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Range|Radius|0,1024,4|Radius:The width of the circle
Range|RadiusY|0,1024,4|Radius Y:The height of the circle
Range|ItemWidth|1,128,1|Item Width:The width of each line/bar
Range|NumOfItems|5,128,1|Num Of Items:The number of lines/bars
Range|ExtrudeMax|4,512,4|Max Extrude:How much to extrude the lines/bars
Range|ExtrudeMin|0,32,1|Min Extrude:How much to extrude the lines/bars when
frequency is 0
Checkbox|Inward|Inward:Whether the lines/bars should go inwards or not
Checkbox|ClockWise|Clockwise:Whether frequency goes clockwise. Does NOT
affect angle settings
Range|AngleStartDeg|0,360,1|Angle Start:At what degree the lines/bars start
(ie. the lowest freq)
Range|AngleTotalDeg|0,360,1|Angle Total:How many degrees the lines/bars arc
Range|Smoothing|0,1,0.1|Smoothing:Smooths the frequency by averaging with
neighbor points
Color|ItemColor|Single Color
Color|ItemColor2|Single Color 2
Select|FFTSize|256,512,1024,2048,3072,4096|Freq Resolution:FFTSize: The
higher the number, the more the CPU usage
Range|FFTAttack|0,1000,1|Attack Time:FFTAttack: Time in ms for how fast a bar
Range|FFTDecay|0,1000,1|Decay Time:FFTDecay: Time in ms for how fast a bar
Range|FreqMin|0,320,10|Min Frequency:FreqMin: Lowest frequency in Hz
Range|FreqMax|0,24000,10|Max Frequency:FreqMax: Highest frequency in Hz
Range|Sensitivity|0,100,1|Sensitivity:Sensitivity to sounds, in dB. Higher
value means responding to quieter sounds
Select|AudioDevicePort|Input,Output|Port:Whether to use input or output port,
affects the audio devices selection
Select|AudioDeviceID|$audioDevices|Audio Device:Which audio device to read
sounds from

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