyanamic comprised of three test sections including the 11 X
performance were a staple of the Langley UPWT.34 11 ft. transonic leg that operates from Mach 0.7 to
Development test of nearly every supersonic 1.4, the 9 X 7 ft. supersonic leg that operates from
airplane, missile and spacecraft, including such Mach 1.4 to 2.6, and the 8 X 7 ft. supersonic leg that
aircraft as the F-4 Phantom, the X-15 and the F-l 11 operates from Mach 2.4 to 3.5. The air speed in all
were performed here.29 three test sections is continuously variable over the
The Langley UPWT is comprised of two test ranges given. Initially, plans called for building a
sections, both 4 ft. (h) X 4 ft. (w) X 7 ft. (1). Test single wind tunnel with an 8 ft. test section.
section 1 operates in the airspeed range from Mach However, over the desired airspeed range, this did
L5 to 2.9 at maximum stagnation pressure of 60 not prove to be practical. In the end, three test
psia. Test section 2 operates in the airspeed range sections were constructed in order to best simulate
from 2.3 to 5.0 at maximum stagnation pressure of the entire range of aircraft and missile flight. At
150 psia. Both test section have upstream transonic airspeeds, the wall reflected shocks require
asymmetric sliding block nozzles. The tunnel that the model be smaller in scale or that the tunnel
stagnation pressure and temperature are controlled be larger. This requirement leads to the design
independently. A schematic of the Langley UPWT requirement that the compressors required to achieve
is shown in figure 3. transonic and supersonic flow are much different.
Model support systems were designed to Therefore, a decision was made to build three test
accommodate the extreme range of orientations that sections. The airflow in the supersonic test sections
missiles transition through during normal flight. is driven by a shared 11-stage axial-flow compressor.
The models installed in the wind tunnel are The airflow in the transonic test section is driven by
supported by a string/horizontal strut system. The a 3-stage axial flow compressor. Both compressors
angle of attack (AoA) range using the standard are coupled to a common 4 electric motor, 100,000
configuration is ±20°. Pressure measurements and hp drive system. Each test section has it's own
electrical leads were available through the strut. A stand-alone control room. A schematic of the tunnel
set of internal strain-gage balances were available is shown in figure 4.

