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k a u s e I wanted to be a historian ofkws.

The liolocaust was unfortu-

nately, I soon realized, the central event in modern or perhaps all jewish
history And when I said to my friend and mentor Abba Kovner, sur-
nvor,poet, and fighter, that that realization scared me, he answered that
king scared was &'excellent basis for studying the Holocaust me
~ s p e e c b k ~ . ~ ~ I m d a ~ t o t h i s
a t e k i n g the Holocaust. And I am still scared. chapter one'
What Was the Holocaust?

The objectivity of the historian be-

es an issue with subjects besides the Holocaust, but a historian
ing with the Holocaust cannot avoid h e issue.
!lowing upon some ideas put forward by Karlheinz Deschner,
ng others, it is important to start by denying the possibility of an
ective" stance.1 Many have said this before: we are the product of
environment,tradition, education, prejudices, and so on. The influ-
of our environment can be disastrous, for we may be swayed by a
me and its consensual impact,or even by a consensus created by our
w-historians, and hence write what is "politically correct," even
wingly suppress what we feel should be said. Worse, we sometimes
ly believe that what we say is our own view, even when it is nothing
t a reflection of the views of a majority, or a groupi or a charismatic
ual, or some other outside source. We need to be aware of our
our subjective approach, in order to formulate an interpreta-
facts that will be legitimately rooted in the ahnosphere and the

context of whatever period we describe. We must be aware of the obvi- icallst can be a precedent, or it can become a warning. My bias is, in a
ous truth that thevery decision todeal with solnefacts, someaspcts of sense, political: I believe we ought to do everything in our power to
reality, rather than wit11 others, is a subjective choice. Goethe said, Imake sure it is a warning, not a precedent.
"Every fact is already a tl~eoi-y."Johann G. Droysen, the nineteenth- 1 My second bias is that 1 am not neutral as between Nazism and anti-
century German historian, said, "Only a mindless person is objective"-
and indeed. objectivism is basically uninteresting, because it reilets the
chaos ofan infinitechain ofeventn, a chaos that in itselfhas no meaning:
1 I Nazism. I detest Nazism. I am against antisemitism and racism of any

sort. I am not neutral there, either. I believe, on the strength of the
historical evidence, that the Nazi regime was just about the womt r+
Do we then conform to a subjectivism that dictates t l ~ erewriting of ' gime that ever disfigured the face of tl~isearth. Worst from what point
history in every generation? In a sense, we do, partially After all, people : of view? From a basically liberal p i n t of view that, in line with Jewish
in every period look at past events from a different perspective: the his- and otl~ertraditions, sees human life as a supreme value. In all this I am
torians of9089 will look at the French Revolution differently from the ; not being "objective"; but an objectivity that would reject these starting
way the historians of 1789, 1889, or 1989 looked at it. Yet the knowl- i points would be nonobjective, besides being totally unacceptable to me
edge and self-perception that accompany an approach whose biases are 1 because it w o ~ ~run
l d counter to what I assume-another clear bias-to
articulated can neutralize those biases to a considerable degree--never Ii be the understanding that most people have of morality. Morality, in
completely, but sufficiently to enable the historian to draw what may be jI this context, is based on the idea that acts or intentions that run counter
termed 'legitimate" conclusions from his or her study. SIICIIconclusions ; to the right of individuals and groups to exist, to live fully, also run
would avoid the traps of a mindless objectivism, a solipsistic subjectiv- counter to the existence of human life altogether, hence their unaccept-
ism, and an endless relativization of facts. A legitimate conclusion is j ability. Morality as here presented is an absolute value, then-absolute,
one that not only avoids identification with known outside pressures i tbat is, as long as one posits the continuation of the human race as a
or interferences but also reflects an attempt to understand the period desired condition.
under discussion from its own perspective and in its own terms. We 1 Now that 1 have stated my biases, and before we deal with the defini-
realize that another age will reinterpret the same events in its own
distinct way; hopefully, our own findings will become part ofany future
I tion of Holocourt, we have to sidestep what appears to be another pitfall,
namely, our propensity to say that because someti~inghappened, it had
analysis, ifwe state, to ourselves as well as to our public, what our biases. to happen. The American Revolution happened, but it did not have to
may be. happen. If Britisl~politicians had understood the importance of the tax
Let me state my biases. I think that the planned total murder of a issue to t l ~ American
e colonists and the danger ofa successful rebellion,
people was an unprecedented catastrophe in human civilization. It 11ap they might well llave turned events toward a Canada-like resolution.
pened because it could happen; if it could not have happened, it would likewise, it was the obstinacy of the French royalist regime that led
not have done so. And because it happened once, it can happen again. to tbe storming of the Bastille. World War I1 might well have been
Any historical event is a possibility before it becomes a fact, but when it averted, in their own best interest as it turned out, by Britain, France,
bemmes a fact, it also serves as a possible precedent. And although no and the USSR, as late as June 1939 (when military delegations of the
event will ever be repeated exactly, it will, if it is followed by similar three Powers were discnssinga possible alliance against Germany), had
events, become the first in a line of analogous happenings. The Hole they overcome their mutual suspicions.
4 What Ils.the H D l O C B U l t l what wu the H O ~ O C U U ~ ~ 5

The scourge of determinism, Marxist or otherwise, is very nt1rc11in tl~eywould agree that without approval by Hitler and his closest circle
evidence in discussions of the 1lolocanst, and I nncst say clearly that the the nn~rderwould have been impossible?
Holocaust happened but that it did not have to. It was, to be sure, one of A new finding in the Moscow archive, publisl~edin Germany in 1999,
the possibilities inherent in the Europea~~ situation, but not the only puts this discussion-which in any case has been superseded by analyses
one. True, from a certain point onward-and one could perl~aps,wit11 that co~nbinethe two perspectives-in a new light. A part of liein-
some effort, establish that point-the annihilation of the Jews became ricl~Himmler's appointment notebook has come to light, for December
inevitable, given Nazi ideology, the development of German society and ! 1941. On the 18th 11e notes that he'discussed the "Jewish question"
bureaucracy, and German political and military superiority in Europe. (Judcnjage) with Ilitler and that the result was "ah Partisam aus-
Or perhaps it became inevitable that annihilatio~~ sl~ouldbe attempted. xumf~n"-"toextern~inateCtl~em]as partisans," wl~icl~ probably means
But ifwe retreat in time from early 1941 to the beginning of the war in to exterminate them on the pretext that they are partisans. It cannot
19.99, or before that, then the Holocaust was not inevitable. Anglo- ' refer to the countries outside the occupied areas of the USSR, because in
French-Soviet talks in the late spring of 19.99might have prevented ; 1941it would not have made any sense to accuse German or Czech or
German expansion, at least in the form that it ultimately took. Equally, a Italian Jews of being partisans. In the occupied Soviet areas extermina-
different coalition of Powers around the S~rletenissue in 1938,coupled tion had been going OII for months already, and Hitler had been receiving
with thedisaffection of the German military group led by Ludwig Beck, ! the detailed reports of the Einsa&gn@en (murder squads). The Himm-
might have prevented the development toward war and thus the oppor- ler note may indicate approval by Hitler of a propaganda line that had
tunity for the Nazis to act upon their murderous ideologys been purs~~ed in the East vis-a-vis theGerman soldiers and that could be
Intentionalist historians, such as Eberhard Jackel, IIelmut Krausnick, used for Germans generally. This alone already indicates that Hitler was
Gerald Fleming, and Lucy Uawidowicz, have argued that Hitler's inten- involved as the central decisionmaker. It also, and incidentally, indicates
tions, and therefore his role, in the process leading up to the Holocaust that Reinhard lleydrich occupied asubordinateposition; the person who
are central becauseof thegodlike position he occupied in the regi~ne;the discussed these things" with the dictator and received his instructions
other Nazis were an indispensable supporting cast. The entourage of was flimrnler. Six days before that, on December 12,as Joseph Goeb-
Ilitler, according to Jlickel, was rather u~~comfortable about the devel- bels's diary shows, Hitler spoke in front ofsome fifty top Nazi officials,
oping decisions to mass-murder the Jews? Iieinrich Iiimmler, for in- Gaeleiters and others, and reminded them that he had warned of the
stance, did not envisage mass murder before 1941,as his memorandum mn~ingar~nihilationof theJews ifa world war brokeout (initiated by the
of May 25, 1940, on the treatment of aliens in Poland, shows; 11esays i Jews, as hepet it on January so, 1939). On December 11,1941,Germany
there that the idea of physically destroying a nation was a Bolsl~evik had declared war on the United States in the wake of Pearl Harbor and
concept unacceptable to Germans! Structuralistsor functionalists, such the Arnerican declaration of war on Japan. The situation that he had
as Hans Mommsen and Goetz Aly, have explained the factors bringing ''predicted in 1939had come about, and the time had wme todo what he
about the Holocaust by concentrating on the development of social and had told the Jews he would do: Ymidrfung(annihilation).'
economic structures that led to impasses that more or less forced the We probably do not have before us a Hitler "decision," because Hit-
Germans to take the most radical solutions. They do not believe that ler rarely operated that way. But we may well have here a statement
idmlogy or decisions by central authorities wereat all crucial, but even that llitler intended as a general guide to action, in effect a call to his
6 m a t w t h a HOIOCUIIH

