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Grammar Scrimmage

The grammar challenge is a means by which we will be able to practice the grammar knowledge and
skills we have covered in the class. This practice will take place as a scrimmage between different groups
(teams) in the class where each group will challenge the other and test each other’s grammar skills.


As a class we will create two groups. I will do my best to allow you to choose your own teams, but keep
in mind I may make changes in team members if needed.

We will hold a topic draft where each team will pick grammar topics for which they will be responsible.
Each team will then develop a quiz with an answer sheet (number of questions will be determine by the
class). I will then review each quiz for accuracy.

Once the quizzes have been approved, we will have the grammar scrimmage. Each group will quiz the
other one question at a time. Each team will have a limited time (2 minutes) to answer each question.
For each correct answer give, the team will receive a point. At the end of the scrimmage, the team with
the most points will be declared the winner. In the case of a tie, I will provide a sudden death round.

Grammar Topics:

 Fragments

 Run-ons and comma splices

 Subject-Verb Agreement

 Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

 Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers

 Shifts in Person, Number, and Verb Tense

 Commas

 Colons and Semicolons

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