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The test section of the transonic leg of the tunnel circuit prior to returning through the air
complex is 11 ft. X 11 ft. X 22 ft. long. Slotted walls compressor. A schematic of the tunnel is shown in
were used in this test section to control the shock- figure 5.
wave reflection. A flexible wall nozzle is located Because the requirements for testing full scale
upstream of the test section. Continuous variation of supersonic jet engines are restrictive, especially with
the test section airspeed is accomplished via regards to air density, temperature and humidity, the
compressor speed and flex wall positioning. The auxiliary equipment of the 10X10 posed a challenge
nozzle of the 9X7 supersonic test section is the to it's designers. The main components of the 10 X
asymmetric sliding block type whereas the nozzle of 10 ft. supersonic wind tunnel included the air dryer
the 8X7 test section is the flex-wall type. building in which air was dryed to a dewpoint of-
Continuous Mach number variation is accomplished 40°F, an exhauster to reduce the air density in the
via positional variation of the fixed contour block or tunnel for start-up, the flexible wall nozzle that was
the flex wall. Provisions were made in both test made of two 10 ft. high by 76 ft. long by 1 3/8 in.
sections for flow field imaging via Schlieren thick stainless plates actuated by hydraulically
equipment with circular coverage of up to 4.22 ft. operated screwjacks (fig. Ib), the test section, a
(dia.). second nozzle-type throat that reduced the test
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The model support systems in all three test section Mach no. prior to the normal shock wave so
sections were sting-mounted models on traversing as to reduce power requirements, a primary 8 stage
struts. The string to model attachment used identical axial flow compressor driven by 4 wound rotor
mounting heads for transportability between test induction motors rated at 150,000 hp, a secondary 10
sections. The sting/strut combinations are setup for stage axial flow compressor driven by 3 wound rotor
automatic angle-of-attack (alpha) variation and induction motors rated at 100,000 hp, an exhaust
sideslip, or beta, variation. Straight and bent stings muffler to quiet discharge when operating in
were available, the latter allowing for shifts (greater propulsion cycle, and the control room.
range) in both alpha and beta. Internal strain-gage Models were installed in the test section by
balances for measuring the forces and moments lowering the entire test section floor to a shop level
present on the models were available from the via a set of screwjacks. Models were mounted on
NACA. Pressure leads were routed through the stings that were in turn supported by one of two
sting-strut configuration and patched to sets of 64 struts. The first strut penetrates the test section floor
tube manometer boards. A 17 channel data recorder and is retractable when not in use. The second is a
was available including the capability to visually suspended model strut wherein the model is
monitor the 10 channels of strain gage data. One suspended from the ceiling. When using the
channel was used for run identification and the suspended model strut, an auxiliary strut for
remaining six were available for supplemental data supporting a tail-rake pressure measurement system
such as AoA, sideslip, Mach No., total pressure, or could be used.
static pressure via an analog signal from a Three component bearing-type strain gage
transducer. balances were available over a wide range offerees.
The operating characteristics of the tunnels are On the suspended model strut, the balance was
shown in Table 1. The estimated power costs to integral to the strut itself. Other measurements that
operate the complex was $10/M-hr.33 could be taken as part of the standard data set
included attitude indication, pressure measurements,
The Lewis Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel and temperatures via self-compensating
thermocouples. In the control room, a closed circuit
The Lewis Unitary Plan wind tunnel is a television system was available. Still and high speed
supersonic propulsion wind tunnel with a 10 X 10 motion picture capability existed to capture Schlieren
ft. cross-sectional area test section that operates in images. Two clear window openings, each 33 in.
the airspeed range from Mach 2.0 to 3.5. This wind dia. offset eccentrically in a larger 60 in. dia. disk
tunnel was unique within NACA in that it operated are available for viewing and for flow visualization
in two distinct modes, the first being aerodynamic via a Schlieren system.
cycle and the second being propulsion cycle. In the As the 10X10 was designed as a propulsion
former, the wind tunnel was operated as a closed wind tunnel, multiple engine fuel systems were
return-type tunnel whereas, in the latter, it operated designed and installed. These included gaseous
as an open non-return type tunnel. In propulsion systems with the capability to provided 1800 Ibs/hr
cycle, the exhaust gases were expelled from the

