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Punerea în scenă, Transferul și Tratamentul Simptomatic

Morris Eagle prezintă un caz în care în mod dramatic dispare simptomul pacientei
(dispareunia) și care este urmat de un episod critic în timpul tratamentului în care nucleul
dinamic al tematicii sfidării-pedepsei a fost pusă în scenă prin interacțiune pacient-terapeut....

Vindecarea nu a fost însoțită de un insight explicit, mai degrabă părea a fi o funcție a unui
proces complex test de trecere

I am, of course, pleased that he ascribes to me a role in changing his view from a one-person
to a two-person perspective on the therapeutic process, which is one way I would characterize
his shift to seeing the therapeutic process as a “transference-countertransference dance.” I
will later argue that both one-person and two-person perspectives are necessary to understand
the therapeutic situation, but I first deal with only the two-person perspective. To speak of
this perspective as one of transference, countertransference, or both can be misleading
because these terms are inevitably understood in the usual sense of “distortion” on the
patient's part and failure to remain “neutral” on the therapist's part when, in fact, what I mean
by the two-person perspective is that the entire therapy situation is one of patient-therapist
interaction in which the two people are coparticipants, each acting upon and being acted upon
by the other.

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