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Liceul Tehnologic Henri Coanda Dej

An Scolar 2017/2018
Clasa a IX-a
Sem II
Nume……………………………. Lb Engleza


+ 1p OF

I. Put the verbs into the correct tense:

My sister …………(sleep) now. We go to school by bus, but today we ………………(go) by
car. I……………..(play) football every Saturday. He can’t give you the paper, he ………..…
(read) it this very moment. When mother came in, my brother …………..(watch) TV. She
………… (cook) dinner when the telephone …………….. (ring). Jane …………..(be) next
week. We ……………..(go) to the cinema tomorrow. They ………… (buy) a new house next
year. 5p (0,5x10)

II. Translate the following sentences using a modal verb: 4 p

1. Noi nu putem traduce aceasta propozitie.
2. El trebuie sa-mi spuna adevarul.
3. Ei nu vor veni maine aici.
4. Fata ar trebui sa citeasca textul cu atentie.

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