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at 200 psig and liquid fuel systems with independent experienced by flight vehicles re-entering the earth's
pilot and main high-pressure systems. atmosphere from orbital or ballistic trajectories. The
The operating characteristics of the 10X10 are Aeropropulsion Systems Test Facility (ASTF) was
as shown in Table 1. The nominal cost of operating commissioned in 1986 after nearly 20 years of
the 10X10 was $9/M-hr on 3rd shift (midnight to 8 planning, design, construction and activation. The
am) operation. ASTF's large 28 ft. diameter test cell allows for
testing of full scale engines at nearly all practicable
Upgrades and Improvements altitudes.29 More recent efforts at AEDC have
focused on reducing design/testing cycle time as
Significant technological advances in the areas aircraft and munitions developers and manufacturers
of supersonic wind tunnels and data acquisition were seek dramatic reductions in cost and product
made as a result of the Unitary Plan. When development cycle time.36
originally proposed in 1945, the government owned Modifications and improvements to the
supersonic wind tunnel capability was to be NACA/NASA Unitary Plan Wind Tunnels have
collocated along side significant hydroelectric power been documented in various reports and papers.34'37'
38, 39,40,41 jft plan Tuiuiels
generation capability. The German experience, Qf the NASA Unitary
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wherein the air compressors were run by water have been rehabilitated since being brought on-line.
driven turbines, influenced conceptual designs. The This has included, for example, rewinding of the
availability of power in the near urban settings of the drive motors and and the installation of new motor
NACA Laboratories or from the Tennessee Valley controls that has allowed for improved speed
Authority hydroelectric grid, in the case of AEDC, control.42
meant that large electric motors could be utilized to The decade of the 70s are noted as the period
drive the air compressors. This opened the door to when wind tunnel test calibrations were reported
the construction of supersonic ground testing upon extensively. Prior to this time, little was
capability on a scale previously not attainable. documented on many of the wind tunnel airflow
Secondly, the state of the art in data acquisition was performance parameters such as flow angularity,
changing and the engineers of NACA and the Army turbulence and boundary layer characteristics.
Air Corp took full advantage of automated data Significant strides were being made in terms of wind
acquisition and recording and display devices for tunnel instrumentation and flow visualization.
acquiring and recording analog data. Scanivalve systems, a pressure scanning system that
Since being built, the Unitary Plan Wind was based on solenoid activated pressure passages,
Tunnels have had active maintenance programs to were introduced to be able to acquire more pressure
keep the facilities operable and the Air Force and data in less time. Expanded digital data acquisition
NASA have funded improvement and modernization systems were installed as this technology matured.
programs to meet evolving aircraft program needs. The decade of the 80s brought measurement of
These improvement and modernization programs vortex patterns via vapor-screen imaging at the
have resulted in the ability to acquire larger Langley facilities. Later, laser Doppler velocimetry
quantities of data, more accurate data, and lower for flow field analysis and determination of
testing costs. aeroelastic properties was successfully used in the
In the Propulsion Wind Tunnel Complex at Lewis wind tunnels. Coherent Raman spectrometry
AEDC, this has included adding capability such as a was used at Langley to measure velocity, pressure
high angle-of-attack automated sting, a captive and temperature. Remote, computer controlled
trajectory system for trajectory tracing of separated model support systems with multiple degrees of
stores, diffuser improvements that have lowered freedom were installed to allow expanded model
power consumption, flow quality devices such orientations.
screens and honeycomb in the upstream of the test In the 90s, measurement techniques continued
section to improve velocity uniformity and flow to be updated and refined to include electronically
angularity, and numerous improvements to the data scanned pressure systems, non-intrusive flow
acquistion system. In addition to modifications to measurement techniques such as pressure sensitive
the ground test facilities built under the Unitary Plan paint, infrared thermography, and Moire
Act, AEDC has added significant testing capability interfromemtry. Data quality was improved as
to it's original set of ground testing capability. statistical methods for quantifying uncertainties were
Additions include electric arc facilities and introduced and overall test time was reduced via
hypervelocity ranges to simulate the environment introduction of automatic test sequencing.43

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million. The study recommended working with

Recent Developments NASA and industry to develop strategies on
providing cost-effective transonic ground test
The National Unitary Wind Tunnel Plan— capability with near-flight realism.
despite the twists and turns that it took in the This study drew a distinction between
political process—represented one of the more "research" facilities and "development" facilities.
rational approaches to aerospace research planning The research facilities are generally highly
undertaken in the twentieth century. At a basic level, instrumented and generate high-resolution data for
would that more planning efforts evolved so well defined and controlled test conditions. They are
rationally. Instead of convergence in all too many used to provide phenomenological insights and to
cases, various organizations have pursued their develop and validate computational codes. They are
priorities to the exclusion of all others, following a also usually smaller in size and shorter in test time
winner take all strategy that ultimately may prove then development facilities. In short, they provide
detrimental to the cause of aerospace technology and the detailed data for understanding the physics and
the leadership of the United States in it. validating and refining computer codes. The
In the 1990s the DoD and NASA, and other development facilities help to validate overall design
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organizations, conducted several studies relative to and system durability and performance. Acquiring
the current state of wind tunnels: new development facilities would be a a challenge
® Future Aerospace Ground Test Facility not without difficulties. They are generally larger in
Requirements - AEDC (NCR - 1992) size, emphasize measurements of macroquantities
« Aero/Thermodynamic T&E Facilities Reliance - and near-flight conditions, have relatively long test
DoD (1994) times, cost more to build and operate, and require a
• DoD Aeronautical Test Facilities Assessment very long lead-time for acquisition.
• Wind Tunnels Preferred by Boeing (1998) Aero/Thermodynamic T&E Facilities Reliance
• National Wind Tunnel Study - DoD and NASA
(9/2000) This 1994 study recommended that NASA
Each of these peered forward twenty years with a provide service to DoD for large subsonic T&E
view to recognizing that budgets are tight and will facilities. And it asked that DoD and NASA
remain so. They identified existing facilities that can Reliance type coordination be pursued and MOAs
contribute significantly to development work so they developed. The study also recommended that NASA
can be properly maintained, operated, and utilized. and DoD jointly pursue a National Wind Tunnel
They also went about cautiously and selectively Complex (NWTC) that would advance the cause of
identifying new facilities that might be needed to both organizations. The study team found that there
pursue the technologies envisioned. Always they could be significant added value to DoD systems
recognized the need to understand requirements and development, provided DoD requirements are
roles before committing to any specific facility. Each included in the NWTC specifications.
of these five studies deserve some discussion. The study also found that the DoD and NASA
had been too oriented toward their own priorities and
Future Aerospace Ground Test Facility should pursue policies that enhanced cooperation
rather than made it more difficult. As an example, it
This study, completed in 1992, explored the recommended adopting a uniform pricing policy for
research facilities that would be required for all T&E facilities, preferably with institutional
subsonic and supersonic airplane development. funding provided to cover indirect costs.
Tunnels at NASA LaRC and AEDC were considered
to be essential, including: DoD Aeronautical Test Facilities Assessment
• AEDC 16 foot transonic tunnel
• AEDC 16 foot supersonic In 1997 the DoD undertook an aeronautical,
• LaRC National Transonic Facility test facilities assessment that considered near-, mid-
The study team found that few, if any, facilities were and long-term needs for core transonic wind tunnels
adequate for transonic wing development and facilities for military needs for the AEDC 16 foot
validation, and that required upgrades would transonic facility and the NASA Ames Research
necessitate the expenditure of more than $100 Center 11-foot tunnel. It made several important

