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After listening to and analysing Lanto’s speech from Torchwood I can tell it is an

emotional scene in the 6 and a half minute Adaptation radio drama as the
music they used is very under toned and there are a lot of pauses in the speech
of Lanto and its almost as if he is about to break down and cry at any second.
There is a beeping throughout the whole production as well which is the same
beeping as one from a heart sensor in a hospital to scan someone’s heartbeat.
This beeping noise stays on the show from the beginning to around 4 minutes
and 35 minutes into the drama which is the duration of when Lanto is speaking
Jack when he is unconscious on the hospital bed. So just from this we can tell
where the scene is taking place without any of the characters needing to say
they are in a hospital. For most of the speech Lanto mentions certain things
which tell us that they have a past and close friendship, especially for someone
who has never watched or seen Torchwood before. Lanto mentions things such
as “I’ve never seen your face for this long without you smiling” so we can also
tell Jack (the person in hospital) was a charismatic or happy/positive person.
Another reason why this could be considered emotional is from the fact that
Lanto is making himself sound so small compared to Jack as he describes
himself as a little part of Jack’s life as Jack is immortal so he will live on forever
where as Lanto is a normal human so it’s a lot different to him. It uses the tone
and voices used within the radio show to communicate with the
listeners/audience as there are no visuals as it is a radio drama. At around 2
minutes 15 seconds to 3 minutes in the radio show there are small pauses in-
between where Lanto is speaking to show the emotion in Lanto’s voice to set
the tone for the scene that is going on between him and Jack.

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