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Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

19 11415171 Muh.Hendra Anas/M/24yo Right DJ Stent Insitu Right DJ Stent Removal WEDNESDAY

Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1
Right DJ Stent Removal + Left Mini PCNL
20 3.6 11412914 Arifatul Mufaidah/F/25yo Right DJ Stent Insitu + Left Upper Pole Renal Stone PUN
Day 1
c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

General Weakness + Bladder Cancer cT4aN2M0 + left UTUC

12 11404319 Suliati/F/48yo pT4N1M0 post Left Radical Nephrectomy + Pneumonia + AKI St III + Improve General Condition BOW
Anemia + Septic Shock

Left Pyelum Stone + Left Proximal Ureteral Stone + Left Middle Lower
19 11417543 Sahut Sadidi/M/56yo Left RPG + Left URS + Left Pyelolithotomy DOF WEDNESDAY
Pole Renal Stone + Left Moderate Hydronephrosis + CKD St III

20 11416625 Tutik Alawiyah/F/23yo Left Renal Tumor T4aNxM0 Left Radical Nephrectomy WEDNESDAY
Susp Right Ureteral Stone dd Right Ureteral Stenosis + Right Renal
Stone + Hematemesis Melena susp. Gastritis Erosive + Susp.Lung TB Improve General Condition if Optimal Right
26 Isolasi 11419439 Katijah/F/64yo WAL
(relapse) dd Pneumonia + Right Severe Hydronephrosis + Anemia + PNS
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Susp Urethral Trauma + Pneumonia + DM type II + Urinary Retention +

ICU 11419937 Martoko/M/61yo Sepsis + Metabolic Acidosis + Hypoalbumin + AKI dd ACKD + Pleura Post Percutaneous Cystostomy Day 2 TED

Right Staghorn Stone + Left Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left Proximal
Post Bilateral Percutaneous Nephrostomy
20 11419175 M. Riduwan/M/58yo Ureteral Stone + Left Hydronephrosis gr II + Right Hydronephrosis gr III NOM
Day 3
+ AKI dd ACKD + HT st II + Oliguria

Pericatheter Urethrography + Panendoscopy

Scrotal Abscess + Membranous-Prostatic Urethral Stricture Post EPA
17 4.3 11406056 Amos/M/27yo + Silicone Catheter Reinsertion + NOM
Urethroplasty + Post Incision Drainage Day 9
Redebridement Day 1

19 3 11404130 Bahri/M/70yo Bladder Neck Stenosis + Urinary Retention on Cystostomy Bladder Neck Incision Day 1 OZI

20 3.3 11414105 Fironika Mahdalina/F/20yo Right Proximal Ureteral Stone + Right Hydronephrosis Gr III RPG + Right URS Day 1 DOF

21 5.2 11386289 Nur Latifah/F/56yo Righ Psoas Abscess + Right Moderate Hydroureteronephrosis + Sepsis Post Incision Drainage Abscess Day 7 OZI

Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`

15 1 10667710 M.Putra Ramadhan/M/11yo Burried Penis + Obesity Penile Reconstruction Day 1 GUD

Bladder Stone + Right Pyelum Stone + HT st II + HF st C FC III +

Vesicolithotripsy + Right Mini PCNL + Right
27 3.1 11406254 Muh. Hasim/M/26yo Pneumonia (Improving) + Anemia + Thrombocytopenia + Bilateral UDI WEDNESDAY
DJ Stent Insertion
Parenchymatous Renal Disease + CKD st V
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Bilateral Proximal Ureteral Stone + HT st II + Right Severe

12 6 11420145 Nakrip/M/65yo Hydroureteronephrosis + Left Moderate Hydronephrosis + AKI dd ACKD Bilateral PNS Day 1 MAL
+ Bilateral Pelura Efusion + Hypekalemia + Metobolic Acidosis

Bilateral Proximal Ureteral Stone + Bilateral Severe

19 17 1141773 Buadi/M/45yo Bilateral PNS Day 1 MIF
Hydroureteronephrosis + AKI dd ACKD + Anemia

Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal

12 5.4 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic MAL
Day 12

Left Pyelolithotomy + Left DJ Stent Insertion

19 13 11418267 Mardoto/M/46yo Left Pyelum Stone + Left Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone GUD
Day 5
Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

19 11415171 Muh.Hendra Anas/M/24yo Right DJ Stent Insitu Right DJ Stent Removal NOM TODAY

Left Lower Pole Renal Stone + Right Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left DJ Stent Reinsertion + Right DJ Stent
19 11405412 Abd Gofur/M/62yo
Bilateral DJ Stent Insitu + Bilateral Moderate Hydroneohrosis Removal

Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1

19 11413380 Suherman/M/49yo Left Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left DJ Stent Insitu Left ESWL + Left DJ Stent Removal

c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

Susp Right Psoas Absces + Urosepsis + Bilateral Hidropyonephrosis Gr

ER 11418233 Misman/M/68yo Right Open Nephrostomy ADE

General Weakness + Bladder Cancer cT4aN2M0 + left UTUC

12 11404319 Suliati/F/48yo pT4N1M0 post Left Radical Nephrectomy + Pneumonia + AKI St III + Improve General Condition RID
Anemia + Septic Shock

Anterior Urethral Stone Post Dorsal Meatotomy + Meatoplasty + Right

17 11420428 Ruki Roma/M/49yo Vesicolithotripsy + Right RPG i.n URS DOF TODAY
Distal Ureteral Stone + Right Mild Hydronephrosis + Bladder Stone

17 11141805 Hardiono/M/67yo Susp. Ca Prostate TxNxMx + HT on Tx + Urinary Retention TRUS Biopsy

Left Staghorn Stone + Left Proximal Ureteral Stone + Left Middle Lower Left RPG + Left URS + Left
19 11417543 Sahut Sadidi/M/56yo DOF TODAY
Pole Renal Stone + Left Moderate Hydronephrosis + CKD St III Pyelonephrolithotomy

20 11416625 Tutik Alawiyah/F/23yo Left Renal Tumor T4NxM0 Left Radical Nephrectomy ADE THURSDAY

Susp Right Ureteral Stone dd Right Ureteral Stenosis + Right Renal

Improve General Condition if Optimal Right
25 Isolasi 11419439 Katijah/F/64yo Stone + Hematemesis Melena susp. Gastritis Erosive + Susp.Lung TB ADE
(relapse) dd Pneumonia + Right Severe Hydronephrosis

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Susp. Left Ureteral Stone dd Left Ureteral Stenosis +

Left Single Kidney + Acute Lung Edema + Metabolic Acidosis + CKD st
ER 11420476 Imam Mukholik/M/57yo Improve General Condition MAL
V + Anuria + Anemia + Trombositopenia + Left Moderate

Susp Urethral Trauma + Pneumonia + DM type II + Urinary Retention +

ICU 4 11419937 Martoko/M/61yo Sepsis + Metabolic Acidosis + Hypoalbumin + AKI dd ACKD + Pleural Percutaneous Cystostomy Day 4 MAL

Urethrocutaneous Fistule + Scrotal Abscess + Membranous-Prostatic

Urethrography + Panendoscopy + Silicone
17 4.3 11406056 Amos/M/27yo Urethral Stricture Post EPA Urethroplasty + Post Incision Drainage Day WAL
Catheter Insertion + Redebridement Day 2

Anterior Fossa Naviculare Urethral Stone + Susp. Left Non Opaque

19 11420448 Suharno/M/68yo Ureteral Stone dd Left Ureteral Stenosis + HT St II + Left Moderate Dorsal Meatotomy + Meatoplasty Day 1 MAL

Right Staghorn Stone + Right HN Grade III + Left Lower Pole Renal
20 4.4 11419175 M. Riduwan/M/58yo Stone + Left Proximal Ureteral Stone + Left HN Grade II + HT on Bilateral Percutaneous Nephrostomy Day 4 HAM
Treatment + CKD Stage V + Hyperkalemia + Anemia

Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`
Bladder Stone + Right Pyelum Stone + HT st II + HF st C FC III +
27 31 11406254 Muh. Hasim/M/26yo Pneumonia (Improving) + Anemia + Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal Vesicolithotripsy + Right Mini PCNL HAM TODAY
Disease + CKD st V
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Bilateral Proximal Ureteral Stone + HT st II + Right Severe

12 6 11420145 Nakrip/M/65yo Hydroureteronephrosis + Left Moderate Hydronephrosis + AKI dd ACKD Right PNS Day 2 GUD
+ Bilateral Pelura Efusion + Metobolic Acidosis

Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic + Burst Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal
14 2 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo ITO
Abdomen + ESBL Day 13

Bilateral Proximal Ureteral Stone + Bilateral Severe

19 17 1141773 Buadi/M/45yo Left PNS Day 2 GUD
Hydroureteronephrosis + AKI dd ACKD + Anemia + Atrial Flutter

Right Distal Ureteral Stone + Bilateral Staghorn Stone + AKI st Risk + Right URS + Right PCNL i.n Right Open
17 11418916 Ida Isnawati/F/48yo
Right Hydronephrosis gr IV + Left Hydronephrosis gr III Extended Pyelolithotomy
Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7
Left Middle Pole Renal Stone + Left Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone +
Left PCNL + Left DJ Stent Reinsertion +
19 23 11405412 Abd Gofur/M/62yo Right Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone + Bilateral DJ Stent Insitu + NOM TODAY
Right DJ Stent Removal
Right Moderate Hydronephrosis + Left Hydronephrosis Gr IV

21 3.1 11141805 Hardjono/M/67yo Susp. Ca Prostate TxNxMx + HT on Treatment + Urinary Retention TRUS Biopsy Prostate NOM TODAY

Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1

19 10 11413380 Suherman/M/49yo Left DJ Stent Insitu + Left Lower Pole Renal Stone + ESBL Left DJ Stent Removal ZEN TODAY

Debridement + Scrotal Repair +

ER 11379331 Zaenal Fanani/M/49yo Scrotal Trauma AAST Gr III + Partial Bulbar Urethral Stricture ZEN
Panendoscopy + Urethtral Dilatation

c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

Susp Right Psoas Absces + Urosepsis + Bilateral Hidropyonephrosis Gr

12 11418233 Misman/M/68yo Right Open Nephrostomy Day 2 ADE

General Weakness + Bladder Cancer cT4aN2M0 + left UTUC

12 11404319 Suliati/F/48yo pT4N1M0 post Left Radical Nephrectomy + Pneumonia + AKI St III + Improve General Condition RID
Anemia + Septic Shock

Chemotherapy Gemcitabin Cisplatin 1st

13 11410351 Zainul Famili/M/41yo Bladder Camcer cT3NxM0 ADE
Series Day 15

Meatal Stenosis + Fossa Naviculare Urethral Stone + Right Distal Right URS Lithotripsy + Right DJ Stent
17 6.2 11420428 Ruki Roma/M/49yo DOF
Ureteral Stone + Right Hydronephrosis Gr IV + Multiple Bladder Stone Insertion + Vesicolithotripsy Day 1

17 11368128 Katiran/M/67yo mCRPC T2cN0M1b Chemotherapy Doxetacel 6th Series ADE

Improve General ConditiChemotherapy

17 11133418 Setya Handoko/M/64yo mCRPC cT2aNxM1b (GS 4+4) Docetaxel 5th Series on if Optimal Right DOF

Left Staghorn Stone + Left Multiple Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left URS + Left DJ Stent Insertion + Left
19 4 11417543 Sahut Sadidi/M/56yo DOF
Left Hydronephrosis Gr III + CKD St III Extended Pyelolithotomy Day 1

12 1 11416625 Tutik Alawiyah/F/23yo Left Renal Tumor T4NxM0 Left Radical Nephrectomy ADE TODAY

21 11406333 Soediadi/M/75yo CRPC cT2cNxM0 GS 5+3 Chemotherapy Doxetacel 4rd Series DOF

Susp Right Ureteral Stone dd Right Ureteral Stenosis + Right Renal

Improve General Condition if Optimal Right
25 Isolasi 11419439 Katijah/F/64yo Stone + Hematemesis Melena susp. Gastritis Erosive + Pneumonia + ADE
Right Severe Hydronephrosis

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

19 11420770 Suminto/M/36yo Rupture Urethral Pars Bulbosa AAST Gr III Urethroscopy + Silicone Catheter Insertion HAM TODAY

Urinary Retention + Susp Urethral Trauma + Pneumonia + DM type II +

ICU 4 11419937 Martoko/M/61yo Sepsis + Metabolic Acidosis + Hypoalbumin + AKI dd ACKD + Pleural Percutaneous Cystostomy Day 5 MAL