minions to get to work and to show initiative in implementing tile

racist political ideology when they insisted on large-scale "solutions"
guideline. Most historia~~sdo not think that such a guideline had ever
involving population transfers. These transfers were planned around
been uttered in any formal way, perhaps only in private discussions But
the "green table" at the Berlin center.There thestrategicdecisions were
on December 12,1941, there was a clear expression of what was known
made, so IIitler was undoubtedly preaento I sliall return to the Nazi
in the Third Reich as "the FUhrer's wish"-a euphemism for the way he
decisionmaking process later, but it is clear that the explanation has
ordered things to happen. On the faceofif tlie intentionalists have it;on
to be molticausal, that the old rift between intentionalists and func-
closer examination, however, we see that without the readiness of the
tionalists is outdated, and that ideology'is the central determinant of
party and state structures to accept and execute this "wish," Hitler
the Holocaust.
would not have formally expressed it. Plainly, s o m of the historians'
Just as the murder ofthe Jews was not inevitable, it was not inexplica-
debates are now out ofdate: Hitler was the decisive factor, though by no
ble, as I will argue in the next chapter. An aspect of that discussion
means the only one, and he was not the weak dictator that some histo-
belongs here: the inclination ofpeople who take refuge in mysticism to
rians have posited. He was directly involved. He pointed out the direc-
argue that an event of such magnitude-a"tremendum," as they some-
tion in which he wanted things to develop. German society was in-
times call it-cannot ultimately be explained.'oThis retreat into mysti-
volved, too, both at the top and at the middle, and the lower ranges
cism is usually reserved for the Holocaust, whereaa all other events are
became part of the consensus.
deemed liable to rational explanation. 1 am afiaid I cannot a m p t that
Another recent.and important correction to our understanding is
exception to the rule. The murder was committed by humans for rea-
that added by agroupofyoung German historians working with Ulrich
sons whose sources are found in history and which can therefore be
Herbert, of the University of Freiburg.6 Herbert and his coautl~ors
rationally analyzed. The mystifiers, with the best of intentions, achieve
present examples from eastern Galicia, Lithuania, Belorussia (Belarus),
the opposite of their presumed aim, which is to achieve identification
the %eneralgouvernement" (Poland), and France that show how local
and empathy with tlie victims. You cannot identify with what is inexpli-
initiatives led to the mass execution of Jews in late 1941 and early cable. True, the depth of pain and suffering of Holocaust victims is
1949. The perpetrators rationalized these murder campaigns by practi-
difficult to describe, and writers, artists, poets, dramatists, and philoso-
cal considerations, such as the "need" to find lodgings for Germans, or pliers will forever grapple with the problem of articulating it-and as
to carry out resettlements of Germans and Poles, or to do away with far as this is concerned, the Holocaust is certainly not unique, because
superfluous mouths to feed, or to avenge the killings of German soldiers "indescribable" human suffering is forever there and is forever being
hy the F& u & q m L d rn-Zr-52: k! w.5.I? 50- kbi1.1.11 c k described. In principle, then, the Holocaust is a human event, so it can
~ ~ I = i * ! * S ---+:
-. -~- ? X
. <-E ~ . F . %:. be explained, because it was perpetrated for what were unfortunately
developed prior to the war by a radicalized, antisemitic intelligentsia, tC. human reasons This does not mean that the explanation is easy. On the
who found it natural to adopt the ever more radical solutions that the $.,' contrary.
Nazi core elite expected them to. Neither the Berlin center nor the local ;- In a brilliant statement (in Jerusalem, on December 94, 1997), in the
groups could have acted without the other. Herbert talks of mutual [; course of a discussion of his latest book, Saul Friedlhder explained
understanding and ofwnstant communication between central authori- i;.(hatthe Holocaust presents problems that have SO far not been solved."
ties and the periphery. The Berlin leaders, he says, were motivated by .! In the past he himself had used the expression "the unease of the
8 what W U the Holocmurt!
I1. What WU theH0lOCaUItI

historian."" I l e did not mean that these proble~nscannot ultimately be

~~nderstood, but that tremendous difliculties stand in the way of under-
1 Jewish lawyer in the Uniterl States, in late l94e or early 1943. Len~kin's
! definition is contradicto~,yl)n the one hand, he d e f i n e s ~ ' & a st h e
standing them. IIedid not want to imply a mystical interpretation of the
llolocauvt events; but i~ecauseconvin~ingexplanations are still unavail-
"*nin ofi~&&gn&nkg~up.. .
. Generally speaking.
: genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a
able or are being argued about, 11e wanted to avoid what he called
nation. It is intended rathe* s i m ac o o r d i n p l a n f f m
"closure" of the argument, as though we historians had found satisfac- actions aiming at the destruction of essential f o u n d ~ ~ _ o f t h e l i f e o f
tory answers to our questions. He advocated a certain open-endedness
n& g r s p s , with the aim of a n ~ g t ~ g ~ @ d e ~ l " ~ '
whenever we put forward our views: we might, he implied, be wrong- (It seems that he intends to say "the groups as such," not necessarily all
there is nothing terrible about that-and, in any case, others will come the individuals in them.) Yet in the preface of the same book he says that
along and present new findings and insights.
On the face of it, this argument is almost self-evident and would hold
true for any historical (and many other) investigations, but it is espe-
"the practice of extermination of nations and ethnic groups. is called
by the author 'genocide.' " The destruction of the essential foundations

of natlonal life includes, according to Lemkin, the destruction of the
cially apposite regarding the Holocaust. Because I basically agree with nat~onaleconomic structure, its religious institutions, its moral fiber, its
FriedlUnder's approach, all I am trying to say in these chapters sl~ould education system, and, always, selective mass killings of parts of the
therefore he taken as obviously subject to discussion and change.
. ' population.'' What he describes are two distinct alternatives:
We now w m e to the problem of definitions. Is the Holocaust defin- j one, a radical and murtlerous denationalization acmmpanied by mass
able? Is it desirable to define it? After all, definitions are abstractions / morder, which destroy? the group as an entity but leaves many or most
fiom reality and are useful only insofar as they help us to better under- ! of the individuals composing it alive; the other, murder of every single
stand the world around us. Any historiographical definition is designed I individual of the targeted group. I t may perhaps be argued that partid
to help us understand the event or events being defined. Because life is j mass annihilation leads to total extermination. But this is not what
infinitely more complex than any definition, definitions, by &$nition,can 1i Lemkin says, though such a possibility certainly cannot be discounted.
never he fully adequate to the events they are supposed to define. We
ran but hope that they approximate descriptions of reality. Inevitably,
/ The discussion here is not just academic Lemkin's definitions were
1 adopted, in large part, by-the United Nations. In the Genocide Conven-
our definitions are selective--they deal with parts of a phenomenon.
That makes it even more important for our definitions to be as precise as
1 tion, approved on December 9,19.18, genocide is defined as 'My of the
following acts committed with the intent to destrop in wholeor in p ~ f
possible in defining at least those parts of the phenomenon that they 11 .
a nat~onal,ethnical or religious group, as such." Again, both meanings
claim to define. And ifexperience shows that the definition does not fit are included, and the phrase "in whole or in part" indicates that what is
reality, then the definition has to be changed, not the other way around. meant is not the development of partial destruction into total murder
Inorder todefinetheHolocaust, it mwthe compared tootherevents ifit but two variations that do not necessarily follow one upon the other.
iq as I havejust argued, a human event. It is only by comparison that we The historical context for Lemkin's work in early 1949 consisted of
can answer the question of whether it is unprecedented and has features the information he possessed as to what was happeningto PoleqCzechq
not found in similar events. Serhs, Russians, and others. Horrifying information had been received
-. genocide was coined bv
.-The term a refugee Polish- concerning the fate of the Jews, but decent human beings evinced an
10 What WasU~eHolocaurtt What Wasthe H o l W u r a t l ft

