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Af rue ot te colder _seunion nda ch coat _ nd Engels, should be based on int nh monensin “tcnomy anne sh Intense nto Seven cc hi ses cy wb pee ‘vexed tug fdentpment Ita ttt ese hoon isto henge ald Sethe mary won eae capitalism Asal and economic ‘arta based onthe rats onethip fallmjoprtsafan canon by donna orang ey ae ind, anes, comparse n/a ey Stare ho make he inprtantdecsons ‘ncn iste profit ‘plone. Thesite and sey {sanole fas ory tesa ot Such ises female cls mkt ora feet som, ‘Miitary-ndustrial Complex Thisrefnsto the tp US itary lees (he Pentagon) ané ge US smamerts compare Some pee, Incaing enone epee “ana thatthe emote topes US presidents atncrased dence epee sate ripondtothe sone “ane Ina nt Fact Hi uggs tat ne ecard (olsen fo the namie sownance fap mein sande aac ith the | ence. eatin th Cristi undnertalin | _ aide aught inne SA, ee What were the main features of the Cold War? The main theories Historians have developed at least tee mor interpretations concerning {he reasons for the Cold War. Not surprisingly there are also mule © often confcting ~ assessments of its nature, The eight mate than see plained below 1 The Russian menace ‘Many have seen the Col War a5 essential a series of crises and confies ‘esting from Russian expansionism and Soviet commnnior, which the ‘hes \West strguedtcontain. Hence the actons taken the US ants lice wae merely defensive measures against the teat of Soret gronty 2USimperiatisis thers have taken the opposite viewpoint. instead of Moscow being the heart. of an ‘ei empl, the threat came from Uashington, which wa Stenping te sprend the evl of expansionist and predatory moropely aplatiny ack stent US captlsm—in order to achieve gabe hegemony Ths wat noth ‘re the ‘communist enemy but also overs Western alles Mostra cag ‘he US was more than prepared to we miitary force to achieve te cope whether though invasion, the backing or intgaion of cup, wana et ‘sting “trois. fc, such aeons have een seen em casenl ea "litary-Indusual Gomplew, which sad to need enemies and wa in ar ‘o maintain high prostabily in late capitan, 3 West-West conflict theory Some historians consider he Cold Wor to be a mich more complex confi ‘Sogpesting hat was essentially a smokescreen forthe US wile the cen attempted to secure domination af the Western writ By placing the se, \sontn he olf ei empire the US sought to conti! devloprizats boii ‘ester Europe and in Japan and other parts of si Argus, thincan te sey ‘ost notably uring the Second Cold War (1979-9) a period that cofsliea with economic problems in the West and the see of independent natsonice "ovement in the Developing Worl, coding fo thi ew he even ofthe Cold War were an extension of ts Ineable cmedtion and cote between teh cpa ee st $a ery le tothe Ft Wo Way, an pony Send War as well. a 4 Intra-state theory is shen, clay ented te the Went Wet cont they, sages that the Cad War was essentially the plying out on an Inteseonl eacs of developments inthe internal domestic economies and vocal ern of the mest important indviual states. Ar auch, the foreign foe ne the USA and the USER during the Cold War shouldbe scene afer Poliins and ~ in the case of expt sates af gure of emporio ‘nd overcome competion 5 lass-confict theory heey much sore early sedan Mt sey nd the cally Sverdod a national odintermatona ae sg Hence the Cold Wat and the tenslons between the superpowers shouldbe een as eal ofthe historic Conic between eaplalimyand communism. Adherent ofthis theory see the ‘ald war as bot the rel thewe tenons tea cove or exci nervene tity in aeas considered important Such US interventions ding the Cal Mfarcouldbe so othe genera public inthe Wests mercy defensive esponses to deliberate attmpts by Morcow to spread is ell emp” and pericious ideal een hen svenee upped he USGRDhed played no oie hem 6 Superpower theory ‘Anotherinterpretationof ie Cold Warisinkedtotheemergenceof superpower titer 1985 