Urethrocutaneous Fistule + Scrotal Abscess + Membranous-Prostatic

Urethrography + Panendoscopy + Silicone
17 4.3 11406056 Amos/M/27yo Urethral Stricture Post EPA Urethroplasty + Post Incision Drainage Day WAL
Catheter Insertion + Redebridement Day 3

Right Distal Ureteral Stone + Bilateral Staghorn Stone + AKI st Risk +

17 9.2 11418916 Ida Isnawati/F/48yo Right URS + Bilateral DJ Stent Insertion HAM TODAY x
Right Hydronephrosis gr IV + Left Hydronephrosis gr III
Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`
Bladder Stone + Right Pyelum Stone + HT st II + HF st C FC III +
27 31 11406254 Muh. Hasim/M/26yo Pneumonia (Improving) + Anemia + Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal Vesicolithotripsy + Right Mini PCNL Day 1 HAM
Disease + CKD st V
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal

Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic + Burst
14 2 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo Day 15 + Post Modified Bogota Bag ITO
Abdomen + Sepsis
Insertion Day 1

Bilateral Proximal Ureteral Stone + Bilateral Severe

19 17 1141773 Buadi/M/45yo Hydroureteronephrosis on Left PNS + HF Stage C FC III + AF RVR + Right PNS if Optimal Condition GUD
DM Type II + AKI dd ACKD + Anemia + Metabolic Acidosis + Oliguria

Bilateral Proximal Ureteral Stone + HT st II + Right Severe

19 31 11420145 Nakrip/M/65yo Hydroureteronephrosis + AKI dd ACKD + Bilateral Pleural Effusion + Right PNS Day 3 GUD
Metabolic Acidosis
Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Left Middle Pole Renal Stone + Left Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone +
Left PCNL + Left DJ Stent Reinsertion +
19 23 11405412 Abd Gofur/M/62yo Right Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone + Bilateral DJ Stent Insitu + NOM
Right DJ Stent Removal Day 1
Right Moderate Hydronephrosis + Left Hydronephrosis Gr IV

Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1

Left Multiple Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left Neglected DJ Stent ESWL + Left DJ Stent Removal (Back up
18 11391768 Jumiati/F/40yo
Insitu, DM Type II + HT + CKD st V GA)

Debridement + Scrotal Repair +

19 11 11379331 Zaenal Fanani/M/49yo Scrotal Trauma AAST Gr III + Partial Bulbar Urethral Stricture ZEN
Panendoscopy + Urethtral Dilatation Day 1

Susp. Left UPJ Stenosis dd Acute Appendicitis + Left Mild

ER 11451164 Akhmad Alif/M/3yo Reflux Study
Hydronephrosis + Constipation

c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

Susp Right Psoas Absces + Urosepsis + Bilateral Hidropyonephrosis Gr

12 11418233 Misman/M/68yo Right Open Nephrostomy Day 3 RID

12 1 11416625 Tutik Alawiyah/F/23yo Left Renal Tumor T4NxM0 Left Radical Nephrectomy Day 1 ADE

Chemotherapy Gemcitabin Cisplatin 1st

13 11410351 Zainul Famili/M/41yo Bladder Cancer cT3NxM0 ADE
Series Day 15

17 11368128 Katiran/M/67yo mCRPC T2cN0M1b Chemotherapy Doxetacel 6th Series ADE

17 11133418 Setya Handoko/M/64yo mCRPC cT2aNxM1b (GS 4+4) Chemotherapy Docetaxel 5th Series DOF

17 11347077 Marjuki/M/63yo TCC Bladder cT3N2M0 Chemoterapy GC Day VIII 1st Series ADE

Left Staghorn Stone + Left Multiple Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left URS + Left DJ Stent Insertion + Left
19 4 11417543 Sahut Sadidi/M/56yo DOF
Left Hydronephrosis Gr III + CKD St III Extended Pyelolithotomy Day 2

21 11406333 Soediadi/M/75yo CRPC cT2cNxM0 GS 5+3 Chemotherapy Doxetacel 4rd Series DOF

Susp Right Ureteral Stone dd Right Ureteral Stenosis + Right Renal

Improve General Condition if Optimal Right
25 Isolasi 11419439 Katijah/F/64yo Stone + Hematemesis Melena susp. Gastritis Erosive + Pneumonia + ADE
Right Severe Hydronephrosis

Urosepsis + Nephrocutan Fistule Post Right Nephrolithotomy + Right DJ

ER 11415461 Rochmat Fadillah /M/47yo Improve General Condition ADE
stent insitu + Right Upper Middle Pole Renal Stone + Left Renal Cyst

ER-20 11419026 Soemarmi/F/75yo Susp. Bladder Cancer TxMxN1 (Lung) + Anemia + CKD St IV Cystoscopy + Bladder Biopsy I.N TURB

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Urinary Retention + Susp Urethral Trauma + Pneumonia + DM type II +

ICU 4 11419937 Martoko/M/61yo Sepsis + Metabolic Acidosis + Hypoalbumin + AKI dd ACKD + Pleural Percutaneous Cystostomy Day 6 MAL

Right Distal Ureteral Stone + Bilateral Staghorn Stone + AKI st Risk + Right URS + Bilateral DJ Stent Insertion Day
17 9.2 11418916 Ida Isnawati/F/48yo HAM
Right Hydronephrosis gr IV + Left Hydronephrosis gr III 1

Total Urethral Stricture Pars Bulbosa + Susp. Neurogenic Bladder +

19 10 10973534 Tanu/M/67yo Redo Urethroplasty (EPA)
Urinary Retention on Cystostomy

Urethroscopy + Silicone Catheter Insertion

19 12 11420770 Suminto/M/36yo Bulbar Urethral Rupture AAST Gr III HAM
Day 1

19 22 11352894 Paiman/M/40yo Urethrocutan Fistule Pars Bulbar + Urinary Retention on Cystostomy BVCUG + Panendoscopy + Repair Fistule

19 31 11418330 Corelius Bili/M/65yo Panurethral Stricture + CKD st V + HbsA(+) + Urinary Retention Panendoscopy + BVCUG

Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`

18 11161586 Arimbi Hadi/F/13yo Left UPJ Stenosis + Right DJ Stent Insitu Right DJ Stent Removal + Left Pyeloplasty

Bladder Stone + Right Pyelum Stone + HT st II + HF st C FC III +

27 31 11406254 Muh. Hasim/M/26yo Pneumonia (Improving) + Anemia + Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal Vesicolithotripsy + Right PCNL Day 2 HAM
Disease + CKD st V
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal

Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic + Burst
14 2 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo Day 16 + Post Modified Bogota Bag ITO
Abdomen + Sepsis
Insertion Day 2

Bilateral Proximal Ureteral Stone + Left Mild Hydronephrosis on Left

19 17 1141773 Buadi/M/45yo Left PNS Revision GUD TODAY
PNS + AKI dd ACKD + Anemia + Metabolic Acidosis + AF NVR

Left Staghorn Stone + Left TIP Proksimal DJ Stent Insitu + Right

Multiple Upper Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Right Neglected DJ
21 11318777 Murdiati/F/56yo Left PCNL i.n Open
Stent Insitu + CKD st V + Left Moderate Hydronephrosis + Right Mild
Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Left Middle Pole Renal Stone + Left Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone +
Left PCNL + Left DJ Stent Reinsertion +
19 23 11405412 Abd Gofur/M/62yo Right Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone + Bilateral DJ Stent Insitu + NOM
Right DJ Stent Removal Day 2
Right Moderate Hydronephrosis + Left Hydronephrosis Gr IV

Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1

Left Multiple Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left Neglected DJ Stent ESWL + Left DJ Stent Removal (Back up
18 11391768 Jumiati/F/40yo
Insitu, DM Type II + HT + CKD st V GA)

Debridement + Scrotal Repair +

19 11 11379331 Zaenal Fanani/M/49yo Scrotal Trauma AAST Gr III + Partial Bulbar Urethral Stricture ZEN
Panendoscopy + Urethtral Dilatation Day 2

Susp. Left UPJ Stenosis dd Acute Appendicitis + Left Mild

ER 11451164 Akhmad Alif/M/3yo Reflux Study
Hydronephrosis + Constipation

c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

Urosepsis + Nephrocutan Fistule Post Right Nephrolithotomy + Right DJ

12 14 11415461 Rochmat Fadillah /M/47yo Improve General Condition ADE
stent insitu + Right Upper Middle Pole Renal Stone + Left Renal Cyst

17 11347077 Marjuki/M/63yo TCC Bladder cT3N2M0 Chemoterapy GC Day VIII 1st Series ADE

Left Staghorn Stone + Left Multiple Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left URS + Left DJ Stent Insertion + Left
19 4 11417543 Sahut Sadidi/M/56yo DOF
Left Hydronephrosis Gr III + CKD St III Extended Pyelolithotomy Day 3

20 11416625 Tutik Alawiyah/F/23yo Left Renal Tumor T4NxM0 Left Radical Nephrectomy Day 2 ADE

20 11419026 Soemarmi/F/75yo Susp. Bladder Cancer TxMxN1 (Lung) + Anemia + CKD St IV Cystoscopy + Bladder Biopsy I.N TURB DOF

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Urinary Retention + Susp Urethral Trauma + Pneumonia + DM type II +

ICU 4 11419937 Martoko/M/61yo Sepsis + Metabolic Acidosis + Hypoalbumin + AKI dd ACKD + Pleural Percutaneous Cystostomy Day 7 MAL

Right Distal Ureteral Stone + Bilateral Staghorn Stone + AKI st Risk + Right URS + Bilateral DJ Stent Insertion Day
17 9.2 11418916 Ida Isnawati/F/48yo HAM
Right Hydronephrosis gr IV + Left Hydronephrosis gr III 2

Total Urethral Stricture Pars Bulbosa + Susp. Neurogenic Bladder +

19 10 10973534 Tanu/M/67yo Redo Urethroplasty (EPA)
Urinary Retention on Cystostomy

Urethroscopy + Silicone Catheter Insertion

19 12 11420770 Suminto/M/36yo Bulbar Urethral Rupture AAST Gr III HAM
Day 2

19 22 11352894 Paiman/M/40yo Urethrocutan Fistule Pars Bulbar + Urinary Retention on Cystostomy BVCUG + Panendoscopy + Repair Fistule

19 31 11418330 Corelius Bili/M/65yo Panurethral Stricture + CKD st V + HbsAg(+) + Urinary Retention Panendoscopy + BVCUG

Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`

18 11161586 Arimbi Hadi/F/13yo Left UPJ Stenosis + Right DJ Stent Insitu Right DJ Stent Removal + Left Pyeloplasty

Bladder Stone + Right Pyelum Stone + HT st II + HF st C FC III +

27 31 11406254 Muh. Hasim/M/26yo Pneumonia (Improving) + Anemia + Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal Vesicolithotripsy + Right PCNL Day 3 HAM
Disease + CKD st V
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal

Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic + Burst
14 2 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo Day 17 + Post Modified Bogota Bag ITO
Abdomen + Sepsis
Insertion Day 3

Bilateral Proximal Ureteral Stone + Left Mild Hydronephrosis on Left

19 17 1141773 Buadi/M/63yo Left PNS Revision Day 1 GUD
PNS + AKI dd ACKD + Anemia + Metabolic Acidosis + AF NVR

Right Flank Wound dehiscence Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Single

Kidney Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Staghorn Stone + Left Multiple
ER-19 11407601 Nito/M/54th Debridement if Optimal Condition
Upper Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left DJ Stent Insitu + CKD St V
+ Sepsis + Anemia + Hyperkalemia + Hyponatremia

Left Staghorn Stone + Left TIP Proksimal DJ Stent Insitu + Right

Multiple Upper Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Right Neglected DJ
21 11318777 Murdiati/F/56yo Left PCNL i.n Open
Stent Insitu + CKD st V + Left Moderate Hydronephrosis + Right Mild

Hematuria + Left Multiple UPJ Stone + Left Multiple Lower Pole Renal
21 Ringgit/F/34yo Stone + Right UPJ Stone + Sepsis + Right Moderate Hydronephrosis + Bilateral URS + Left Miniperc
Left Severe Hidroureteronephrosis + AKI dd ACKD
Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

ICU 11421483 Mila Puspitasari/F/27yo Iatrogenic Bladder Trauma + HPP + Atonia Uteri + Anemia Gravis Bladder Repair + TAH Today

Left Middle Pole Renal Stone + Left Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone +
Left PCNL + Left DJ Stent Reinsertion +
19 23 11405412 Abd Gofur/M/62yo Right Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone + Bilateral DJ Stent Insitu + NOM
Right DJ Stent Removal Day 3
Right Moderate Hydronephrosis + Left Hydronephrosis Gr IV

Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1

Left Multiple Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left Neglected DJ Stent ESWL + Left DJ Stent Removal (Back up
18 11391768 Jumiati/F/40yo
Insitu, DM Type II + HT + CKD st V GA)

Debridement + Scrotal Repair +

19 11 11379331 Zaenal Fanani/M/49yo Scrotal Trauma AAST Gr III + Partial Bulbar Urethral Stricture ZEN
Panendoscopy + Urethtral Dilatation Day 3

Susp. Left UPJ Stenosis dd Acute Appendicitis + Left Mild

ER 11451164 Akhmad Alif/M/3yo usg urology
Hydronephrosis + Constipation

c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

Urosepsis + Nephrocutan Fistule Post Right Nephrolithotomy + Right DJ

12 14 11415461 Rochmat Fadillah /M/47yo Improve General Condition ADE
stent insitu + Right Upper Middle Pole Renal Stone + Left Renal Cyst

Left Staghorn Stone + Left Multiple Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left URS + Left DJ Stent Insertion + Left
19 4 11417543 Sahut Sadidi/M/56yo DOF
Left Hydronephrosis Gr III + CKD St III Extended Pyelolithotomy Day 4

20 11416625 Tutik Alawiyah/F/23yo Left Renal Tumor T4NxM0 Left Radical Nephrectomy Day 3 ADE

20 3.3 11419026 Soemarmi/F/75yo Susp. Bladder Cancer TxMxN1 (Lung) + Anemia + CKD St IV Cystoscopy + Bladder Biopsy I.N TURB DOF

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Urinary Retention + Susp Urethral Trauma + Pneumonia + DM type II +

ICU 4 11419937 Martoko/M/61yo Sepsis + Metabolic Acidosis + Hypoalbumin + AKI dd ACKD + Pleural Percutaneous Cystostomy Day 8 MAL

Right Distal Ureteral Stone + Bilateral Staghorn Stone + AKI st Risk + Right URS + Bilateral DJ Stent Insertion Day
17 9.2 11418916 Ida Isnawati/F/48yo HAM
Right Hydronephrosis gr IV + Left Hydronephrosis gr III 3

Total Urethral Stricture Pars Bulbosa + Susp. Neurogenic Bladder +

19 10 10973534 Tanu/M/67yo Redo Urethroplasty (EPA)
Urinary Retention on Cystostomy

Urethroscopy + Silicone Catheter Insertion

19 12 11420770 Suminto/M/36yo Bulbar Urethral Rupture AAST Gr III HAM
Day 3

19 22 11352894 Paiman/M/40yo Urethrocutan Fistule Pars Bulbar + Urinary Retention on Cystostomy BVCUG + Panendoscopy + Repair Fistule

19 31 11418330 Corelius Bili/M/65yo Panurethral Stricture + CKD st V + HbsAg(+) + Urinary Retention Panendoscopy + BVCUG

Partial Bulbar Urethral Stricture + BPH + Fr Right OS Rami Pubis

ER-19 Drawi/M/73yo Percutaneous Cystostomy Today
Inferior + Urinary Retention
Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`

18 11161586 Arimbi Hadi/F/13yo Left UPJ Stenosis + Right DJ Stent Insitu Right DJ Stent Removal + Left Pyeloplasty

Bladder Stone + Right Pyelum Stone + HT st II + HF st C FC III +

27 31 11406254 Muh. Hasim/M/26yo Pneumonia (Improving) + Anemia + Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal Vesicolithotripsy + Right PCNL Day 4 HAM
Disease + CKD st V
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal

Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic + Burst
14 2 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo Day 18 + Post Modified Bogota Bag ITO
Abdomen + Sepsis
Insertion Day 4

Bilateral Proximal Ureteral Stone + Left Mild Hydronephrosis on Left

19 17 1141773 Buadi/M/63yo Left PNS Revision Day 2 GUD
PNS + AKI dd ACKD + Anemia + Metabolic Acidosis + AF NVR

Right Flank Wound dehiscence Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Single

Kidney Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Staghorn Stone + Left Multiple
ER-19 11407601 Nito/M/54th Debridement if Optimal Condition
Upper Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left DJ Stent Insitu + CKD St V
+ Sepsis + Anemia + Hyperkalemia + Hyponatremia

Left Staghorn Stone + Left TIP Proksimal DJ Stent Insitu + Right

Multiple Upper Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Right Neglected DJ
21 11318777 Murdiati/F/56yo Left PCNL i.n Open
Stent Insitu + CKD st V + Left Moderate Hydronephrosis + Right Mild

Hematuria + Left Multiple UPJ Stone + Left Multiple Lower Pole Renal
21 Ringgit/F/34yo Stone + Right UPJ Stone + Sepsis + Right Moderate Hydronephrosis + Bilateral URS + Left Miniperc
Left Severe Hidroureteronephrosis + AKI dd ACKD
Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

ICU 11421483 Mila Puspitasari/F/27yo Iatrogenic Bladder Trauma + HPP + Atonia Uteri + Anemia Gravis Bladder Repair + TAH Day 1 NOM

Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1

Left Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left Neglected DJ Stent Insitu +
18 11391768 Jumiati/F/40yo Left ESWL + Left DJ Stent Removal Day 1 ZEN
DM Type II + HT St I + CKD st IV

c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

Urosepsis + Nephrocutan Fistule Post Right Nephrolithotomy + Right DJ

12 14 11415461 Rochmat Fadillah /M/47yo stent insitu + Right Upper Middle Pole Renal Stone + Left Renal Improve General Condition ADE
Cyst+Anemia+CKD stV

20 11416625 Tutik Alawiyah/F/23yo Left Renal Tumor T4NxM0 Left Radical Nephrectomy Day 3 ADE

Susp. Bladder Cancer TxNxM1 (Lung) + Anemia + Intra Bladder Clot +

20 3.3 11419026 Soemarmi/F/75yo Clot Evacuation + TURB DOF TODAY

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7
Total Urethral Stricture Pars Bulbosa + Urinary Retention on Dorsal Onlay + Ventral Inlay BMG
19 10 10973534 Tanu/M/67yo WAL TUESDAY
Cystostomy + RBBB Urethroplasty in EPA Urethroplasty

19 9 11352894 Paiman/M/40yo Bulbo-Penile Urethrocutaneous Fistule on Cystostomy Panendoscopy + Urethroplasty Day 1 HAM

19 31 11418330 Corelius Bili/M/65yo Panurethral Stricture + HbsAg(+) + Urinary Retention + Ht st I BVCUG MAL TODAY

Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`
Left UPJ Stenosis + Right DJ Stent Insitu + Arrhytmia + Left Severe
18 3 11161586 Arimbi Hadi/F/13yo Right DJ Stent Removal + Left Pyeloplasty GUN
Hydronephrosis on Left PNS + Right Moderate Hydronephrosis

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal

Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic + Burst
14 2 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo Day 18 + Post Modified Bogota Bag ITO
Abdomen + Sepsis
Insertion Day 4

Right Flank Wound dehiscence Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Single

Kidney Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Staghorn Stone + Left Multiple
14 11407601 Nito/M/54th Debridement if Optimal Condition GUD
Upper Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left DJ Stent Insitu + CKD St V
+ Sepsis + Anemia + Hyperkalemia + Hyponatremia

Right Staghorn Stone + Right Multiple Upper Middle Lower Pole Renal
Stone + Right Proximal Distal DJ Stent Encrustation + Left Neglected Right URS + Right PCNL + Right DJ Stent
21 3.1 11318777 Murdiati/F/56yo GUD
TIP Proximal DJ Stent Encrustation + Right Hydronephrosis Gr III + Left Reinsertion
Severe Hydronephrosis on Left PNS + CKD St V + ESBL
Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

ICU 11421483 Mila Puspitasari/F/27yo Iatrogenic Bladder Trauma + HPP + Atonia Uteri + Anemia Gravis Bladder Repair + TAH Day 2 NOM

Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1

19 15 11415406 Akwan/M/63yo BPH + Urinary Retention TURP MAL TODAY

c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

Urosepsis + Nephrocutan Fistule Post Right Nephrolithotomy + Right DJ

12 14 11415461 Rochmat Fadillah /M/47yo stent insitu + Right Upper Middle Pole Renal Stone + Left Renal Improve General Condition ADE
Cyst+Anemia+CKD stV

13 11363436 Teguh Waskito/M/62yo MCRPC cT4N1M1b Chemotherapy Docetaxel 2nd Series ADE

Chemotherapy Gemcitabin - Cysplatin 2nd

13 11106677 Panawi/M/71yo TCC Bladder cT4aNxM0 ADE
Series Day 8

Susp. Right Renal Cancer T4NxM0 + HT st I on Treatment + DM type II

14 1 11140681 Musyrifah/F/41yo Right Radical Neprectomy RID
+ TB on Treatment

19 11415418 Ngateman/M/66yo Right Ureteral Splint + Right Moderate Hydronephrosis Right Splint Removal DOF TODAY

Susp. Bladder Cancer T2bNxM1 (Lung) + Left Severe Hydonephrosis +

20 3.3 11419026 Soemarmi/F/75yo Clot Evacuation + TURB Day 1 DOF
Anemia + AKI dd ACKD

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7
Total Urethral Stricture Pars Bulbosa + Urinary Retention on Dorsal Onlay + Ventral Inlay BMG
19 10 10973534 Tanu/M/67yo WAL TODAY
Cystostomy + RBBB Urethroplasty in EPA Urethroplasty

Right Proximal Ureteral Stone + Right Partial Ureteral Stenosis + Right Right ESWL + Right DJ Stent Removal +
19 10040684 Aan Wadana/M/45yo HAM
DJ Stent Insitu Right URS

19 9 11352894 Paiman/M/40yo Bulbo-Penile Urethrocutaneous Fistule on Cystostomy Panendoscopy + Urethroplasty Day 1 HAM

19 31 11418330 Corelius Bili/M/65yo Panurethral Stricture + HbsAg(+) + Urinary Retention + Ht st I BVCUG Day 1 MAL

Polycystic Renal Disease + HT St II + Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal

23 11420912 Indah Apriliyanti/F/40yo CAPD HAM
Disease + CKD St V + Anemia + Hyperkalemia
Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`

Left UPJ Stenosis + Right DJ Stent Insitu + Arrhytmia + Left Severe

18 3 11161586 Arimbi Hadi/F/13yo Right DJ Stent Removal + Left Pyeloplasty GUN TODAY
Hydronephrosis on Left PNS + Right Moderate Hydronephrosis

19 11278413 Sochieb Isa/M/43yo Left Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left Hydronephrosis Gr II Left Mini PCNL OZI

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal

Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic + Burst
14 2 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo Day 19 + Post Modified Bogota Bag ITO
Abdomen + Sepsis
Insertion Day 5

Right Flank Wound dehiscence Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Single

Kidney Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Staghorn Stone + Left Multiple
14 11407601 Nito/M/54th Debridement if Optimal Condition GUD
Upper Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left DJ Stent Insitu + CKD St V
+ Sepsis + Anemia + Hyperkalemia + Hyponatremia

Right Staghorn Stone + Right Multiple Upper Middle Lower Pole Renal
Stone + Right Proximal Distal DJ Stent Encrustation + Left Neglected Right URS + Right PCNL + Right DJ Stent
21 3.1 11318777 Murdiati/F/56yo GUD
TIP Proximal DJ Stent Encrustation + Right Hydronephrosis Gr III + Left Reinsertion Day 1
Severe Hydronephrosis on Left PNS + CKD St V + ESBL
Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

8 11421483 Mila Puspitasari/F/27yo Iatrogenic Bladder Trauma + HPP + Atonia Uteri + Anemia Gravis Bladder Repair + TAH Day 3 NOM

19 12 11418997 Sutrisno/M/69yo BPH + Bladder Diverticle + Urinary Retention TURP MAL TODAY

19 11 11417460 Dandi Maulika/M/20yo Right Upper Pole Renal Stone Right ESWL NOM TODAY

Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1

Right Medial Ureteral Stone + Left Distal Ureteral Stone + Right Multiple
Upper-Lower Pole Renal Stone + Right Multiple Proximal Ureteral Stone
ER 11422176 Suaidi/M/59yo Bilateral Percutaneous Nephrostomy MIF
+ Anuria + Bilateral Hydronephrosis + Hyperkalemia + Hyponatremia +

Right Staghorn Stone + Bilateral DJ Stent Insitu + Urosepsis + Bilateral

ER 11422164 Sumarmi/M/71yo Right PCNL + Bilateral Aff DJ Stent PUN
Hydronephrosis + CKD St V + Hypoalbuminemia + Anemia

