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H e m o l y t i c D i s o rd e r s

C a u s i n g Se v e re N e o n a t a l
a,b, b
Robert D. Christensen, MD *, Hassan M. Yaish, MD

 Bilirubin  Hemoglobin  Anemia  Jaundice  Next-generation DNA sequencing
 Kernicterus  BIND  End-tidal carbon monoxide

 A shortened erythrocyte life span, because of hemolytic disorders, is a common cause of
extreme neonatal hyperbilirubinemia.
 Clinical and laboratory examinations can frequently identify the underlying cause of
extreme neonatal hyperbilirubinemia.
 Newer diagnostic tests include end-tidal carbon monoxide to identify hemolytic jaundice,
eosin-5-maleimide (EMA) flow cytometry to identify red blood cell (RBC) membrane de-
fects such as hereditary spherocytosis (HS), and next-generation sequencing (NGS) of
relevant genes to look for mutations and polymorphisms.


After RBCs are released from the marrow into the blood, they circulate for about
120 days before they are culled by the reticuloendothelial system and their constitu-
ents recycled.1 It is widely accepted that the circulating life span of RBCs in neonates
is significantly shorter than 120 days, perhaps approximating 80 days.2–5 When a ne-
onate’s RBC life span is significantly shorter than 80 days, because of intrinsic or
extrinsic factors, erythropoiesis increases in an attempt to compensate, as evidenced
by a rise in reticulocyte count. However, when RBC production cannot increase suf-
ficiently to keep pace with the increased loss of RBCs because of their short life

Disclosures: Dr R.D. Christensen is a noncompensated advisor to Capnia Inc, Palo Alto, CA.
Women and Newborn’s Program, Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, Inter-
mountain Healthcare, University of Utah School of Medicine, 295 Chipeta Way, Salt Lake
City, UT 84108, USA; b Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Pediatrics, University
of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
* Corresponding author. Department of Pediatrics, University of Utah, 295 Chipeta Way, Salt
Lake City, UT 84108.
E-mail address:

Clin Perinatol - (2015) -–-
0095-5108/15/$ – see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Christensen & Yaish

span, the hematocrit and amount of hemoglobin decrease, defining the condition as
hemolytic anemia.
During the first days and weeks after birth, the major adverse consequence of a short
RBC life span is hyperbilirubinemia,6,7 which is because each molecule of heme liber-
ated from RBC by hemolysis is metabolized to 1 molecule of bilirubin.6–10 High levels of
bilirubin in the serum can lead to transient or permanent neurologic impairment.11–13
A week or so after birth, the bilirubin-metabolizing system has generally matured
sufficiently to conjugate and excrete the bilirubin load imposed by a moderately fore-
shortened RBC life span. Thus, in neonates with a shortened RBC life span, jaundice is
the primary problem during the first days, and then anemia becomes the more signif-
icant issue in the weeks that follow. In some instances, a relatively slow insidious drop
in hemoglobin culminates in a clinical deterioration, with pallor, poor feeding, tachyp-
nea, and tachycardia, a clinical picture that somewhat resembles that of an infectious
process. Such neonates may present to emergency departments with significant
unanticipated anemia requiring emergent transfusion.13
The most common causes of neonatal hemolytic jaundice and anemia are listed in
Table 1. The laboratory tests required to confirm hemolysis are listed in Table 2; these
tests are divided into 2 categories, the first being those that indicate accelerated he-
moglobin metabolism and the second being those that confirm accelerated erythro-
poiesis to compensate for hemolysis. At the onset of a hemolytic episode, the tests
indicating hemolysis usually yield positive result, whereas those indicating accelerated
erythropoiesis in response to the hemolysis may require several days before they give
positive result.



