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Table of Contents

Motivations to Explore 2

Technology for Exploration 3

Explorers 4

Explorers Continued 5

Most Influential Explorer 6

Columbian Exchange 7

Interactions with Natives 8

Triangular Trade 9

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade 10

Effects of Exploration 11

Works Cited 12

Motivations to Explore

There were multiple different reasons that the Europeans wanted to explore, they are most
commonly known as the three G’s (God, Glory, and Gold). God refers to how the Europeans
wanted to spread their religion. Most Europeans at the time were Christian, Catholic to be more
specific. In their religion they are encouraged to spread their religion, and that is what they tried
to do.they also felt that their religion wasn't as strong anymore due to the crusades. Glory is
derived from the fact that they wanted fame, they wanted to be respected. Gold, I believe is
quite obvious, it is because they wanted money. They wanted more money and to be famous.
There were other motivations seperate from these main three though. At the time, they didn't
have refrigeration or ways to keep their food from spoiling so they salted it or used other spices
to keep the food longer. Asia at the time had a lot of the spices they needed, and there weren't
any major land trade routes to get there. As a result, the spices became more expensive. They
decided to find a sea route to Asia to get the spices cheaper and become rich.

Technology for Exploration

There were many different inventions during the time period of the age of exploration being built
to help explore to further reaches of the world. Most helped to navigate, but there were a few
others as well. One invention that greatly affected how people navigated was the astrolabe. The
astrolabe was a device that helped sailors and commoners find out if they had gone to far south
or north. This helped the ship stay on track. Speaking of ships, a new type of ship was also
invented. It was called the caravel. The caravel was a big but lightweight ship that traveled a lot
faster than older sailing ships. It had multiple different sails that could be moved so that it didn't
have to just go in a straight line with the wind. When explorers traveled on these ships, they
brought other things with them, such as weapons. New weapons were being built because of
the discovery of gunpowder. Gunpowder had been made in China years before, but because of
trade, europeans had a hold of it and found that they could use it to make guns. Gunpowder
helped in the creation of many new inventions such as rifles and cannons. It gave the
Europeans the upper hand when it came to taking hold and conquering natives. If it wasn't for
gunpowder, the europeans may have not been able to conquer as many lands as they did.


Ferdinand Magellan was a portuguese explorer who was the first man to circumnavigate the
globe. He and his crew of about 250 men decided to go out into the newly discovered Pacific
Ocean at the time. He and his crew sailed around the southern tip of Africa. They didn't find
much land, but near the middle of their entire voyage, they ran into the Philippines. The
Philippines at the time were at war. He got involved and died in a battle. Many of his men were
killed from disease and in the war as well. The remaining 18 soldiers sailed back to Spain to
complete their mission. Prince Henry the Navigator was another Portuguese explorer who never
actually went on any of his own voyages. He did build some caravels though. He wanted to be
able to get to India for trade. He disregarded all of the other things that people talked about, like
how the earth was flat, and that the southern waters boiled because the northern ones were
very cold, and continued his expedition. He improved the compass and the astrolabe and
trained his sailors so they would be ready for the expedition and would know where they were at
all times. He also helped invent the caravel, which made for faster travel. overall , Prince Henry
the Navigator was a very important figure in exploration.

Explorers Continued

Vasco da Gama was an explorer who was the first to successfully travel from Portugal
to India. He made a big step when it came to spreading Christianity. He wanted to get
rid of the middle men in the trade routes because Portugal and other parts of Europe
didn’t really have very good relations with him. He made many voyages that helped take
a step toward his goal and eventually found a trade route straight to India. Another very
well known explorer was Christopher Columbus. Columbus made it so that the
Spaniards and Europeans would begin to colonize the Americas. In his first voyage, he
landed somewhere near the Caribbean. He mistook what the natives said when they
told him where they were los indos for Indian. He traded goods with them and they were
delighted to trade back. He named the land Los Salvador. He was very interested in
being wealthy. He found none of Los Salvador and explored other islands in the area.
On his second voyage, after finding much of value on his first, he found much more. He
brought many men on his ships and planned to colonize parts of the Americas.

Most Influential Explorer

I believe that Prince Henry the Navigator was the most influential explorer. Despite not going on
many expeditions himself, he planned many and accomplished much through them. He had a
lot of common sense, and disregarded all of the common beliefs at the time and, using science
figured that the earth was in fact round. He also created many inventions used by a lot of later
explorers. Without him, all of that technology would either be nonexistent or would have come at
a much later period in time. He came up with the idea of a caravel, which advanced the way
explorers got to different continents, countries and lands. He advanced the already existing
astrolabe, which showed sailors where on the Earth they were at any given time using longitude
and latitude. He also advanced the compass which showed sailors what direction they were
going in. He also founded Prince Henry’s school of Navigation. This school helped many later
explorers, such as Christopher Columbus, learn what they needed to about navigation and how
to use many different navigation tools such as the astrolabe and compass.

