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Name: Mohammad Asad

Tile: The Cheetah of Flight Project

Medium: Clay
Size: 9 ins” “Height” x 5” “Width” x 8.5” “Depth”

The Cheetah Flight Project

Hi my name is Mohammad Asad, and welcome to my hybrid animal

sculpture, where I will be discussing, which tools and animal body parts
that I have used.The project requirement was to choose 3 animals that suit
your personality traits. I have decided to choose protective, Intelligent,
and talkative because of what represents me as a person. I choose eagle
wings to show how protective I can be, when it come to things that belong
to me, if they are approached, I would “protect” them from harm. For
example: How an eagle would protect it nest and babies from predator. I
choose cheetah’s head for intelligent, because I use my head for answers
to solve problems to figure out what to do and, a uses it’s head for reliance
to hunt for a prey. And I choose a tiger’s legs to represent talkative
because my legs react to me, when I am talking too much, and for a tigers
use it for fighting to stand on their two legs intersect to fight over for

For this project I used model, slab and pinch as techniques. I used to
re-model the clay that was wedged into a “form” that I needed to have. I
used slab for the hybrid animal and for the legs on the bottom and I also
used pinching to help shape them. The tools that I used were a knife to cut-
things. The wooden-loop to make a texture for the face of the hybrid
animals head and also 2 sticks and a roller. I decided to make my sculpture
free-standing on legs that were made really strong to hold up the hybrid

The challenges that I faced were to make the animals legs stronger
enough to hold the animal standing up. Another challenge that I faced was
connecting the animal’s head to the neck do to the neck being steep. I
came up with this, to make sure the legs where pinched enough for holding
up a body of an animal and to make it more inflated to adding more clay.
Every-time it turned out to be, not so solid enough,as powerful for hole
body of hybrid animal. I would change my ideas by using different
techniques for challenges like:The neck to make it more upwards by re-
modeling… I am most proud of how my sculpture turned out to be at the
end of using different techniques, by putting much hard work than, last
project of tower, of taller than wide. Other words like: How I formed the
neck head of cheetah and how I was able to attach, it’s tail to it’s legs. I
could have done better with adding more hollowing out the legs more. I
believe and adding one more hole for more air to come in sculpture before
it breaks or wobbles. I learned that by using a certain type of clay, would
change, how your sculpture will come out to be. And how wedging,
slabbing the clay by tools as knife can be used for removal of extra clay.
When making the clay form to use the modeling technique, myself, I was
able to by using the techniques like: Modeling, slabbing and pinching. I was
able to learn art has to do with life to animals in the wild to my own
personality traits (as I would put it)…..

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