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n Asse mbl

Community Campaign
As a Green campaigner in Islington I’ve seen
first-hand the importance of standing with
communities against bad decisions from their local
council. Be that fighting damp in council homes or

working to save community centres. As an Assembly
member I’d bring my experience to fight for estates
and against the shuttering of public services. Benali’s hard work on
racism and inequality has
Fighting discriminatio
been really inspiring. I know
he’d bring the same energy I
I was the party’s Equalities spokesperson at the have to London and assembly
2015 General Election and have co-authored our Magid Magid
BAME and LGBTIQA+ manifestos. As an Assembly
Member I’d use my platform to challenge the
discrimination that keeps BAME people out of work,
challenge cuts to sexual health services and fight to
protect our gay nightlife.

A sustainable London
Addressing our climate emergency must be at
the top of our priorities. As an Assembly Member
“ Benali Hamdache has
done great work on
LGBTIQ and BAME issues.
I’d work with a broad coalition of environmental
campaigners, from Extinction Rebellion to
He’d make a terrific
divestment campaigners. Only together can we London Assembly member.
keep climate change on the agenda. Peter Tatchell
Produced and Promoted by Benali Hamdache for the internal selection for the Green London Assembly List

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