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General practitioners can offer effective

nutrition care to patients with lifestyle-
related chronic disease
Lauren Ball BAppSc, MNutrDiet; Cristina Johnson BBiomedSc, MBBS (Hons); Ben Desbrow BSc, GradDip
Nutrition and Diet, GradDipSc, MHSc Human Nutrition, PhD; Michael Leveritt BSc (Hons), MNutrDiet, PhD

School of Public Health

and Griffith Health
ABSTRACT Institute, Griffith University,
Queensland, Australia
INTRODUCTION: Nutrition is a key priority for the management of lifestyle-related chronic disease, and
the demand on general practitioners (GPs) to provide nutrition care is increasing.

AIM: The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the effectiveness of nutrition care provided
by GPs in improving the nutrition-related behaviour and subsequent health outcomes of individuals with
lifestyle-related chronic disease.

METHODS: A systematic literature review was conducted using the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE and ISI
Web of Knowledge databases. Randomised controlled trials that investigated a nutrition care intervention
feasible within general practice consultations, and that utilised outcome measures relevant to nutrition-
related behaviour or indicators of health, were included in the review.

RESULTS: Of the 131 articles screened for inclusion, nine studies, totalling 9564 participants, were
included in the review. Five interventions observed improvements in the nutrition behaviour of par-
ticipants, such as a reduction of energy consumption, reduction of meat consumption, increase in fruit
and vegetable intake, increase in fish intake and increase in fibre intake. Seven interventions observed
improvements in risk factors, including in weight, serum lipid levels and blood pressure. Some inconsist-
encies in findings were observed in the reviewed studies.

DISCUSSION: This systematic review demonstrates that GPs have the potential to provide nutrition care
that improves the nutrition behaviour and risk factors in individuals with lifestyle-related chronic disease.
However, the consistency and clinical significance of the intervention outcomes are unclear. Further in-
vestigation regarding the development of nutrition care protocols and the attributes of nutrition care that
result in improved outcomes are required.

KEYWORDS: Chronic disease; general practice; general practitioners; nutritional management


Introduction 2013;5(1):59–69.
chronic disease,3 and over one-third of consulta-
Lifestyle-related chronic diseases, such as tions involve this care.4
overweight and obesity, Type 2 diabetes and
cardiovascular disease, account for over 60% of The importance of optimal nutrition for the Lauren Ball
deaths worldwide.1 As a result, the prevention prevention and management of lifestyle- School of Public Health
and management of these conditions are a key related chronic disease is well documented.5,6 and Griffith Health
Institute, Griffith
focus of primary health care systems.2 General Additionally, nearly two-thirds of the risk
University, Queensland
practitioners (GPs) are extensively involved in the factors for overweight and obesity, Type 2 4222, Australia
health care of individuals with lifestyle-related diabetes and cardiovascular disease relate to