19 15 11415406 Akwan/M/63yo BPH + Urinary Retention TURP Day 1 MAL

Negleted Bilateral DJ Stent Insitu + Ovarian Cancer on Chemotherapy

21 5.2 11377839 Siti Munawaroh/F/59yo Bilateral DJ Stent Removal ZEN TODAY
Carbo-Brexel 6th Series

c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

ER 11422193 Buhori/M/67yo Susp Bladder Cancer T4aNxM0 + Gross Hematuria + Right Renal Cyst Cystoscopy i.n TURB RID

Nephrocutaneous Fistule post Right Nephrolithotomy + Right DJ Stent

Bilateral RPG + Right Renal Explore i.n
19 11415461 Rochmat Fadillah /M/47yo Insitu + Right Upper Middle Pole Renal Stone + Left Renal Cyst + ADE TODAY
Nephrocutaneous Fistula Repair
Anemia + CKD St V

Susp. Right Renal Cancer T4NxM0 + HT st I on Treatment + DM type II

14 1 11140681 Musyrifah/F/41yo Right Radical Neprectomy RID
+ TB on Treatment

Susp. Bladder Cancer T2bNxM1 (Lung) + Left Severe Hydonephrosis +

20 3.3 11419026 Soemarmi/F/75yo Clot Evacuation + TURB Day 2 DOF
Anemia + AKI dd ACKD

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Total Urethral Stricture Pars Bulbosa + Urinary Retention on Dorsal Onlay + Ventral Inlay BMG
19 17 10973534 Tanu/M/67yo WAL
Cystostomy + RBBB Urethroplasty Day 1

One Side Dissection BMG Urethroplasty i.n

19 31 11418330 Corelius Bili/M/65yo Panurethral Stricture + HbsAg(+) + Urinary Retention + Ht st I MAL

Polycystic Renal Disease + HT St II + Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal

23 11420912 Indah Apriliyanti/F/40yo CAPD HAM
Disease + CKD St V + Anemia + Hyperkalemia
Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`

15 11333834 Mirza Bahtiar/M/6yo Scrotum Bifidum + Phimosis Kikiros Gr II + Klinefelter Syndrome Penoscrotal Transposition + Circumcision OZI TODAY

Left Pyeloplasty + Left Splint Uretero-

Left UPJ Stenosis + Left Mild Hydronephrosis on Left PNS + Right DJ
18 3 11161586 Arimbi Hadi/F/13yo nephro-cutaneous Day 1 + Right DJ Stent TED
Stent Insitu + Right Moderate Hydronephrosis + Sinus Arrhytmia

19 11278413 Sochieb Isa/M/43yo Left Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left Hydronephrosis Gr II Left Mini PCNL OZI TODAY

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal

Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic + Burst
14 2 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo Day 20 + Post Modified Bogota Bag ITO
Abdomen + Sepsis
Insertion Day 6

Wound dehiscence grade III Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Single

Kidney + Left Staghorn Stone + Left Multiple Upper Middle Lower Pole
14 11407601 Nito/M/54th Debridement GUD
Renal Stone + Left DJ Stent Insitu + CKD St V + Sepsis + Anemia +
Hypoalbuminemia + Pneumonia CAP
Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

19 11407064 Nasuri/M/54yo Right Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone + Right DJ Stent Insitu Right ESWL + Right DJ Stent Removal NOM TODAY

8 11421483 Mila Puspitasari/F/27yo Iatrogenic Bladder Trauma + HPP + Atonia Uteri + Anemia Gravis Bladder Repair + TAH Day 4 NOM

19 12 11418997 Sutrisno/M/69yo BPH + Bladder Diverticle + Urinary Retention TURP Day 1 MAL

Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1

Right Medial Ureteral Stone + Left Distal Ureteral Stone + Right Multiple
Upper-Lower Pole Renal Stone + Right Multiple Proximal Ureteral Stone
12 11422176 Suaidi/M/59yo Bilateral Percutaneous Nephrostomy MIF TODAY
+ Anuria + Bilateral Hydronephrosis + Hyperkalemia + Hyponatremia +

Right Staghorn Stone + Bilateral DJ Stent Insitu + Urosepsis + Bilateral

17 11422164 Sumarmi/M/71yo Right PCNL + Bilateral DJ Stent Removal PUN
Hydronephrosis + CKD St V + Hypoalbuminemia + Anemia

Right DJ Stent Insitu + Right Moderate Hydronephrosis + Left Mild

18 11388468 Toniah/M/53yo Right DJ Stent Removal PUN TODAY
Hydronephrosis + CKD St V + ESBL

19 15 11415406 Akwan/M/63yo BPH + Urinary Retention TURP Day 2 MAL

c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

Phimosis Kikiros Gr III + Left Congenital Catarac + Congenital CMV

Infection + Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss + Brain Distrophy +
7A 2G 11408477 Rafasya/M/4mo Conservative
Malnutrition + Global Developmental Delay + Bilateral Lateral
Preventricular Calsification + PDA

Susp Cervix Cancer St IV A + Susp. DVT + CKD St V +

10 11412132 Misnati/F/47yo Conservative
Hypoalbuminemia + Bilateral Moderate Hydronephrosis + Hyperkalemia

Bladder TCC cT4bNxMx + Clot Retention + Anemia + Bilateral Moderate

17 3.1 11274919 Sulton Aba/M/54yo Cystoscopy + Clot Evacuation

Subas Dwi
21 11422350 Left Scrotal Abscess + DM Type II + BPH Left Scrotal Incision Drainage Day 0

Right Nephrocutaneous Fistula Repair +

IntraBladder Clot + Right Nephrocutaneous Fistule + Right UPJ Stone +
Nephrolithotomy + Right DJ Stent
12 28 11415461 Rochmat Fadillah /M/47yo right DJ Stent Insitu + Right Upper Middle Pole Renal Stone + Right ADE
Reinsertion + Clot Evacuation + Bilateral
Hydronephrosis Gr IV + Left Hydronephrosis Gr II + CKD St V
URS Day 1

Susp. Right Renal Cancer T4NxM0 + HT st I on Treatment + DM type II

14 1 11140681 Musyrifah/F/41yo Right Radical Neprectomy RID TODAY
+ TB on Treatment

20 11422193 Buhori/M/67yo Susp Bladder Cancer T4aNxM0 + Gross Hematuria + Right Renal Cyst Cystoscopy i.n TURB ADE TODAY

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Total Urethral Stricture Pars Bulbosa + Urinary Retention on Dorsal Onlay + Ventral Inlay BMG
19 17 10973534 Tanu/M/67yo WAL
Cystostomy + RBBB Urethroplasty Day 2

19 31 11418330 Corelius Bili/M/65yo Panurethral Stricture + HbsAg(+) + Urinary Retention + Ht st I Perineoustomy MAL TODAY

Polycystic Renal Disease + HT St II + Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal

23 11420912 Indah Apriliyanti/F/40yo CAPD HAM
Disease + CKD St V + Anemia + Hyperkalemia
Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`
Penoscrotal Transposition + Circumcision
15 8 11333834 Mirza Bahtiar/M/6yo Scrotum Bifidum + Phimosis Kikiros Gr II + Klinefelter Syndrome OZI
Day 1

Left Pyeloplasty + Left Splint Uretero-

Left UPJ Stenosis + Left Mild Hydronephrosis on Left PNS + Right DJ
18 3 11161586 Arimbi Hadi/F/13yo Nephro-Cutaneous + Right DJ Stent TED
Stent Insitu + Right Moderate Hydronephrosis + Sinus Arrhytmia
Removal Day 2

19 5 11278413 Sochieb Isa/M/43yo Left Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left Hydronephrosis Gr II Left Mini PCNL Day 1 OZI

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal

Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic + Burst
14 2 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo Day 21 + Post Modified Bogota Bag ITO
Abdomen + Sepsis
Insertion Day 7

Wound dehiscence grade III Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Single

Kidney + Left Staghorn Stone + Left Multiple Upper Middle Lower Pole
14 11407601 Nito/M/54th Debridement GUD
Renal Stone + Left DJ Stent Insitu + CKD St V + Sepsis + Anemia +
Hypoalbuminemia + Pneumonia CAP
Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

8 11421483 Mila Puspitasari/F/27yo Iatrogenic Bladder Trauma + HPP + Atonia Uteri + Anemia Gravis Bladder Repair + TAH Day 5 NOM

19 12 11418997 Sutrisno/M/69yo BPH + Bladder Diverticle + Urinary Retention TURP Day 2 MAL

Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1

Right Medial Ureteral Stone + Left Distal Ureteral Stone + Right Multiple
Upper-Lower Pole Renal Stone + Right Multiple Proximal Ureteral Stone
12 14 11422176 Suaidi/M/59yo Bilateral Percutaneous Nephrostomy Day 1 MIF
+ Anuria + Bilateral Severe Hydronephrosis + Hyperkalemia +
Hyponatremia + CKD St V

Right Staghorn Stone + Bilateral DJ Stent Insitu + Urosepsis + Bilateral

12 11422164 Sumarmi/M/71yo Right PCNL + Bilateral DJ Stent Removal PUN
Hydronephrosis + CKD St V + Hypoalbuminemia + Anemia

c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

Chemotherapy Gemcitabine Cisplatin Day

20 4.6 11347077 Marjuki/M/63yo TCC Bladder cT2bN2M1a

Bladder TCC cT4bNxMx + Clot Retention + Anemia + Bilateral Moderate

17 3.1 11274919 Sulton Aba/M/54yo Cystoscopy + Clot Evacuation

Subas Dwi
21 11422350 Left Scrotal Abscess + DM Type II + BPH Left Scrotal Incision Drainage Day 1

Right Nephrocutaneous Fistula Repair +

IntraBladder Clot + Right Nephrocutaneous Fistule + Right UPJ Stone +
Nephrolithotomy + Right DJ Stent
12 28 11415461 Rochmat Fadillah /M/47yo right DJ Stent Insitu + Right Upper Middle Pole Renal Stone + Right ADE
Reinsertion + Clot Evacuation + Bilateral
Hydronephrosis Gr IV + Left Hydronephrosis Gr II + CKD St V
URS Day 2

Intrabladder Clot + Susp. Right Renal Cancer T4aNxM0 + HT st I on

14 1 11140681 Musyrifah/F/41yo Paliative Neprectomy Day 1 RID
Treatment + DM type II + TB on Treatment

20 4.7 11422193 Buhori/M/67yo Susp Bladder Cancer T4aNxM0 + Gross Hematuria + Right Renal Cyst Clot Evacuation + TURB + TURP Day 1 ADE

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Fourniere Gangrene + Pan Urethral Stricture Post OSD Double Face

19 6 11352290 Jadi/M/49yo Catheter Removal with Panendoscopy
BMG Urethroplasty + DM Type II + Post Secondary Closure

19 31 11418330 Corelius Bili/M/65yo Panurethral Stricture + HbsAg(+) + Urinary Retention + Ht st I Perineoustomy Day 1 MAL

Polycystic Renal Disease + HT St II + Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal

23 11420912 Indah Apriliyanti/F/40yo CAPD HAM
Disease + CKD St V + Anemia + Hyperkalemia
Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal

Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic + Burst
14 2 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo Day 22 + Post Modified Bogota Bag ITO
Abdomen + Sepsis
Insertion Day 8

Wound dehiscence grade III Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Single

Kidney + Left Staghorn Stone + Left Multiple Upper Middle Lower Pole
14 8 11407601 Nito/M/54th Debridement GUD
Renal Stone + Left DJ Stent Insitu + CKD St V + Sepsis + Anemia +
Hypoalbuminemia + Pneumonia CAP
Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

8 11421483 Mila Puspitasari/F/27yo Iatrogenic Bladder Trauma + HPP + Atonia Uteri + Anemia Gravis Bladder Repair + TAH Day 6 NOM

Left Proximal Ureteral Stone + Right Mid Ureteral Stone + Hypospadia Right DJ Stent Insertion + Left Laparoscopic
19 11422239 Supaedi/M/48yo
Glanular + Bilateral Moderate Hydronephrosis + AKI St Risk Ureterolithotomy

19 11422748 Abdul Manap/M/85yo Urethral Trauma AAST Gr I + BPH + HT St I + Urinary Retention Post Percutaneous Cystostomy Day 1

