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Atlantic puffins have penguin-like colouring but they sport a colourful beak that has led

some to dub them the “sea parrot.” The beak fades to a drab grey during the winter and
blooms with colour again in the spring—suggesting that it may be attractive to potential

These birds live most of their lives at sea, resting on the waves when not swimming. They
are excellent swimmers that use their wings to stroke underwater with a flying motion. They
steer with rudderlike webbed feet and can dive to depths of 200 feet, though they usually
stay underwater for only 20 or 30 seconds. Puffins typically hunt small fish like herring or
sand eels. In the air, puffins are surprisingly fleet flyers. By flapping their wings up to 400
times per minute they can reach speeds of 55 miles an hour.

Atlantic puffins land on North Atlantic seacoasts and islands to form breeding colonies each
spring and summer. Iceland is the breeding home of perhaps 60 percent of the world's
Atlantic puffins. The birds often select precipitous, rocky cliff tops to build their nests, which
they line with feathers or grass. Females lay a single egg, and both parents take turns
incubating it. When a chick hatches, its parents take turns feeding it by carrying small fish
back to the nest in their relatively spacious bills.

How does the puffins attract their mates?

Showing their abilities to rest on the waves
Changing the beak’s colours in certain season
Showing their bodies’ colour which look like penguins
Building protected nests on the precipitous rocky cliff tops
Showing their existence in the colonies each spring and summer

How do puffins swim?

They move their bodies forward and zigzag
They slide their bodies on the water surface very fast
They move their wings to stroke and use their feet to steer
They use their rudderlike webbed feet to stroke underwater
They span their wings on the water and move their bodies forward

We know from the text that……...

Puffins fly slowly for short distance
Puffins feed their offspring alternately
Puffins can dive in a long time to seek food
Puffins spend most of their lives on the cliff
Only females incubate their single eggs

Some people think that feeling well is reason enough to forget to visit their doctor. In fact,
many of them wait until they feel sick to consider the possibility of seeking medical help.
The experts, however, believe that the best way to fight disease is detecting it as early as
possible, even before feeling any symptoms. Therefore, regular medical check-up is
necessary for several reasons.
Regular health exams and tests can help find problems before they start. Routine screenings,
such as cholesterol and diabetes tests, pap smears and breast exams, can detect signs of
diseases at their earliest and most treatable stages. It means that your chances for treatment
and cure are better. By getting the right health service, screenings, and treatments, you are
taking steps that help your chances for living a longer, healthier life.

The An annual physical exam is recommended for children and adults. It is very important
to determine the normal progression of age-appropriate development. Cardiac
malformations, neurological disorders, orthopaedic problems, vision or speech irregularities
and a multitude of other things can be treated successfully if they are caught early on by a
health professional.

What is the text about?

Prevention is better than cure
The early detection of several diseases
The importance of regular medical check-up
The chances for living a longer, healthier life
The treatment and cure of several diseases

What is the advantage of detecting diseases earlier?

Patients can quit a harmful habit
Doctors can do routine screenings
Doctors can detect hereditary problems
Patients will maintain their healthy habit
Patients will receive gets better treatment and cure soon

Ice circles are unique phenomena that occur in rivers, streams, and creeks where the weather
is extremely cold. Ice circles are rare and form under very specific conditions that often
change rapidly, making ice circles quick forming and quick to disappear as well.

Ice circles form in eddies of slow-moving rivers when the river’s temperature is at freezing
level or lower. The river has to be moving at a very specific rate; too fast and the eddy is
disrupted, and too slow and the eddy freezes along with the rest of the river, stream or creek.
The current in the river has to be slow enough that an eddy forms and freezes slowly over a
period of time, causing the circle of ice on the surface to freeze and continue moving in the
pattern of the eddy.

Ice circles can vary in size depending on the eddy and the weather. These circles can have a
diameter as large as 500 feet and are many times formed in groups or clusters. The edges of
these circle come up as if they are carved. This really is a very amazing natural thing as the
water in the surrounding is running its own course and in the midst of the river appears circle
made with ice.

Ice circles are phenomena that continue studied by scientist and increased publicity so that
people in more northern, cold climates can keep on the lookout for such a unique event.

Where do ice circles appear?

On the water covered with ice
On the rocky area covered with snow
On a water surface in cold climate
On an ice mountain in the northern part
On the land in an extremely cold area

What influences the formation of ice circles?

The depth of a river and the weather
The depth and current of a river
The current and eddy of a river
The eddy f a river and the cold weather
The temperature and depth of a river

Which of the following statements in mentioned in the text?

Ice circles can be easily found
The edges of ice circles are flat
Ice circles are always occur in groups
Ice circles are formed for several days
Scientist keep researching ice circles

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