poor nutrition behaviour.7 Improvements in Search strategy

the nutrition behaviour of individuals, such as
A literature search was conducted using the
reducing saturated fat and sodium intake, have
Cochrane Library, MEDLINE and ISI Web of
been shown to reduce risk factors associated
Knowledge databases. The following search terms
with lifestyle-related chronic disease, such as
and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) were used
hyperlipidaemia and hypertension.6 In order
to identify all relevant peer-reviewed publications:
to assist individuals to improve their nutrition
behaviour, GPs may provide nutrition care within • For nutrition care: Nutrition Care
a consultation.8,9 Nutrition care is a core principle OR Nutrition Advice OR Nutrition
of best practice guidelines for the management Therapy (MeSH) OR Diet (MeSH) OR
of chronic disease, and includes practices such Diet Therapy (MeSH) OR Food Habits
as the assessment of a patient’s nutrition intake, (MeSH) OR Health Education (MeSH).
the provision of nutrition-related advice, and the • For lifestyle-related chronic disease:
evaluation of nutrition behaviour on patients’ Chronic Disease OR Overweight OR
health outcomes.10,11 As a result of increasing Obesity OR Weight Loss OR Hyperten-
presentation rates of lifestyle-related chronic sion (MeSH) OR Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
disease in general practice,4 the demand on GPs (MeSH) OR Hypercholesterolemia OR
to provide nutrition care is growing. Hyperlipidemia OR Cardiovascular Disease.
• For general practitioner: General Practitioners
GPs hold diverse perceptions regarding the (MeSH) OR Family Physicians (MeSH) OR Pri-
level of complexity involved in providing mary Care Physicians (MeSH) OR Family Doc-
nutrition care,8 as well as their role in providing tor OR Family Practice OR General Practice.
nutrition care.12,13 However, patients perceive
nutrition care to be an important part of the care All randomised controlled trials (RCTs) pub-
provided by GPs for lifestyle-related chronic lished in English with at least one search term
disease management.14 Furthermore, many from each category were included for considera-
patients prefer to receive nutrition care from tion. No limitation was applied regarding the year
GPs, despite having access to nutrition-specific of publication. Cross-matching reference lists and
health care professionals such as dietitians.14 forward citation searching was conducted in order
‘Effective’ health care is perceived by GPs to to identify additional studies for consideration.
incorporate appropriate investigation, diagnosis
and management of conditions in order to
Study selection
assist patients to improve their health status.15
Therefore, it is important that the nutrition Studies that investigated the effectiveness of
care provided by GPs is effective at improving nutrition care provided by GPs by measuring
the nutrition behaviour and subsequent risk patients’ nutrition behaviour and/or changes to
factors in patients with lifestyle-related chronic risk factors for lifestyle-related chronic disease
disease. Some health professionals hold anecdotal were included in the review. The inclusion
perceptions that GPs are ineffective at improving criteria were studies of adult populations (>18
the nutrition behaviour and associated risk factors years of age). Specific eligibility criteria were also
in patients.12 Therefore, the following paper is developed in relation to the intervention:
a systematic review of published literature that
investigates the effectiveness of nutrition care 1. The nutrition care must have been provided
provided by GPs in improving the nutrition by a GP or international equivalent, such as
behaviour and subsequent risk factors in a family physician or primary care physician.
individuals with lifestyle-related chronic disease. Studies investigating the effectiveness of other
primary care health professionals, such as
practice nurses, nutritionists and/or dietitians
Methods were not included.
All applicable items from the PRISMA guidelines 2. The effectiveness of the intervention must
for reporting of systematic reviews were included.16 have been investigated using a control group,



such as a ‘no care’ group, or a ‘usual care’

group. Studies comparing the effectiveness WHAT GAP THIS FILLS
of nutrition care between different health
professionals were not included. What we already know: The demand on general practitioners (GPs) to
3. The nutrition care must have occurred in provide nutrition care to patients with lifestyle-related chronic disease is
general practice consultations. Interventions increasing. However, it is unclear whether GPs are effective at improving the
investigating other aspects of the general nutrition behaviour and associated risk factors in these patients.
practice setting, such as self-help resources or
What this study adds: This systematic review demonstrates that GPs
computer technologies in the absence of GP-
have the potential to provide nutrition care that improves the nutrition
facilitated nutrition care, were not included.
behaviour and risk factors in individuals with lifestyle-related chronic dis-
4. The intervention must have included identical
ease. However, the consistency and clinical significance of the intervention
baseline and follow-up measurements of
outcomes are unclear. Further support is needed for GPs to provide nutrition
either nutrition-related behaviour or biological
care to patients.
indicators of health. Interventions that did
not assess changes to these measurements over
time were not included. Figure 1. Study eligibility flow chart

The article selection process is illustrated in

Figure 1. 117 records identified through 14 additional records identified
database searching through citation searching

Data extraction
Articles for inclusion were selected independent-
ly by two researchers (LB and CJ) using the same
search strategy. Relevant articles were identi-
fied independently, and differences in selections
were discussed prior to reaching final consensus. 131 records screened by
A third party was not required in the process title and abstract
of study selection. For each study the sample
description, intervention protocol, outcome 72 records
variables and results were extracted by careful excluded after
review of each manuscript into a spreadsheet for screening by title
comparison, and they are summarised in Table 1. and abstract*

