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Errors in History Matching

Z. Tavassoli, Jonathan N. Carter, and Peter R. King, Imperial College, London

Summary forecast. There have been some studies that attempt to tackle the
The usual procedure in history matching is to adopt a Bayesian problem of nonuniqueness of the solution, for example Refs. 1, 6,
approach with an objective function that is assumed to have a and 53 through 55. Ref. 53 presents a field story in which the risk
single simple minimum at the “correct” model. In this paper, we arising from such nonuniqueness is highlighted. In Ref. 6, an ap-
use a simple cross-sectional model of a reservoir to show that this proach is proposed that couples a chaotic sampling of parameter
may not be the case. The model has three unknown parameters: space with a local minimization technique. Through the evolution
high and low permeabilities and the throw of a fault. We generate of a nonlinear dynamical system, several points are successively
a large number of realizations of the reservoir and choose one of used as initial guesses for a local gradient-based optimizer. This
them as a base case. Using the weighted sum of squares for the provides a series of alternative matched models with different
objective function, we find both the best production- and best production forecasts that improve the understanding of the pos-
parameter-matched models. The results show that a good fit for the sible reservoir behaviors. In Ref. 1, the application of a global
production data does not necessarily have a good estimation for the optimization algorithm called the tunneling method is presented
parameters of the reservoir, and therefore it may lead to a bad for two test cases in which a series of minima was found. In Ref.
forecast for the performance of the reservoir. We discuss the idea 54, there is a study on the parameter estimation in the oil industry
that the “true” model (represented here by the base case) is not carried out by applying a modified genetic algorithm on a simple
necessarily the most likely to be obtained using conventional his- reservoir model. It demonstrated that it is difficult to obtain a
tory-matching methods. history match using simple optimization methods. The simple
model used in Ref. 54 was a 2D cross section of a reservoir with
a sequence of alternating good- and poor-quality sands and a
simple fault. The three unknown parameters were the high and low
Reservoir history matching is a difficult inverse problem arising in permeabilities of the sands, and the throw of the fault. In a later
the petroleum industry. The aim of history matching is to find a work by J.N. Carter,55 there is an attempt to capture the effects of
model such that the difference between the performance of the modeling errors in inverse problems using Bayesian statistics. He
model and the history of a reservoir is minimized. Traditionally, then used a similar cross-sectional model of a reservoir to test the
this is done by hand. But the task of varying the parameters of a results. It appeared that the proposed error model yields a multi-
reservoir description by hand until a satisfactory match is obtained modal objective function that leads to multiple acceptable solu-
is extremely onerous and time-consuming. Therefore, gradient- tions. The approach used in Carter55 was to generate a large num-
based optimization techniques are increasingly adopted by the oil ber of models, which could be searched to find the best match
industry for computer-aided history matching. This is because of according to the criteria chosen.
the great time-saving benefits they can offer over conventional In this paper, we use the same cross-sectional model of a res-
trial-and-error approaches. Starting with an initial reservoir de- ervoir as in Refs. 54 and 55, and we also use an approach similar
scription, these optimization techniques automatically vary reser- to the one in Carter55 to generate a large number of realizations of
voir parameters until stopping criteria are achieved and a history the reservoir. We then choose one of these models as a base case,
match of field performance is obtained. This mechanistic activity and use the sum of squares as the measure of fit between the
is referred to as “automatic history matching.” In Refs. 1 through performance of the base case and each realization. We also find the
18, there are samples of studies that use the method of gradients for “distance” between the two models on the parameter space. By
automatic history matching in order to find the best-matched obtaining both the best production- and the best parameter-
model of a reservoir. Many other methods have been studied and matched models, we then study the history matching and also the
applied to the history-matching problem. Examples include opti- prediction of the both models. The results show that a model with
mal control theory,19–22 stochastic modeling techniques,23–26 sen- a good history matching could have parameters quite different
sitivity analysis techniques, 27–29 and gradual deformation from those of the “true” case, and it may give a bad forecast. To
method.31 In Refs. 31 through 45, some other studies on history show that the results are generic, a general study of the forecast
matching are listed. The use of 3D streamline paths to assist in then is carried out that confirms the robustness of the results. For
history matching has become increasingly common, because of the rest of the paper, firstly in the next section, the reservoir model
their speed compared to that of the conventional methods. Samples is described and objective functions are defined. Then, a base case
of such studies are given in Refs. 46 through 52. These techniques is chosen in the best-models section, and the best production- and
are designated as “assisted history matching” to distinguish them parameter-matched models are obtained. Then, in the following sec-
from automated history-matching techniques. tion, the prediction of the best models is assessed, and then a gener-
In most of the studies above, independent of the method used alized discussion of the forecast is given, followed by conclusions.
for the history matching, there is usually an assumption that there
exists a simple unique solution at the “correct” model. They there- Reservoir Model and Objective Function
fore neglect the inherent nonuniqueness of the solution of the
We use a simple 2D cross-sectional model of a layered reservoir,
underlying inverse problem. This, consequently, leads to the as-
as shown in Fig. 1.57 The model is 2D, with no-flow boundary
sumption that a good history-matched model is a good represen-
conditions. Water is injected on the left side, and a production well
tation of the reservoir and therefore gives a good forecast.
is located on the right. There is a single, normal fault at the mid-
In this paper, we want to challenge these assumptions and show
point between the two wells. The reservoir contains six alternating
that the problem may have multiple solutions, and subsequently, a
layers of good- and poor-quality sands with high and low perme-
good history-matched model might have geological properties
abilities, respectively. The porosities of the good- and poor-quality
quite far from those of the “truth” and therefore could lead to a bad
sands are 0.30 and 0.15, respectively. We also assume that the
three good-quality layers have identical properties, and the three
poor-quality layers have a different set of identical properties. The
Copyright © 2004 Society of Petroleum Engineers thickness of the layers has an arithmetic progression, with the top
Original SPE manuscript received for review 6 August 2003. Revised manuscript received
layer having a thickness of 12.5 ft, the bottom layer a thickness of
21 April 2004. Paper (SPE 86883) peer approved 28 May 2004. 7.5 ft, and with a total thickness of 60 ft. The width of the model