understandable reluctance to believe that the accounts were literally between them remain to be seen, beyond the obvious one of partial
and completely true. What waa happelling to some of tl~esepeople, versus total destr~~ction.
mainly perhaps the Poles, fitted Lemkin's description of denationaliza- The next p i n t to consider is crucial: which groups to describe when
tion accompanied by selective mass murder. It seems that 11emade his we talk about genocide. Lemkin talked only about national or ethnic
definition fit real historical developmentsas he saw them; the vagueness groups, and he would probably have agreed to extend his category to
with which he contemplates the possibility of murdering all Jews re- include so-called racial groups. The U.N. convention adds religious
flects the state ofconsciousness in America of the Jewish fate. groups. A number of scholars have added political groups aa well.le
We then come to 1948. The United Nations is not a symposium of Neither of these last two additions makes much sense. People perse-
scholars-far fmm it. Documents emerging from that quarter are less cuted because of their religious beliefs can, in principle if not always in
than perfect, because they reflect political pressures and horse trading practice, go over to the persecutors' religious faith and save themselves.
between states. Thus, unsuccessful pressure was exercised in 1948 to The persecution of theJews in theMiddle Ages is an excellent example:
include, for instance, the deshuction ofpolitical groups within the defi- accepting baptism usually-not always-meant rescue. DuringtheNazi
nition of genocide. The inclusion of religions groups-not a part of regime, Jehova11's Witnesses were persecuted in Germany because they
Lemkin's definition-was accepted after a long struggle. The lack of refused to recognize the supreme authority of the state and objected to
consistency in the U.N. wnvention is apparent the moment wecontinue being recruited into the army. But those few members of the gmup who
the quotation: Genocide, it says, means any of the following acts: "'(a) yielded and joined the army or who acknowledged the Nazi state as
Killmgmembersoftl~egroup;(b) Causingserious bodily or mental harm having autl~orityover r hem were no longer persecuted, and ifthey were
to members ofthegroup; (c) Deliberately inflictingon the groupcondi- in concentration camps, they were usually released.
tions of l i e calculated to bring about its pl~ysicaldestruction in whole The same applies to political persecutees. Even in Soviet Russia,
or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within joining the Communist Party was often-not always-a way ofavoidiig
the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another stigmatization as "bourgeois." Alexandra Kollontai, a member of the
gro~p."'~ We again see inclusion of both partial and total destruction. Russian aristocracy, became a leading Bolshevik and sewed as Soviet
The conclusion to draw is that one ought to differentiate between the ambassatlor to Sweden. Most of the leading Bolsheviks were originally
intent to destroy a group in a context ofselective mass murder and t l ~ e "bourgeois" intellectunls and sometimes former aristocrats In Nazi
intent to annihilate every person of that group. To make this as simple I Germany, millions of Communists became loyal Nazis
as possible, I would suggest retaining the term for "@ For both religious and political groups, membership is a matter of
murder and the termt H - for t m o n . I will argue that : choice--again, in principle, if not always in practice, One can change
Holocaust can be used in two ways: to describe what happened to the one's religion or one's political color. One cannot change one's ethnicity
Jews at Nazi hands and to describe what might happen to others if the : or nationality or "racew-only the penecutor can do that, as the Ger-
Holocaust of the Jewish people becomes a precedent for similar actions : mans did when they "Germanized Polish adults and children. W~thout
Whichever way Holocaustis used, it and gmocj& are clearly connected; II such action, there is absolutely no way out for the member of a targeted
they belong to the same species of human action, and the differences ethnic or national group: that person is a Pole, or a Rom ("Gypsf), or a
I2 Whlk.CWthe W O l o C u u t l

Jew, or a Serb. Hence my wnclusion that the term genocide should b

I genocides, nor that the mass murder of civilians is less reprehensible
used only for attacks on the groups specified by Lemkin. than genocide; it does mean that thereareobvious connections between
Genocide, then, is the planned attempt to destroy a national, ethnic all these, and that occasionally one form merges into another.
or racial group using measures like those outlined by Lemkin and th No gradation of human suffering is possible. A soldier who lost a leg
UN.convention, measures that accompany the selective mass murder c and a lung at Verdun suffered. How can one measure his suffering
members of the targeted group. Holocaust ia a radicalization of geno against the horrors that Japanese civilians endured at H i r o s h ' i How
cide: a planned attempt to physically annihilate every single member o ' can one measure the suffering of a Ram woman at Auschwitz, who LUW
a targeted ethnic, national, or racial group. her husband and children die in front ofher eyes, against the sufferingof
How important is such a definition? It may help us differentiat~ a Jewish woman at the same camp who underwent the same experiene?
between differentcrimes against humanity, the ultimate purpose of suct Extreme forms of human suffering are not comparable, and one should
analyses being to help lessen, and in some future perhaps do away with never say that one form of mass murder is 'less terrible," or even "bet-
such h o r n In the end, as I have pointed out, reality is more compli. ter," than another. The differencebetween the Holocaust and less radi-
cated by far than our attempts to describe i t I would therefore suggest cal genocides lies not in the amount of sadism or the depth of hellish
that these definitions be used to describe a continuum of h u k n mass suffering, but elsewhere. It is now time to turn to cnmparisonsthat will
destruction. One could even use the term re~-dLstruction,because b~ clarify the difference.
destroyingother humans, the perpetrators very radially diminish their
avn humanity. Such an approach may well use the paradigms proposed
by Rudolph J. Rummel in his books D m ' & a n d Dcath by G m m m t . "
According to Rummel, between 1900 and 1987 close to 170 million
civilians (and disarmed ~ o w s were
) killed by governments and quasi-
governmental organizations (political parties, e t ~ )the
, overwhelming
majority of them by nondemocraticregimes. He calls this phenomenon
"democide" (killing of people). He says that 38 million of the people
killed were victims ofgenocide (he uses the definition of the U.N. con-
vention), and close to 6 million of those were killed in the Holocaust
There is no reason not to expand Rummel's paradigm to include wars,
which are reciprocal mass murders wmmitted by opposing groups of
people, usually males, distinguished from one another by funny clothes
called uniforms; such mass murders, too, are committed at the instiga-
tion of governmenta and quasi-governmental organizations. Adding
wars gives us a continuum ofhuman actions of deadly violence ranging - -1
from wars, via the murder of civilians for a vast variety of reasons, to
genocide and Holocaust This does not mean that wars are %better" than
I S the Holocaust ExpllCabIeI

and "ordinary" Ilon~anians,the groor~dworl~ was Inid 1,y two gctlcua-1

tions ofthe best Romanian intellectnals and executed with t l ~ cg ~ ~ i ~ lta n a .
of other intellectuals.
I do not claim that tl~isexplanatorymodel is final; it is intended mo
as a stimulant for discussion. The fact that the Holocaust is explicablt
does not imply any kind ofclosore. More than one satisfactory explatla.
tioncan beoffered. What is totally unsatisfactory isanattempt toescap . chapter three
Comparisons with Other Genocides
historical responsibility by arguing that this tragedy is sometl~ingrnys
terious that cannot be explained. If this were true, then the criminals
would become tragic victims of forces beyond human control. To saj
that the Holocaust is inexplicable, in the last resort, is to justifj it.

I have said already that the only way

to clarify the applicability of definitions and generdizatiom is with
mmparisons The question of whether the Holocaust had elements that
have not existed with any other form of genocide (whereas there are n o
major elements of other genocides that cannot be found in yet other
genocides) is extremely important if we want to find out more about
mial pathology in general.' When one discusses unprecedented ele-
ments in a social phenomenon, the immediate question is, Unprece-
dented in comparison with what? The very claim that a historical event
is unprecedented can be made only when that event is compared with
other events ofapresumably similar nature with which it shares at least
some qualities. Unless one finds a measure of comparability, unprecP
dentedness can mean only that the event is not human-in other words,
ia not historical-in which case it is useless to talk about it except in
putative theological or mystical contexts.
There are rather obvious psychological barriers to understanding
40 Comparlroiu with Other Ganoclder

mass lrn~rdersaud genocidal events such as those tlescril~edby ll~~dol

I Comparlronr wlthOthe~Gen0clder

Gud, or transcelldental nonl~umanbeings generally who are supposed


Rumrr~el,whose work was mentioned in the first chapter and will bet to be t l ~ erepositories of morality, and their opposite-devil figures, or
basis of mucl~of what is said here as well. We all know that l~un~an evil gods, or a monotheistic God who hides his face-stem from that