59 studies retrieved and

Outcomes assessed
screened by full text
Relevant study outcomes to the review were
those that reflected patients’ nutrition behaviour,
50 studies excluded
and those reflecting patients’ modifiable risk
after screening by
factors for lifestyle-related chronic disease. Many
full text*
studies that were reviewed also included outcome
measures that reflected other lifestyle behaviours,
such as smoking and physical activity. These 9 studies included
studies were only included in the review if they in review
also measured patients’ nutrition behaviour or
risk factors for lifestyle-related chronic disease.
Nutrition behaviour outcomes included overall
* Exclusion criteria:
dietary intake, energy consumption, and macro­ • Did not address the main objective of the study (n=72)
nutrient intake. Risk factors included body • Provision of nutrition care was by non-GP (n=28)
weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), waist circum- • Was not an RCT (n=11)
ference, blood pressure, and serum lipid levels. • Study population not adults (n=9)



Table 1. Studies selected for inclusion in review.

Study details Sample Intervention protocol Outcome measures Follow-up period Summary of findings
1. Christian, Overweight (BMI A: Intervention group, Nutrition behaviour 12 months 32% of participants in the
et al.,19 USA >25 kg/m2), men n=155. Patients identified measures: intervention group lost
(2008) and women with goals for nutrition and Energy intake.* 6 or more pounds at the
Type 2 diabetes. physical activity using completion of follow-up,
a tailored computer Risk factor measures: compared with 18.9%
programme. Progress Weight, BMI, waist of controls (odds ratio,
towards goals was reviewed circumference, HbA1c, 2.2; p=0.006). No other
every 3 months by PCP. serum lipids, blood differences in outcome
pressure. measures were observed
B: Control group, n=155. between groups.
Patients were provided with
a pack of health education
materials, including nutrition
information. Patients were
reviewed every 3 months
by PCP but no prompts for
nutrition advice provided.
2. Martin et Overweight (BMI A: Intervention group, n=68. Nutrition behaviour 18 months Participants in the
al.,20 USA >25 kg/m2), low- Patients received 6 x 15 measures: intervention group lost more
(2008) income women min physician-counselled Usual dietary intake.† weight than participants
consultations on the topic in the control group (-1.52
of weight loss. Each visit Risk factor measures: kg vs +0.61; p=0.01) at 9
was one month apart, and Weight. months post intervention,
patients received oral and but not at 12 months or
written information. 18 months. No other
differences in outcome
B: Control group, n=69. measures were observed
Patients received no directed between groups.
advice for weight loss and
were seen as needed for
regular medical care.
3. Sacerdote Men and women A: Intervention group, Nutrition behaviour 12 months Participants in the
et al.,21 seeking health n=1592. Patients received measures: intervention group reduced
Italy (2006) care from their 1 x 15 min GP-administered Usual dietary intake.† their BMI (-0.41 kg/m2;
GP. nutrition care session based ‘Healthy Diet score’.‡ p=0.02), reduced their
on Italian Guidelines for intake of meat and increased
Correct Nutrition 1998. Risk factor measures: their intake of fruit and
Weight, blood pressure. vegetables, fish products
B: Control group, n=1587. and olive oil (p<0.001). No
Patients received 1 x 15 min other differences in outcome
GP-administered ‘sham’ measures were observed
nutrition care session without between groups.
use of brochure or provision
of personalised advice.
4. van der Men and A: Intervention group, Nutrition behaviour 12 months Participants in the
Veen et al.,22 women with n=71. GPs assessed each measures: intervention group reduced
Netherlands lifestyle-related patient’s SOC re: improving Usual dietary intake.† their saturated fat intake
(2002) chronic disease nutrition behaviour and then more than participants in
(hyperlipidaemia, provided SOC-matched Risk factor measures: the control group (-5.7% vs
hypertension or counselling. GPs provided Height, weight, waist -2.6%; p=0.001). Participants
Type 2 diabetes) from 1 to 3 consultations, and hip circumference, in the intervention group
each 2 weeks apart. Note: serum lipid levels. consumed less energy (0.8
depending on the SOC, this mJ), lost weight (-0.7 kg),
sometimes included referral and reduced their BMI
to a dietitian. (-0.3 kg/m2) at 6 months
post intervention, but not
B: Control group, n=72. at 12 months. No other
Patients received ‘usual care’ differences in outcome
from their GP. measures were observed
between groups.



