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A social network is a structure capable of communicating among people or

institutions. Through the internet you can establish relationships that create groups
or communities with common interests. Social networks involve unlimited contact in
real time. This is achieved thanks to interactivity, one of its most distinctive and
novel features. Before social networks, companies and the media had virtually no
way of being able to communicate with their audience and thus know their opinion.
However, the networks allow to establish a mutual contact between sender and
receiver. Right now an article posted in a digital newspaper is not considered
finished until the recipients have added their reflections to the original. Networks
like Facebook or Twitter offer services that guarantee instant contact. Fulanita
hangs her photographs of what she did yesterday afternoon and the second her
entire list of friends knows that she spent the day in the country. We enter into a
way of communicating in which the barriers of time and space are broken. Viral
diffusion is the ability of social networks to make content reach a large number of
people easily and directly. There are a number of videos or photographs that have
become incredibly well known thanks to clicks on sharing (proof of this is the
famous video posted on YouTube of the Big Mac Menu that has taken its author to
television). The update is constant and events can be reported at the time they
occur. For this reason, it is important to have sufficient content. Users will be more
attracted to an account that makes daily publications than one that offers
information intermittently.
In 2002, the first websites began to appear, which promoted the integration of new
friends' circles or in turn made contacts with old friends. The popularity of these
networks grew rapidly and, at the same time, more and more social sites were
incorporated into the Internet. The use that people give to social networks is
practically every day, be it for work, games, leisure or for conversation. Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram are some of the most used networks especially by young
people, who dedicate more to upload or comment photos, taking into account the
Facebook is the tool par excellence that not only keeps us in touch with friends,
also allows us to expand our list of friends, entertain with games and consultations
on various topics of our interest In the city of Tacna the influence of social networks
on students from different schools has become a major problem that is affecting to
your student development. Among the factors we find is spending too much time
immersed in networks whether inside or outside of classes. For all these reasons, it
is extremely important to emphasize the talks that will be given to the students of
the city's schools. It is expected that this research work will meet the objectives set
and contribute through the training students' performance
Social networks have been gradually incorporated into the lives of human beings,
so that they are present in almost all areas, so much so that even some of the
people who still do not have a computer or cell phone with Internet service have
heard about them. In current times the term social network is one of the most used
by different sites or pages who in turn offer diversity of topics according to the
needs of its users. The success of social networks, lies mainly in that they have
come to concentrate the tools that were previously dispersed, such as email, blogs,
query websites, chat and even sharing images and videos easily and easily. fast
Social networks are the strongest on the Internet and this is due to the power of
almost immediate communication that this offers. Taking Yahoo Answers as an
example in a matter of seconds we can get solutions from millions of people who
may have knowledge about the problem you want to know about and the people
around you do not know it. How social networks affect the academic performance
of students is the question that arises in these times and is that social networks
apart to be used as a research source, they are also often an addiction in many
students that becomes negative because this can make them feel bad
other people and even cause unnecessary fights. It is there where the discussion
comes that in itself its use in students becomes addictive. Students seeking to be
in touch with technology have implemented new forms of communication making
use of social networks to have other sources of knowledge or easily access and
record videos that not only affect physically but mentally the other person. At
present young people have the need to know and discover the current forms of
interaction that exist in the society that surrounds them, which makes it easy to
access social networks online, the same ones that having an appropriate use will
provide benefits important to any person, necessarily including those who are
students even though they are aware that a misuse of this can cause distraction in
the learning process which will negatively influence their student preparation
Establish the influence of social networks in the training of young people through
analysis, to demonstrate to what extent these cybernetic spaces affect the students
of the schools of the Alto de la Alianza district,
The present research on the influence of social networks in the formation of young
people in the schools of the Alto de la Alianza district of the city of Tacna is justified
by the fact that one of the problems worldwide is the addictions that are they
develop in the classrooms being the main reason the distraction of the students for
being immersed in the social network and thus to have active conversations, to be
downloading music, or simply to have the social profile activated, without lending
attention to the classes dictated by the teachers, which can lead to an academic
performance that is far below normal to that stipulated by the school regulations
A considerable percentage of high school students belonging to the city of Tacna
present an almost addictive interest in social networks and the different activities
they offer, that is why thanks to the collaboration of these students, the study will
be carried out. in this way to have a clearer and deeper knowledge about what the
educational consequences that teenagers can be immersed in the world of the
Internet are in themselves. The purpose of the preparation of the proposal is to
raise awareness with enough support material for adolescents to avoid the
excessive abuse that these students make of social networks, leaving aside their
studies and families, as their addiction towards them these networks make them
dependent on it. The influence of social networks on students is given by the little
control of parents and teachers which leads to a deficit in academic performance


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