evince a tendency to deny the existence of life-tl~reateningevents. immanent inner conflict. We have these opposites within us, genetically
school textbooks, wars are described in terms ofpolitical or other m fixed by a long history of human development; we can be either "good"
vations and in terms of military strategies and tactics. Napoleon, and 'Sust" and "humane," or the opposite. We transfer these qualities
instance, won the battle ofAusterlitz-but was he there alone? Was outside ourselves and create images of transcendental beings who will
not helped a little bit by a few tens of thousands of soldiers whom personalize these qualities for us. We make these gods, or a God, whom
(and others) led into battle? How many soldiers were killed on both we invented for the purpose, to come back to us and impose a "good"
sides? We do not usually find these figures in history textbooks. Th morality upon us, in order to have an authority that will prevent us from
meaning ofsuch statistics is discussed even less. We rarely find accou becoming what we know we can become and fear to become--namely,
of medical practices, including the cutting-off of limbs and the like, "bad," "devilish" creatures. When we stray from the straight and nar-
descriptions of what happened to those mutilated. According to t row, some of us will call our straying a sin. When we want to sin, we
English ballad of the late sixteenth century about the great l a r d Wit. have our G(g)od(s) instruct us to do so. The result, for the twentieth
loughby's exploits in Flanders, 'To soldiers that were mainled, and century, is Rummel's statistics.
wounded in the fray, the Queen allowed a pension of eighteen pence a Genocide and mass murder are described in all swalled sacred
day." Well, that's something. The rest-medical treatment, wives and books, whether the Indian Vedas, or the Bible, or the Quran. As a Jew, I
children, and soon, isnot mentioned. Other soldiers in other wars were must live with the fact that the civilization that I inherited also encom-
not lucky enough to have thegreat Lord Willoughl~yput in a word with passes the call for genocide in its canon. In the previous chapter 1
Queen Bess-were such songs written about Napoleon, or von Moltke, mentioned the story about the murder of the Midianites (Numbers 31).
or the Duke of Marlborough? And what about the civilians near the If that story is not a "divine" justification for genocide, 1 don't know
roads that the armies traveled on? What about the dead, the wounded, what is. Later generations of sages had the unenviable task of explaining
the raped, and the dispossessed? We teach ourcl~ildrenabout the great. it away-but let it be said that they felt uncomfortable about the murder
ness of the various Napoleons, Palmerstons, and Bismarcks as political and did notwant it to become a precedent for the Jews' behavior, so they
or military leaders and thus sanitize history. did their pathetic best to eradicate it by "interpretation." This strategy
We all know that human history is colored wit11 blood. We try to of changing
- - texts by (re)interpreting them is, on the whole, one must

minimize, ignore, not teach a b u t , this dark side of l~istory,because it is admit, the mark of a reasonably advanced civilization.
a constant threat to our feelingofsecurity, and we want to avoid danger Theological justifications for mass murder and genocide exist out-
by looking the other way. Eric11 Fromm used the concept of Thanatos, side the monotheistic religions, of course; it would be worthwhile, how-
the destructive instinct, to explain our behavior? It appears that hu- ever, to examine the question of whether monotheism is not more mur-
mans veer between the urge for life, the "libido" described by Freud (in derous than other forms of religion. After all, millions of Christians and
much too sexual terms), and the lifedestroying urge. 1 would argue non-Christians have been killed by other Christians in the name of a
that the idea of "good" gods, or a just, omnipresent, and all-powerful loving God. The point is that the monotheistic God of the Middle East
46 COmpYlsons wlthother Genocides Compnrlsonswlth Other Genoclda 47