Intermountain Healthcare is a not-for-profit health care system in the western

United States that owns and manages 18 hospitals with labor and delivery services.
A review of 10 years of data from the Intermountain Healthcare system revealed

Table 1
Causes of neonatal hemolytic jaundice

Varieties Examples
Alloimmune ABO hemolytic disease
Rh hemolytic disease
Hemolytic disease involving RBC antigens (Kell, Kidd, Duffy)
Mutations in RBC structural HS
proteins Hereditary elliptocytosis
Mutations in RBC enzymes G6PD deficiency
Pyruvate kinase deficiency
Unstable hemoglobins F Poole
Microangiopathic hemolytic DIC
disorders Infection without DIC
Infantile pyknocytosis

Abbreviations: DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; G6PD, glucose-6-phosphate

Neonatal Hemolytic Jaundice 3

Table 2
Laboratory evidence of neonatal hemolytic disease

Laboratory Test Neonatal Reference Range

Tests for excessive Elevated end-tidal carbon First 10–14 d after birth
hemoglobin monoxide 1.4–1.7 ppm (5th to 95th
degradation percentile reference range)
After day 14 should be <1 ppm14
Elevated levels of Value >1.5%–2% by co-oximetry
Hemoglobinuria, in the absence There is normally no hemoglobin
of RBC, in the urine reported on the urine analysis, in
the absence of RBC in the urine.
Even trace hemoglobinura suggests
Low levels of serum haptoglobin Absent haptoglobin (a value below
the lower limit of assay detection)
may be a reasonable good marker
of hemolysis. See Ref.15
Elevated levels of serum Compare patient value with
unconjugated (indirect) hour-specific bilirubin
bilirubin nomogram
Tests for a Elevated reticulocyte count The reticulocyte count, typically
compensatory 4%–7% at birth, generally falls to
increase in <2–3% after 24 h
erythropoiesis Elevated immature reticulocyte Not adequately defined in newborn
fraction infants.
Elevated NRBC (nucleated red Upper reference range limit among
blood cell) count late-preterm and term infants is
3000/mL. For detailed reference
ranges, see Ref.16

that 76% (85/112) of neonates with a serum bilirubin level exceeding 30 mg/dL had no
explanation identified for their jaundice.13 It was also found that 65% of neonates with
total serum bilirubin level greater than 30 mg/dL had no explanation identified. The au-
thors’ findings were consistent with figures reported nationally. For instance, among
125 neonates listed in the voluntary USA kernicterus Registry from 1992 to 2004,
55% had no specific diagnosis identified to explain their hyperbilirubinemia and
were termed cases of idiopathic jaundice.17
Many cases of extreme neonatal jaundice in which no cause for the hyperbilirubine-
mia is obvious are the result of hemolysis.18 Some of these cases are the result of
genetically based hemolytic conditions that only cause hyperbilirubinemia during
the neonatal period, and will be compensated for adequately thereafter because of
maturation of mechanisms involved in bilirubin metabolism.7


Five diagnostic tests that prove useful in diagnosing hemolytic jaundice are reviewed.
These tests can assist physicians caring for jaundiced neonates to reach an accurate
underlying diagnosis. The authors propose that making a precise diagnosis can be
satisfying for both the physician and the family, enabling anticipatory guidance
when chronic hemolytic conditions are identified. Such guidance can involve antici-
pating anemia during childhood with or without early bilirubin cholelithiasis. The 5
diagnostic tests or approaches are (1) erythrocyte morphology, (2) end-tidal carbon
monoxide (ETCO) measurement, (3) EMA flow cytometry as a test for HS and other
4 Christensen & Yaish

membrane defects, (4) NGS of relevant genes, and (5) an algorithm to assist in the judi-
cious use of the standard tests and the selective use of the newer confirmatory tests.

