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Sam Hoh


English I

22 October 2018

Quality Education for All

One of a human beings most basic rights is getting an education. Every year million of

children are denied their most basic right of an education. In developing countries roughly 9% of

kids are out of school. That means that for roughly 10 kids that have an education 1 of them

doesn’t. The statistics are even worse in poverty stricken areas. In sub-Saharan Africa only 72%

of primary school age children are actually involved in school. Every human is entitled to their

rights as a person. An education is not supposed to be a privilege, if it is a right.

Another reason an education is so important, is that it opens more doors for kids future’s.

When children don’t have an education they tend to get in more trouble. In the juvenile detention

system 85% of youth are functionally illiterate. That means out of 9 kids in juvie almost 8 of

them can’t read. The same can be said for adults. In prisons ”70% of inmates in America can’t

read above a 4th grade level”(Organization. “1 In 7 Americans Can't Read This Headline- And

That Hasn't Changed In 10 Years.” The Huffington Post,, 28 Nov. 2017, When a large percentage

of a group all have a common factor then it can be inferred that, the factor has a direct correlation

with the outcome. The literacy rate is the same as it was 10 years ago. An estimated 29% of

adults reading level is basic while 14% are below average.

Education is something needed globally not just locally. Not only does education open new

doors for people, but it improves your cognitive functionality. The human brain develops until
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the age of 25 so when 22% of kids out of school are primary ages, their brain will not be as

strong as other brains. Over half of the children that are out of school live in a conflicted area.

How are children supposed to learn how to end conflicts and problem solve when they can’t get

an education because of said conflicts and problems?

Works Cited

Barnes, et al. “Relationship Between Literacy and Cognition in Well-Educated Elders |

The Journals of Gerontology: Series A | Oxford Academic.” OUP Academic, Oxford

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University Press, 1 Apr. 2004,

“Education.” The Global Partnership for Education,

“Goal 4: Quality Education.” Sustainable Development Goals Fund, 2 Feb. 2018,

Organization. “1 In 7 Americans Can't Read This Headline- And That Hasn't Changed In

10 Years.” The Huffington Post,, 28 Nov. 2017,

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