Table 1 cont.

Study details Sample Intervention protocol Outcome measures Follow-up period Summary of findings

5. Ockene et Men and A: Physician training group, Nutrition behaviour 12 months Participants in the physician
al.,23 USA women with n=333. GPs participated measures: training + office-support
(1999) hyperlipidaemia in nutrition counselling Usual dietary intake.† group reduced their
(upper 25th training and then provided saturated fat intake (-10.3%;
percentile of patients with one nutrition Risk factor measures: p=0.01) and lost weight
population) counselling consultation. Height, weight, blood (-2.3 kg; p<0.001). The
pressure, serum lipid average consultation times
B: Physician training + for the two intervention
office-support group, n=315. levels.
groups were 5.5 mins more
GPs participated in nutrition than the control group. No
counselling training and other differences in outcome
also utilised office-based measures were observed
support (mainly information between groups.
pamphlets and patient
blood test results) to assist
in providing patients with
one nutrition counselling
C: Control group, n=279.
Patients received ‘usual care’
from their GP.

6. Beresford Men and women A: Intervention group, Nutrition behaviour 12 months Participants in the
et al.,24 seeking health n=859. During one measures: intervention group reduced
USA (1997) care from their GP consultation, GPs provided Total and relative intake their fat intake more than
patients with a booklet on of fat and fibre.§ participants in the control
healthy eating (based on group (-1.52% energy from
social learning theory and Risk factor measures: fat vs -0.48% energy from
national dietary guidelines) Weight, height, BMI, fat, p<0.01). Participants
and verbally encouraged serum lipid levels. in the intervention group
patients to improve their increased their fibre intake
dietary behaviour. more than participants in the
control group (0.5 g/1000
B: Control group, n=959. kcal vs 0.36 g/1000 kcal,
Patients received ‘usual care’ p<0.05).
from their GP.
No other differences in
outcome measures were
observed between groups.

7. Salkeld et Men and A: Video intervention group, Nutrition behaviour 12 months Participants in all groups
al.,25 Australia women with n=269. GPs were trained measures: reduced their serum
(1997) lifestyle-related in a CVD risk reduction Dietary fat intake.|| cholesterol levels. Males
chronic disease programme and provided a in the video plus self-help
(hyperlipidaemia, video to each patient in one Risk factor measures: group significantly reduced
hypertension or consultation. Weight, BMI, blood their diastolic blood pressure
overweight (BMI pressure, serum lipid (-4.0 mm Hg; p=0.0002),
>30 kg/m2). B: Video and self-help and females in the control
intervention group, n=231. levels.
group significantly reduced
GPs were trained in a CVD their diastolic blood pressure
risk reduction programme (-4.0 mm Hg; p=0.001). No
and provided a video and other differences in outcome
self-help resources to each measures were observed
patient in one consultation. between groups.
C: Control group, n=255.
GPs assessed each
patient’s CVD risk factors
and provided them with
feedback on their results in
conjunction with usual care.



Table 1 cont.

Study details Sample Intervention protocol Outcome measures Follow-up period Summary of findings
8. Alli et al.,26 Men and women A: Intervention group, n=40. Nutrition behaviour 12 months No differences in outcome
Italy (1992) with hypertension GPs provided ‘simple’ dietary measures: measures were observed
taking advice to patients 6 times Nil. between groups.
antihypertensive over a 12-month period,
medication. using a leaflet on low sodium Risk factor measures: Many participants openly
nutrition. stated that they were non-
Weight, height, blood compliant with the dietary
B: Control group, n=37. pressure. advice provided by the GP.
Patients received ‘usual care’
from their GP.
9. Logsdon et Men and women A: Intervention group, Nutrition behaviour 12 months Participants in the
al.,18 USA seeking health n=1409. GPs provided one measures: intervention group were
(1989) care from their 15-minute consultation Usual dietary intake,† more likely to lose weight
GP. promoting healthy alcohol intake. (>5 lb, p<0.05) and reduce
behaviours, including behaviours of heavy drinking
nutrition, in line with Risk factor measures: (p<0.01) than participants
preventive guidelines. Weight. in the control group. No
other differences in outcome
B: Control group, n=809. measures were observed
Patients received ‘usual care’ between groups.
from their GP.