civilization competed wit11 'li~rliisl~
whicl~it had precede ofwhom managed to escape to Vietnamese territory. What concerns us
on what later became Turkish territory by many centories. jI here is that the motivation for the murder of Khmer by Khmer was the
Persecuted by the Turks, the Arnmenians naturally tended to see1 i achievement of a class-based utopia, according to which the putative
support from the Russians, the bitter enemies of the Otto~nar~ E~npirc
Autonomist and, by implication, independence-seeking Armenian poli~ b
/ real interests of potentially oppositional city dwellers were to be elimi-
nated by annihilating the city dwellers themselves. Agricultural com-
ical parties increased Turkish suspicions and were, in Turkisl~eye$ b .
a threat at the very heart of Turlcish ethnic territory. The Westerr
I munlsm of an extreme sort'co~ldbe assured only by removing all
possible centers of dissen t-a clear political motivation, which showed a
Powers used Armenian aspirations to press the Ottoman a~rtl~orities tr 1 kind ofdistorted rationality despite the irrationally extreme sadism and
give up important elements of Ottoman sovereignty; they seer~~ingl;II' brutality wit11 which it was executed."
supported Armenian aspirations, hut dropped them when it was nl It would be superfluous to analyze the motivation for the annihilation
longer in their interest to do so. The Ar~neuianswere abar~donellan1 j of the Caribs at the hands of the Spaniards, or the genocide of MeGcan
before, during, and after World War I were killed in 11uge numbers i and Peruvian Indian peoples that followed-clearly, the quest for gold,
Their genocide served the pragmatic purposes of political expansion ; commerce, and natural riches was the central motive, and the conver-
acquisition of land, confiscation of riches, elimination of econo~niccoln
petition, and the satisfaction of chauvinistic impulses of the revolutiom I sion to Christianity an ideological "superstructure."
Even in the case of the Roma (Gypsies) the pragmatic aspect stands
ary coreof the dominant etl~nicgroup, impulses exacerbate11by feeling! out. In the territory of the German Reich, a racist ideology demanding
of utter frustration and humiliation in a crisis-ridden and disintegrat their complete removal, in large part by their annihilation, predomi- I
ing empire.' nated, but outside the Reich, matters were different. Nazi policy toward
In thecaseoftheTutsisin Rwanda, thedominant cliqueof 1111t11s,led the Roma was hazy. Recent research has shown that from early 1949on,
by a French-educated intelligentsia, was after the land that the Tutsis the Wehrmacht, probably following a consensus emanating from the
occupied-in an agric~rlturalecorlolrly where land is scarce-and aftel : Party, distinguished between sedentary and wandering Roma. The lat-
the base of power of the l'utsi llwandan class cum ethnic group, a ter were to be murdered, because they were in the way and could not be
minority that had comprised the traditional ruling class for centuries integrated in a future Germandominated political order. The Nazis did
and had a record of oppressing the I1ut11majority. This, again, was a 1 not usually bother about t l ~ former,
e althougll there were some e x c e p
pragmatically motivated genocide.lo
T h e definition of the Can~bodia~~disaster as genocide preseltts prolr-
I tions. The settled Roma (the definition of who was "settled" was vague)
were largely treated like other local inhabitants." I will deal with this
lems, because the aim of the Khmer perpetrators was obviously not the I issue below.
disappearance of the l(hmer people. Yet it certainly has elements of a I One major difference between the Holocaust and other forms ofgeno-
genocide. According to Ben Kiernan's findings, there were three groups cide is, then, that pragmatic considerations were central with all other
ofvictims: ethnic Khrner who were city dwellers or who in sorrle other genocides, abstract ideological motivations less so. With the Holocaust.
way were deemed potential or real enemies; Chams, Muslims who were pragmatic considerations were marginal. Yes, a tremendous effort was
massacred in large numbers; and Vietnamese living in Cambodia, rnany exerted to rob the Jews of their property or to take it after they were
48 Comparisons wlth Other Ganocldea ComparlsonrrrtUlOther Genocides 49
murdered. Uut no serio~rshistorian has ever claimed that rol~l~ery wat Wandering and settled groupsofRoma were murdered in Germany, but
the basic reason for the murder. Robbery was the outcome of the Ilole outside Germany, settled Roma were of no special concern; the Nazis
caust, not itscause.The Jews had no territory to he coveted. Contrary tc did not attempt to register Roma outside the Reich. In the case of the
legend, German Jews did not control the German economy, although Jews, persecution started in Germany but spread all over what the
they were prominent in some of its branches-and they did not act ar Germans called the German sphere of influence in Europe and then
a p u p but as competing individuals. Further, they had no military became a policy of total mu,rder.'+Because the Germans fully intended
power, and in Germany itself their political powerwas marginal at best to cor~trolnot just Europe.but.the world, whether directly or through
Politically, the only proniinent Jew in the Weimar Republic after 19sa allies, this meant that Jews would ultimately be hunted down all over
was Walther Rathenau, the minister of foreign affairs, and he was mur- the world. Hitler's well-known expression, that in fighting the Jew he
dered in 1999 by right-wing extremists. No, the basic motivation was was doing the work of the Lord, had a clear universalist implication.
purely ideological, rooted in an illusionary world of Nazi imagination, Indeed, it was antisemitism that was exported 'om Nazi Germany,
where an international Jewish conspiracy to control the world was o p everywhere. This global character of the intended murder of all Jews is
posed to a parallel Aryan quest. No genocide to date had been based unprecedented in human history.
so completely on myths, on hallucinations, on abstract, nonpragmatic, A third element sets the Holocaust apart fmm other genocides: ita in-
ideology-which then was executed by very rational, pragmatic means. tended totality.The Nazis were looking for Jews, for all Jews. According
Just as Christian antisemitism was based on theological speculations to Nazi policy, all persons with three or four Jewish grandparents were
that fulfilled important practical functions, so Nazi antisemitism, which sentenced to death for the crimeof having been born. Such apolicy has
originated in the same Christian clel~rsionsbut whicl~ahancloned the never been applied in human history before and would have undoubt-
moral principles of Christianity along with its religious beliefs, trans- edly been applied universally if Germany had won the war. If we com-
lated its murderous abstractions into grad~~ally developing policies of pare this to other genocides-for instance, the case of the Caribs, who
segregation, starvation, humiliation, and, finally, planned total murder. were indeed totally exterminated by Spanish policies-we find that
The murder of the Jews took place because a murderous ideology moti- there were never plans to achieve that aim, nor was it express statepol-
vated it, but first the ideology overcame contrary ideas and notions in icy to do so, although that was the practical outcome. In Ottoman Tur-
German society in the concrete historical context of converging crises." key, some Armenian women and small children were spared to be sexu-
A second reason why the Holocaust is unprecedented is its global, ally used or to be educated as Turks. Further, as I pointed out above,
indeed, universal character. All other genocides were limited geograpl- Armenians were intended to be eradicated in mainly ethnic Turkish
i d l y ; in most cases, the targeted group lived in a reasonably well areas, not necessarily elsewhere. North American Indian tribes were
defined geographic locale (Indian peoples in the Americas, Khmer and victims of genocide for reasons of greed and exploitation, and murder
Cham in Cambodia [Kampuchea], Tutsi mainly in Rwanda, Uganda, was the outcome of national policies, but again, there was no govern-
Burundi, and Zaire; and so on). The Turks targeted Armenians in eth- mental plan for total extermination. In genocidal attacks on peoples
nically Turkish areas; they did not care aboot Armenians elsewhere; before the twentieth century, the technology, on the one hand, and the
even the Armenians in Jerusalem, which was considered to be ethnically complicated hureaucratic structures guided by universalistic utopian
Arab and which was controlled by the Ottomans, were not targeted. ideologies, on the other hand, had not yet developed. One could argue
that had the murder of the Caribs and the North American Indians I
! who has researched t l ~ Spaniards
e in the New World, European settlers
taken place at a time when state-directed a~~tiil~ilation
was possible, that
;. in North America, Cambodian communists or Hutu perpetrators, to
policy would have been followed. This may well be so, which sl~owsnot .! name but a few, will readily acknowledge.
only that the Holocaust was unprecedented but that human civilization Is modern efliciency a special hallmark of the Holocaust? That may
is prone to make Holocausts possible when conditions are ripe-which r?
;1 seem to be the case, but in some other genocides, too, the contemporary
is another central point in our argument. In other words, the Holocaust
i state of technology was fully utilized. Probably the best example is
can be repeated, not to be sure in exactly the same way, not by Germanq 1 the Armenian case: the ~ u r k i s hperpetrators used the telegraph to
not toward Jews, but by anyone toward anyone. It was the Jews the last ; inform their people of the steps to be taken against the targeted vic-
time round; wedo not know who the Jews may be if there is a next time. tims, they used railways to transport troops, and they established an
If this analysis is correct, then the Holocaust is an extreme form of armed force directed from the center to serve as the chief agency for
genocide. It is important to restate what is meant here by "extreme." perpetrating the murder." One might make a similar argument re-
T h e suffering of the victims of this genocide was in no sense greater garding the destruction of the North American Indians at the hands of
than the suffering of victims of other genocides-there is no gradation white Americans.
of suffering. Thus, the fate of Roma victims at Auschwitz was exactly On the other hand, although the Nazis did not invent the concentra-
parallel to that of the Jewish victim^.'^ What is meant by "extreme" tion camp, they developed it in new ways. Especially novel was the
is expressed by the three elements described above: the ideological, intricate procedure by which they deprived inmates of their "normal"
global, and total character of the genocide of the Jews. The extremeness human attributes by systematic humiliation, which reached its peak in
of the Holocaust is what makes it unprecedented. their use of what may be called excretionary control-total humiliation
Various commentators have labeled as unprecedented a number of by controlling human excretions. Perhaps the most frightening aspect
other aspects of the Holocaust. One is the supposed fumr icuhninrs. of this development is that, to date, no Nazi document has been found
some quasi-genetic, peculiarly German expression of extreme violence that points to a discussion of how to humiliate victims. The conclusion
or sadi~m.'~ This explanation is less than convincing, quite apart from is inevitable: humiliation was not the result of planning but of a consen-
smacking of reverse racism. Collaborators with the Nazis from among sus that did not require orders or bureaucratic arrangements. In other
other European nations were certainly no less brutal than the Germans words, probably the most extreme form of humiliation known to us was
were. The Croatian concentration camp of Jasenovac was, if anything, thenatural result ofthe Nazi system.
more horrible than its Nazi counterparts. Romanian troops and police Also novel in its extremity, though not in its essence, was the Nazi
showed their mettle at such death traps in Transnistria as Rogdanovca use ofcamp inmates against other camp inmates. The same basic policy
and during the death marches of Bessarabian Jews into the Trans- was followed in the East European ghettos.
nistrian territory: some 260,000 Romanian and 100,000 Ukrainian Jews I believe one should as far as possible avoid the term dehumnnixu-
were murdered by Romanian perpetrators" Most Lithuanian Jews tion to describe what happened to the inmates of camps and ghettos,
were murdered by Lithuanian collaborators, although -
with German because, ifanything, the term fits the Nazis: they "dehumanized" them-
I encouragement and in large part under German supervision. And in all selves. What they did to their hapless victims was to transfer their own

i other genocides known to us, the perpetrators acted similarly, as anyone abandonment of all previous norms accepted as "civilized" onto naNy
52 wlth Other Genocides

civilized beings, Jews and others.'l'he common nseofthe tern1 dchumo

I ComparI%on%
Wth Other Genoddes

Nazis tried to rule notjust G e r ~ n a nbut


~ Enrope, and ultimately the


&a,tionwouldleave tlleperpetrator as tile ,*llulnanU and tile victim as] world, ill the name of a new principle, the principle of "race." True, they
t , was the intended outcome, but in fact
than human. ~ h ~indeecj, started from nationalism and acted in the name of the German people.
Nazi treatment of those interned in camps and ghettos sllowed nut, rnoved hy ttleir interpretation of the racial doctrine, they distanced
opposite, because it was the Nazis who lost the cl~aracteristicsof themselves progressively from a purely German ideology. The fascinat-
lized human beings When that minority ofinmates who survived ing document of July 1940 sllows that the murder campaign was in-
liberated, they returned to their civilized ways life; it is higllly d tended todecimate the German people as well-the monster was about
ful whether their torturers did, unless they repented, wllicl~appa todevour its children."Tlle world was to be ruled by thestronger,
very few of them did. In other words, the Nazis remained dellurn better races, with the Germanic peoples of the Aryan race at the top of
even after the nightmare ended; those of their victims who survi new hierarcl?y.
not. Toreach such a utopian sitnation, they had tooppose, I would argue,
Arguably, therefore, one may add a fourth element of unprece the major achievements of the European culture that preceded them,
ness to the threementioned above: because the Jews wereat the especially the legacy of the French Revolution and the Emancipation.
of the hell that was the Nazi concentration camp, they were the If one is to believe llermann Rauscllning's record of his talks with
of amunprecedented crime of total h~nniliationand fared wo Hiller--and Illat may he problematic*because hewrote them down from
others who were victims of the same crirne. memory and published them years after they took place-then Hitler
Yet a finh element might be added. It refers to the regime fro appears to llave been aware Of Ille tremendous import Of his rei7e11ion
winsth u m a n i t ~ P oI would go further than that and Claim that the
the Holocaust sprang, and may provide some of its contex
revolutions before ~ ~ ~socialism i ~ that ~ aimed
a l at organizirl National Socialist rebellion against humanism, liberalism, democracy, I
ity were made in the name of class, nation, or religion, T socialism, conservatism, pacifism, and so on, was the most radical at- I
attempts to reshume society and make one real or imagine tempt at changing the world that history has recorded to date: themost
ethnic or national group, or religious belief dominant while novel and the most revolutionary.The Nazi regime was unprecedented,
or subordinating others, ~h~ list of revolutionaries includ to use the term I have suggested as a description of the Holocaust. It is
nists, for instance, who, originally at least, tried to define lheUnprecedented quality Of the Nazi regime that goes far in
structure of society. Today, the fundamentalist regimes of explaining the unprecedented nature of the Holocaust In attacking
and Sudan try to make their version of Islam the definin everythi% that llad been defined as humane and Inoral before it, that
society. Nazism saw the Jews as its main enemy was logical in a way. Why
Attempts like these have been made before the twen alloU1d this be sop