24C 11422466 Nur Khalis/M/49yo CKD St V + HT St I on Tx + DM Type II on Tx CAPD

CKD St V + Right Single Kidney + HT St I on Tx + Right Chronic

24B 11422570 Tumisah/F/77yo CAPD
Parenchymatous Renal + Susp. Neurogenic Bladder + Anemia
Susp. Left Proximal Ureteral Stenosis + Fistule Enterocutaneous
Improve General Condition + Left RPG +
14 11422629 Suwandi/M/35yo R.Flank D ec Susp. Colon Cancer + Hydroureteronephrosis Gr III S +
Left URS
Sepsis + Hipobuminemia
Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1

Right Staghorn Stone + Bilateral DJ Stent Insitu + Urosepsis + Bilateral

12 11422164 Sumarmi/M/71yo Improve General Condition PUN
Hydronephrosis + CKD St V + Hypoalbuminemia + Anemia

Left Pyelum Stone + Left Multiple Upper Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left
21 10825718 Didik Hermanto/M/53yo Left PCNL or Left Extended Pyelolithotomy MAL
Hydronephrosis Gr IV

c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

Right Nephrocutaneous Fistula Repair +

IntraBladder Clot + Right Nephrocutaneous Fistule + Right UPJ Stone +
Nephrolithotomy + Right DJ Stent
12 28 11415461 Rochmat Fadillah /M/47yo right DJ Stent Insitu + Right Upper Middle Pole Renal Stone + Right ADE
Reinsertion + Clot Evacuation + Bilateral
Hydronephrosis Gr IV + Left Hydronephrosis Gr II + CKD St V
URS Day 3

13 11340223 Ahmad Fausen/M/35yo Seminoma Testis pT3N2M0 Post Orchidectomy Chemotherapy BEP 4th Series

Bladder TCC cT4bNxMx + Clot Retention + Anemia + Bilateral Moderate

17 3.1 11274919 Sulton Aba/M/54yo Cystoscopy + Clot Evacuation

Urethral Trauma AAST Gr V + Distal Rectum Anterior Wall Rupture +

19 11411055 Feri Setyawan/M/18yo Pericatheter Uretrography + Panendoscopy
Pelvic Ring Injury Lateral Compression Type III

Chemotherapy Gemcitabine Cisplatin Day

20 4.6 11347077 Marjuki/M/63yo TCC Bladder cT2bN2M1a

Subas Dwi
21 11422350 Left Scrotal Abscess + DM Type II + BPH Left Scrotal Incision Drainage Day 2

Intrabladder Clot + Susp. Right Renal Cancer T4aNxM0 + HT st I on

14 1 11140681 Musyrifah/F/41yo Paliative Neprectomy Day 2 RID
Treatment + DM type II + TB on Treatment

20 4.7 11422193 Buhori/M/67yo Susp Bladder Cancer T4aNxM0 + Gross Hematuria + Right Renal Cyst Clot Evacuation + TURB + TURP Day 2 ADE

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Panendoscopy + Percutaneous Cystostomy

ER 11420564 Sumiran/M/52yo Panurethral Stricture + Severe LUTS
Day 1
Right Middle Pole Ureteral Stone + Left Proximal Ureteral Stone +
19 11422239 Supaedi/M/48yo Hypospadia Glandular + Bilateral Moderate Hydronephrosis + AKI st Bilateral URS DOF

Fourniere Gangrene + Pan Urethral Stricture Post OSD Double Face Catheter Removal with Panendoscopy +
19 6 11352290 Jadi/M/49yo
BMG Urethroplasty + DM Type II + Post Secondary Closure Debridement Day 1

19 31 11418330 Corelius Bili/M/65yo Panurethral Stricture + HbsAg(+) + Urinary Retention + Ht st I Perineoustomy Day 1 MAL

Polycystic Renal Disease + HT St II + Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal

23 11420912 Indah Apriliyanti/F/40yo CAPD HAM
Disease + CKD St V + Anemia + Hyperkalemia
Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal

Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic + Burst
14 2 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo Day 23 + Post Modified Bogota Bag ITO
Abdomen + Sepsis
Insertion Day 9

Wound dehiscence grade III Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Single

Kidney + Left Staghorn Stone + Left Multiple Upper Middle Lower Pole
14 8 11407601 Nito/M/54yo Debridement GUD
Renal Stone + Left DJ Stent Insitu + CKD St V + Sepsis + Anemia +
Hypoalbuminemia + Pneumonia CAP

Right Staghorn Stone + Right Moderate Hydronephrosis Post Right PNS

18 11390709 Aenik/F/53yo Right Nephrectomy
+ Anemia + CKD St IV

Obstructive Uropathy + Bilateral Proximal Ureteral Stone + Right Middle

Pole Renal Stone + Left Lower Pole Renal Stone + Right Severe
19 11389032 Ngaturi/M/55yo Bilateral PNS Day 1
HydroureteroNephrosis + Left Moderate Hydroureteronephrosis + CKD
St. V + HT St. I + Hiperkalemia

22 11398017 Satubi/M/60yo CKD St. V + HT St. 1 on Tx + HIV on ARV CAPD

Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

8 11421483 Mila Puspitasari/F/27yo Iatrogenic Bladder Trauma + HPP + Atonia Uteri + Anemia Gravis Bladder Repair + TAH Day 7 NOM

Left Proximal Ureteral Stone + Right Mid Ureteral Stone + Hypospadia Right DJ Stent Insertion + Left Laparoscopic
19 11422239 Supaedi/M/48yo
Glanular + Bilateral Moderate Hydronephrosis + AKI St Risk Ureterolithotomy

19 11422748 Abdul Manap/M/85yo Urethral Trauma AAST Gr I + BPH + HT St I + Urinary Retention Post Percutaneous Cystostomy Day 2

24C 11422466 Nur Khalis/M/49yo CKD St V + HT St I on Tx + DM Type II on Tx CAPD

CKD St V + Right Single Kidney + HT St I on Tx + Right Chronic

24B 11422570 Tumisah/F/77yo CAPD
Parenchymatous Renal + Susp. Neurogenic Bladder + Anemia
Susp. Left Proximal Ureteral Stenosis + Fistule Enterocutaneous
Improve General Condition + Left RPG +
14 11422629 Suwandi/M/35yo R.Flank D ec Susp. Colon Cancer + Hydroureteronephrosis Gr III S +
Left URS
Sepsis + Hipobuminemia
Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1

Right Staghorn Stone + Bilateral DJ Stent Insitu + Urosepsis + Bilateral

12 11422164 Sumarmi/M/71yo Improve General Condition PUN
Hydronephrosis + CKD St V + Hypoalbuminemia + Anemia

Left Pyelum Stone + Left Multiple Upper Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left
21 10825718 Didik Hermanto/M/53yo Left PCNL or Left Extended Pyelolithotomy MAL
Hydronephrosis Gr IV

c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

Right Nephrocutaneous Fistula Repair +

IntraBladder Clot + Right Nephrocutaneous Fistule + Right UPJ Stone +
Nephrolithotomy + Right DJ Stent
12 28 11415461 Rochmat Fadillah /M/47yo right DJ Stent Insitu + Right Upper Middle Pole Renal Stone + Right ADE
Reinsertion + Clot Evacuation + Bilateral
Hydronephrosis Gr IV + Left Hydronephrosis Gr II + CKD St V
URS Day 4

13 11340223 Ahmad Fausen/M/35yo Seminoma Testis pT3N2M0 Post Orchidectomy Chemotherapy BEP 4th Series

Bladder TCC cT4bNxMx + Clot Retention + Anemia + Bilateral Moderate

17 3.1 11274919 Sulton Aba/M/54yo Cystoscopy + Clot Evacuation MONDAY

Urethral Trauma AAST Gr V + Distal Rectum Anterior Wall Rupture +

19 11411055 Feri Setyawan/M/18yo Pericatheter Uretrography + Panendoscopy
Pelvic Ring Injury Lateral Compression Type III

Chemotherapy Gemcitabine Cisplatin Day

20 4.6 11347077 Marjuki/M/63yo TCC Bladder cT2bN2M1a

Subas Dwi
21 11422350 Left Scrotal Abscess + DM Type II + BPH Left Scrotal Incision Drainage Day 3

Intrabladder Clot + Susp. Right Renal Cancer T4aNxM0 + HT st I on

14 1 11140681 Musyrifah/F/41yo Paliative Neprectomy Day 3 RID
Treatment + DM type II + TB on Treatment

20 4.7 11422193 Buhori/M/67yo Susp Bladder Cancer T4aNxM0 + Gross Hematuria + Right Renal Cyst Clot Evacuation + TURB + TURP Day 3 ADE

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Panendoscopy + Percutaneous Cystostomy

ER 11420564 Sumiran/M/52yo Panurethral Stricture + Severe LUTS
Day 2
Right Middle Pole Ureteral Stone + Left Proximal Ureteral Stone +
19 11422239 Supaedi/M/48yo Hypospadia Glandular + Bilateral Moderate Hydronephrosis + AKI st Bilateral URS DOF

Fourniere Gangrene + Pan Urethral Stricture Post OSD Double Face Catheter Removal with Panendoscopy +
19 6 11352290 Jadi/M/49yo
BMG Urethroplasty + DM Type II + Post Secondary Closure Debridement Day 2

19 31 11418330 Corelius Bili/M/65yo Panurethral Stricture + HbsAg(+) + Urinary Retention + Ht st I Perineoustomy Day 2 MAL

Polycystic Renal Disease + HT St II + Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal

23 11420912 Indah Apriliyanti/F/40yo CAPD HAM MONDAY
Disease + CKD St V + Anemia + Hyperkalemia
Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`
Ca Cervix IIIB + DM type II + Hypertensi stage I + Bilateral Moderate
4 11418699 Siti Aminah/F/65yo Bilateral DJ Stent Insertion i.f Bilateral PNS
Hydronephrosis + AKI dd ACKD

Rupture Uretra AAST Grade III Pars Bulbosa + Susp. ITP + Upper GI
26 11422757 Didik Eko/M/34yo Bleeding + Thrombocytopenia + Hypovolemik Syok + AKI dd ACKD + Panendoscopy MONDAY

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal

Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic + Burst
14 2 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo Day 24 + Post Modified Bogota Bag ITO
Abdomen + Sepsis
Insertion Day 10

Wound dehiscence grade III Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Single

Kidney + Left Staghorn Stone + Left Multiple Upper Middle Lower Pole
14 8 11407601 Nito/M/54yo Debridement GUD
Renal Stone + Left DJ Stent Insitu + CKD St V + Sepsis + Anemia +
Hypoalbuminemia + Pneumonia CAP

Right Staghorn Stone + Right Moderate Hydronephrosis Post Right PNS

18 11390709 Aenik/F/53yo Right Nephrectomy MONDAY
+ Anemia + CKD St IV

Obstructive Uropathy + Bilateral Proximal Ureteral Stone + Right Middle

Pole Renal Stone + Left Lower Pole Renal Stone + Right Severe
19 11389032 Ngaturi/M/55yo Bilateral PNS Day 2
HydroureteroNephrosis + Left Moderate Hydroureteronephrosis + CKD
St. V + HT St. I + Hiperkalemia

22 11398017 Satubi/M/60yo CKD St. V + HT St. 1 on Tx + HIV on ARV CAPD

Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Left Proximal Ureteral Stone + Right Mid Ureteral Stone + Hypospadia Right DJ Stent Insertion + Left Proximal
19 11422239 Supaedi/M/48yo NOM TODAY
Glanular + Bilateral Moderate Hydronephrosis + AKI St Risk Ureterolithotomy

24C 11422466 Nur Khalis/M/49yo CKD St V + HT St I on Tx + DM Type II on Tx CAPD DUR

Right Single Kidney + HT St I on Tx + Right Chronic Parenchymatous

24B 11422570 Tumisah/F/77yo CAPD NOM
Renal + Susp. Neurogenic Bladder + CKD St V + Anemia

Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1
Right Staghorn Stone + Bilateral Neglected DJ Stent Insitu + Urosepsis
12 11422164 Sumarmi/M/71yo + Bilateral Mild Hydronephrosis + CKD St V + Hypoalbuminemia + Improve General Condition PUN

Left Pyelum Stone + Left Multiple Upper Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left
21 10825718 Didik Hermanto/M/53yo Left Extended Pyelolithotomy MAL
Hydronephrosis Gr IV

c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

Right Nephrocutaneous Fistula Repair +

IntraBladder Clot + Right Nephrocutaneous Fistule + Right UPJ Stone +
Nephrolithotomy + Right DJ Stent
19 1 11415461 Rochmat Fadillah /M/47yo right DJ Stent Insitu + Right Upper Middle Pole Renal Stone + Right DOF
Reinsertion + Clot Evacuation + Bilateral
Hydronephrosis Gr IV + Left Hydronephrosis Gr II + CKD St V
URS Day 5