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• DoD should invest $100 million over 5 years in The study's authors agreed with recommendations
16T/16S for upgrades and productivity from 1997 and 1998 studies and seconded the need
improvements. to develop a National Wind Tunnel Business Plan
• DoD/NASA/industry should consort to build a under NASA. They also called for implementing the
new high Re transonic wind tunnel (the NWTC provisions of the NWTA without further delay. They
Project, a industry /government partnership had called for a strengthening of the NATA charter and
been canceled at the end of fiscal year 1996. for NASA to complete an internal assessment of core
The NWTC Final Report documents project wind tunnel requirements.
information available at the time of it's The bottom line this study found: Numerous
cancellation).44 studies have been made, all making, and often
® Government should enhance wind tunnel and echoing, recommendations on the future direction of
CFD capabilities: ground testing in the US; however, none of the major
® Government should develop national technology recommendations have been implemented. 'What we
program addressing both wind tunnel and CFD need now is not another study but the
needs. implementation of the recommendations from the
« DoD and NASA should increase funding to previous studies," the author's commented.
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$30M/yr for these technologies.

The study also suggested founding a new office to Conclusion
manage the investment and technology funds for the
nation's core government wind tunnels. What has not happened during the experience
of the 1990s that did take place during the 1940s is
Wind Tunnels Preferred by Boeing that the studies of that earlier era eventually
The next year, 1998, an assessment of wind converged on positive legislation that all could agree
tunnel capabilities required for Boeing work found to and resulted in tunnels being built and put into
that the nation was in rather dire straits for the operation. The situation at present seems to be about
future. This study found that none of the tunnels for where the United States was in the National Unitary
transonic development of a new subsonic transport Wind Tunnel Plan about 1947 or 1948 before
was scored as high as "satisfactory" (3 out of a 5 legislation emerged that yielded results. In that era a
point scale). Only one tunnel, the Ames Research driving force was national defense, as the Cold War
Center's 11-foot tunnel, scored as high as was just beginning. Absent some driving future
"Satisfactory" for the transonic development of a imperative, convergence of proposals might not take
derivative subsonic transport. Only the National place anytime soon. At present there is not consensus
Transonic Facility was scored as high as on:
"satisfactory" for transonic development of a new • Military imperative.
subsonic transport (ETW was the backup and just • Impact to national security.
below "satisfactory"). Finally, the BSWT and BTWT • Impact to economic security.
were the primary and back-up tunnels for transonic • Critical need in aerospace research and
development of a supersonic aircraft (rated above development programs.
"satisfactory"). The current state of aeronautics and aeronautics
research in the United States is the subject of
National Wind Tunnel Study numerous recent articles and papers. Excellent
examples from the perspective of the airframe and
The National Wind Tunnel Study of 2000 by propulsion segments of the industry cover the gamut
the DoD and NASA reviewed all of these previous from workforce issues to government investment.45'46
studies, as well as some additional ones, and found We might suggest that the United States is
several common issues from previous studies currently threatened just as thoroughly at present as
• Need for NASA/DoD Alliance. it was by the Soviet Union in the latter 1940s. The
• Shortcomings in wind tunnel and technology threat today, however, is economic competition
investments. rather than military competition. In the last decade
• Need for integrated T&E (wind tunnel, CFD and the United States has been losing market share in all
flight test). major aerospace sectors. In passenger aircraft, for
• Uniform pricing policy. example, Airbus Industrie's analysis suggests that to
• Identification of core capabilities. satisfy an expected average annual growth rate in