Catholicism, in the past, claimed preeminence and absol TI1e Jews are a peculiar group Of people They most certainly
~~~~i~~nussia absolute power for monarch cannot be defined in racial-genetic terms, despite the better represents-
racy and the orthodox churcll, ~l~~ lncas over tion ofcertain illnesses among Jews than among others and despite the
w l ~ i c only
l ~ a certain class of people l ~ a da say in rnnrli mc"?nt clairrl that certain genetic qualities set the priestly or quasi-
same applied, even more forcefully, in the caste syste priestly part Of the .Iewish population apart from Others (many people
54 Comparlronswith othar Genocidal ~ompnr4rons
with Other Qenocldes 55

wllose name, Cohen, means "priest" share certain genetic cllaracter p r a r y Greeks and Romans speak different languages, derived though
tics). Clearly, Ethiopian, Indian, Moroccan, and Russian Jews sllow they are from the ancient ones; they no longer worship the same gods;
result of intermingling wit11 other groups. In tlle first century of they no longer write continuations of the same literature, nor do they
Common Era (the century that saw the destruction of the Jerusa follow similar customs. But the Jews are still here, and their culture is,
Temple) the Jewish pop~~lation multiplied by at least loo percent, if if not the oldest, one of the oldest continuing civilizations we know.
more, and that was the result not of natural increase but of the addi Anyone reading modern Hebrew can read texts that were written three
to the Jewish people of large numbers of gentiles by a process w thousand years ago without a dictionary. Let a modern reader of En-
details are still not quite clarified. In Jewish sources of t l ~ period
e glish try that wit11 Chaucer, or a modern reader of Indian languages
are called "the God-fearing ones" and appear to have joined Je
communities without full membership; Ilowever, their children e that there was an internal logic to the Nazi attack on
converted at birth, so the next generation was fully Jewish. the Jews, who were the symbolic surviving remnant of thevalues and
If the Jews are not a "race," they certainly inherited s culture Nazis wanted to destroy. This may be a contributing
civilization in which their unique religion played a dominant part. nition of the Holocaust.
civilization created a vast oral hadition, which became a writte
dition and decisively influenced modern civilization. Christiani in his monumental, brilliant, and, in my new, un-
lslamsreoffshoots ofthis tradition. If,say, in theeighteenth cent is of the Nazi bureaucracy may not have intended to
ordinary European possessed a book at all, it would have l,e he picture of a stereotypically efficient "teutonic" bu-
Christian Bible, which was composed of two parts, the Old and tl t is what many observers have seen. In actual fact,
Testaments. Both were largely written by Jews. The impact was riddled with inefficiency, and much leeway was
Jewish tradition can he seen in all of 'Western" or "Nortllern" 1 initiatives, which sometimes clashed with planned
from Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Dante to Polish and Russian lit ng descriptions, one might perhaps dare to suggest
from the impact of the moral teachings of the prophets to legal rienced pre-Nazi bureaucrats filled responsible p s i -
and the Rights of Man. T h e Jews tl~en~selves do not follow t l ~
precepts any more than anyone else does, and they are neit
nor worse than any other group. Rut they are different inso
are the bearers of this special tradition, althol~gl~ most of colnpetition between quasi-feudal Nazi lords re-
perately want not to be different at all. Others empllasize other bureaucratic structure, and there were the
ence to the extent ofcreating an impassable barrier between
and others sis and war, according to a leadership principle that encouraged self-
Western or Northern civilization (ifone can call it a civili
Auschwitz) is built on two pillars: Athens and Rome, an
But Athens and Rome, which are the source of modern aes ot, as some have argued, in evidence in Nazi
of modern literature, modern law, and much else, are no
56 Comprrlsonswlth Other Gbnocldbl

(Auscl~witz-Uirltenau,Cl~elmno,Subibor,Treblir~ka,Uelzec, Maly 'I'ros- structior~of all educational institutions, and by the prevention of any
tinetz)PLwere designed to kill Jews (several thousand Ro~na,and some kind of Polisli political structures. All this was accompanied by en-
hundreds Poles and Soviet pows were also gassed in tlien~),P'the mur- slavement, kidnapping of children, forceful Germanization, and mass
der of these multitudes, people who could have been used, at the very murder.
least, t o p d u c e armaments, build airfields or roads, work in fields and The parallels between tlie genocide of the Jews and the genocide of
factories, was opposed to modern economic principles. the Poles are obvious What a? the differences? For the Poles, there
Another aspect of unprecedentedness is perhaps more elusive. The were no plans for total annihilation. A first draft of the so-called Gener-
way a modern society that had given the world some of the most im- alphn Ost, which was submitted to Himmler at the end of 1941 by Dr.
portant achievements of a humanistic culture became, in a lrorrify- Konrad Meyer-IIetling, foresaw the expulsion of 31 million people in
ingly short time, a recruiting ground for brutal murderers is a fact with the Polish and Soviet areas and the Germanization of the rest, presum-
which we have to grapple con~tantly.~'What is so stunning is the ahly by methods that would include the liquidation of the intelligentsia
participation of a vast majority of the Germans in genocidal projects, and any potential leaders, a policy that had in any case been pursued vis-
first and foremost against Jews, but also against others. What is fright- 8-vis the Poles from September 1959. The plan did not go into any
ening is the thought that if it conld happen in Germany, it can happen details; these were later considered by Dr. Erhard Wetzel, an important
elsewhere. The stereotypical genetic accusation against Gern~ar~s as S.S. official and racial expert. The Baltic peoples were to be eliminated
such, so dear to many Jews and non-Jews, is a way ofsaying that it conld as separate groups, the Germanizable elements were to be absorbed,
happen only in Germany, with Germans, and because "we" are not and those who were not Germanizable (cindnrtschungsfdhhig)were to be
Germans, we need not be troubled too mucl~.'~It is an obvious case of invited to become the ruling class of the Slavic expellees in the East
anxiety repression. Wetzel found it "obvious that the Polish question cannot be solved in
The discussion about the unprecedented features of the lloloca~rst sucl~a way that one would liquidate the Poles in the same manner as the
leads us into the question of tlie relation and comparison of the Holo- Jews. Such a solution .. . would be a standing accusation against the
caust, as an exheme case of genocide, to other genocides. In order to do German people into the far distant future."" He proposed to Germanize
so, let us return for the moment to tlie vexed question of existing some and deport the rest to western Siberia, where their antagonism to
definitions. I would argue that genocide is the proper name for the the Russians would ensure that no united anti-german front would ever
brutal process of group elimination accompanied by mass murder re- be formed. The anti-German elements would be annihilated Ukrai-
sulting in the partial annihilation of the victim population as described nians who could not be Germanized would also be used against the
by Lemkin and the U.N. Convention. Total annihilation can he labeled Russians, and the Belorussians would form a helot population reserve,
Holocaust for want of a more acceptable word. Defined in this way, the to be used for lat~or.
term gmocidc would be applicable, for instance, to what the Nazis at- Wetzel likewise opposed the total mass murder of the Russians,
tempted t o do to the Polish people. There was no intent to annihilate which had been proposed by Dr. Wolfgang Abel of the Kaiser Wilhelm
everg Pole; there was an intent to eliminate the Polish people qua pec- Institute, the same illustrious institution of academic learning that had
ple, qua community, by the destruction ofautonomous Polish economic supported that other famous medical doctor with a Ph.D., JosefMengele
structures, by the decimation of their religious leadership, by the de- ofAusc1iwitz notoriety. Wetzel thought that Russians would be needed
58 Compvtwns wlth Othar aanocldes Compmrlaonswlth Otheraenocldm 59
for labor but had to be kept on a very short leash. IIim~~ller'sreactio~~ to vene in their favor, contrary to the Armenian case. In the Armenian case,
these proposals was positive. The Nazis might well have tried to traus- agin, tile number of victims compared to the total number of the tar-
late these plans into practice had the defeat at Stalingrad not put an geted population (probably at least one-half) is most likely higher than
end to them. No less important was the plau-which did not work in in the Jewish case (one-third of theJews of the world were killed-which
practice-to starve about 30 million of the conquered Soviet population may be colnparable to the Tutsi case as well).
to death in order to make food available for Germanys7 So: slavery, One striking feature of the Armenian genocide is its denial by the
deportation, destruction of nationalities as identifiable groups, mass heirs of the perpetrators Nazi Germany was defeated, and its heirs,