and ses the essential nature ofthe Cold War atthe sternp to Syme nt orang each tes toca pte wai bes Ginn ad suppor: the eon af nna teninon Developed fy the ot, this theory hada portant pact on the cal War The Tse of Communist china andeepecialtdapute wih the USSR nthe 96, cented aspect othe Cold War and eventual sa oth the USA and he a mul pola USSR eying to gain china’ su the thee major meters af the Grand Alliance oweet, the USA was in 2 Teague ofits own, and by 1945 was larly the most powerful tte that the ord had ever cen Many commentators, ad ltr Msi, en se the term global superpower to describe the USA and USSR inthe period aer 198 However tis debatable whether bth these states can real be een a= Spry Alto he sw ly regen spepow eh the USA that could be termes ely global superpower. me usa no During the Second Weld Wat, the US economy had grown tremendously. By {2 hero oa wa ae hn ont sl ther stented ovorics of Boe oie the pcre these tats were fag shtoimprove the rading poston of US companies andthe economiestength by 1945, the USA ad he world's most powerfl airforce and nay Iso hada Bowing ew abe thw Tew my ash rapt the economi owt ofthe USSR ding the 195 he country ad Bear et ack raiding te Nines ideation ny ‘rr ern epngenoomay.e Sok wr amch o the Ushi bn Frey teeny and tue of actos Asanesanle oho mult oor ate of he ad Wa inte 19705 hee apprchonet ith Bing, ting preston te USSR wich Themed esesetsbordr gat anesieally, sacorsonene, theSsRvasmrewting to eansier eae ih he USA tole trons in urope ond urd he wot Fact Gers suangersconomy ts uch rete ath and productive ‘pa the Ska determine a ese that prea tri ston and trade oe er teed ye roe fe tad condition, der Sach codons, he mechanics ofa wold apa market cana wold prttotheatrantage athe nest, tfc conpanes at of ch Nr ee ee af onset ect r Fact “The Sit i ry a ated stam tuopean esas rari i estan sedintie counties. “ig thUSS car itary omiain na very unstable. ar Marx (1818-83) Nacwae German hlosoperand torn bo dewaped ho mts. one ois argg that das tage an afc werethe mst iota ars ein as and covomie-ar wells ahd pala change Along nti close folabratr ich Engels (820- s)he st Camm ant ‘int8cwtch aretha dati ring dss ncaa opiate 0 ing abot ain in eva soaltanthen& community, bcedon 5 ecdom adam. He ied many revlon, nung nin at Ty. 7 hrms race (ther Cold War historians have seen it as essen riven by anew factor hat eee nin 1985 car wenpons The ake the vi tat he Cal Wat was dominated by atiempis by bot superpowers ta stop an een reverse the sms race ae an isue of paramount smporance to the survival of the human "ce, At times, the logic’ of nucleat defence” sened beyond the contol of Poll lade, and both sdes cased diferent degrees of esponsibility for ‘Sealting the mucear amarace a fen tines, 8 North-South divide Thelast major thay put oward by some htrian focuses on dee ‘nat the owing importance ok what we or any ests clad he rd Woda Tis theory svete thatthe stay of the period ster 1983 wa mainly seer of cnfit between power sltes suchas the USA te the USSR oer the conte of weaker countrenhch wee of economic ot State portance to thm "or as wy of nekerng th fa The fue es complete by indigenous cele peli! movers inthe Tie Wont, which wer net taking cone theme These ove ev en feat to soe sipepower tae tem Clash of ideologies - myths and real Having examined some ofthe main histories and poi in itor an potcl theories about the nature ofthe cai War, we wll now ook st some ot preeSel manifestations inthe period 145 01201. ‘An important aspect of the undesying nature ofthe Cold War was that it was war of ideclgy and propagands, with enc side or camp making its Proclamations in an ineompromising and abyoitist wan the bas of Analyses made by ae! Mare and Visdinic leh Lenin the Soviet Union Delieved that the development of capital ompection invarbly edo Periodic economic cies and, aa consequence, tovegional and global wars 1 thus saw vitriows wordwide communist or