352 September 2004 SPE Journal

Fig. 1—Reservoir model with fault throw of h. Blue (black) and red (grey) represent poor- and good-quality sands with low and high
permeabilities, kp and kg, respectively.

is 1,000 ft. The viscosity used for water was 0.31 cp; for oil, ␴w = 0.03Qwb共h0,kp0,kg0,ti兲, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
between 0.51 and 0.74 cp within the pressures of 4,041.7 and
9,014.7 psi. Power-law forms are used for the water and oil relative ␴o = 0.03Qob共h0,kp0,kg0,ti兲. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)
permeabilities as functions of the water and oil saturations, respec-
tively. To produce a set of measurements, we therefore need three We normalize ⌬m by dividing it by the number of the mea-
properties: the size of the fault throw h, the permeability for the surements, n.
good-quality sand kg, and the permeability of the poor-quality sand We also define a measure of “distance” between the base case
kp. The three parameters are selected independently from uniform and each realization on the parameter space as ⌬p,
distributions with ranges: fault throw, h ∈ [0,60], good-quality
permeability, kg ∈ [100,200], and poor-quality permeability, kp ∈ 3
1 共Pi − Pbi兲2
[0,50]. The simulation model is 100×12 gridblocks, with each
geological layer divided into two simulation layers of equal thick-
⌬p = 兺
3 i=1 2␴pi2
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4)

ness; each gridblock is 10 ft wide. The simulation is carried out

with wells operating at fixed bottomhole pressures, and both are where Pi and Pbi correspond to the three parameters of each real-
completed on all layers. The oil/water production/injection rates ization and the base case, respectively. These parameters are h, kp,
are then periodically recorded 43 times: first monthly for 36 and kg for each realization and h0, kp0, and kg0 for the base case.
months (3 years), and then annually for 7 years. ⌬p, therefore, is a 1D measure of “distance” in a 3D parameter
As a goodness-of-fit measure, we use an objective function to space. ␴pi⳱the standard deviation of the base-case parameter,
be a weighted sum of squares of the difference between the pro- which here represents a weighting factor proportional to the mea-
duction data of the base case and each realization from the start of suring parameter, ␴pi⳱0.03Pbi. We normalize ⌬p by dividing it by
production until the end of the history matching: the number of parameters, three.