Columbian Exchange

The columbian exchange was the transfer in the age of exploration of goods from the old world
(Europe) and the new world (Americas). A very important food that was traded were potatoes.
They were inexpensive to plant and grow and supplied many with nutrients. They became a
very popular vegetable within the world, mostly the northern hemisphere. Despite these good
things that happened during the columbian exchange, there were also many negative impacts
as well. Most of the negative impacts were disease. Many diseases were spread from Europe
and into the Americas. The natives were not immune to the diseases and fell ill quite quickly as
opposed to The Europeans. These diseases included smallpox, malaria and influenza. The
columbian exchange also changed the way people looked at economy. Many people, because
of the trading gained great wealth and respect. Others wanted this for themselves and looked
more toward the idea of capitalism.

Interactions with Natives

The natives, specifically of the Incas and Mayan populations were thriving civilizations before
the exploration. They were less advanced than the eastern countries. They never created large,
long lasting empires or had lots of technology. That being said, they did have lots of magnificent
structures and architectural marvels. They mostly survived off of the land, farming and hunting
and gathering their food and materials. When the Europeans arrived, life as they knew it
changed forever. The natives believed that the land was sacred, whereas the Europeans were
greedy and wanted the land because it would bring them gold and with gold came wealth. The
Mayan civilization was mostly based off of trade. The Mayans had a few city states and were
separated. What led to their decline to begin with was that their city states had began to have
small civil wars and battles between one another, which weakened them. When conquerors
came it only got worse and religious conflict began to rise. As did population. As for the Incas,
they were a little more developed. They had a sort of government and separated their empire
into different territories. They had an official language as well as their own schools. The
government took control over most activities within the civilization. One of the last emperors
died of smallpox from the men from the east. The empire split between his two sons. They
began a civil war. Near the end of the civil war, spaniards saw their weakness and took control
of the empire.

Triangular Trade

The triangular trade was trade between Europe, the newly colonized Americas, and
Africa. The Americas didn't have much money so they traded cotton and other raw
materials with Europe. Europe traded back tobacco, fish, and other goods. Africa
traded slaves and gold as well to the Americas. The europeans traded rum and guns
with Africa to get the slaves to the Americas. The middle passage was the route
between Africa and the Americas, it was the passage the slaves took to get there. They
were crammed into large boats, one on top of the other like cargo. They were treated
very inhumanely as well. It spread many diseases as well, such as smallpox and

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

The Americas in their very early days, were very poor. They needed a larger labor force, with
very little cost. They also wanted workers that would be good for work in fields and people that
were immune to many diseases so that they wouldn't die off. They also wanted people that did
not know the land very well so that their chances of escape would be small. They decided to
turn to slaves. This decision resulted in trade between Africa For their people so that they would
be branded, and delivered somewhat like cargo to the Americas. Their ways of keeping the
slaves on the ships were very inhumane. It was very very crowded, there was little space to
urinate so they most often urinated on top of or near other people. They were treated much
animals. England began to dominate the slave trade, it became a very big enterprise. As a
result of the slave trade, the population of Africa was at an all time low. MAny families were torn
apart and never reunited, which caused a lot of rebellion within the slaves, they tried to escape
many times.

Effects of Exploration

The effects of exploration were both good and bad. There were long term and short term effects
as well. Some good short term effects was that it helped with some over population and spread
people out more. It help people gain wealth as well. People who thought they didn't have a
chance to change their lives for the better were able to aboard a ship to the New world and start
anew. In doing this though many diseases were spread which killed off many populations and
civilizations. This exploration ripped civilizations apart. It ripped families apart. It destroyed the
lives of many. Some long term goals were that now we have the country we live in today.
Without all of that heartache we would not be here right now. I mean we might be here, just in a
different part of the world living a completely different life. The explorers involved who created
new devices to help in exploration are still used today. Some of them anyways. Without that
early technology, there may not be some of the technology we have today. Exploration changed
the whole entire world and how people looked at it.

Fisher, Leonard Everett. “Prince Henry the Navigator.” Cricket, vol. 20, no. 2, Oct. 1992, p. 11.

"Vasco da Gama." Encyclopedia of World Biography. . 17 Oct. 2018


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