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rovent des recuels de Roquate Pini. Sur un fond de marche lent, le mist chante un meta atin do carte am le Pater odo, fs baron solo chants an port Sam-Esp, amen’, suv du Tatum ergo. fit ur un Kya fe ete gragoren, chants pa le choot ma mont superpoes pisdguiet eiee ae ere eater ee Fimiage dv Choos N10, ds None tas pi ee tne rien Fost que puro initaon, pour la couleur dos vocables nciganes Cate sine isons, digne dun pays os deviant se melanger pseu omeuro la plus havle manfostaton do esprit de Watorate universle IMARCO} POLO. Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887 - 1959) DDescobrimento do Brasil/ Discovery of Brazil ‘Suites Now. 1-4 twas in the 19208 in Paris hat Hato Vila-Lobos fet ound recognition ‘beyond he confines ofhis oun county. Afr the second wold war he stayed thre every spring. conducting cones of his wer, prinepally with the Orcheste National of Radoutusion Television Frangaise. For musical enthusiasts of the new generation, the vory name ofthe composer was Fevealed in the cours ota concert of 28th February 1952 al he Tse det CChanps-Eiysbes, where he conduciod to fst complete performance of his DDoscobrmanto do Baal A pomarld feling of Unshackled are autor was clearly apparont, he Imagination of the very Iypo ofan ideal Contamporary compose, able sais al audiences. Convincing, instr, the wore refacted the colours and scents of now land and ‘sured by fectousinsvurentato, ts course, ts laurent malodis and ong fytms. ts eimacte moments corrsted wih the pitiresque sosnes th translation ef which into masiealtorme lacked nothing bythe sige ofthe ‘doserions inthe most distnguched wring ofthe explorers. may be ‘doubted whethor musie has often produced such epics, except fom the Fepresertatvesof poop seokang arm tha own atonal deny, ‘The origins of tis music go back to 1936, when Brazil, under the ‘government of Goto Varga, was Inthe rice cf phase of natonalsm. Eucatonal cinema had Been eetablahed for the promotion of Satan subjects and the arecor Humberto Mauro, author of documenta, asked Vile Lobos to colabrat inane of his productions, the Discovery of Baa ‘evocation of pisode fra tha crosing ofthe Atari in 3500 byte saps ot ‘he Ponuguese foot under tie conerand of Poo Alvarez Cabal, and her tal ata place tat Py caled fe True Cross. Alter tom Poro Vaz {Caminha,a'ntary wit Bef, 1 King Dom Manvel, recounting the events 8.220551 of he voyage, served asa guide tothe scrptwrter andthe musician, The frst showing took place mle do Janaio on th December 1957. Treated in the manne of panting of he grand se, tw pictures else characters and Statens. Inti wy the impact of cultures batwoen tat of the European Salo and tat ofthe prinsve rane the es a eh, proved scenes of rut and beauty that cout net but move the Neat ofan deals such Vita-Lotos. As Tr as the present state of he fm allows ust dge, oly 8 ‘yor smal pat frie musi was usd, whores eaer musi, such ae Cheroe No" and te Noneto ate haar. the marl actualy intr or he tin was relationed by he composer as a fullscale conc work, ded Ifo {our suites fr full orchestra The rut was, nfis oun words, a vanslaben of the txt of Poo Vaz do Carian musta images proper tbe evecaton of {he abmosphere ofthe period and he spi ot ose concerned. should be ‘otces, however, atte score ls rat ently original, wih four episodes, Alegria, Adagio sentimental, A Cascavel and Uaiaioe®, dering their Substance from eater compostions.Aogeher the fresco succbeds in ‘ecaling the detent rots of Srazitan muse, Indian songs nti orginal putty, popular Porteguace melodies, Spanish mhythme, plane Moriah Singing. Events and statos of mind ara imagined, mingled with actual happenings. Tho orchestration, nover overloaded I augmented by te Incution ofa nurber of Brasian percussion insurers. Win varied Us and rgistor, ts marked again bythe pereonal at a counterpoint pactsod by viarLobos and his pecular day of