⌬m共h,kp,kg|h0,kp0,kg0兲 Best Models

再冋 册
We choose a point in the parameter space to be the base case;
h0⳱10.4 ft, kg0⳱131.6 md, and kp0⳱1.3 md. The production
Qw共h,kp,kg,ti兲 − Qwb共h0,kp0,kg0,ti兲

= rates obtained are shown in Fig. 2. We then randomly sample
n i=1 2␴w2 共ti兲
another 159,645 realizations of the reservoir from the parameter

冋 册冎
space and run the simulator to obtain the production data for each
Qo共h,kp,kg,ti兲 − Qob共h0,kp0,kg0,ti兲 sample model. Obtaining objective function ⌬m gives a measure of
+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) fit between the production data of the base case and each realiza-
2␴2o 共ti兲
tion at the history-matching period, which we assume to be 3
Here, index m stands for the match of the history. Qw and years, n⳱36 months. Also calculating ⌬p from Eq. 4 gives a
Qwb⳱the water production rates for each realization and the base measure of distance between the base case and each realization on
case, respectively, at each measurement time ti. Similarly, Qo and the parameter space.
Qob⳱the oil production rates for the same models. The subscript
b corresponds to the base case, and n⳱the number of the mea- Best Production-Matched Model. Here, we first look for one
surements during the history-matching period. ␴o and ␴o⳱the single model which has the best match to the production data and
standard deviations of the water and oil production rates, respec- call it the best history-matched model. This is a representation of
tively, of the base case. In this paper, we consider the standard common exercise that is usually done in the industry. The model
deviations as weighting factors for normalization purposes. We for which ⌬m is minimum is the one with the best production
assume the weighting factor to be 3% of the measuring value match. In our case, the parameters for such a model are h⳱33.1 ft,
(either water or oil production), which gives kg⳱135.9 md, and kp⳱2.62 md, which gives ⌬m⳱0.118. In

September 2004 SPE Journal 353

Fig. 2—Oil/water production rates vs. time for the base case.

Fig. 3, we plot the oil/water production rates for both the base case of the base case, and kp is almost twice as large as in the base case.
and the best production-matched model for 4 years from the start These suggest that a model with a good fit for the production data
of the production. The vertical dotted line corresponds to the end of a reservoir does not necessarily have a good estimation for the
of the history matching (3 years). We see that there is a very good parameters of the reservoir.
fit between the production profiles of the two models during the
history-matching period. For these two models, we also calculate Best Parameter-Matched Model. Alternatively, we may look for
⌬p for a measure of fit between their parameters, which gives a the model with the best parameter match. The realization with the
very large value, ⌬p⳱1,066. This value indicates there is a bad best parameter fit to the base case is the one with the minimum
match between the parameters of the two models. For the best value of ⌬p. We obtain such a model with parameters of h⳱11.15
model, kg is quite well estimated, h is almost three times the throw ft, kg⳱134.8 md, and kp⳱1.35 md, which gives ⌬p⳱1.23. For this

Fig. 3—Oil/water production rates vs. time for the base case (solid line) and the best production-matched model (dashed line) for
4 years from the start of production. The vertical dotted line shows the end of the history matching (3 years).