RBC Morphology
Fig. 1 and Table 3 demonstrate 5 of the more common morphologic abnormalities in
RBC that frequently lead to neonatal jaundice,19 namely, (1) microspherocytes, (2)
elliptocytes, (3) blister/bite cells, (4) echinocytes, (5) and schistocytes.
Spherocytes are identified by the lack of a central pallor zone that is characteristic of
normal erythrocytes. Spherocytes have lost part of the cell membrane and thus have a
low mean corpuscular volume (MCV), maintaining the same hemoglobin content in a
smaller cell volume, leading to an elevated mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentra-
tion (MCHC).20–25 When abundant spherocytes are observed on the blood smear of a

Fig. 1. Photomicrographs illustrating erythrocyte morphologic abnormalities of neonates

with hemolytic jaundice (Wrights stain, 1000 magnification). (A) HS. Notice microsphero-
cytes, lacking zone of central pallor, and large polychromatophilic erythrocytes. (B) Hered-
itary elliptocytosis. Notice many elliptical erythrocytes. (C) G6PD deficiency in a neonate
with hemolysis after an oxidative exposure. Notice several erythrocytes with blisters, some
spherocytes, and rare schistocytes. (D) Pyruvate kinase deficiency. Notice echinocytes and
one orthochromatic normoblast. (E) Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. Notice triangular
and other abnormally shaped erythrocytes. Notice 2 polychromatophilic erythrocytes.
Neonatal Hemolytic Jaundice 5

Table 3
Morphologic abnormalities of erythrocytes from neonates with jaundice

Erythrocyte Suggested Laboratory
Morphology Most Likely Causes Testing/Findings Other Features
Microspherocytes HS  DAT () MCHC/MCV elevated
 EMA flow (1) (>36, likely >40)18
ABO hemolytic  DAT (1) MCHC/MCV normal
disease  Transient (<36, likely <34)
Elliptocytes Hereditary DAT () MCHC normal
elliptocytosis MCV normal
Bite & blister cells G6PD deficiency G6PD enzyme activity  Typically affects
Unstable hemoglobin Heinz body males but rarely
preparation females are also
 Ethnicity of
equatorial origin
Echinocytes PK deficiency PK enzyme activity Autosomal recessive,
Other glycolytic Quantify activity of likely to have no
enzyme deficiency other glycolytic family history
Schistocytes  DIC and/or perinatal  Low levels of FV and  Low or falling
asphyxia FVIII, elevated levels platelet count
 Heinz body HA of D-dimers  Normal to high IPF
 Positive result of  Normal to high MPV
Heinz body DIC, perinatal
preparation asphyxia
ADAMTS13 deficiency Severely decreased  ADAMTS13
(TTP) ADAMTS13 activity deficiency, early
(<0.1 U/mL) high neonatal HUS, and
levels of LDH giant hemangiomas
Neonatal hemolytic Acute renal failure all involve platelet
uremic syndrome consumption from
Homozygous protein Severely decreased endothelial injury
C deficiency functional protein C and all have a
activity (<1%) similar neonatal
Giant hemangioma May be internal or presentation

Abbreviations: DAT, direct antiglobulin test; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; FV, factor
V; FVIII, factor VIII; G6PD, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; HA, hemolytic anemia; HUS, hemo-
lytic uremic syndrome; IPF, immature platelet fraction; LDH, lactic dehydrogenase; MCHC, mean
corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; MPV, mean platelet vol-
ume; PK, pyruvate kinase; TTP, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.

neonate with jaundice, 2 main entities should be considered: ABO hemolytic disease
and HS. Although the direct antiglobulin test (DAT) generally gives positive result in the
former and negative result in the latter, there may rarely be a jaundiced neonate with
ABO hemolytic disease with a negative result of DAT because of a low-titer maternal
antibody, insufficient to render the test result positive but still sufficient to cause some
6 Christensen & Yaish