13 22 11340223 Ahmad Fausen/M/35yo Seminoma Testis pT3N3M1aS2 Chemotherapy BEP 4th Series Day 1-5 ADE

Bladder TCC cT4bNxMx + Clot Retention + Anemia + Bilateral Moderate

17 3.1 11274919 Sulton Aba/M/54yo Paliative Cystectomy DOF TODAY

Subas Dwi Left Testicular Necrosis + DM Type II + BPH + Left Scrotal Incision
21 3.1 11422350 Post Left Testicular Orchidectomy Day 1 ADE
Tjahyono/M/67yo Drainage Day 4

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Ca Cervix St IVB (Liver,Bone,Bladder,Rectum) + Septic Shock +

Kaber 11348130 Nurul Chayati/F/56yo General Weakness + Gross Hematuria + Right Severe Hydronephrosis Improve General Condition MAL
+ Hypoalbuminemia + Ascites + Anemia

Urethral Trauma AAST Gr V + Distal Rectum Anterior Wall Rupture +

19 11411055 Feri Setyawan/M/18yo Pericatheter Uretrography + Panendoscopy HAM TODAY
Pelvic Ring Injury Lateral Compression Type III

Right Renal Hypoplasia + Left Multiple Renal Cyst + HT St II + CKD St V

23 11420912 Indah Apriliyanti/F/40yo CAPD HAM TODAY
+ Anemia

Rupture Uretra AAST Grade III Pars Bulbosa + Susp. ITP + Upper GI
Improve General Condition + Percutaneous
26 11422757 Didik Eko/M/34yo Bleeding + Thrombocytopenia + Hypovolemik Syok + AKI dd ACKD + HAM TUESDAY
Cystostomy if Urinary Retention

Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`
Ca Cervix IIIB + DM type II + Hypertensi stage I + Bilateral Moderate
4 11418699 Siti Aminah/F/65yo Bilateral DJ Stent Insertion i.f Bilateral PNS GUN TODAY
Hydronephrosis + AKI dd ACKD

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal

Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic + Burst
14 2 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo Day 20 + Post Modified Bogota Bag ITO
Abdomen + Urosepsis + Hyponatremia
Insertion Day 3

Right Flank Wound dehiscence grade III Post Right Nephrectomy + Left
Single Kidney Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Staghorn Stone + Left
14 8 11407601 Nito/M/54yo Conservative GUD
Multiple Upper Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left DJ Stent Insitu +
CKD St V + Hypoalbuminemia

Right Staghorn Stone + Right Upper Pole Renal Stone + Right

18 11390709 Aenik/F/53yo Right Nephrectomy GUD TUESDAY
Moderate Hydronephrosis on Right PNS + Hypoalbuminemia

22 11398017 Satubi/M/60yo CKD st V + HT st I on Tx + HIV on ARV CAPD GUD

Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Left Proximal Ureteral Stone + Right Mid Ureteral Stone + Hypospadia

19 11422239 Supaedi/M/48yo Right URS + Right DJ Stent Insertion Day 1 NOM
Glanular + Bilateral Moderate Hydronephrosis + AKI St Risk

24C 11422466 Nur Khalis/M/49yo CKD St V + HT St I on Tx + DM Type II on Tx CAPD DUR TODAY

Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1
Right Staghorn Stone + Bilateral Neglected DJ Stent Insitu + Urosepsis
12 11422164 Sumarmi/M/71yo + Bilateral Mild Hydronephrosis + CKD St V + Hypoalbuminemia + Improve General Condition PUN
Left Proximal Ureteral Stone + Right Moderate Hydropyonephrosis +
19 41 11141773 Buadi/M/63yo Left Mild Hydroureteralnephrosis + AF NVR + DM Type II + HT St II + Right PNS PUN
CKD St V on HD + Anemia + Hypoalbuminemia

Left Pyelum Stone + Left Multiple Upper Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left
21 10825718 Didik Hermanto/M/53yo Left Extended Pyelolithotomy MAL TODAY
Hydronephrosis Gr IV

c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

Left Distal Ureteral Stone + Right Upper Pole Renal Stone + Right
18 11370897 Susilah/F/63yo Neglected DJ Stent Insitu + CKD St V + Right Moderate Hydronephrosis Right DJ Stent Removal + Left URS DOF TODAY
+ Left Severe Hydronephrosis

Right Nephrocutaneous Fistula Repair +

IntraBladder Clot + Right Nephrocutaneous Fistule + Right UPJ Stone +
Nephrolithotomy + Right DJ Stent
19 1 11415461 Rochmat Fadillah /M/47yo right DJ Stent Insitu + Right Upper Middle Pole Renal Stone + Right ADE
Reinsertion + Clot Evacuation + Bilateral
Hydronephrosis Gr IV + Left Hydronephrosis Gr II + CKD St V
URS Day 6

13 22 11340223 Ahmad Fausen/M/35yo Seminoma Testis pT3N3M1aS2 Chemotherapy BEP 4th Series Day 1-5 ADE

Bladder TCC T4aNxM1 (lung) + Anemia + Bilateral Moderate Paliative Cystoprostatectomy + Bilateral
12 30 11274919 Sulton Aba/M/54yo DOF
Hydronephrosis + CKD St IV Ureterocutaneoustomy Day 1

Subas Dwi Left Testicular Necrosis + DM Type II + BPH + Left Scrotal Incision
21 3.1 11422350 Post Left Testicular Orchidectomy Day 2 ADE
Tjahyono/M/67yo Drainage Day 4

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Ca Cervix St IVB (Liver,Bone,Bladder,Rectum) + Septic Shock +

Kaber 11348130 Nurul Chayati/F/56yo General Weakness + Gross Hematuria + Right Severe Hydronephrosis Improve General Condition MAL
+ Hypoalbuminemia + Ascites + Anemia

Pars Membranacea Urethral Trauma AAST Gr V + Fistule Uretro

Pericatheter Uretrography + Panendoscopy
19 11411055 Feri Setyawan/M/18yo Intestinal + Distal Rectum Anterior Wall Rupture + Pelvic Ring Injury HAM
+ Silicone Catheter Insertion Day 1
Lateral Compression Type III
Right Renal Hypoplasia + Left Multiple Renal Cyst + HT St II + CKD St V
23 2B 11420912 Indah Apriliyanti/F/40yo CAPD + Omentectomy Day 1 HAM
+ Anemia

Rupture Uretra AAST Grade III Pars Bulbosa + Susp. ITP + Upper GI
Improve General Condition + Percutaneous
26 11422757 Didik Eko/M/34yo Bleeding + Thrombocytopenia + Hypovolemik Syok + AKI dd ACKD + HAM
Cystostomy if Urinary Retention

Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`
Ca Cervix IVa + DM type II + Hypertensi stage I + Bilateral
4 11418699 Siti Aminah/F/65yo Cystoscopy + Bilateral PNS Day 1 GUN
Hydronephrosis Gr II + AKI dd ACKD

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal

Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic + Burst
14 2 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo Day 26 + Post Modified Bogota Bag ITO
Abdomen + Urosepsis + Hyponatremia
Insertion Day 4

Right Flank Wound dehiscence grade III Post Right Nephrectomy + Left
Single Kidney Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Staghorn Stone + Left
14 8 11407601 Nito/M/54yo Conservative GUD
Multiple Upper Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left DJ Stent Insitu +
CKD St V + Hypoalbuminemia

Right Staghorn Stone + Right Upper Pole Renal Stone + Right

18 11390709 Aenik/F/53yo Right Nephrectomy GUD TODAY
Moderate Hydronephrosis on Right PNS + Hypoalbuminemia

22 11398017 Satubi/M/60yo CKD st V + HT st I on Tx + HIV on ARV CAPD GUD TODAY

Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

24C 11422466 Nur Khalis/M/49yo CKD St V + HT St I on Tx + DM Type II on Tx CAPD DUR TODAY

Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1
Right Staghorn Stone + Bilateral Neglected DJ Stent Insitu + Urosepsis
17 11422164 Sumarmi/F/71yo Bilateral DJ Stent Removal in Left URS PUN TODAY
+ Bilateral Mild Hydronephrosis + CKD St V + Anemia
Bilateral Ureteral Stone + DM Type II + HT Stage I + AF + Right
19 41 11141773 Buadi/M/63yo Hydroureteronephrosis + Left Hydroureteronephrosis on Left PNS + Bilateral URS ZEN
CKD Stage V on HD

Left Pyelum Stone + Left Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left Left Pyelonephrolithotomy + Left DJ Stent
21 10825718 Didik Hermanto/M/53yo MAL
Hydronephrosis Gr IV Insertion Day 1

c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

Susp. Bilateral Ureteral Stone + Bilateral Mild Hydronephrosis + AKI dd

ER 11432215 Sujiati/M/41yo NCCT RID

Bladder TCC T4aNxM1 (lung) + Anemia + Bilateral Moderate Paliative Cystoprostatectomy + Bilateral
12 30 11274919 Sulton Aba/M/54yo DOF
Hydronephrosis + CKD St IV Ureterocutaneoustomy Day 2

13 11106677 Panawi/M/71yo Bladder TCC cT4aNxM0 Chemotherapy GC 2nd Series Day 15 DOF

13 11368128 Katiran/M/68yo MCRPC cT2bNxM1b Improve Condition + Inj Zometa ADE

Left Distal Ureteral Stone + Right Upper Pole Renal Stone + Right Right DJ Stent Removal + Bilateral URS
18 11370897 Susilah/F/63yo Neglected DJ Stent Insitu + CKD St V + Right Moderate Hydronephrosis Lithotripsy + Bilateral DJ Stent Insertion Day DOF
+ Left Severe Hydronephrosis 1

Right Nephrocutaneous Fistula Repair +

IntraBladder Clot + Right Nephrocutaneous Fistule + Right UPJ Stone +
Nephrolithotomy + Right DJ Stent
19 1 11415461 Rochmat Fadillah /M/47yo right DJ Stent Insitu + Right Upper Middle Pole Renal Stone + Right DOF
Reinsertion + Clot Evacuation + Bilateral
Hydronephrosis Gr IV + Left Hydronephrosis Gr II + CKD St V
URS Day 7

19 11415348 Ismihar/M/66yo Susp. Prostate Cancer + Urinary Retention on Catheter TRUS Biopsy ADE

TCC Bladder High Grade cT4hnN2M0 + Bilateral Hydronephrosis +

19 11423314 Satuman/M/66yo Multimodal Therapy RID
CKD st V + Anemia + Hyperkalemia + Bladder Clot

19 11202463 Siswanto/M/30yo Left DJ Stent Insitu + Left Residive Testicular Seminoma pT2cN3M0S0 Right DJ Stent Removal ADE TODAY

Trauma Penis AAST gr I + Vulnus Abrasio Regio Right Frontal + Vulnus

20 11423335 Muhammad Fahdil/M/61yo Post Repair + Circumcision Day 0 DOF
Abrasio Regio Right Elbow Join + Vulnus Abrasio Regio Bilateral Genu

21 11401157 Sophan Tjaraka/M/60yo Adeno Ca Prostate cT2cNxM1b (Bone) Bilateral Subcapsular Orchidectomy NOM TODAY

Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal Disease + CKD St V + HT st II +

22 11402232 Moch Hariardi/M/37yo CAPD ADE

23 11456271 Rizza/M/50yo BPH + Left CVA ICH Subcortex + AKI st Failure + Hematuria USG Urologi DOF

Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal Disease + CKD St V + HT st II + DM

24b 11420038 Sri Widayati/F/50yo CAPD DOF
Type II

Bilateral Staghorne Stone + Bilateral Multiple Renal Stone + Bilateral

24b 11424452 Juwondo/M/52yo NCCT ADE
Mild Hydronephrosis + CKD st V + Hyperkalemia + Urosepsis

Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal Disease + CKD St V + HT st II +

25 10826331 Windrawati/F/42yo CAPD RID

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7
Membranous Urethral Trauma AAST Grade V + Urethrointestinal Fistule
Pericatheter Urethrografi + Panendoscopy +
19 4 11411055 Feri Setyawan/M/18yo + Distal Anterior Wall Rupture of Rectum + Pelvic Ring Injury Lateral HAM
Silicone Catheter Reinsertion
Decompression Type 3
Pericatheter Uretrography + Catheter
19 11353358 Sumarno/M/46yo Urethrocutaneous Fistula Post EPA Urethroplasty MAL TODAY
Removal With Panendoscopy