354 September 2004 SPE Journal

model, however, ⌬m⳱68.18, which is large, indicating that there whole history-matching and prediction periods (total of 4 years).
is not a good fit between the production data of this model and that Figs. 8 through 10 show graphs of water saturation along the
of the base case. These suggest that a model with parameters close production well at the end of the forecast. In Fig. 3, we see that
to the true model (represented here by base case) does not neces- although the production rates of the base case and the best model
sarily give a good fit for the production data of the reservoir. To match each other very well until the end of the history matching,
establish this, we plot graphs of oil/water production rates vs. time they obviously diverge during the prediction period. If we then
in Fig. 4 for both the base case and the best parameter-matched look at the depth-saturation plots of the two models in Figs. 8 and
model for 4 years from the beginning of the production. The first 9 at the end of 4 years, we see major discrepancies between the two
3 years, which are indicated by the vertical dotted line on the profiles of water saturation at the production well. These suggest
graph, correspond to the history-matching period. We see that that a model with a good history matching to the “true” case does
there is not a close match between the production data of the two not necessarily have a good forecast, and therefore might not be a
models during this period. There is also an obvious difference in good representative of the “truth.” In order to evaluate the forecast
the time of water breakthrough between the two models, such that of the best parameter-matched model compared to the base case,
the assumed model predicts an earlier water breakthrough time. we look at the production data of the two models at both the
history-matching and prediction periods in Fig. 4. They seem to
Prediction of the Best Models. Here, we are interested to see suggest that although the two production profiles do not have a
how the predictions of both the best production- and parameter- good match during the history matching, they converge toward
matched models compare with those of the base case. In Figs. 5 each other at the prediction period. They also seem to have quite
through 7, we plot 2D saturation maps of oil/water for all the three similar profiles of depth vs. saturation at the end of 4 years, as one
models at the end of the history matching (after 3 years). We see can see in Figs. 8 and 10. These suggest that a model with param-
the differences in oil/water saturation in the layers of the reservoir eters close to those of the base case might lead to a good forecast
between the base case and the best production-matched model. for the “true” case.
This is in spite of the fact that the two models have a very similar
production profile at the history-matching period, as is Generalization of the Forecast
seen in Fig. 3. The distribution of oil/water in the reservoir, how- In the previous section, we considered the forecast of the two best
ever, seems to be more similar for the base case and the best models and assumed that the end of the prediction is 4 years. Here,
parameter-matched model, although they do not show a good fit we will see how generalized these results are, and to do so we look
for the production profile during the history matching, as can be at all the realizations of the reservoir model. We therefore intro-
seen in Fig. 4. duce a new quantity called ⌬f, which shows a measure of fit
To study the forecast of the best models, we consider two between the production data of the base case and each realization
quantities: the production data at the prediction period, and the from the end of the history matching until the end of the forecast.
variation of the water saturation at the production well at the end Index f stands for the forecast. ⌬f has the same form as ⌬m in Eq.
of the forecast. The reservoir model we use here is very simple and 1, with different limits for the summation: a lower limit related to
small and has a short lifetime. In the model at the end of the history the end of the history matching, and an upper limit related to the
matching (after 3 years) almost 2/3 of the oil in the reservoir has end of the prediction. Also, the divisor n for ⌬f corresponds to the
been recovered. The average lifetime of such a reservoir therefore number of the measurements from the end of the history matching
is approximately 4 to 5 years. Therefore, to detect the discrepan- until the end of the forecast. We then obtain ⌬f for all pairs of the
cies between the models, we set the end of the forecast to be 4 base case and each realization for all 159,645 realizations with
years, and therefore consider one year after the end of the history randomly chosen parameters. In order to study the possible corre-
matching. In Figs. 3 and 4, there are production data for the best lation between the goodness of the forecast and that of the history
production- and parameter-matched models, respectively, over the matching between the base case and each model, we plot ⌬f vs. ⌬m.

Fig. 4—Oil/water production rates vs. time for the base case (solid line) and the best parameter-matched model (dashed line) for
4 years from the start of production. The vertical dotted line shows the end of the history matching (3 years).

September 2004 SPE Journal 355

Fig. 5—Saturation map for the base case at the end of the history matching.

Fig. 6—Saturation map of the best production-matched model at the end of history matching.

Fig. 7—Saturation map for the best parameter-matched model at the end of history matching.

Fig. 8—Depth vs. saturation at the production well for the “true” model 1 year after the end of history matching.