degree of hemolysis. Also, the DAT sometimes gives negative result, whereas the in-
direct Coombs test gives positive result.
Elliptocytes are oval or elliptical. Elliptocytosis generally occurs as an autosomal domi-
nantly inherited condition, with a variety of genotypes and with phenotypes ranging from
completely asymptomatic to moderately severe hemolytic anemia.19 Most neonates
with hereditary elliptocytosis (HE) do not have significant jaundice or anemia and the
condition commonly goes undetected in the neonatal period. However, an important
exception, often resulting in severe neonatal jaundice, occurs when a neonate inherits
an HE mutation from one parent, and also inherits a different RBC membrane defect
from the other parent, similar to an autosomal recessive condition. The authors have
recently reported such a neonate in detail with a condition termed pyropoikilocytosis.26
Blister cells and bite cells have lost a small portion of the hemoglobin content as a
result of oxidative stress leading to denaturation of the hemoglobin, which is usually
picked by the spleen leading to an empty space covered by a thin outer membrane
(blister), which later becomes a bite cell after losing its thin membrane.19 When these
cells are observed in a jaundiced neonate, it usually suggests that the hemolytic pro-
cess is precipitated by an episode of oxidative stress because of challenged unstable
hemoglobin or glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)-deficient RBCs.27
Echinocytes are contracted and dehydrated cells with numerous rather uniform
spicules. In the authors’ experience, pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency is the most com-
mon condition in jaundiced neonates giving rise to these cells.28
Schistocytes are fragments of erythrocytes and are usually encountered when me-
chanical destruction of red cells within the vasculature occurs or in the aftermath of
oxidative stress such as seen in acute schistocytic (Heinz body) hemolytic anemia.
The authors recommend that if greater than 1% of erythrocytes on a blood film of
full-term neonates are schistocytes, or if more than 5% schistocytes are found in a
premature baby, the term schistocytosis is appropriate. Other specific causes of
schistocytic jaundice and anemia in neonates are reviewed elsewhere.19

End-Tidal Carbon Monoxide

Tidmarsh and colleagues29 recently emphasized the clinical relevance of determining
ETCO levels in jaundiced neonates. Carbon monoxide is generated stoichiometrically
as heme is metabolized to bilirubin.6,7 Thus, measuring the ETCO (minus the ambient
CO) in jaundiced neonates may not only confirm hemolysis as a cause of the hyperbi-
lirubinemia but also quantify the rate of hemolysis. Fig. 2 shows an ETCO measure-
ment taking place in a neonate who had an elevated serum bilirubin level. The
upper reference range level of ETCO during the first week after birth is 1.7 ppm,
and the authors generally use a level exceeding 2.0 ppm to confirm neonatal hemoly-
sis.14 It is feasible to quantify ETCO of jaundiced neonates during their birth hospital-
ization. When hemolytic jaundice is identified, physicians and parents typically comply
with the American Academy of Pediatrics follow-up guidelines to have serum bilirubin
levels measured within 24 hours after discharge from the birth hospital.30

EMA Flow Cytometry

When the diagnosis of HS is to be made, EMA binding can be a helpful test (Fig. 3).31
EMA binding is a flow-cytometry-based test measuring the relative amount of fluores-
cently labeled EMA dye bound to band 3 and Rh-related proteins in the erythrocyte
membrane. In HS, the reduction in band 3 and other membrane proteins leads to
decreased fluorescence intensity. In the authors’ hematology clinic at Primary Chil-
dren’s Hospital, EMA flow has outperformed other diagnostic tests for HS in newborn
infants and has replaced osmotic fragility testing.
Neonatal Hemolytic Jaundice 7

Fig. 2. Screening for hemolytic jaundice using end-tidal carbon monoxide quantification. A
neonate with jaundice (serum bilirubin in the high-intermediate-risk zone) where ETCO is
measured by a single-nare cannula attached to the CoSense monitor.

Fig. 3. A diagnosis of HS is supported in a neonate by finding that a large fraction of eryth-

rocytes display reduced EMA binding. Fewer than normal EMA-tagged erythrocytes are indi-
cated by a leftward displacement of events compared with the normal range (footprint).
FITC-A, fluorescein isothiocyanate; SSC-A, side scatter.
8 Christensen & Yaish