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(c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

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passengers and cargo of 5.2 per cent during the next ignore new wind tunnel requirements when doing
ten years, the number of passenger aircraft in service program planning for new flight systems. As
will increase from some 10,350 in 1999 to 14,820 in documented in several of the afore mentioned
2009 and 19,170 in 2019. Satisfying that national studies, the existing suite of wind tunnels is
requirement is Airbus' objective for the indefinite deficient with regards to the design of new aircraft.
future. And they are showing remarkable staying The likely result is conservative designs, or, worse
power there. At the Paris airshow in 2001 they yet, undetected design problems. Converging the
nailed down 110 orders for new aircraft to Boeing's various ground-test and wind tunnel studies of the
less than 40.47 present into meaningful legislation is the best and
Commercial aviation is quickly evolving, both perhaps only workable means available to ensure
technologically and in the context of the global America's aeronautics capabilities into the twenty-
business climate. Pacing world economic growth, air first century.
travel is evolving through profound changes to
provide better service at lower cost. The world fleet Notes
is currently three times as large as it was twenty
years ago, and todays fuel-efficient jetliners offer A general discussion of this legislation is contained
Downloaded by Steven Dunn on July 28, 2014 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.2002-1142

airlines greater choice in terms of range, passenger in Alec Roland, Model Research: The National
capacity, and operating economics. More than half of Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1915-1958
all flights are made on routes bounded by few, if any, (Washington, DC: NASASP-4103, 1985), 1:211-21,
regulatory constraints. Flag carriers are privatizing, Bruce E. Ayer to Lewis, April 24, 1945, NASA
"open skies" agreements are replacing bilateral air Historical Reference Collection, NASA History
service agreements, and global alliances are on the Division, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC.
rise. As a result, airlines now have unprecedented Lewis to Ayer and Lewis to Sharp, both May 15,
flexibility to pursue strategies that meet the needs of 1945; Edward R. Sharp to director of research,
the next century's global community. They will not 'Wind Tunnels," November 7, 1945, NASA
purchase American aircraft because we want them to Historical Reference Collection.
do so. Indeed, with the growth of overseas carriers, Sharp to director of research, "Wind Tunnels,"
there is an ideological reason to refrain from buying December 14, 1945. By this time the Ames
American if for no other reason than to thumb their laboratory was also recommending new supersonic
noses at the last remaining superpower. Accordingly, facilities, but, in contrast with the AERL proposal,
U.S. technology must be clearly superior. Ames was promoting itself as the center to build and
The only way to meet this threat is to ensure control them. See Smith J. DeFrance to NACA,
the technical superiority of American aerospace "High-speed Research Facilities," December 7, 1945,
technology. There is a direct correlation between both in NASA Historical Reference Collection.
R&D investment and excellence in technology. Since Sharp to NACA Director of Research, "Proposal
the 1960s the percentage of investment by the United for a Supersonic Research Center," February 5,
States in aerospace technology has stabilized at about 1946, NASA Historical Reference Collection.
one percent of the Federal budget. The aerospace Arnold Engineering Development Center,
corporations and some universities invest in R&D as "Chronology," n.d., 11 pp., typescript; Thomas O.
well, but that is a decidedly small amount and at Sturm, The USAF Scientific Advisory Board
least in the case of the private sector limited to (Washington, DC: OflSce of Air Force History, 1978
almost entirely short term research ed.), p. 6; and Frank L. Wattendorf to Gen. F. O.
Carroll, "Proposal for a New Air Forces
A Recommendation Development Center," June 19, 1945, in which a
member of the Army Air Forces team wrote that "the
The American nation should commit to scope of German plans make[s] it essential that our
doubling the investment in aerospace R&D during own plans be certainly not less ambitious in the light
the first decade of the twenty-first century. This is of our future security."
fully within the bounds of our capability, and it will The NACA's overall story is related in George F.
help assure American economic, military, and Gray, Frontiers of Flight: The Story of NACA
cultural competitiveness in the new century. With Research (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1948). On
regards to ground testing capability specifically, the the inability to foresee the jet revolution see, Roger
present over-capacity/under-utilization of the D. Launius, '"Never Was Life More Interesting':
available testing capability has led the idustry to

