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Crop: cultivo
Abandon: leave / give up
Harm (dañar)
Adversely: negatively
Aggregate: total
Fertilize: fertilizar
Obtain: get possession of anything
Irrigation (irrigar): drainage (drenar)
Collide: colición – chocar
Famine: hambruna
Plunge: caída
Unleash: Release: soltar – liberar
Evolve: change to adapt (evolucionar)
Harvest: cosecha
Further thought: pensar más lejos
Looking deeper: pensar mas lejos o mas profundo.
Constraint: contener – limitar
Trasury: tesoro
Deplete: agotar (when anything is end rapidly)
Dispose of: desacerse de (it should be learned like a unit always with of)
Shrink: encoger (reduce their size)
Unsteady: inestable
Soybean: soya
Adjust: change
Rate: tasa
Mix up: confundir
Huge: gigante
Accuracy: exactitud / accurate: exacto
Regardless: en cualquier caso – anyway
As well all know
Adjacent: next to; beside
Feasible: (viable- possible)
Gut: sacar (también en coloquial es panza)
Overlap: superponerse
Retain: keep
Seep: filtrar
Fill: llenar
Maintenance: keep anything
Convey: trasmitir
Permeate: permear
Trigger: gatillar
Steam: vapor
Coal: carbón
Acquire: adquirir (get possession of anything)
Recede: retroceder
Retrieve: recuperar
Degrade: degradar
Foyer: hall (recepción)
In sum: en resumen
Belief: creencia
Soul: alma
Exalt: exaltar
Decrepit: person who have less skills due a ill
Desease: dolencia
Prognosis: diagnóstico-pronóstico
Vein: vena
Inflict: causar
Wound: heridad-herir
Indeed: de hecho, en efecto (indicates that an anterior idea is true)
Pass away: morir
Gain: obtain-acquire
Inherit: heradar
Augment: increase
Cure: tratamiento – cura
Obese: obeso
Procedure: procedimiento
Scar: cicatriz
What’s more: in addition
Haunt: aparecese / perseguir
Phantom: fantasma
Psychic: física
Foretell: predecir / divination
Self-perpetuating: autoperpetuación
Sailor: pescador
Relic: reliquia
Overseas: extranjero
To put this in perspective
Shame: pena/ remordimiento
Odd: extraño
Amend: change to better (cambiar)
Biased: prejuicioso – tendencioso
Burden: carga
Counter: contrargumentar
Oppress: oprimir
Rulling class: clase gobernante
Distinctly: claramente
Roster: list
Wise: sabio
Reshape: reformular

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