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Super Power Bloke

Complete the following sentences from the video:

Part 1

1. When we boil _______ ________ such as oil, coal and gas we create energy for our
day-to-day needs, but we also create CO2; we call this _______ ________.

2. This global warming is causing all sorts of problems: ________ ice caps, changing
_______ ________, desertification, to name a few.

3. If the ice caps _____ , the ______ ________ rise. The rivers break their _______

4. In the UK, the average person has a _______ _______ of nearly 11 thousand kilos of
CO2 per year. If everyone ______ ______ their _______ _______, then we could
______ the effect of ________ ________.

Part 2

Which are those 5 simple ways to save the planet?

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