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Firstname Lastname

City, State, Country • phone # including country code

Hult email address • personal email address • Linkedin profile URL


No more than 5 lines. This is where you showcase and brand your professional self. Content should be
factual and concrete; that is, do not make vague claims about your personality or work ethic. Consider
including total years of professional experience; industry, functional, and geographic expertise; language
fluencies; volunteer/internship experience; and/or perhaps a hard-hitting accomplishment that would
be particularly interesting to your target employers.

Relevant Knowledge, Skills, and Training

Knowledge Keyword • Knowledge Keyword • Skill Keyword • Skill Keyword • Training or Hult
Coursework Keyword • Training or Hult Coursework Keyword


Degree program here Expected August 2014

World's most international business school. Top 10 FT ranking for international business and experience.
 1 line. Rotation campus information here.
 1 line. Action Learning Project overview, including client name, here.
 1 line. Extra-curricular activity, such as club membership, here.

Previous degree program here Graduation month and year

UNIVERSITY NAME—City, State, Country

Professional Experience_______________________________________________________________________________

MOST RECENT COMPANY NAME—City, State, Country start year – end year
1-line company description here. Revenues? # of employees? Main areas of business?

Most recent role or title (year – year, if needed). No more than 3 lines. This is where you summarize
your JOB SCOPE. Content can include key responsibilities or projects, level of authority, size of budget or
revenues managed, number of staff managed, and/or key performance metrics.

 ACHIEVEMENT #1. No more than 2 lines. Use action verb. Focus on business results, quantifiable if
possible, that make you look desirable to employers in your functional/industry/geographic target.
 ACHIEVEMENT #2. No more than 2 lines. Use action verb. Focus on business results, quantifiable if
possible, that make you look desirable to employers in your functional/industry/geographic target.
 ACHIEVEMENT #3. No more than 2 lines. Use action verb. Focus on business results, quantifiable if
possible, that make you look desirable to employers in your functional/industry/geographic target.

Previous role or title (year – year, if needed). No more than 3 lines. This is where you summarize your
JOB SCOPE. Content can include key responsibilities or projects, level of authority, size of budget or
revenues managed, number of staff managed, and/or key performance metrics.

 ACHIEVEMENT #1. No more than 2 lines. Use action verb. Focus on business results, quantifiable if
possible, that make you look desirable to employers in your functional/industry/geographic target.
 ACHIEVEMENT #2. No more than 2 lines. Use action verb. Focus on business results, quantifiable if
possible, that make you look desirable to employers in your functional/industry/geographic target.
 ACHIEVEMENT #3. No more than 2 lines. Use action verb. Focus on business results, quantifiable if
possible, that make you look desirable to employers in your functional/industry/geographic target.
Firstname Lastname
phone # including country code • Hult email address • personal email address

PREVIOUS COMPANY NAME—City, State, Country start year – end year

Type a 1-line company description here. Revenues? # of employees? Main areas of business?

Previous role or title. No more than 3 lines. This is where you summarize your JOB SCOPE. Content can
include key responsibilities or projects, level of authority, size of budget or revenues managed, number of
staff managed, and/or key performance metrics.

 ACHIEVEMENT #1. No more than 2 lines. Use action verb. Focus on business results, quantifiable if
possible, that make you look desirable to employers in your functional/industry/geographic target.
 ACHIEVEMENT #2. No more than 2 lines. Use action verb. Focus on business results, quantifiable if
possible, that make you look desirable to employers in your functional/industry/geographic target.
 ACHIEVEMENT #3. No more than 2 lines. Use action verb. Focus on business results, quantifiable if
possible, that make you look desirable to employers in your functional/industry/geographic target.

PREVIOUS COMPANY NAME—City, State, Country start year – end year

Type a 1-line company description here. Revenues? # of employees? Main areas of business?

Previous role or title. No more than 3 lines. This is where you summarize your JOB SCOPE. Content can
include key responsibilities or projects, level of authority, size of budget or revenues managed, number of
staff managed, and/or key performance metrics.

 ACHIEVEMENT #1. No more than 2 lines. Use action verb. Focus on business results, quantifiable if
possible, that make you look desirable to employers in your functional/industry/geographic target.
 ACHIEVEMENT #2. No more than 2 lines. Use action verb. Focus on business results, quantifiable if
possible, that make you look desirable to employers in your functional/industry/geographic target.
 ACHIEVEMENT #3. No more than 2 lines. Use action verb. Focus on business results, quantifiable if
possible, that make you look desirable to employers in your functional/industry/geographic target.

Additional Information________________________________________________________________________________

Languages: This is where you list your language competencies (native/fluent/intermediate/beginning).

Affiliations: This is where you detail relevant professional association memberships, etc.
Certification: This is where you detail relevant certifications.
Technologies: This is where you detail relevant software competencies.

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