356 September 2004 SPE Journal

Fig. 9—Depth vs. saturation along the production well for the best production-matched model 1 year after the end of history

Also, to see any possible relation between the goodness of the consider the two distinct sets of models with ⌬m<1, which have
forecast for every model with the closeness of the parameters of relatively good history match: those with good prediction, ⌬f<20,
that model to the base case, we plot ⌬f vs. ⌬p. These graphs are and those with poor forecast, ⌬f>20. For each set, we fit a Gaussian
plotted in Figs. 11 and 12. There seems to be a broad correlation distribution to the likelihood of ⌬m over the parameter space using
between the forecast and both the history of production and the the least-squares method. As the prior probability is uniform, the
parameters of the models. This is such that very large values of likelihoods represent the posterior probabilities for the two modes.
⌬m , which indicate very bad history-matched models, correspond We then find the values for the mean and standard deviation of
to a very bad forecast with high values of ⌬f. The same follows for each parameter for both Gaussian distributions. The results are as
the relationship between ⌬f and ⌬p. However, we are interested in follows. For the cluster with ⌬m<1 and ⌬f<20, the measured means
studying the forecasts of the realizations with productions or pa- are ␮1⳱5.20, ␮2⳱127.0, and ␮3⳱2.74, and the standard devia-
rameters relatively close to those of the “true” case. We therefore tions are ␴1⳱0.30, ␴2⳱0.37, and ␴3⳱0.52. For the models with
consider models in Figs. 11 and 12 with small values of ⌬m and ⌬p. ⌬m<1 and ⌬f 20, the fitted Gaussian distribution gives ␮1⳱39.4,
Figs. 13 and 14 represent these graphs for when ⌬m<5 and ⌬p<10, ␮ 2 ⳱136.7, and ␮ 3 ⳱2.53, and the standard deviations are
respectively. The points at the origin correspond to the base case ␴1⳱3.04, ␴2⳱1.88, and ␴3⳱0.004. In these values, the indices 1,
with ⌬m⳱⌬p⳱⌬f⳱0. The best production- and parameter- 2, and 3 correspond to the parameters h, kg, and kp, respectively.
matched models are indicated by arrows with, respectively, lowest
⌬m and ⌬p in Figs. 13 and 14. The corresponding ⌬f for these
models are 32.7 and 7.87, respectively, for the former and the latter
models. These show a better prediction for the best parameter- We studied a simple 2D cross-sectional model of a reservoir with
matched model, and a worse forecast for the best history-matched alternating layers of good- and poor-quality sands with high and
model, which are similar to the results we obtained in the section low permeabilities, and a simple fault in the middle. The model
on best-model prediction. However, the plots in Figs. 13 and 14 in then had three unknown parameters: the high and low permeabili-
general do not seem to indicate any systematic correlation between ties, kg and kp, respectively, and the throw of the fault, h. We ran
the goodness of the forecast ⌬f and that of the history match, ⌬m, a simulator for several realizations of the reservoir and obtained
or parameter match, ⌬p. Well history-matched models (with small the production data. Then, we chose a model as a base case and
⌬m) or models with parameters close to those of the base case assumed the end of the history matching to be shortly after water
(with small ⌬p) both might lead to bad forecasts with relatively breakthrough in the base case (3 years). As a goodness-of-time
large values of ⌬f. We also see that a good forecast with small ⌬f measure we used a weighted sum of squares of the difference
might correspond to small or large values of ⌬m or ⌬p. This seems between the production of each realization and the base case until
to suggest that models with bad history matching or those with the end of the history matching, ⌬m. We also defined a measure of
parameters far away from the “true” case still might result in “distance” on the parameter space between the base case and each
relatively good prediction of the production in a reservoir. realization, ⌬p. We then found both the best production-matched
The other point in Fig. 13 is the presence of two distinct clus- and the best parameter-matched models. The results showed that
ters: one with models of good prediction (low values of ⌬f) and the the best production-matched model does not necessarily have a
other with models of bad prediction (high values of ⌬f). Here, we good fit for the parameters of the reservoir. On the other hand, a

Fig. 10—Depth vs. saturation at the production well for the best parameter-matched model 1 year after the end of history matching.

