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1. (a. Disinfection b. Chemoprophylaxis c. Vaccination d. Chemotherapy ) is the

treatment of infectious disease by the use of chemical agents.
2. (a. Anesthetic b. Anthelmintic c. Antibiotic d. Analgesic) is substance produced by
molds which inhibits the growth or kills bacteria.
3. (a. Vaccine b. Anthelmintic c. Antibiotic d. Bacterin) is a suspension of killed or
attenuated bacteria which when injected into a living body stimulates the development
of immunity.
4. (a. Antiseptic b. Anthelmintic c. Antibiotic d. Analgesic) is a substance used to expel
or destroy parasitic worms especially of the intestines.
5. (a. Antiseptic b. Anthelmintic c. Antibiotic d. Anesthetic) is a substance that prevents
or arrests the growth or action of microorganisms either by inhibiting their activity or by
destroying them.
6. (a. Bacterin b. Vaccine c. Antibiotic d. Anthelmintic) is a preparation of
live/dead/inactivated/modified/attenuated viral organism designed to induce immunity to
a particular disease.
7. The intermediate host of Fasciola sp. is (a. ants b. snails c. ticks d. none of the
8. ( a. Bacteria b. Virus c. Parasite d. all of the above) is any organism living on or in
another living organism, and deriving part or all of its nutrients from the host without
contributing anything to the host.
9. (a. Antigen b. Antibody c. Vaccine d. Bacterin) is any foreign substance that when
introduced into the body, stimulates an immune response.
10. (a. Etiology b. Epidemiology c. Pathology d. Pharmacology) refers to the branch of
medical science dealing with the incidence, distribution and control of disease in a
11. (a. Health b. Disease c. Hygiene d. Allergy) is the condition where the anatomy and
physiology of a part or the entire body of the animal is altered due to pathogens,
deficiency and other factors.
12. (a. Erythrocytes b. Thrombocytes c. Phagocytes d. Osteocytes) are WBCs that
defend the body against invading pathogenic microorganisms by surrounding and
destroying them.
13. A highly contagious viral disease of poultry which almost wipe out our “native
chicken” in 2016 is (a. Pasteurellosis b. Salmonellosis c. Newcastle Disease d. Hog
14. Brooder pneumonia is a disease of poultry cause by (a. Ascaris b. Pasteurella c.
Aspergillus d. SMEDI)
15. Soft shelled egg or cracked egg is a manifestation of (a. Calcium deficiency b.
Pasteurellosis c. Salmonellosis d. Egg Drop Syndrome)
16. Frequent forceful diarrhea, jaundice and abrupt emaciation is a sign of (a.
Brucellosis b. Fascioliosis c. Colibacillosis d. Leptospirosis)
17. Aflatoxin is secreted by (a. bacteria b. parasite c. fungi d. protozoan)
18. Which of the following diseases can be treated with antibiotics (a. Transmissible
Gastro-Enteritis b. Hog Cholera c. Pasteurellosis d. Avian Flu)
19. Which of the following diseases is not caused by parasite (a. Miyasis b. Mange c.
Parakeratosis d. Ascariasis)
20. Absence of Rigor Mortis and the oozing of black tarry blood from all body openings
are pathognomonic signs of (a. Brucellosis b. Tubercolosis c. Anthrax d. Anthracosis)
21. “Pot-belly” and “unthrifty” pig is a manifestation of (a. Erysepelas b. Ascariasis c.
Trypanosomiasisd. Gastro-Enteritis)
22. Over stocking and dirty pigpens are two main predisposing causes of (a.
Aflatoxicosis b. Colibacillosis c. Cannibalism d. Botulism)
23. Profuse salivation, blisters or ulcers in the mouth and hoof are manifestations of a
disease called (a. PRRS b. TGE c. FMD d. ILT)
24. Which of the following veterinary drugs is an anthelminthic (a. Vetracin b.
Albendazole c. Sulmet d. Vicron S)
25. Abnormal accumulation of fluid between tissue cells is called (a. bloat b. edema c.
inflammation d. emboli)
26. (a. Fomite b. Vector c. Host d. Virulence) refers to an organism that carries and
transmits a pathogen.