* Energy Intake was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire.

† No measurement description of ‘usual dietary intake’ was provided in these studies.
‡ ‘Healthy Diet Score’ was calculated by the authors based on the 1998 Italian Guidelines for Correct Nutrition.
§ Total and relative intakes of fat and fibre were assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire.
|| Dietary fat intake was assessed using an adapted food questionnaire.
BMI = Body Mass Index, CVD = cardiovascular disease, GP = general practitioner, lb = pounds, mins = minutes, PCP = primary care physician, SOC = stage of change

Outcomes were assessed through differences in review.18–26 The reasons for excluding 122 articles
mean from 0 to 18 months after each interven- fell within four criteria, as shown in Figure 1.
tion. Additional outcomes measured within this Of these articles, 72 were immediately excluded
timeframe were also included, such as six-month because they did not investigate the effectiveness
and nine-month outcomes. of nutrition care provided by GPs. Of the
studies that did investigate the effectiveness
of nutrition care, the interventions were often
Quality assessment
conducted by a research assistant, practice
The methodological quality of each study was nurse or other health professional (n=28).27–30
assessed by two independent researchers (LB and These studies were excluded because they did
CJ) using the American Dietetic Association not investigate the effectiveness of nutrition
Quality Criteria Checklist (QCC).17 The QCC is a care provided by GPs. Additionally, a number
tool commonly used to assess studies in the field of studies were excluded because they were
of nutrition. The checklist includes 10 criteria not deemed to be randomised controlled trials
that assess the applicability to practice and scien- (n=11).31 For example, one study compared the
tific validity of each study. Through this tool, the effectiveness of nutrition care provided by GPs
quality attributes of each study were classified as to the nutrition care provided by dietitians and
positive, neutral or negative. did not incorporate a control group.32

The nine interventions included in the review

consisted of 9564 participants, 5533 participating
Of the 131 articles originally screened, nine in an intervention, and 4031 acting as controls.
intervention studies were chosen for the The studies were published between 198918 and