Rupture Uretra AAST Grade III Pars Bulbosa + Susp. ITP + Upper GI
Improve General Condition + Percutaneous
26 11422757 Didik Eko/M/34yo Bleeding + Thrombocytopenia + Hypovolemik Syok + AKI dd ACKD + HAM
Cystostomy if Urinary Retention

Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`

15 11402511 Ezio Azfar/M/2yo Left DJ Stent Insitu + Left Moderate Hydronephrosis + ESBL Left DJ Stent Removal OZI TODAY

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal

Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic + Burst
14 2 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo Day 29 + Post Modified Bogota Bag ITO
Abdomen + Urosepsis + Hyponatremia
Insertion Day 7

Right Flank Wound dehiscence grade III Post Right Nephrectomy + Left
Single Kidney Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Staghorn Stone + Left
14 8 11407601 Nito/M/54yo Conservative GUD
Multiple Upper Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left DJ Stent Insitu +
CKD St V + Hypoalbuminemia + Anemia

Right Staghorn Stone + Right Upper Pole Renal Stone + Right

18 6 11390709 Aenik/F/53yo Right Nephrectomy Day 1 WAL TODAY
Moderate Hydronephrosis on Right PNS + Hypoalbuminemia

22 3.2 11398017 Satubi/M/60yo CKD st V + HT st I on Tx + HIV on ARV CAPD Day 1 GUD

Ward Bed Medical Record Identity Diagnosis Treatment Resident in charge

Column2 Column3 Column4 Dr. dr. Basuki Bambang Purnomo, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

19 11409334 Dasulin/M/43yo Bilateral DJ Stent Insitu Bilateral DJ Stent Removal NOM TODAY

24C 11422466 Nur Khalis/M/49yo CKD St V + HT St I on Tx + DM Type II on Tx CAPD Day 1 NOM

Column2 Column3 Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K) 13Column4 Column1
Right Staghorn Stone + Bilateral Neglected DJ Stent Insitu + Bilateral Bilateral URS Lithotripsy + Bilateral DJ Stent
12 3 11422164 Sumarmi/F/71yo PUN
Hydronephrosis gr III Removal Day 1
Bilateral Proximal Ureteral Stone + DM Type II + HT Stage I + AF +
19 41 11141773 Buadi/M/63yo Right Hydroureteronephrosis + Left Hydroureteronephrosis on Left PNS Bilateral URS ZEN
+ CKD Stage V on HD

Left Pyelum Stone + Left Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left Left Pyelonephrolithotomy + Left DJ Stent
21 10825718 Didik Hermanto/M/53yo MAL
Hydronephrosis Gr IV Insertion Day 2

c Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column1

Bladder TCC T4aNxM1 (lung) + Anemia + Bilateral Moderate Paliative Cystoprostatectomy + Bilateral
12 30 11274919 Sulton Aba/M/54yo DOF
Hydronephrosis + CKD St IV Ureterocutaneoustomy Day 3

13 11368128 Katiran/M/68yo MCRPC cT2bNxM1b Improve Condition ADE

Left Distal Ureteral Stone + Right Upper Pole Renal Stone + Right Right DJ Stent Removal + Bilateral URS
18 11370897 Susilah/F/63yo Neglected DJ Stent Insitu + CKD St V + Right Moderate Hydronephrosis Lithotripsy + Bilateral DJ Stent Insertion Day DOF
+ Left Severe Hydronephrosis 2

Right Nephrocutaneous Fistula Repair +

IntraBladder Clot + Right Nephrocutaneous Fistule + Right UPJ Stone +
Nephrolithotomy + Right DJ Stent
19 1 11415461 Rochmat Fadillah /M/47yo right DJ Stent Insitu + Right Upper Middle Pole Renal Stone + Right DOF
Reinsertion + Clot Evacuation + Bilateral
Hydronephrosis Gr IV + Left Hydronephrosis Gr II + CKD St V
URS Day 8

TCC Bladder High Grade cT4bN2M0 + Bilateral Mild Hydronephrosis +

19 11423314 Satuman/M/66yo Improve General Condition ADE
CKD st V + Anemia + Hyperkalemia + Bladder Clot

21 3.2 11401157 Sophan Tjaraka/M/60yo Adeno Ca Prostate cT2cNxM1b (Bone) Bilateral Subcapsular Orchidectomy Day 1 NOM

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Paksi Satyagraha, Sp.U(K) Column5 Column6 Column7

Pendulare Urethral Stricture + Urethrocutaneous Fistule + Urinary

6 11418999 Ahmat Zaenal Arifin/M/79yo BVCUG HAM
Retention Post Percutaneous Cystostomy

Ortho : External
Membranous Urethral Trauma AAST Grade V + Urethrointestinal Fistule Fixation Removal
Pericatheter Urethrografi + Panendoscopy +
19 4 11411055 Feri Setyawan/M/18yo + Distal Anterior Wall Rupture of Rectum + Pelvic Ring Injury Lateral HAM i.n Plat Screw
Silicone Catheter Reinsertion Day 3
Decompression Type 3 Pelvis. Digest :

Bladder Stone (Encrustation Urethral Catheter) + Stricture Urethral Troicart Vesikolithotripsy + Urethroscopy +
19 23 11353358 Sumarno/M/46yo MAL
Partial Pars Bulbar Urethralgraphy Day 1

Rupture Uretra AAST Grade III Pars Bulbosa + Susp. ITP + Upper GI Improve General Condition + Percutaneous
24b 11422757 Didik Eko/M/34yo HAM
Bleeding + Thrombocytopenia + AKI dd ACKD Cystostomy if Urinary Retention

Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Pradana Nurhadi, Sp.U Column5 Column6 X`

Left Staghorn Stone + HHD + Left Multiple Middle Pole Renal Stone +
6 11418734 Riami/F/57yo Left Bivalve Nephrolithotomy GUN TODAY
Left Hydronephrosis gr III

22 11402232 Moch Hariardi/M/37yo Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal Disease + CKD St V + HT st II CAPD OZI TODAY

Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal Disease + CKD St V + HT st II + DM

24b 11420038 Sri Widayati/F/50yo CAPD OZI
Type II
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 dr. Taufiq Nur Budaya, Sp.U Column5 Column1

dr. Andri Kustono Sp.U

Left Nephrectomy + Left DJ Stent Removal

Left Nephrocutan Fistule + Left DJ Stent Insitu + Ileus Paralitic + Burst
14 2 11411902 Anggi Samsul/M/21yo Day 30 + Post Modified Bogota Bag ITO
Abdomen + Urosepsis + Hyponatremia
Insertion Day 8

Right Flank Wound dehiscence grade III Post Right Nephrectomy + Left
Single Kidney Post Right Nephrectomy + Left Staghorn Stone + Left
14 8 11407601 Nito/M/54yo Conservative GUD
Multiple Upper Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left DJ Stent Insitu +
CKD St V + Hypoalbuminemia + Anemia

Right Staghorn Stone + Right Upper Pole Renal Stone + Right

18 6 11390709 Aenik/F/53yo Right Nephrectomy Day 2 WAL
Moderate Hydronephrosis on Right PNS + Hypoalbuminemia

Bilateral Staghorne Stone + Bilateral Multiple Renal Stone + Bilateral

24b 10.3 11424452 Juwondo/M/52yo NCCT ITO
Mild Hydronephrosis + CKD st V + Hyperkalemia + Urosepsis

Bilateral Parenchymatous Renal Disease + CKD St V + HT st II +

25 1.3 10826331 Windrawati/F/42yo CAPD GUD TODAY

20 3.6 11412914 Arifatul Mufaidah/F/25yo

19 13 11418267 Mardoto/M/46yo

19 3 11404130 Bahri/M/70yo

21 5.2 11386289 Nur Latifah/F/56yo

15 1 10667710 M.Putra Ramadhan/M/11yo

20 3.4 11414105 Fironika Mahdalina/F/20yo

20 4.4 11419175 M. Riduwan/M/58yo

19 11415171 Muh.Hendra Anas/M/24yo

19 11420448 Suharno/M/68yo

21 3.1 11141805 Hardjono/M/67yo

19 10 11413380 Suherman/M/49yo

17 4.3 11406056 Amos/M/27yo

19 31 11420145 Nakrip/M/65yo

17 6.2 11420428 Ruki Roma/M/49yo


25 Isolasi 11419439 Katijah/F/64yo

21 11406333 Soediadi/M/75yo

17 11133418 Setya Handoko/M/64yo

17 11368128 Katiran/M/67yo

17 11410351 Zainul Famili/M/41yo

17 11347077 Marjuki/M/63yo

ER 11421431 Syaifullah/M/63yo

ER 11421435 Mauliddan/M/28yo

19 11 11379331 Zaenal Fanani/M/49yo

ER 11451164 Akhmad Alif/M/3yo

19 4 11417543 Sahut Sadidi/M/56yo

19 17 1141773 Buadi/M/63yo

27 31 11406254 Muh. Hasim/M/26yo

19 23 11405412 Abd Gofur/M/62yo

17 9.2 11418916 Ida Isnawati/F/48yo

19 12 11420770 Suminto/M/36yo

17 11421478 Drawi/M/73yo

ICU 4 11419937 Martoko/M/61yo

21 7.2 11421193 Ringgit/F/34yo

19 12 11420770 Suminto/M/36yo

18 11391768 Jumiati/F/40yo
20 11416625 Tutik Alawiyah/F/23yo

igd 11421946 Zen Saifudin/M/55yo

19 4 11415418 Ngateman/M/66yo

13 11363436 Teguh Waskito/M/62yo

13 11106677 Panawi/M/71yo

19 10040684 Aan Wadana/M/45yo

19 9 11352894 Paiman/M/40yo

21 3.1 11318777 Murdiati/F/56yo

21 5.2 11377839 Siti Munawaroh/F/59yo

19 11 11417460 Dandi Maulika/M/20yo

20 3.3 11419026 Soemarmi/F/75yo

19 11407064 Nasuri/M/54yo
19 15 11415406 Akwan/M/63yo

18 11388468 Toniah/M/53yo

19 17 10973534 Tanu/M/67yo

15 8 11333834 Mirza Bahtiar/M/6yo

19 5 11278413 Sochieb Isa/M/43yo

18 3 11161586 Arimbi Hadi/F/13yo

12 14 11422176 Suaidi/M/59yo

19 12 11418997 Sutrisno/M/69yo

20 4.6 11347077 Marjuki/M/63yo

14 1 11140681 Musyrifah/F/41yo

20 4.7 11422193 Buhori/M/67yo

19 11389032 Ngaturi/M/55yo

19 6 11352290 Jadi/M/49yo

19 11420564 Sumiran/M/52yo
19 31 11418330 Corelius Bili/M/65yo

19 11422748 Abdul Manap/M/85yo

8 11421483 Mila Puspitasari/F/27yo

23 2B 11420912 Indah Apriliyanti/F/40yo

4 11418699 Siti Aminah/F/65yo

21 3.1 11422350 Subas Dwi Tjahyono/M/67yo

13 22 11340223 Ahmad Fausen/M/35yo

19 11422239 Supaedi/M/48yo

15 7 11402511 Ezio Azfar/M/2yo

13 11106677 Panawi/M/71yo

19 11415348 Ismihar/M/66yo

19 25 11202463 Siswanto/M/30yo

20 11423335 Muhammad Fahdil/M/61yo

18 11370897 Susilah/F/63yo

22 3.2 11398017 Satubi/M/60yo

23 11456271 Rizza/M/50yo
Right DJ Stent Removal +
Right DJ Stent Insitu + Left Upper Pole
Left Mini PCNL + Left DJ PUN
Renal Stone
Stent Insertion Day 2

Left Pyelum Stone + Left Multiple Lower Left Pyelolithotomy + Left

Pole Renal Stone DJ Stent Insertion Day 6

Bladder Neck Stenosis + Urinary Bladder Neck Incision Day

Retention on Cystostomy 2

Righ Psoas Abscess + Right Moderate Post Incision Drainage

Hydroureteronephrosis + Sepsis Abscess Day 8

Penile Reconstruction Day

Burried Penis + Obesity GUD

Right Multiple Ureteral Stenosis + Susp Right URS + Right DJ

Urogenital TB + Right HN Grade IV Stent Insertion Day 3

Right Staghorn Stone + Right HN Grade

III + Left Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left
Bilateral Percutaneous
Proximal Ureteral Stone + Left HN HAM
Nephrostomy Day 5
Grade II + HT on Treatment + CKD
Stage V + Hyperkalemia + Anemia
Right DJ Stent Removal
Right DJ Stent Insitu NOM
Day 1

Anterior Fossa Naviculare Urethral

Stone + Susp. Left Non Opaque Ureteral Dorsal Meatotomy +
Stone dd Left Ureteral Stenosis + HT St Meatoplasty Day 2
II + Left Moderate Hydronephrosis