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AIAA 2002-1142

The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, For examples of the studiously noncommittal
1936-1945," Prologue: Quarterly of the National replies from industry, see G.S. Schairer (Boeing) to
Archives 24 (Winter 1992): 361-73; Edward W. Lewis, April 19, 1946; J.C. Miller (General Electric)
Constant II, The Origins of the Turbojet Revolution to Lewis, April 18, 1946; J. Carlton Ward
(Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University (Fairchild) to Lewis, April 17, 1946; and RE.
Press, 1980); Roland, Model Research, pp. 186-94. Hopper (Hughes) to Lewis, April 16, 1946, all in
Minutes of NACA annual meeting, October 25, NASA Historical Reference Collection.
1945, p. 5; minutes of special meeting of Executive The Raymond panel did not resolve all the
Committee, December 17, 1945, pp. 2-4; Sharp to questions surrounding the need for new tunnels, so a
director of research, "Proposal for a Supersonic special committee on supersonic facilities succeeded
Research Center," February 5, 1946; Sharp to it, chaired by Jerome Hunsaker. That committee met
director of research." Telephone Conversation with October 21, 22, and 24, 1946, to iron out differences.
Major Jay AuWerter December 20, 1945 Regarding The minutes reveal that one of the major problems
Location for Wind Tunnels," December 20, 1945, was Hunsaker's hostility toward the Army Air
with note by Charles H. Helms; D.B. Langmuir, Forces, which he claimed "have arrived at the point
Downloaded by Steven Dunn on July 28, 2014 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.2002-1142

"Extract of Remarks by Dr. Hunsaker Made at the of wanting to duplicate NACA equipment." The Air
15th Meeting of the Joint Committee on New Force representatives denied this, but they seem to
Weapons and Equipment] Guided Missiles have done nothing to allay Hunsaker's concern. The
Committee on 1 March 1946, "attached to RG. harsh tone of this exchange was edited out of the
Robinson to Hunsaker, March 20, 1946, all in NASA final version of the minutes, but the source of
Historical Reference Collection. contention remained. See "Report of Special
Minutes of Executive Committee meeting, March Committee on Supersonic Facilities," October 24,
20, 1946, p. 4, NASA Historical Reference 1946.
Collection. In fact, Raymond was sure it would cost more than
RG. R[obinson]., "Army Air Force plan for Air $2 billion and asked for an outside audit. The
Engineering Development Center," memo for file, engineering firm of Sverdrup and Parcel was
March 25, 1946, handwritten, marked "Secret Very contracted to carry out this review and subitted a
Limited Internal Distribution," NASA Historical report in the fall of 1946 that estimated the total cost
Reference Collection. to be in excess of $3 billion.
11 16
LeMay actually revealed the plan to the press on Hugh L. Dryden to Arthur E. Raymond, May 29,
April 20, 1946, but apparently did not publish the 1946, NASA Historical Reference Collection.
plan at that time. See New York Herald-Tribune, Key events in this processcan be traced in "Short
April 21, 1946. The NACA received a copy of History of Unitary-Wind-Tunnel Plan." 4 p.
"Proposed Air Engineering Development Center typescript, November 7, 1949; "Addendum to Short
Summary for Air Staff," undated, 12 pp., on April History of Unitary-Wind-Tunnel Plan." 6 p.
16, 1946, but there seems to have been no indication typescript, July 31, 1950; "Arnold Engineering
of the campaign that was about to begin to sell the Development Center chronology," lip. typescript,
plan. Roscoe C. Wilson to George Lewis, April 16, n.d.
1946; Lewis to E.R Sharp, April 16, 1946, both in These interest groups are essentially the same as
NASA Historical Reference Collection. those found in other NACA initiatives.
12 19
"Notes on Conference with Dr. Lewis, Messrs. These differing perceptions can be seen in the
Crowley, Victory, Chamberlin, Ulmer, Helms, and summary of proceedings of the "NACA Industry
Robinson," March 27, 1947; Lewis to Reid, Conference on Unitary Plan," held in Los Angeles
DeFrance, Sharp, "Proposed National Supersonic on November 14, 1949, where NACA-industry
Research Center," April 2, 1946, with enclosures; suspicion of Air Force intentions was especially
NACA, "A Proposal for the Construction of a evident. The NACA's own plans appear most clearly
National Supersonic Research Center," April 1946; in a staff memorandum for Lewis, "Analysis of
T.L.K. Smull to Hartman, April 4, 1946; Hartman to Supersonic Facilities," October 18, 1949, NASA
chief of research coordination, "Industry Reaction to Historical Reference Collection.
NACA Proposal for a National Supersonic Research Brian Balogh, "Reorganizing the Organizational
Center," April 29, 1946, all in NASA Historical Synthesis: Federal-Professional Relations in Modem
Reference Collection. America," Studies in American Political