September 2004 SPE Journal 357

Fig. 11—⌬f vs. ⌬m for all the realizations of the reservoir.

model with its parameters close to those of the base case might not a saturation profile very similar to that of the base case at the end
have a good match to the production data. of the forecast. This suggests that a good history-matched model
We then looked at the forecast of the reservoir for both best with productions close to those of the “true” case does not neces-
models one year after the end of the history matching. The quan- sarily have a good forecast, and therefore might not be a good
tities we considered were the production data and the water- representative of the “truth.” However, it seems that the model
saturation profile at the production well. The production data of the with parameters close to those of the base case might lead to a
best history-matched model and of the base case seem to diverge better forecast for the “true” case. To show the robust nature of the
during the forecast period. The two models show very different results above, we then studied the forecast on a more general basis.
saturation profiles at the end of the forecast. The production data We therefore introduced a goodness-of-fit measure, ⌬f, between
of the best parameter-matched model, however, seem to converge the production data of the base case and each realization from the
toward those of the base case in the prediction period, which gives end of the history matching until the end of the forecast. By plot-

Fig. 12—⌬f vs. ⌬p for all the realizations of the reservoir.

358 September 2004 SPE Journal

Fig. 13—⌬f vs. ⌬m for when ⌬m < 5.

ting ⌬f vs. ⌬m and also ⌬p, we did not observe any general sys- We would also like to mention that the problem we looked at in
tematic correlation between the goodness of the forecast with ei- this paper is well-posed. In a typical history-matching exercise, the
ther production match or parameter match. Well-history-matched number of data values available are typically less than the number
models or models with parameters close to those of the base case of unknown parameters in the reservoir, so it is an ill-posed prob-
could both lead to relatively bad forecasts. Alternatively, models lem and leads to multiple solutions. However, in our case, there are
with bad history matching or those with parameters far away from only three possible variables with 108 measurement data with no
the “true” case might still result in a relatively good forecast for the modeling errors, but still we run into errors in history matching.
reservoir. To show that the results obtained in this paper are more Therefore, the results obtained here are not caused by any ill-
generic, we have carried out a further study in Ref. 56, which posedness of the problem. Consequently, using more data might
investigates the errors both in history matching and in prediction change the so-called best history-matched model, but the prin-
by systematically varying each parameter in the reservoir model. ciples of the occurrence of errors will remain unchanged.

Fig. 14—⌬f vs. ⌬p for when ⌬p < 10.