2008,19 and four date from after 2000.19–22 Five of measures and risk factor measures.19,24 However,
the studies were conducted in the USA,18–20,23,24 only one of these studies observed an improve-
three were conducted in Europe,21,22,26 and one ment in the nutrition behaviour of participants
was conducted in Australia.25 The number of (specifically, reduced fat and increased fibre
participants included in each study ranged from intake),24 and one observed an improvement in
7726 to 3179.21 The interventions incorporated participants’ body weight.19 Due to the nature of
between one and six consultations with a GP, the interventions, some of the quality assessment
where the GP provided basic nutrition care to criteria were not feasible to meet, such as the use
the participant. Three of the studies included of blinding by the GPs. Furthermore, a neutral
nutrition-related training for the GPs prior to the rating was allocated to many of the assessment
intervention,18,23,25 and two of the studies utilised criteria due to lack of information in the articles,
the national dietary guidelines as supporting rather than poor intervention design. Common
material for the nutrition care.21,24 information missing from articles included the
method for allocating participants to groups, the
Each study’s sample description, intervention reasons for participant withdrawal, and if ‘inten-
protocol, outcome variables and results are tion-to-treat’ statistical analysis was implemented.
presented in Table 1. Eight studies incorporated at
least one nutrition behaviour outcome, typically
in the form of usual dietary intake.18–25 All
nine studies incorporated at least one risk factor
Summary of main findings
outcome, such as weight, waist circumference,
serum lipid levels or blood pressure.18,19,21–26 Eight This systematic review investigated the effec-
interventions utilised a follow-up period of 12 tiveness of nutrition care provided by GPs in
months,18,19,21–26 and one intervention utilised a improving the nutrition behaviour and subse-
follow-up period of 18 months.20 quent risk factors in individuals with lifestyle-
related chronic disease. The interventions suggest
Five interventions observed improvements in that GPs may be effective at providing nutrition
the nutrition behaviour of participants, such as care to individuals with lifestyle-related chronic
a reduction of energy consumption of 0.7 MJ/ disease. Interestingly, the studies that observed
day,22 a reduction in excessive alcohol consump- improvements in participants’ nutrition behaviour
tion of 36%,18 a reduction of meat consumption were not necessarily the same studies that ob-
to three serves or less per week,21 and a reduction served improvements in participants’ risk factors.
of fat intake of 5–10%.22–24 The interventions For example, Beresford et al.24 observed improve-
also observed an increase in fruit and vegetable ments in participants’ energy, fat and fibre intake,
intake by two serves per week,21 an increase in but not any improvements in risk factors such as
fish intake to at least one serve per week,21 and weight or serum lipid levels. Conversely, Martin
an increase in fibre intake of 0.55 g/1000 kcals.24 et al.20 observed improvements in participants’
The five interventions that were conducted body weight, but not any measures of nutri-
most recently observed significant reductions tion behaviour. It is possible that the different
in participants’ body weight of 0.4–2.3 kg, or findings were due to differences in the outcomes
0.2–0.81 kg/m2.19–23 Reductions in serum choles- measured. For example, five of the studies meas-
terol levels of 0.46–0.83 mmol/L, and reductions ured ‘usual dietary intake’ but did not specify
in diastolic blood pressure of 4.0 mm Hg were which nutrients were analysed to assess the effec-
also observed.25 tiveness of the intervention.18,20–23 Furthermore,
three of the interventions only measured one
The quality attributes of each study are displayed component of dietary intake (e.g. energy intake),
in Table 2. Two of the studies received a ‘positive’ and therefore reduced the likelihood of observing
quality assessment rating,19,24 and seven received a improvements in nutrition behaviour.19,24,25
‘neutral’ quality assessment rating.18,20–23,25,26 Both
of the studies that received a ‘positive’ quality as- Of the three interventions that provided
sessment rating incorporated nutrition behaviour nutrition-related training to GPs, one observed



Table 2. Quality assessment attributes for each study assessed using the Quality Criteria Checklist (QCC).17

Criteria scores

9. Conclusions supported
8. Appropriate statistical
withdrawals described

intervention protocol

10. Unlikely funding bias

2. Participant selection

3. Comparable study

7. Outcomes clearly
5. Use of blinding
1. Clear research

6. Description of
free from bias

4. Participant

by results


Overall quality
Study rating*
1. Christian
+ + + + Ø + + + + + +
et al.19
2. Martin
+ + Ø + Ø Ø + + + + Ø
et al.20
3. Sacerdote
+ Ø + + Ø Ø + + + + Ø
et al.21
4. van der
Veen + Ø + + Ø + + Ø Ø + Ø
et al.22
5. Ockene
+ + Ø - Ø + + Ø + + Ø
et al.23
6. Beresford
+ + + + + + + Ø + + +
et al.24
7. Salkeld
+ + Ø Ø Ø - Ø Ø + + Ø
et al.25
8. Alli
+ Ø Ø + Ø Ø + Ø + + Ø
et al.26
9. Logsdon
+ + + - Ø - Ø + + + Ø
et al.18

* + Positive overall score: This overall score is given if criteria 2, 3, 6, 7 of the QCC and one additional criterion have received a positive score.
Ø Neutral overall score: This score is given if more criteria are met than for a negative overall score but an overall positive score is not reached.
- Negative overall score: This score is given if 6 or more QCC criteria are not met.

significant improvements in participants’ dietary No association was apparent between the mag-
fat intake and body weight,23 another observed nitude of outcomes and the number of consulta-
improvements in participants’ serum lipid levels tions that were incorporated into the interven-
and blood pressure25 and one observed improve- tions. For example, of the six interventions that
ments in participants’ alcohol behaviour and body observed significant reductions in participants’
weight.18 Interestingly, two of the studies incor- body weight, three interventions incorporated
porated four identical outcome measures into the one consultation each,18,21,23 two interventions in-
interventions (dietary fat intake, body weight, corporated between three and four consultations
blood pressure and serum lipid levels), but each,19,22 and one intervention incorporated six
observed contradictory outcomes. Therefore, the consultations.20 Therefore, it would appear that
impact of nutrition-related training on the effec- the number of consultations is not a determin-
tiveness of the nutrition care provided may differ ing factor for the effectiveness of nutrition care
under various circumstances. The inconsistencies provided by GPs. This suggests that effective
observed in the reviewed studies indicate that the nutrition care can be provided in relatively few
positive impact of nutrition-related training for consultations, and may not have a significant
GPs requires further investigation. influence on GPs’ workload.



