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Noura Gomaa

Class: White
Thank you, Noura!
The calm caring girl
Thank for taking care of the Gomaa family clan
And everyone else around you

Thank you, Noura!

The alert one that has the eyes of an eagle
Always looking but is still very quiet
Daughter of Fatheya hates saying her ideas
Prefers to write them down Commented [1]: Become a writer! or even better: an
English teacher!! :)
Thank you, Noura
For having the personality of your mother
Always showing your moral support to everyone around you
Even though you are always doubting yourself

Thank you, Noura

For learning from your mother
Always leading people in the right direction

Thank you, Noura

For being calm as a bird
Even in tough situations, you stay calm and positive

Thank you, Noura

For being clumsy like a cat
You know it always makes people laugh

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