Next-Generation Sequencing
Laboratory techniques collectively termed next-generation sequencing, developed
only a few years ago, are currently being adopted by clinical reference laboratories as
diagnostic tests for mutations or polymorphisms causing human genetically based dis-
orders. Because multiple candidate genes from a patient can be sequenced in parallel in
a single run, the cost of the procedure can be several orders of magnitude less than pre-
vious methods in which mutations are sought by sequencing candidate genes one at a
time. Moreover, using the barcoding technique to identify which DNA fragments belong
to which patients, the DNA of multiple patients can be sequenced in a single run, further
reducing costs as a clinical test. The test usually reports the exact mutation and not only
the gene involved. When novel mutations or genetically complex conditions are present,
involving mutations in several genes, NGS can identify the situation, while previous
techniques frequently do not. The quality of patient data generated by NGS, and the
usefulness to clinical diagnosis, have already made NGS available for diagnosing the
cause of congenital hemolytic jaundice and also for congenital bone marrow failure dis-
orders. Attempts are underway to generate NGS like the one illustrated in Table 4 to
identify the underlying genetic causes of neonatal jaundice. Limited availability to
date, and limited reports, are generating useful information.18,23–26,32

Fig. 4 illustrates a method that the authors advocate for evaluating the cause of prob-
lematic cases of neonatal jaundice. For the purpose of this algorithm, the authors
define problematic jaundice as requiring phototherapy longer than a couple of days
when the cause of the jaundice is not clear. The authors suggest starting the evalua-
tion with simple tests that often generate useful information. These tests include blood
typing of mother and baby, (DAT or Coombs), a complete blood cell count (CBC) with a
blood film examined by one skilled in morphologic interpretation, and a reticulocyte
count. Also, end-tidal CO determination can be helpful as an initial test, strongly sug-
gesting a hemolytic disorder if the ETCO is high (>2 ppm).
When the result of Coombs test is negative and blood types do not suggest alloim-
mune hemolytic disease, but the ETCO is high, simple screening for HS can be useful.
This method consists of looking for microspherocytes on the blood film and calcu-
lating the HS ratio from the CBC (MCHC divided by MCV).20 Because neonates with
HS typically have an elevated MCHC and a low MCV, a high ratio, exceeding 0.36
or 0.37 suggests a diagnosis of HS. When the family history is negative for HS,
EMA flow cytometric testing can be useful.31
Enzymatic testing for G6PD deficiency or PK deficiency is usually inexpensive and
rapid. When the pathogenesis is still unclear after these rather simple tests, hematol-
ogy consultation with additional testing is sometimes needed. Laboratories in which
such testing is offered include the following:
Blood Disease Reference Hematology Laboratory
310 Cedar Street, CB 541a
New Haven, CT 06520, USA
Tel. (203)737-1349, Fax (203)785-3896.
ARUP Laboratories
500 Chipeta Way
Salt Lake City, UT 84108, USA
Tel. (800)522-2787, Fax (800)522-2706.
Neonatal Hemolytic Jaundice 9