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
(c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

AIAA 2002-1142

Development 5 (Spring 1991): 119-172, quote from J. G. Mitchell, "Current wind tunnels and planned
pp. 121-122. improvements at the Arnold Engineering
House Committee on Armed Services, Report to Development Center (AEDC)", A86-24763.
Accompany S. 1267, 81st Cong., 1st sess., H. Kept. "Aeronautical Facilities Catalogue, Volume 1:
1376, p. 4. Wind Tunnels," Editors: Frank E. Penaranda and M.
Ibid, p. 10-13. Shannon Freda, NASA RP-1132, 1985.
23 33
Industry influence was evident throughout the "Manual for the Users of the Unitary Plan Wind
legislative hearings, as evidenced in the Report to Tunnel Facilities of the National Advisory
Accompany S. 1267: "While the committee is fully Committee for Aeronautics," NASA TM-80998,
aware of the ramifications of the NACA system of Washington, 1956.
committees and subcommittees and the fact that Charlie M. Jacobson, William A. Corlett, and
provision is made for industry representation among William J. Munta, "Description and Calibration of
these various groups, it would appear the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel," NASA TP
notwithstanding that there is considerable room for 1905, 1981.
the development of adequate procedures which will Man in Space: A National Historic Landmark
Downloaded by Steven Dunn on July 28, 2014 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.2002-1142

insure at all times that basic scientific information is Theme Study, available at
circulated freely and made available to all research HTTP://
groups and technical workers having an interest in wsky4/spacea.html.
the subject matter, except in those cases where there William L. Peters, et. al., "Cycle Time Reduction
is a very clear and unquestionable need for placing Strategies and Improvements in Transonic Testing
the information in a classified category on grounds in the AEDC Wind Tunnel 16T," AIAA-99-0179,
of military security alone and for no other reason" 1999.
(p. 8). Robert A. Aiello, "NASA Lewis 10- By 10- Foot
Ibid., p. 5. Supersonic Wind Tunnel," NASA TMX-71625,
Ibid., pp. 10-11. 1974.
26 38
This has been appreciated in assessing the careers David N. Bowditch, "Current Wind Tunnel
of several senior appointed government leaders. See Capability and Planned Improvements at Lewis
Jameson W. Doig and Erwin C. Hargrove, eds., Research Center," NASA TM 87190, 1986.
Leadership and Innovation: A Biographical Robert E. Bower, "Current Wind Tunnel
Perspective on Entrepreneurs in Government Capability and Planned Improvements at the NASA
(Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, Langley Research Center," AIAA-86-0727-CP,
1987). 1986.
27 40
John Law, "Technology and Heterogeneous John R Micol, "Langley Research Center's
Engineering: The Case of Portugese Expansion," pp. Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel: Testing Capabilities and
111-34; and Donald MacKenzie, "Missile Accuracy: Recent Modernization Activities," AIAA-2001-0456,
A Case Study in the Social Processes of 2001.
Technological Change," pp. 195-222, both in Wiebe Lado Muhlstein Jr., "Wind Tunnel Test
E. Bijker, Thomas P. Hughes, and Trevor J. Pinch, Productivity and Technology Accomplishments at
eds., The Social Construction of Technological Ames in the ADTE Program," AIAA-98-0141,
Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and 1998.
History of Technology (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, Edward A. Becks, "Drive System Enhancements
1987). in the NASA Lewis Research Center Supersonic
"This New Ocean - Chl-2: Conquest of the Air," Wind Tunnels," AIAA-98-2886, 1998.
available at Jerome T. Kegelman, "Accelerating Ground-Test Cycle Time; The Six-Minute Model Change and
4201/chl-2.html. Other Visions for the 21st Century," AIAA-98-0142,
Donald D. Baals and William R Corliss, "Wind 1998.
Tunnels of NASA." pp. 49-73, NASA SP-440, 1981. NWTC Final Report, NAS3-27330 Phase 2A
"What were the first test facilities built at Deliverable No.: NWT-03-A-9000-01, April 22,
AEDC?," available at 1996.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
(c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