September 2004 SPE Journal 359

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3. Rahon, D., Blanc, G., and Guerillot, D.: “Gradients Method Con- Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela,” paper SPE 38020 presented at the 1997
strained by Geological Bodies for History Matching,” paper SPE SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Dallas, 8–11 June.
36568 presented at the 1996 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
24. Calatayud, P.M. et al.: “Combined Stochastic and Deterministic Res-
Exhibition, Denver, 6–9 October.
ervoir Characterization Leads to Faster History Matching of a Hori-
4. Bissell, R.C., Sharma, Y., and Killough, J.E.: “History Matching Using zontal Well in a Complex Fluvio-Lacustrine Environment,” paper SPE
the Method of Gradients: Two Case Studies,” paper SPE 28590 pre- 28585 presented at the 1994 SPE European Petroleum Conference,
sented at the 1994 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, London, 25–27 October.
New Orleans, 25–28 September. 25. Tyler, K.J., Svanes, T., and Omdal, S.: “Faster History Matching and
5. Bissell, R., Killough, J.E., and Sharma, Y.: “Reservoir History Match- Uncertainty in Predicted Production Profiles With Stochastic Model-
ing Using the Method of Gradients on a Workstation,” paper SPE ing,” paper SPE 26420 presented at the 1993 SPE Annual Technical
24265 presented at the 1992 SPE European Petroleum Computer Con- Conference and Exhibition, Houston, 3–6 October.
ference, Stavanger, 25–27 May. 26. Giudicelli, C.B. et al.: “Anguille Marine, a Deep-Sea Fan Reservoir
6. Mantica, S., Cominelli, A., and Mantica, G.: “Combining Global and Offshore Gabon: From Stochastic Modeling Toward History Match-
Local Optimization Techniques for Automatic History Matching Pro- ing,” paper SPE 24894 presented at the 1992 SPE Annual Technical
duction and Seismic Data,” SPEJ (June 2002) 123. Conference and Exhibition, Washington, DC, 4–7 October.
7. Zhang, F., Reynolds, A.C., and Oliver, D.S.: “Model Errors Inherent in 27. Watson, A.T.: “Sensitivity Analysis of Two-Phase Reservoir History
Conditioning a Stochastic Channel to Pressure Data,” paper SPE 62987 Matching,” SPERE (August 1989) 319.
presented at the 2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibi- 28. Dogru, A.H. and Seinfeld, J.H.: “Comparison of Sensitivity Coefficient
tion, Dallas, 1–4 October. Calculation Methods in Automatic History Matching,” SPEJ (Decem-
8. Ory, J. et al.: “A Semi-Automatic History-Matching Technique Ap- ber 1981) 551.
plied to Aquifer Gas Storages,” paper SPE 38862 presented at the 1997 29. Hirasaki, G.J.: “Sensitivity Coefficients for History Matching Oil Dis-
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, placement Processes,” SPEJ (March 1973) 39.
Texas, 5–8 October. 30. Le Gallo, Y. and Le Ravalec-Dupin, M.: “History Matching Geostatis-
9. Savioli, G.B. and Bidner, M.S.: “Comparison of Optimization Tech- tical Reservoir Models With Gradual Deformation Method,” paper SPE
niques for Automatic History Matching,” Journal of Petroleum Science 62922 presented at the 2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
and Engineering (1994) 25. Exhibition, Dallas, 1–4 October.
10. Sultan, A.J., Ouenes, A., and Weiss, W.W.: “Automatic History Match- 31. Denney, D. et al.: “Geological Parameterization of a Reservoir Model
ing for an Integrated Reservoir Description and Improving Oil Recov- for History Matching,” JPT (April 2002) 76.
ery,” paper SPE 27712 presented at the 1994 SPE Permian Basin Oil 32. Wu, Z. and Datta-Gupta, A.: “Rapid History Matching Using a Gen-
and Gas Recovery Conference, Midland, Texas, 16–18 March. eralized Travel-Time Inversion Method,” SPEJ (June 2002) 113.
11. Ouenes, A. et al.: “New Algorithm for Automatic History Matching: 33. Guerillot, D. and Pianelo, L.: “Simultaneous Matching of Production
Application of Simulated Annealing Method (SAM) to Reservoir In- Data and Seismic Data for Reducing Uncertainty in Production Fore-
verse Modeling,” paper SPE 26297 available from SPE, Richardson, casts,” paper SPE 65131 presented at the 2000 SPE European Petro-
Texas (1993). leum Conference, Paris, 24–25 October.

