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Acquired Brain Injury Awareness

Effects of brain injuries

Damage to the frontal lobe may cause:

 loss of spontaneity
 difficulty with paying attention
 personality changes
 loss of ability to solve problems.

Damage to the parietal lobe may cause difficulties with:

 distinguishing between left and right

 sense of touch
 hand/eye co-ordination
 academic skills.

Damage to the occipital lobe may cause problems with:

 reading and writing

 vision (such as word blindness and visual field cuts)
 identifying colours.

Damage to the temporal lobe may cause:

 increased aggression
 short-term memory loss
 difficulty understanding speech
 continuous talking.

Embrace-learning [ABI checklist - Effects of brain injuries.doc] v1

Damage to the cerebellum may cause:

 impaired co-ordination
 inability to make rapid movements
 inability to walk
 slurred speech.

Damage to the brain stem may cause:

 dizziness and nausea (known as vertigo)

 difficulty swallowing
 difficulty with balance and movement
 impaired regulation of heart rate and breathing.

Embrace-learning [ABI checklist - Effects of brain injuries.doc] v1

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