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* DAY .1 => Apply GLUCOSE as anti stress inside their Drinking Water to ease them off the Stress and
Fatigues From Long hours Journey to your Poultry house.

[ Start Feeding Your New Chicks with " SUPER BROILER STARTER MASH" ] .

* DAY . 2 - 5 => Apply a Very Strong Antibiotics Medicine combine with Multivitamins e.g. Teramycine,
Furamycine, Kepcox and Vitalyte Extra for Vitamin.

* DAY . 6 - 8 => Apply Anti - Coccidiossis Drug to Prevent Some of Dangerous Bacteria that can cause
early Mortality in your Poultry house.

* DAY . 9 => Apply the first Vaccine of GUMBORO to Immunize and Fortify your Birds from Dangerous
Gumboro Diseases that can cause outbreak mortality in your Poultry house.

[ Pls ask from VET Shop where to buy the Vaccine including how to apply it inside water ].

* DAY . 10 => After Vaccination, give your Birds Multivitamin like DS, ULTRA VITALYTE or VITALYTE EXTRA
to ease them from the Vaccination Stress.

* DAY . 11 - 13 => Go back to Anti - Coccidiosis and Vitamin for the Prevention.

* DAY . 14 of Two {2} Weeks => Apply the No . 2. Vaccine of LASOTA Combine with Cowbell Powder Milk
to Immunize and Fortify them from Dangerous NEWCASTLE Disease.

[ Pls ask from VET Shop where to buy the Vaccine Including how to administer it into Water ].

* DAY .15 - 20 => Give your Birds only Multivitamins for 2 days and Ordinary Clean Water for remaining
3 days.

* DAY .21 of Three {3} Weeks => Re - apply the Second GUMBORO VACCINE.

* DAY. 22 - 27 => Give the Birds Multivitamin for 2 days and Ordinary Clean Water for remaining 3 days.
* DAY. 28 of Four {4} Weeks => Re - apply and Repeat the Second LASOTA VACCINE for your birds.

* DAY. 29 => Give your Birds Ordinary Clean Water through out the day and Change their Feeding
System to "BROILER FINISHER MASH" at age of 5 Weeks to their Maturity Marketing Level of 8 - 10
Weeks of age.

* DAY. 30 - 41 => Re - apply and Prevent your Birds with Anti Viral Drugs like ; VIRAL CARE, ANTI
COCCIDIOSIS Drugs added with Multivitamin to Fortify and Prevent your birds.

* DAY. 42 => De - worm and Treat your Birds with " DEWORMER" Drugs.

* DAY. 43 - 56 of 8 Weeks { Two Months } => Continue to give your Birds Ordinary Clean water and
Prepare to sell them. Copied........

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