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Unit Test 8 Answer Key

A Write the missing words. my video about school.

1 To my classmates’ astonishment, 5 Is she the artist whose cartoons are
our science project won first prize so humorous?
in the contest.
2 I turned the eyepiece of my F Write the words in the correct order
microscope to see the slide better. to make sentences. Then match.
3 Jim swept up the fragments of the 1 There is the painting that I will
broken light bulb from his desk. enter in the show. / b
4 The deer scrambled up the side of 2 Sara is the graduate who won a
the hill and ran away. scholarship to college. / a
3 Here is a fragment of the ancient
B Listen. Then write the words. map which is on display. / c
Audio 4•33
1 This is a place where scientists
work on their projects.
2 This word describes a very large
amount of something.
3 This is a sudden burst of wind.
4 This is what happens when lights
turned on and off quickly.
5 This is what someone thinks
will happen based on current

1 laboratory
2 copious
3 gust
4 flickered
5 forecast

C Unscramble and match.

1 image / b
2 surpass / c
3 minute / a

D Circle the relative clause.

1 whose beautiful photographs won
first prize
2 whose books inspired me to write
3 whose movie is so successful
4 whose classes are always popular

E Write who, which, or whose.

1 History is the subject which I enjoy
the most this semester.
2 We scrambled up the hill which is
near our cousin’s farm.
3 Frank is the swimmer who will
probably win today’s race.
4 Dino is the friend who helped make

Oxford Discover 6 Unit Test 8 Answer Key

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