360 September 2004 SPE Journal

34. Spivey, J.P. and Frantz, J.H.J.: “History Matching Production Data 51. He, Z., Yoon, S., and Datta-Gupta, A.: “Streamline-Based Production
Using Analytical Solutions for Linearly Varying Bottomhole Pres- Data Integration With Gravity and Changing Field Conditions,” SPEJ
sure,” paper SPE 29167 presented at the 1994 SPE Rocky Mountain (December 2002) 423.
Regional Meeting/Low-Permeability Reservoir Symposium, Denver, 52. Vasco, D.W., Yoon, S., and Datta-Gupta, A.: “Integrating Dynamic
20–22 March. Data Into High-Resolution Reservoir Models Using Streamline-Based
35. Makhlouf, E.M. et al.: “General History Matching Algorithm for Analytic Sensitivity Coefficients,” SPEJ (December 1999) 389.
Three-Phase, 3D Petroleum Reservoirs,” SPE Advanced Technology 53. Yamada, T.: “Nonuniqueness of History Matching,” paper SPE 59434
Series (1993) 1, No. 2, 83. presented at the 2000 SPE Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Mod-
36. Parish, R.G. et al.: “Effective History Matching: The Application of eling for Asset Management, Yokohama, Japan, 25–26 April.
Advanced Software Techniques to the History-Matching Process,” pa- 54. Bush, M.D. and Carter, J.N.: “Application of a modified genetic algo-
per SPE 25250 presented at the 1993 SPE Symposium on Reservoir rithm to parameter estimation in the petroleum industry,” paper pre-
Simulation, New Orleans, 28 February–3 March. sented at the 1996 Conference on Artificial Neural Networks in Engi-
37. Watson, A.T. et al.: “An Analytical Model for History Matching Natu- neering, St. Louis, Missouri, 1–13 November.
rally Fractured Reservoir Production Data,” SPERE (August 1990) 55. Carter, J.N.: “Using Bayesian Statistics To Capture the Effects of Mod-
384. elling Errors in Inverse Problems,” Mathematical Geology (2004) 36,
38. Watson, A.T., Lane, H.S., and Gatens, J.M. III.: “History Matching No. 2, 187.
With Cumulative Production Data,” JPT (January 1990) 96. 56. Tavassoli, Z., Carter, J.N., and King, P.R.: “An Analysis of History-
39. Datta-Gupta, A. et al.: “A Type-Curve Approach to Analyzing Two- Matching Errors,” submitted for publication.
Well Tracer Tests,” SPEFE (March 1995) 40; Trans., AIME, 299.
40. Ghoniem, S.A. et al.: “Simplified method for petroleum reservoir his-
tory matching,” Applied Mathematical Modelling (1984) 8, No. 4, 282. SI Metric Conversion Factors
41. Joyner, H.D. and Lovingfoss, W.J.: “Use of a Computer Model in
Matching History and Predicting Performance of Low-Permeability cp × 1.0* E−03 ⳱ Pa·s
Gas Wells,” JPT (December 1971) 1415. ft × 3.048* E−01 ⳱ m
42. Sayyouh, M.H.: “Goal Programming: A New Tool for Optimization in psi × 6.894757 E+00 ⳱ kPa
Petroleum Reservoir History Matching,” Applied Mathematical Mod- *Conversion factor is exact.
elling (1981) 5, No. 4, 223.
43. Watson, A.T. et al.: “History Matching in Two-Phase Petroleum Res-
ervoirs,” SPEJ (December 1980) 521. Zohreh Tavassoli is a postdoctoral research associate at the
44. van den Bosch, B. and Seinfeld, J.H.: “History Matching in Two-Phase Dept. of Earth Science and Engineering of Imperial College,
Petroleum Reservoirs: Incompressible Flow,” SPEJ (September 1977) London. e-mail: Her research inter-
398. ests include history matching, uncertainties, and multiphase
45. Shah, S., Gavalas, G.R., and Seinfeld, J.H.: “Error Analysis in History flow in fractured porous media. She holds BSc and MSc de-
Matching: The Optimum Level of Parameterization,” SPEJ (June 1978) grees in physics from Shahid-Beheshti U. and a PhD degree in
219. statistical physics from Brunel U. Jonathan Carter is a senior
lecturer in reservoir engineering at Imperial College, London.
46. Illiassov, P.A. and Datta-Gupta, A.: “Field-Scale Characterization of e-mail: His research interests include
Permeability and Saturation Distribution Using Partitioning Tracer history matching, inverse problems, Bayesian statistics, genetic
Tests: The Ranger Field, Texas,” SPEJ (December 2002) 409. algorithms, and agent-based models of complex adaptive
47. Milliken, W.J., Emanuel, A.S., and Chakravarty, A.: “Applications of systems. Carter holds a BSc degree in mathematics from
3D Streamline Simulation To Assist History Matching,” SPEREE (De- Southampton U. and a PhD degree in physics from Warwick U.
cember 2001) 502. Peter King is a professor of petroleum at Imperial College, Lon-
48. Caers, J. et al.: “A Geostatistical Approach to Streamline-Based His- don. e-mail: Previously, he spent 17
tory Matching,” SPEJ (December 2000) 250. years with BP plc. His research interests include uncertainties in
history matching, reservoir characterization and modeling,
49. Baker, R.: “Streamline Technology: Reservoir History Matching and
and fast estimation of risk using percolation theory. He is a
Forecasting—Its Success, Limitations, and Future,” JCPT (2001) 40, Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor in the Dept. of
No. 4, 23. Engineering at Cambridge U., and a Visiting Scholar in the
50. Wang, Y. and Kovscek, A.R.: “Streamline Approach for History Dept. of Physics at Boston U. King holds a PhD degree in theo-
Matching Production Data,” SPEJ (December 2000) 353. retical statistical physics from Cambridge U.

September 2004 SPE Journal 361

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