expression, even n ut passages, 8 ‘haracteriste of al orchestrations that flow bw example of orion The out Sos consist en movements: tert six deal wih the voyage ar the last with te nowy decovored land and ts inhabitants “Cased” atthe bogining, the muse grows in savagery and power a the New Word draws eave. Achows is used th lat two movements 8.229561 First Suite “The work open with @ passlonate Large Introduction of sixteen bars, suggesting the dtarmnaton a the conquerrs, whose hems fs developed the bran Impression of to Md sue. Ths episode contains Perpuess dances, an evocation of the calm sea, fanares rom the four corners, representing the eal ships of he fet ine right. in Alagra Jo) the ‘ior and eds real he rural eslabations of her own court, in MUS ‘Sdaped from Alsgra na boa Joy inthe Garden, @ aro place writen by Wietobosn 198, Second Suite ‘ith impresséo moura (Moorish impression) Arab tums of melody are ‘fered in tum by fit ard oboe, recaing the theory that hor wore Moors ‘rong te alr and slaves onboard. The Aaago serbmaal ha ts ong inthe song’A Vgem of 1919, staring wi a chant forte vole, Sevelopng ‘ith unis! numeral eonortes and swaling romantically to supgeet he ostalgia(eaudado) of th navigators, a8 they fecal ar own county. A Cascavel fie Rate-Snaka) was orignal for voice and plano, wien i 1017, and euggasing, nts rape movement, fe redoubtable rizen of he ‘ropcal frat by means of nsramenta sles and sudden lap in his Way the composer symbolzes the anxiety ofthe explorers, as they tink ot the anger ofan unknown and “Tied Suite Impress logrca(berian impression) marked by its Spanish charactor, takes is shape fom the ha of Andalusia, lodesrlatod othe carts Jando, Hara sounds and antares announes the approaching covery. The assonata toma of th nocucton tthe Fat Sua quotc: he delogue {sis n conquenng fre, sustained by he tb othe perusson. Festa nas fetos(aebraente Freh ara he manent when he go ane land on the horizon. Vita-Lobos allows us surpl 8220561 cxchesta of nan instruments. Ustad is caleba and hunting song of tho Parecsslndana, collected by Roquste Pri. it formed pat a the Tes Nato Songs, with iano or ofchasva, writen by Vil Lobos in 1930. Tis bare rraduced bythe comet anda tod wombone, faring abil htm ‘erude wha cond melody ofthe ame orn rvoddced by te bassoon, {o prowde elective countarpant. Fourth Suite ‘Vila-Lotos pchaps nave expresses himeat so comletely as in is works {or chorus and ful orchestra With the Choras No.0, tis eat, in two ‘movements, fe, ns majestic perfection, a polnt of eerene in raziian [St bringing ogeher a rombor of eoments io a apatess mn sound tats ‘qualy real and sprtual. To undertand he subjoctin ts hstorial conte. {wilde remembered at ho navigators, when they reached the New Wor, Cstablaned Wendl oltons wih the native abants, On te cecasion of the fst Mase, sid onthe sandy shove of @ smal land on Tet May 1500, bolo tsembarking ono tho mala, several inane, whe had up Boon quit seeing the gostree ofthe pest, Degen to dance, playing thelr prnave icbuments. A picture by Wir Masels oe Lina (822-1003), A primera missa no Bri (Tho Fst Mass In Brag) nthe National Historical useum of Flo, mmealees the scene. ProsteSo da cru (Pecosaion of the Cres) recas a precession in which across was caro, the work of he ips carpenters, decorated wih royal symbole. Along and spoctaclar introdveton toads to 8 scherzande, marked Allogrti, entustd fo he \woodaind "The mess chor, symbatzing the Portuguese, ngs th Words ‘San Grn! Grn! Grctiaus, soon fokowod by a sea chon, represering the Incans, On indian words two melodie mots ae supenmposed, te st ‘omposed by Vila Lobes pritivo so, and te second authent, dawn trom the estgcton of Requata Pit. Over a slow march, the xed chorus ‘gs Latin mot of Ambrosian charactor, hen the Pator nosis reed by mon’ voces, There folows s sapart chorus of Inn, itoupted by Be 9.220551

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