Table 4
The genes sequenced in the problematic neonatal jaundice NGS panel

Gene Associated Hematological

Symbol Gene Description OMIM ID Disorder
SPTA1 Spectrin alpha 182860 Elliptocytosis, spherocytosis,
SPTB Spectrin beta 182870 Elliptocytosis, spherocytosis
ANK1 Ankyrin 1 612641 Spherocytosis
SLC4A1 Solute carrier family 4, anion 109270 Spherocytosis, stomatocytosis,
exchanger, member 1 acanthocytosis, ovalocytosis
(erythrocyte membrane protein
band 3)
EPB41 Erythrocyte membrane protein 130500 Elliptocytosis
band 4.1
EPB42 Erythrocyte membrane protein 177070 Spherocytosis
band 4.2
PIEZO1 Piezo-type mechanosensitive ion 611184 Xerocytosis
channel component 1
CYB5R3 Cytochrome b reductase 3 613213 Methemoglobinemia type 1 and 2
G6PD Glucose-6-phosphate 305900 G6PD deficiency
GPI Glucose phosphate isomerase 172400 GPI deficiency
GSR Glutathione reductase 138300 GSR deficiency
HK1 Hexokinase 1 142600 Hemolytic anemia
NT5C3 Pyrimidine 50 -nucleotidase 606224 Hemolytic anemia
PGK1 Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 311800 PGK1 deficiency
PKLR Pyruvate kinase (liver and red cell) 609712 PKLR deficiency
PKM Pyruvate kinase (muscle) 179050 Bloom syndrome
TPI1 Triosephosphate isomerase 1 190450 TPI1 deficiency
GSS Glutathione synthase 601002 GSS deficiency
ADA Adenosine deaminase 608958 ADA deficiency
AK1 Adenylate kinase 1 103000 AK1 deficiency
PFKM Phosphofructokinase (muscle) 610681 PFKM deficiency, glycogen storage
disease type 7
PFKL Phosphofructokinase (liver) 171860 ?
UGT1A1 UDP glycosyltransferase 1 family, 19174 Crigler-Najjar syndrome 1 and 2
polypeptide A1
UGT1A6 UDP glycosyltransferase 1 family, 606431 UGT1A6 deficiency
polypeptide A6
UGT1A7 UDP glycosyltransferase 1 family, 606432 UGT1A7 deficiency
polypeptide A7
SLCO1B1 Solute carrier organic anion 604843 Rotor syndrome
transporter family, member 1B1
SLCO1B3 Solute carrier organic anion 605495 Rotor syndrome
transporter family, member 1B3

Abbreviations: OMIM, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man; UDP, uridine diphosphate.

10 Christensen & Yaish

ProblemaƟc neonatal jaundice?

Is phototherapy needed more than 1 or 2 days? To evaluate
poten al underlying causes, obtain blood type on mother and baby,
coombs test, CBC with peripheral blood smear, and re culocyte count.

Coonbs test Coonbs test result negaƟve

result posiƟve
In ABO hemoly c
disease, if the
jaundice is severe or
atypical, consider RBC enzyme or Suspicious for HS?
the possibility of a other intrinsic (MCHC/MCV >0.36)
coexis ng condi on defect
— consider G6PD
addi onal diagnos c Pyruvate kinase
tes ng sequencing other

EMA flow or
incubated osmoƟc

Pathogenesis sƟll unclear?

● AddiƟonal diagnosƟc tesƟng
● Next-generaƟon DNA sequencing
● Hematology consultaƟon

Fig. 4. Algorithm for evaluating the underlying cause in neonates with problematic jaun-
dice. G6PD, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; MCHC, mean corpuscular hemoglobin
concentration; MCV, mean corpuscular volume.

207 Perry Parkway Gaithersburg
MD 20877, USA
Tel. (301)519-2100, Fax (301)519-2892.

Mayo Medical Laboratories.
3050 Superior Drive NW
Rochester, MN 55901, USA.
Tel. (800)553-1710, Fax (507)284-1759.
Neonatal Hemolytic Jaundice 11

Best Practices

What is current practice?

 Conscientious attempts are made to prevent hazardous neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and
thereby avert bilirubin-induced neurologic dysfunction.
 Methods used to reduce the risk of hazardous neonatal hyperbilirubinemia include universal
screening of serum or transcutaneous bilirubin levels during the birth hospitalization.
 Neonates who are recognized as having significant jaundice are managed with
phototherapy and careful follow-up, to assess bilirubin rebound after stopping
 Despite concerted efforts, kernicterus still occurs.
 The most common cause of rehospitalization during the first week after birth is neonatal
What changes in current practice are likely to improve outcomes?
 Rapidly identifying specific hemolytic causes of jaundice can alert clinicians to the need for
rigorous inpatient and outpatient bilirubin follow-up.
 Rapid recognition of the most common genetic contributors to hazardous neonatal
hemolytic jaundice can facilitate anticipatory guidance of these patients, thereby avoiding
adverse outcomes.
Summary Statement
Tests, techniques, and approaches reviewed in this article include assessing RBC morphology,
end-tidal carbon monoxide quantification, EMA flow cytometry, next-generation DNA
sequencing using neonatal jaundice panels, and the algorithms presented in this article.


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Neonatal Hemolytic Jaundice 13

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