AIAA 2002-1142

John H. McMasters and Russel M. Cummings,
"Airplane Design - Past, Present and Future,"
Carol Cash, "Crisis in Aeronautics", AIAA-2001-
0133, 2001.
Global Market Forecast, 2000-2019 (Blagnac,
France: Airbus Industrie, 2000), 4-5.
Downloaded by Steven Dunn on July 28, 2014 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.2002-1142

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AIAA 2002-1142


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Downloaded by Steven Dunn on July 28, 2014 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.2002-1142

cz C « <£ 3

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K Q} N
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Q 0. ;=•
ro CD w
W Q. S

Wind Tunnel
16T AEDC 1952 16x16x40 0-1.6 1.0-6.0 1.0-1000 3-26.3 540-620 3

11 ft (Unitary) ARC 1956 11x11x22 0.7-1,4 1.26-9.4 150-2000 7.35-31.9 530-585 o'
8 x 6 ft* GRC 1948 8x6x39 0.4-2.0 3.6-4.8 200-1240 15.3-2.5 560-700 O

Supersonic Tl

16S AEDC 1954 16x16x40 1.5-4.75 0.1-2.6 30-500 3.0-12.5 580-1080

9 x 7 ft (Unitary) ARC 1956 9x7x10 1.4-2.6 0.8-6.5 200-1450 4.41-28.8 520-610 CD

8 x 7 ft (Unitary ARC 1956 8x7x16 2.4-3.5 0.6-5.0 100-1000 4.41-29.4 520-610

4 ft Unitary #1 LaRC 1954 4x4x7 1.47-2.86 0.5-12.2 90-2670 56.94 max 560-760 Tl
4 ft Unitary #2 LaRC 1954 4x4x7 2.29-4.63 0.5-9.5 90-1710 150 max 560-760
10x 10ft GRC 1955 10x10x40 2.0-3.5 0.12-3.4 (C) 20-720 (C) 1.4-34.7 500-750 C
2.1-2.7 (O) 500-600 (O) 520- 11 50 O

*The NACA considered the 8x6 as an alternative to the Unitary Plan Tunnel when propulsion testing at <Mach 2.0 was required 5

AEDC - Arnold Engineering Development Center (C) - Closed

ARC - NASA Ames Research Center (O) - Open O

GRC - NASA Glenn Research Center

LaRC - NASA Langley Research Center

Table 1. Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel Operating Characteristics

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(c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

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Figure la. Aysymmetric Sliding Block Supersonic Nozzle


2.0 AT

Figure Ib. Flexible Wall Supa-sonic Nozzle

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
(c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

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Figure 2: Schematic of the AEDC Propulsion Wind Figure 4: Schematic of the Ames Unitary Plan Wind
Tunnel Complex Tunnel

10x10 Supersonic Wind Tunnel

/-Dry air storage spheres
Cooing tower- / r' /~M8in drive control oararis
~ • ft monitoring stet

Data acquisition room

Low fetecfi number Ujst section

Figure 3: Schematic of the Langley Unitary Plan Figure 5. Schematic of the Lewis Unitary Plan Wind
Wind Tunnel Tunnel

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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