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Senior Project Community Service Verification Form Completed forms must be given to the mentor and will be provided to the review panel. Student's Name: COYYNA Kusaka Mentor’s Name: Rachel Movi“ama Organization's Name: The Rue Mehonl Corto Supervisor's Name:__ Mtchetes-Hetanro, MS e1) Supervisor's Contact Number:__ 80%-Gq\-4S@QQ Supervisor's E-mail:_ —_— OC “commultica fon ces Board, Francine a SeYMICe_ a Col av _aniinats at the ee ae Hichele_ tra. ci 0 oe ae en tz 6 ae Page os fecel e_cave cemiort +0 that Tpo L Snadoed dienes at rel cl Sie. faaane, as ik eee of 5 patien' Caen mille yd vont — [de ea ar naudrng’ the i edad + Orthopedic [eave Unite Total hours served _@ +S By signing below, all parties attest that the above information verifying the student's participation is true and accurate. Gee elon ent 0A ['/4 1004 SiuggGls Signature/Date Supervisor's SignatureDae

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