Susp. Ca Prostate TxNxMx + HT on TRUS Biopsy Prostate Day

Treatment + Urinary Retention 1

Left DJ Stent Insitu + Left Lower Pole Left DJ Stent Removal Day
Renal Stone + ESBL 1

Urethrocutaneous Fistule + Scrotal

Urethrography +
Abscess + Membranous-Prostatic
Panendoscopy + Silicone
Urethral Stricture Post EPA WAL
Catheter Insertion +
Urethroplasty + Post Incision Drainage
Redebridement Day 4
Day 10
Bilateral Proximal Ureteral Stone + HT st
II + Right Severe Hydroureteronephrosis
Right PNS Day 4 GUD
+ AKI dd ACKD + Bilateral Pleural
Effusion + Metabolic Acidosis
Meatal Stenosis + Fossa Naviculare
Right URS Lithotripsy +
Urethral Stone + Right Distal Ureteral
Right DJ Stent Insertion + DOF
Stone + Right Hydronephrosis Gr IV +
Vesicolithotripsy Day 2
Multiple Bladder Stone

Susp Right Ureteral Stone dd Right

Ureteral Stenosis + Right Renal Stone +
Improve General Condition
Hematemesis Melena susp. Gastritis ADE
if Optimal Right PNS
Erosive + Pneumonia + Right Severe

Chemotherapy Doxetacel
CRPC cT2cNxM0 GS 5+3 DOF
4rd Series

Chemotherapy Docetaxel
mCRPC cT2aNxM1b (GS 4+4) DOF
5th Series

Chemotherapy Doxetacel
6th Series

Chemotherapy Gemcitabin
Bladder Cancer cT3NxM0 ADE
Cisplatin 1st Series Day 15

Chemoterapy GC Day VIII

TCC Bladder cT3N2M0 ADE
1st Series

BPH + Urinary Retention Catheter Insertion MIF

Right Colic Pain + Susp Right Ureteral

Conservative MIF

Debridement + Scrotal
Scrotal Trauma AAST Gr III + Partial
Repair + Panendoscopy + ZEN
Bulbar Urethral Stricture
Urethtral Dilatation Day 3
Susp. Left UPJ Stenosis dd Acute
Appendicitis + Left Mild Hydronephrosis usg urology
+ Constipation

Left Staghorn Stone + Left Multiple Left URS + Left DJ Stent

Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone + Left Insertion + Left Extended DOF krs
Hydronephrosis Gr III + CKD St III Pyelolithotomy Day 4

Bilateral Proximal Ureteral Stone + Left

Mild Hydronephrosis on Left PNS + AKI
Left PNS Revision Day 2 GUD
dd ACKD + Anemia + Metabolic Acidosis
Bladder Stone + Right Pyelum Stone +
HT st II + HF st C FC III + Pneumonia
Vesicolithotripsy + Right
(Improving) + Anemia + Bilateral HAM
PCNL Day 4
Parenchymatous Renal Disease + CKD
st V
Left Middle Pole Renal Stone + Left
Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone + Right
Left PCNL + Left DJ Stent
Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone +
Reinsertion + Right DJ NOM
Bilateral DJ Stent Insitu + Right
Stent Removal Day 3
Moderate Hydronephrosis + Left
Right Distal Gr +
Ureteral Stone IVBilateral
Staghorn Stone + AKI st Risk + Right Right URS + Bilateral DJ
Hydronephrosis gr IV + Left Stent Insertion Day 3
Hydronephrosis gr III

Urethroscopy + Silicone
Bulbar Urethral Rupture AAST Gr III HAM
Catheter Insertion Day 3

Partial Bulbar Urethral Stricture + BPH +

Percutaneous Cystostomy
Fr Right OS Rami Pubis Inferior + GUD
Day 1
Urinary Retention
Urinary Retention + Susp Urethral
Trauma + Pneumonia + DM type II +
Percutaneous Cystostomy
Sepsis + Metabolic Acidosis + MAL
Day 8
Hypoalbumin + AKI dd ACKD + Pleural
Hematuria + Left Multiple UPJ Stone +
Left Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone +
Bilateral URS + Left
Right UPJ Stone + Sepsis + Right GUD
Moderate Hydronephrosis + Left Severe
Hidroureteronephrosis + AKI dd ACKD

Urethroscopy + Silicone
Bulbar Urethral Rupture AAST Gr III MAL
Catheter Insertion Day 3
Left Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone +
Left ESWL + Left DJ Stent
Left Neglected DJ Stent Insitu + DM ZEN
Removal Day 1
Type II + HT St I + CKD st IV
Left Radical Nephrectomy
Left Renal Tumor T4NxM0 ADE
Day 4

Urinary Retention + Left Colic Pain + BPH HAM

+ Susp Left Ureteral Stone dd Left
Ureteral Stenosis + Right HIL Reponible Folley Catheter insertion

Right Ureteral Splint + Right Moderate Right Splint Removal Day

Hydronephrosis 1

Chemotherapy Docetaxel
2nd Series

Chemotherapy Gemcitabin
TCC Bladder cT4aNxM0 - Cysplatin 2nd Series Day ADE

Right Proximal Ureteral Stone + Right Right ESWL + Right DJ

Partial Ureteral Stenosis + Right DJ Stent Removal + Right HAM
Stent Insitu URS

Bulbo-Penile Urethrocutaneous Fistule Panendoscopy +

on Cystostomy Urethroplasty Day 2

Right Staghorn Stone + Right Multiple

Upper Middle Lower Pole Renal Stone +
Right Proximal Distal DJ Stent
Right URS + Right PCNL +
Encrustation + Left Neglected TIP
Right DJ Stent Reinsertion GUD
Proximal DJ Stent Encrustation + Right
Day 2
Hydronephrosis Gr III + Left Severe
Hydronephrosis on Left PNS + CKD St V

Negleted Bilateral DJ Stent Insitu +

Bilateral DJ Stent Removal
Ovarian Cancer on Chemotherapy ZEN
Day 1
Carbo-Brexel 6th Series
Right Upper Pole Renal Stone Right ESWL Day 1 NOM
Susp. Bladder Cancer T2bNxM1 (Lung)
Clot Evacuation + TURB
+ Left Severe Hydonephrosis + Anemia DOF
Day 3

Right Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone + Right ESWL + Right DJ

Right DJ Stent Insitu Stent Removal Day 1
BPH + Urinary Retention TURP Day 3 MAL
Right DJ Stent Insitu + Right Moderate
Right DJ Stent Removal
Hydronephrosis + Left Mild PUN
Day 1
Hydronephrosis + CKD St V + ESBL
Total Urethral Stricture Pars Bulbosa + Dorsal Onlay + Ventral
Urinary Retention on Cystostomy + Inlay BMG Urethroplasty WAL
RBBB Day 3
Scrotum Bifidum + Phimosis Kikiros Gr II Penoscrotal Transposition
+ Klinefelter Syndrome + Circumcision Day 2

Left Multiple Lower Pole Renal Stone +

Left Mini PCNL Day 2 OZI
Left Hydronephrosis Gr II
Left UPJ Stenosis + Left Mild Left Pyeloplasty + Left
Hydronephrosis on Left PNS + Right DJ Splint Uretero-Nephro-
Stent Insitu + Right Moderate Cutaneous + Right DJ
Hydronephrosis + Sinus Arrhytmia Stent Removal Day 3
Right Medial Ureteral Stone + Left Distal
Ureteral Stone + Right Multiple Upper-
Lower Pole Renal Stone + Right Multiple
Bilateral Percutaneous
Proximal Ureteral Stone + Anuria + MIF
Nephrostomy Day 2
Bilateral Severe Hydronephrosis +
Hyperkalemia + Hyponatremia + CKD St
BPH + Bladder Diverticle + Urinary
TCC Bladder cT2bN2M1a Gemcitabine Cisplatin Day

Intrabladder Clot + Susp. Right Renal

Paliative Neprectomy Day
Cancer T4aNxM0 + HT st I on Treatment RID
+ DM type II + TB on Treatment

Susp Bladder Cancer T4aNxM0 + Gross Clot Evacuation + TURB +

Hematuria + Right Renal Cyst TURP Day 4
Obstructive Uropathy + Bilateral
Proximal Ureteral Stone + Right Middle
Pole Renal Stone + Left Lower Pole
Renal Stone + Right Severe Bilateral PNS Day 3
HydroureteroNephrosis + Left Moderate
Hydroureteronephrosis + CKD St. V +
HT St. I + Hiperkalemia

Fourniere Gangrene + Pan Urethral

Catheter Removal with
Stricture Post OSD Double Face BMG
Panendoscopy +
Urethroplasty + DM Type II + Post
Debridement Day 3
Secondary Closure
Panendoscopy +
Panurethral Stricture + Severe LUTS Percutaneous Cystostomy MAL
Day 3
Panurethral Stricture + HbsAg(+) +
Perineoustomy Day 3 MAL
Urinary Retention + Ht st I
Urethral Trauma AAST Gr I + BPH + HT Post Percutaneous
St I + Urinary Retention Cystostomy Day 3
Iatrogenic Bladder Trauma + HPP + Bladder Repair + TAH Day
Atonia Uteri + Anemia Gravis 8

Right Renal Hypoplasia + Left Multiple

CAPD + Omentectomy
Renal Cyst + HT St II + CKD St V + HAM
Day 2
Ca Cervix IVa + DM type II + Hypertensi
Cystoscopy + Bilateral
stage I + Bilateral Hydronephrosis Gr II GUN
PNS Day 2
Left Testicular Necrosis + DM Type II +
Post Left Testicular
BPH + Left Scrotal Incision Drainage ADE
Orchidectomy Day 3
Day 4
Chemotherapy BEP 4th
Seminoma Testis pT3N3M1aS2 ADE
Series Day 1-5

Left Proximal Ureteral Stone + Right Mid

Ureteral Stone + Hypospadia Glanular + Right URS + Right DJ
Bilateral Moderate Hydronephrosis + AKI Stent Insertion Day 2
St Risk
Left DJ Stent Insitu + Left Moderate Left DJ Stent Removal Day
Hydronephrosis + ESBL 1
Chemotherapy GC 2nd
Bladder TCC cT4aNxM0 DOF
Series Day 15
Susp. Prostate Cancer + Urinary
Retention on Catheter
Left DJ Stent Insitu + Left Residive Left DJ Stent Removal Day
Testicular Seminoma pT2cN3M0S0 1
Trauma Penis AAST gr I + Vulnus
Abrasio Regio Right Frontal + Vulnus Post Repair + Circumcision
Abrasio Regio Right Elbow Join + Day 1
Vulnus Abrasio Regio Bilateral Genu
Left Distal Ureteral Stone + Right Upper
Right DJ Stent Removal +
Pole Renal Stone + Right Neglected DJ
Bilateral URS Lithotripsy +
Stent Insitu + CKD St V + Right DOF
Bilateral DJ Stent Insertion
Moderate Hydronephrosis + Left Severe
Day 2

CKD st V + HT st I on Tx + HIV on ARV CAPD Day 2 GUD x

BPH + Left CVA ICH Subcortex + AKI st

USG Urologi DOF
Failure + Hematuria




x krs

Right Single
Kidney + HT
St I on Tx +
Right Chronic
24B 11422570 ous Renal + CAPD NOM
Bladder +
CKD St V +

ER 11420476 Mukholik/M/5

12 11404319 Suliati/F/48yo

12 11418233

7A 2G 11408477

10 11412132
Susp. Left Ureteral Stone dd Left Ureteral Stenosis + Left
Single Kidney + Acute Lung Edema + Metabolic Acidosis +
General MAL
CKD st V + Anuria + Anemia + Trombositopenia + Left
Moderate Hydronephrosis

General Weakness + Bladder Cancer cT4aN2M0 + left UTUC Improve

pT4N1M0 post Left Radical Nephrectomy + Pneumonia + AKI General RID
St III + Anemia + Septic Shock Condition

Right Open
Susp Right Psoas Absces + Urosepsis + Bilateral
Nephrostomy RID
Hidropyonephrosis Gr III + AKI dd ACKD
Day 4

Phimosis Kikiros Gr III + Left Congenital Catarac + Congenital

CMV Infection + Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss + Brain
Distrophy + Malnutrition + Global Developmental Delay +
Bilateral Lateral Preventricular Calsification + PDA

Susp Cervix Cancer St IV A + Susp. DVT + CKD St V +

Hypoalbuminemia + Bilateral Moderate Hydronephrosis + Conservative

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