soit revolutions asthe only hope for word peace and adequate ling standard fra ‘he USA, on the other hand, believed that capitalism, 9 market economy ‘nd indivi polial ight would secure good ving standart fora thatthe oly way to achleve world peace was to contain and eventual ll ‘ee comma where essed Ini en son te pce snd conflicting ideologies seed to lead the two powers down mead to inevitable colton : 7 ‘Thee were thus see sme ot wel a sigan diferences between hese wosoci systems ney ting the 2980 and 19908 and afer 145 here were many vaiations ofthese desle'his was tue ofboth camps Peete eaeae cena ea ‘Moats of aptalim deseo communion ‘One nprtan belie ofa ie that he main ‘usineses should be perately owned and un Upindividuals fame or companies, and not be ‘esrb the state the fee competion ofa (hart economy is the most effeent way to ran Sheconoatyhe wealth created by companies and ‘realty ndvialswlead to new jos and wl tickle dow! to bent the pooer sections o foie, supporters of aptalom belive in ber palamentay ate bee on indict democracy Srrepresentation, and that indus should also Fave plight, sch ae fe pecch freedom of the pes, nfrmtion, assembly and eign, andthe ight protest peaeflly. ‘neourage atheism Realities of capitalism ‘After 1945, many of the ideale of capitalism were met to a greater of Tener extent in most states in the Developed World. However this was nor ually the ese thove Developing World counties that had capital or market economies. In the late, there was extensive poverty. disease and ‘ren periodic starvation. At tines, even muck-needed education and health Programmes were reduced atthe isstence of capitalist banks based in ‘eveoped eptaist sates. to inaiuel rights ortre of opponents war not unkown) or were corp pica systems with pe inthe ands of powerful tes o ees. n such ates elections were f Me signa Furthermore, even In developed capitalist counties during the 19208 and 150s, grvesaents actively intervened on the ide ofthe employers ding Fndustaal doputes, often using the police or the anny to defeat strikes In several captlit counties notably Kal and Germany ~ major capitalist hia, companies and even politcal pares actively supported. the rise tnd rule asi dtatorshipe ns away of protecting their financial interests Ahrng economies uch a8 the Great Depression) and against increasingy ‘edie! worker ade union snd plies! meverent Realities of communism In the Soviet Union, «one-party ystem had bon established as eat 8 921, ‘rem though his wes acknowledged tbe a temporary departure fom Marxist Dinlpes While thee all etce irtorieal dete about whether Lenin enue intended torte the Soviet mal-party democracy ththad existed for several years ster the Revolution ~ between 1917 snd 1921 ~ once Stain wes in contol all oter pla pares were banned. Only the Communist Party wat sllowed fo exist andthe USSR Deesme a one-party dictatorship In both theory and practice, with Sts form of Marxism-Leninism justifying 2 nature ote cola War dn important comminist deat ete creation ofa ‘sles sclty, bared on abundance, which would ‘mean tat all ve equal chances and opportunites. ‘Toachieve thi the moat important pat of the conomy shoud be socially owned and contllet {by ther the sate local coonel or co-operatives), ‘with self management by employes. Polke shouldbe wider and more democratic than ‘he capitalist priamentary system, and be based on ‘ul party system with regular elections and dre. democracy. Oxganicad eigions shouldbe tolerated but theirinwolveinent in edvcrtion an peop ves Should be contlled and the sate shoud atively Aivect democracy Teriahtot votersto real, been etn, late filo have raion tarpon. Vladimie ich Lenin (1870- 13924) an’ sina a5 Vac ij aon eons the msn ‘Stes Demetatelatot at 3 aren 138 He oval pin the SOUP in 93a formed ‘the Balsa. fom Faun api 817 he etree in tovnbs tat ys, past forthe balesta net the roronlgoeainert

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