murder by hunger and by active killing-in other words, genocide. But by contrast, acknowledged the murder of the Jews, the Holocaust, as
not Holocaust well as the murder of other victims The United States has accepted
The term genocide applies to the Armenian case even more aptly. that nineteenth-century Americans were responsible for the murder of
There, too, theelimination ofArmenian identity was aspired to, and all North American Indians, and Spain has recognized what Spaniards did
Armenians in what was considered to be Turkish ethnic territory were in the Americas. This is true of some other genocides as well, though
extinguished by mass murder, although the death ofevery single Armb not all. Modern Turkey, however, adamantly refuses to acknowledge
nian everywhere was not postulated as an aim. Persecution was ethnic, the mass destruction of the Armenian people, although the Turkish
not racial, as in the Jewish case. The fateof the Ottoman Armenians was republican regime established by Mustafa Kemal Pasha Atatllrk at one
decisively fleeted by adevelopment already alluded to: the Great Pow- point not only, in his own words, acknowledged the facts but explicitly
ers intervened in favor of the Armenian desire to develop cult~rraland condemned the government of 'Young Turks" that had been responsi-
political autonomy within the framework of the Ottoman E~npirein ble.p9 Republican Turkey reversed the defeat of the Turkish armies at
order to influence and weaken the empire, but were not prepared to fol- Allied hands, forced an exchange of popl~lationswith Greece, thereby
low through. The Armenians, encouraged by the stand of the Powers, establishing a homogeneous nation (with the exception of the Kurds in
demanded autonomy, incensine:Turkisl~
- nationalists, but were left in the eastern Turkey), and became determined to suppress thememory of the
lurch by those who had seemingly supported them. Nobody cared about genocide. It could do that because it became, thanks to the efforts of the
the Armenians and their tragedy was forgotten, as [Iitler is supposed to Kemalist government, in a very real sense a victorious power. Vic-
have said in regard to them when discussing the fate of the Poles before torious powers need not search for skeletons in their cupboards What
his armies attacked Poland." The Jews were equally abandoned by the this denial does to Turkish national identity is another matter. One
Western Powers, who kept expressing their sympathy for their fate, but could argue that Turkey will never achieve a balanced identity unless it
Jews, contrary to the Armenians vis-a-vis the Turks, never actually acknowledges that the predecessors of the present regime presided over
demanded anything from the Germans. The parallels and differences are : the murder of another people.
again apparent, the differences being that the Armcnians were a recog- A similar conclusion might be drawn from the murder of Roma. TWO
nized ethnic group within the Ottoman Empire, whereas the Jews were American (Jewish) historians, Sybil Milton and Henry Friedlander,
sometimes considered an ethnic group, sometimes a purely religious ' have argued, in a series of publications, that what they call the H o b
group and sometimes a combination of both; nor was there an inter- callst is what the Nazis did to Jews, "Gypsies," and the German handi-
national legal precedent that would have obligated the Powers to inter- capped (ahout 70,000 ofwhom were murdered in the first stage of what
GO Comparlsons wlth Other Genocldas

was e~~pl~ernisticallyknown as the "eutl~anasia"IIrogranl, 111lti1 A I I ~ I I S Ritter, ancl a medical practitioner-nurse, Eva Justin (who received her
1941, and many thousands more half-secretly afterwar~l).~" The argil M.D. later). They managed to divide 18,922 of the 28,607 "Gypsies" in
ment is that the Nazis' policies regarding the Roma and the 11andi Germany according to "race": 1,079 were classified as "pure" Gypsies,
capped weremotivated by the same kind of racist ideology as was tlieil 6,999 as "n~oreGypsy than German," e.976 as "half-breedq" e.we as
policy on the Jews. "more German than Gypsy," e.931 as uncertain, and e,65n as "Germans
Nazi policies toward the Roma and the handicapped were, it is true who behaved as Gypsies:'sl
formulated in racist terms and based on a biological-racist ideologj In 1938, Himmler declared that the "solution" of the Gypsy prob-
Quotations by these and other authors from orders by I-limmler anc lem sl~ouldbe in accordance with racial principles. In the wake of the
opinions and policy directives by other Nazis are adequate proofof that arrest of many German Roma (of the Sinti clans in the main)-many
The fact, however, is that aNNazi policies toward other peoples werr were pat in special camps, and quite a number were sent to concentra-
governed by their racist approach. Thus, Tor instance, S.S. officers werc tion camps-a problem arose for Himmler: after all, Sinti Gypsies were
not allowed to marry Italian women without receiving special permis not Jews, and in principle Nazi ideology was supposed to respect the
sionq because Italians were not considered to be equal to the master unique qualities of every race (except Jews and, presumably, blacks),
race,even while Italy was an ally of Germany. Ofcourse, it was impossi- especially when Gypsies were, aRer all, at least part Aryan, and some of
ble to maintain these racist principles in the real world. Slavs wen them, the "pure" Gypsies, had to he treated even better than the part
considered to be inferior Aryans, but Slovaks, Croats, and U~tlgarians- Aryans. Himmler therefore decided to separate German Gypsies in
all Slavs-were allies, so there was no general antiSlav policy. Instead, accordance with Ritter's findings. The pure Gypsies, and those who
I some Slavs were treated as sublrun~anAryans; others were not. Latins were more Gypsy than German would be protected from destruction
were considered to be better than Slav8 but the poor performance al under an arrangement reminiscent of the Jewish Councils: nine S i t i
Italian soldiers on the battlefields apparently caused some do1111tsabout chiefs would run these groups. He even considered giving them permis-
that in the minds of good Nazis. Nazi attitudes toward Rollla were sion to maintain their life of wandering. Hitler's powerful secretary,
complicated by their place of origin, nortl~westernIndia, w11icl1made Martin Bormann, demurred (December 3, 1942). The American histo-
them Aryans The solution was to label them low-type Aryans who had rians mentioned above quote this objection to show that nothing came
mingled with the lowest of the European Aryans (including the lowest of Aimmler's idea to segregate pureGypsies in order to keep themalive.
of theGerman population itself). They had become, in Nazi eyes, hered- However, there now are new findings: Himmler met with Hitler on
itary asocial criminals. This stereotyping can be docun~cntedfrom a December 6, 194.9, and as a result, on February el, 1943, Himmler
large number of Nazi sources. The Nazis set up a special organization, informed the minister ofjustice, Otto Thierack, that "the Gypsy ques-
the Rassenhygienische und Bevolkerungsl~iologiscl~e Forscl~ungsstelle tion" s11011ldbe discussed further in accordance with information re-
des Reichsgesundlleitsamtes (Researcl~Institute for Racial Hygiene ceived from the party secretariat (Bormann). "Recent research" had
and Population Biology at the Reich Health Office), implying that the made it clear "that there are positive racial elements also among the
"Gypsy" problem (like the Jewish one) was basically a problen~of social Gypsie~."~~ Bormann was assured that there was no plan to let the
(preventive) medicine. The institute was run hy a yonng doctor, Robert Gypsies wander a11o11tin Reicii territory; they were to be permitted to
travel in a circumscribed area o~~tsi(le the Reich's boundaries, in groups have stated repeatedly that the Nazis saw in the Roma a marginalprob
controlled, presumably, hy German police. It seems clear that Ilimn~ler lem, and was attacked for having said that I thought they were a mar-
had decided, in principle at least, to let these Roma live. ginal problem; this, of course, is nonsense. It is simply a fact that the
It also appears that, as a result of these discussions with IIitler, the Jews were,& the Nazis, the central enemy, a metahistorical satan who
rest of the German Roma were to be murdered after being used as a had to be destroyed. Roma,>r &Nazis, were a minor imtant, and, as
working force: on December 16,1949,Himmler ordered all the Roma in wit11 other social problems tl!e tendency for the Nazi regime was to
the Reich not included in the pure category (and some others) to be solve it by murder.
sent to concentration camps. Those who were not to be sent there Roma living in the Reicl~were but a very small minority of the
would be sterilized (discussions held early in January 1943 between European Roma. Michael Zimmermann has examined a great amount
various branches of the S.S.). Thus, with the possible exception of the of material on the Roma living in other European countries. Although
pure Roma, who would in any case not be permitted to stay in Germany, new findings may change the conclusions he reached, his wnclusions
all the other Roma in the Reich would be "removed," whether by mur- are well worth repeating. In Serbia, which was the first country where
der or by sterilization. all Jews were murdered, massacres of Roma and Jewish men occurred.
Here I must point to two major differences between the treatment ol The first massacre was a reprisal for the killing of German soldiers by
