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Jawaban UTS susulan Bahasa inggris

1. Jupri has arranged computer in the office (present perfect)

Jupri arrange the computer (simple past tense)

2. wildan can arrange the computer very well

3. the computer is arranged jupri once a month.

4. don’t arrange the computer,will you?

5. jupri plan arrange the computer tomorrow (Plan)

I’m thinking jupri arrange the computer this week (intention)

6. a. This is to inform you that your book has been rejected by our publishing company as it was
not up to the required standard. In case you would like us to reconsider it, we would suggest that
you go over it and make some necessary changes
b. perbedaanya jika kalimat pertama penerbit yang memberikan pernyataan sedangkan kalimat
kedua adalah sanggahan dari si penerbit akibat bukunya di tolak.

7. c. Super Highway information is a term used for the 1990 to correct on digital communication
systems and telecommunications networks

8. disagree, because to become a hacker is now a lot of media that easy like the internet but did
not rule out it must be with the kind of thinking to be tapped an ATM

Terima kasih bu

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