The Power of The Book Shemot

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By Billy Phillips

God told Adam that he had sinned.

Adam replied, “Yes I did—but Eve made me do it!”

There it is…the magic, go-to word, “but”!

He refused to be accountable.

And this is the consciousness we are still trying to transform over

the last 5000+ years.

This is what the next few months in the book of Shemot/Exodus is all

The essence is about freedom from slavery in Egypt. But it’s really
about freedom from “but & blame.”

Blame Trump.

Blame Hillary.

Blame the other guy.

Blame anyone.

But myself.

Kabbalist Rav Berg told me the entire Torah story is NOT about some
biblical characters prancing around a garden. And freedom from Egypt
is not about the nation of Egypt but our own ego.  Specifically it’s a
stunning secret about human consciousness and our evolution.

When we become the cause of our problems, we now become the cause of a
solution. Because consciousness creates reality. That is how we gain

If we are missing anything in our life, it’s because we are still in

effect/victim mode, reacting and not creating.

Here’s a secret: the negative traits we transform in ourselves, are

the traits that we automatically never judge in others.

The negative traits that are still unchanged, buried within us, those
are the traits we project onto the people who have the same traits and
then we judge them.

In short, we naturally offer compassion to people who have the same

traits that we already corrected. It’s subconscious.
And we blame and judge people who have the same traits and sins that
we are still hiding inside, oblivious to their influence upon us.

That’s how it works.

It's not easy to accept this, is it?

And that is the root of the word “but” and the root reason why we

We're slaves to this victimhood state of consciousness.

Through the power of the Book of Shemot, we can all achieve freedom
from this slavery.

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