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nanos Koch Snoatlake Classic Iterated Function Systems Lany Riddle, Agnes Scott College Koch Snowflake Start with an equilateral triangle T=S(0), Scale T by a factor of 1/3 and place 3 copies along each of the three sides of T 4s illustrated in the diagram below to form a new image S(1). Next scale T by a factor of 1/9 = (1/3) and place 12=4%3 copies along the sides of T(1) as illustrated to form the image SQ), For the next iteration, take 48-4%12 copies of T sealed by a factor of 1/27=(1/3} and place them around the sides of S(@) to form the image S@). Continue this construction, The Koch Snow/lake is the limiting image of the construction, scale by 1/3 >>> S(0) lscale by 1/3 s(1) + a ee i Iscale by 1 (2) +148 copies) = * * + S(3) The sequence of sets $(0), S(), S@2), SG), .. that are constructed this way forma Cauchy sequence in the Hausdorff ‘metric, and the limit is the Koch snowflake [Proof] Here is one example ofan iterated function system for the Koch snow/lake, This is based on sealed hexagons [Details ff =[e v5) x vaje 4/2 scale by 1/3, otate by 30° hip llocadomyagresscot edu idafsksrewksnow him 45 ean016 Koch Snoatlake + PAs] sere 1/3 0 ' scale by 1/3 [3] [ vy] scale by 13 [ER] scorn x [2] see scale by 1/3 This produces the following attractor consisting of6 smaller copies ofthe snowflake scaled by 1/3 and one copy in the middle scaled by 1//3. The area of the middle section is 3 times the area of the surrounding copies. [Click for Snowflake with Fuschia flowers] Here is another iterated flnetion system for the Koch snowflake. This is based on a dragon curve construction [Details] hip llocadomyagresscot edu idafsksrewksnow him ean016 Koch Snoatlake voo-[-at, Sega] reo wo-[2 She LB] 1s) [ 28, SI] [2] sesame [35 Wet Lig] enn woo [ YP tale[if] —eeesemnon wo Jefe] save ‘The boundary ofthe snow/lake consists of three copies ofthe Koch curve placed around the three sides of the initial equilateral triangle and facing outwards. ‘The boundary can be constructed by the following L-system: Angle 60 Axiom FH+E+F F—> FPHEP hip llocadomyagresscot edu idafsksrewksnow him

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