27. Which of the following is an arthropod (a. leech b. coccidia c. lice d. ascaris)
28. (a. Nematode b. Trematode c. Cestode d. Trypanosome) - an unsegmented worm
with an elongated, round body pointed at both ends.
29. (a. Sanitation b. Vaccination c. Sterilization d. Disinfection) is the process of
elimination of most pathogenic microorganisms (excluding bacterial spores) on
inanimate objects.
30. FMD is a viral disease affecting (a. horses b. swine c. ruminants d. b and c)
31. (a. Endemic b. Pandemic c. Epidemic d. Zoonotic) refers to a widespread outbreak
of an infectious disease where many animals are infected at the same time.
32. (a. Erythrocytes b. Phagocytes c. Osteocytes d. Platelets) are a type of white blood
cells which travel through the blood & group together to destroy pathogens.
33. (a. Serum b. Semen c. Chyme d. Platelet) refers to the clear, thin fluid portion of the
blood which remains after coagulation containing antibodies and other proteins.
34. Which of the following is not a disease caused by virus (a. Fowl Cholera b. Hog
Cholera c. Swine Influenza d. none of the above)
35. The following are bacteria except (a. Metastrongylus sp. b. Escherichia sp. c.
Streptococus sp. d. Clostridium sp.)
36. (a. Bacteremia b. Viremia c. Uremia d. Septicemia) refers to the presence of toxic
substance secreted by a microorganism in the blood.
37. (a. Hernia b. Cryptorchidism c. Sterility d. Infertility) refers to an abnormal condition
among male animals where one or both testicles failed to descent to its normal location.
38. If lactation tetany is calcium deficiency, how about grass tetany (a. Magnesium
deficiency b. Phosphorus deficiency c. Zinc deficiency d. Iron deficiency
39. (a. Blister b. Exudate c. Pus d. Ulcer) refers to dead leukocytes
40. (a. Mastitis b. Metritis c. Orchitis d. Omphalitis) refers to the inflammation of the
41. (a. Mummified fetuses b. Still birth c. Abortion d. embryonic death) refers to the
expulsion of fetus/es before they reached their full term usually not viable to survive.
42. “Diamond Skin Disease” is the same as (a. Brucellosis b. Pseudorabies c.
Erysepelas d. Blackleg)
43. CRD is a bacterial disease affecting (a. porcine b. avian c. equine d. bovine)
44. (a. Anorexia b. Pyrexia c. Ataxia d. Aplasia) refers to abnormally high body
temperature due to bacterial or viral infections accompanied by shivering, headache,
and an increased pulse rate.
45. The normal body temperature of swine rages from (a. 36.5-37.5oC b. 36.5-37.5oC
c. 36.5-37.5oC d. 36.5-37.5oC)
46. Parenteral administration refers to any route of administering veterinary drugs
except (a. Intramuscular route b. Intravenous route c. Oral route d. Wing web route)
47. PRRS is fatal disease of (a. chicken b. pig c. horse d. buffalo)
48. The final host of “beef measles” is (a. chicken b. cattle c. man d. pig)
49. Ascaris is commonly known as (a. Lung worm b. Gastro-Intestinal worm c. Liver
worm d. Kidney worm)
50. Liver rot is caused by (a. Fasciola sp. b. Metastrogylus sp. c. Demodex sp. d.
Eimeria sp.)
1. D 11. B 21. B 31. C 41. C
2. C 12. C 22. B 32. B 42. C
3. D 13. C 23. C 33. A 43. B
4. B 14. C 24. B 34. A 44. B
5. A 15. A 25. B 35. A 45.
6. B 16. B 26. B 36. D 46. C
7. B 17. C 27. C 37. B 47. B
8. C 18. C 28. A 38. B 48. C
9. A 19. C 29. D 39. C 49. B
10. B 20. C 30. D 40. B 50. A

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