Comparison with existing literature nutrition care to patients. However, the studies
that were reviewed may not reflect the current
Typically, weight loss interventions that in- nutrition care practices of GPs. Each of the inter-
volve lifestyle modification observe significant ventions included a ‘usual care’ group that acted
improvements in outcomes measured six months as a control, and suggests that the usual practices
after the intervention and then trend back of GPs do not include nutrition care. It is impor-
towards baseline 12 months after the interven- tant that GPs provide nutrition care to patients
tion.33 As a result, the overall effectiveness of the when appropriate in order to promote healthy
reviewed studies may be underestimated because nutrition behaviour and improve associated risk
the final follow-up measures in each study were factors. Furthermore, each of the intervention
taken at least 12 months after the intervention studies in the review utilised a protocol for the
commenced. Previous literature indicates that provision of nutrition care. This suggests that
short-term improvements in risk factors persist to in order to replicate the outcomes of the stud-
improvements in long-term disease risk reduction ies, GPs may require a nutrition care protocol for
and are therefore important.34,35 Interestingly, two daily practice, and the development of appropriate
studies in the current review observed similar protocols consequently requires investigation.
trends, with participants losing a significant
amount of weight at six months22 and nine
Strengths and limitations
months20 after the intervention, but regressing
back towards baseline body weight at 12 months Many of the outcome measures that improved
and 18 months after the intervention. following the nutrition care interventions are key
indicators of chronic disease management, such
Despite observing significant improvements in as weight and dietary intake.38 However, none
patients’ nutrition behaviour and risk factors, the of the studies explored the clinical significance
current review does not compare the magnitude of the outcomes. Clinical significance of health
of effect of GP-facilitated nutrition care with outcomes, such as body weight, are usually
other health professionals or services that provide estimated as losses greater than 5% of initial body
nutrition care to individuals with lifestyle-related weight.39 For each study that measured body
chronic disease. Of note, a 12-month intervention weight, the results were reported in absolute
utilising a commercial weight loss programme terms rather than as a percentage of initial body
(Weight Watchers) observed an average weight weight. Therefore, the clinical significance of the
loss of 5.06 kg for completing participants, which health outcomes is difficult to determine, and
is higher than the observed weight loss reported in requires further investigation.
the reviewed studies (0.4–2.3 kg).19–23,36 However,
the commercial programme involved a relatively The quality of the reviewed interventions
high participant burden, with weekly meetings requires consideration, with two studies receiv-
and ‘weigh-ins’, and also observed a lower comple- ing positive quality scores, and seven receiving
tion rate (61%) than the reviewed studies (64–93%). neutral quality scores. Due to the nature of the
This finding indicates that high-intensity inter- interventions, some of the quality assessment
ventions may result in improved health outcomes, criteria were not feasible to meet, such as the use
but the overall impact may be reduced due to high of blinding by the GPs. Furthermore, a neutral
attrition rates.37 The provision of nutrition care rating was allocated to many of the assessment
by GPs is important because the general practice criteria due to lack of information in the articles,
setting provides exposure to individuals who pre- rather than poor intervention design. Common
fer to receive nutrition care from GPs rather than information missing from articles included the
other health professionals or services.14 method for allocating participants to groups,
the reasons for participant withdrawal, and
if ‘intention-to-treat’ statistical analysis was
Implications for practice
implemented. In addition, the nutrition behav-
The interventions that were reviewed demon- iour of participants was usually monitored using
strate the potential for GPs to provide effective self-reported data, and it is therefore important to



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and other nutrition care services that are not 10. Australian Government. Clinical Practice Guidelines for the
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