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Maxwell Newton Cornelius


Born: 30 de Julio de 1842, Condado de Al�le�ghe�ny, Penn�syl�van�ia.

Died: 31 de Marzo de 1893, Wash�ing�ton, DC, de pneu�mon�ia.

Sepultado en: Ohio.

Son of a farmer, Cor�ne�li�us start�ed his ca�reer as a car�pen�ter,

then a build�ing con�tract�or. Af�ter hav�ing a leg am�pu�tat�ed due
to an ac�ci�dent, he en�tered the min�is�try. He was ed�u�cat�ed at
the Ohio Ver�mil�lion In�sti�tute, then at�tend�ed sem�in�a�ry there
(1867-71). He was or�dained in the Pitts�burgh Pres�by�tery of the
Pres�by�ter�i�an Church USA, and served at the Oak�dale Pres�by�ter�i�an
Church, Oak�dale, Penn�syl�van�ia; the Pres�by�ter�ian Church in Al�too�na,
Penn�syl�van�ia (1876-1885); in Pa�sa�de�na, Cal�i�for�nia (1885-90);
San Fran�cis�co (1890-91); and at the East�ern Pres�by�ter�i�an Church,
Wash�ing�ton, DC, un�til his death.

Miss Ada Blenkhorn (1858-1927), the authoress of �Let the sunshine in,� and many
familiar pieces, began writing hymns in 1892. Of this hymn, a prison
chaplain said, �It has done our prisoners more good than all the sermons
preached to them.� Another said, ��Let the sunshine in� brought the first
ray of light to a condemned criminal, who was converted, afterwards pardoned
, and who has for several years been preaching the Gospel.� Some years ago
Miss Blenkhorn had almost decided to give up hymn writing, when one day a
lady, whom she happened to meet, said to her, �May some soul be converted
through a hymn that you shall write, who would not be converted if you do
not write it! ��Those beautiful and inspiring words,� writes Miss Blenkhorn,
�seemed an invisible and mighty chain that held me fast and would not let
me give up.�
Early in Ada Blenkhorn's life, she was given the task of caring for an invalid
nephew who always wanted his wheel chair to be pushed 'down the sunny side of
the street.' His constant repetition of this phrase inspired her to write
the gospel Keep On The Sunny Side Of Life. [1899] - Phil Kerr

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