Jews and the treatment of Roma. In the Jewish case, the main mur. partisans. Then all Jewish men and, later, women and children as well
demus attack was on Jews who had three or four Jewish grandparents were murdered, and also some Roma, using the same location for both
"HalfJews" (Mirchlingc) had a chance of s~trvivalbecause the Nazi! Jews and Roma. On December 8, 1941,a camp was established at Sem-
were unsure how to deal with them." By contrast, the main assault or lin, next to the Roma settlement near Belgrade, and between 6.980
the Roma was on the "half-breeds," because the danger, from a Naz and 7,600 Jews, including women and children, were incarcerated there,
point of view, was one of penetration of Gypsy blood into the Aryan along with 99% Roma women and children. The Jews were murdered;
race. In principle, such mixing was possible because Roma were no1 the Roma fanlilies were released."There were 1 15,000 Roma in Serbia
Jews; but because mixing was undesirable, it had to be prevented in 1943.By the end of the war, about 1,000,mainly men, had been killed
Hence, pure Roma in the Reicl~had a chance of survival; pure Jew! by the Germans Although many of the others suffered and died in
did not. the course of the war, including some as victims of anti-partisan Ger-
A second point is much more important: the whole Gypsy prohlem man atrocities and some as partisans and soldiers, the vast majority
was of marginal importance to the Nazi regime. Ritler himself ap survived.
pears to have mentioned the Gypsies twice only, both times during The real test of Roma-related policies comes in the occupied Soviet
rambling afterdinner conversations. Once, on May 2, 1940, Hitler ob ',territories. Orders given to the Eisatzgruppen in August 1941appar-
jeded to the presence of Gypsies in the Wehrmacht and said that he ently extended the murder from Jews and Communists to Roma But
would talk to Wilhelm Keitel about that, but the order to remove Gyp three Einsatzgrnppen, A, B, and C, did not look for Roma, so relatively
siesfrom thearmy was not issued until February 1941.And on October :>fewRoma were victimized. By contrast, Otto Ohlendorf's gmup D
9, 1941, Hitler complained about the suffering of German peasants st : murdered "all" Gypsies "because they were not settled," which would
the hands of Gypsies and opined that Hungarians were like G y p s i e ~ . ~ I indicate that he targeted wandering Roma, not settled ones, although
there is no clear corroborating evidence.= In the Cri~nea,settled Ron~a 100,000 Roma in Poland, the figure of 28.000 prewar Roma is problem-
were murdered as well as wanderers (hy Ol~lendorf'smen, mainly): 844 atic; it would appear that more research is needed.
Roma, plus 17,646 Jews in late 1941, and an additional 1,683 Roma, Probably the only area where no distinction between settled and
some of whom were probably settled, and about 10,000 Jews in early wandering Roma was made was Croatia, where between 26,000 and
1949, for a total of 31,000.~' b0,OOO Roma were murdered. There, however, the initiative most cer-
Yet, slowly, a different policy evolved. On November 21. 1941, the tainly was not German but local. The Croat fascist regime under Ante
general commanding the rear areas on the Northern Front decreed that Pavelic murdered hundreds of thdusands of Serbs, tens of thousands of
"settled Gypsies, wbo have been living in the same place for two years, Roma, and some 35,000 Jews, with the Germans looking on benignly-
and are under no political or criminal suspicion, sl~ouldbe left a10ne."'~ there was no need for them to intervene or guide. Only with the Jews
There were exceptions, such as the commander of the 339th Infantry did the Germans "help": the remnants of Croat Jews were deported to
Division, who wanted to kill all Gypsies. But from early 1944 on, the death camps in P ~ l a n d ?In~ Romania, the local fascist regime deported
general policy, as Zimmermann shows for the Baltic region, was to aome 20,000-26,000 Roma (out of 300,000), not soldiers or craftsmen,
differentiate between settled and wandering Roma, though in practice, to Transnistria, the Romanian-administered area between theDniester
in Latvia for instance, this distinction was not necessarily made until and the Bug in occupied Ukraine, along with 170,000 Jews. Of the
April 1942, when the commander of the Order Police (Ordnungspolizei, deported Roma, 8,000-9,000 are estimated to have died, although one,
or o ~ ~ o ) , ' ~Friedrich
arl Knecht, decided that 'bnly vagabond Gypsies" not very reliable Romanian source says a total of 36,000 Roma died in
should be exterminated. As a result, almost on+halFof Latvia's 3,800 Romania during the war." The losses in Slovakia and Hungary were
Roma died. Especially in Estonia, the new policy came too late to save small by comparison and took place in the final stages of the war, with
the small local Roma p~pulation."~ The Ostministerium (responsible for their attendant confusion and the increased brutality of the withdraw-
civilian administration in the Baltic areas and parts of Belarus) run by ing German armies.
Alfred Rosenberg provides a good example of this wavering policy. In In accordance with Himn~ler'sorders, 42,600 Roma were deported
194%it was decided not to differentiate between settled and wandering to Auschwitz, some 81 percent of whom came from the Reich and
Roma. Then on May 11, 1943, when an order suggested by the local the "Protectorate" (the Czech lands) and 6 percent from Poland. The
administration was sent to Berlin for review, Himmler made it clear that Auschwitz records show that more than 6,600 were gassed, and more
"settled Gypsies should be treated like the local population."* For oc- than 13,600 died of hunger, disease, and exhaustion. Of the German and
cupied Poland, Himmler, through the commander of the Order Police Austrian Roma, %,500were sterilized, which was an indescribable dis-
there, on August 1.9, 1942, ordered that there should in principle be no aster, in a sense worse than death, in terms of the Roma culture. In
police intervention against settled Gypsies?' That such decisions left a addition, 6,007 Austrian Roma who were deported to the Jewish ghetto
great deal ofroom for murderous initiatives is obvious. A Polis11histo- of Mdt died at Cl~elmno,and of the 9,330 deported to Poland from
rian, Jerzy Ficowski, quoted by Zimmermann, claims that out of e8,ooo Germany in the early stages, over 50 percent died, as did half of the
Roma in Poland, 8,000 were murdered?* If now, fifty years later, a o h u t 1,000 Roma from the Reich detained in various concentration
cording to incomplete information, there are considerably more than 'camps. In all, about 1 5 , mGerman and 8,250 Austrian Roma died (out
66 ComparlsonawIthOther aenoclder Comparlsonrwtth Other (ienocldes

of a total of s~,oW, cxcludi~~g for our pllrl)oses tl~oveclefi~~ed

by Ritter latwee~~ Inass ir~urder,genocide, and, say, the amok killing ofchildren in
as Germans behaving like Gypsies). W l ~ e l l ~tl~ose
e r who were not killed a Scottisl~village by a disturbed individual: all victims of murder would
were pure Gypsies or more Gypsy than German is not clear. be classified alike. We differentiate for a pragmatic reason: to facili-
Z i r m a n n provides no overall figure of Roma losses, but if we add tate the struggle against all these kinds of murder. Just as we cannot
up the figures for individual European countries contained in his rp I fight cholera, typhoid, and cancer with the same medicine, mass murder

search, we arrive at a grand total of about 150,000. Because we do not

$ for political reasons has to be.fought differently than genocides and
know how many Roma there were in 1939, we cannot estimate the 1 fiolocausts.
losses in percentages.f6 That leads 11s to a second reason why the differences should be ana-
I wish to repeat that there is no gradation of suffering and that the lyzed: by learning what has happened last time, we learn not only about
number of victims does not determine the cruelty of the onslaught the perpetrators but also about the so-called bystanders and about the
Clearly, theNazis wanted to eliminate tlie Roma as anidentifiablegroup : behavior of the victim populations and their leadership groups under
ofpeople, the bearers of a culture. They carried out this policy by mass this kind of ultimate threat. Acquiring knowledge makes clear the dia-
murder, humiliation, and the utmost brutality and sadism. Within the I lectic relationship between tlie particularism and the universalism ofthe
Reich, this meant total elimination, by murder, sterilization, or deporta- horror. The Holocaust happened to a particular people for particular
tion. Outside the Reich, after a period of hesitation and mixed signals, reasons at a particular time. All historical events are concrete in this
wandering Roma were murdered, whereas settled Roma were, hy and manner: they happen with particular people for particular reasons at
large, left alone. particular times. They are not repeated exactly but approximately and
What we have here is a genocide, not a Holocaust, that is, not an with the same characteristics ofparticularity And that is exactly what
intent, nor its implementation (as far as the perpetrator managed to makes them of universal significance. What happened before can h a p
complete it), to murder every single individual of the targeted popula- 1 pen again. We all are possible victim$ possible perpetrator4 possible
tion on a global scale. The Nazis did not intend to murder all the Roma : bystanders. With Rwanda, Cambodia, former Yugoslavia, and other
In fact, Himmler writes in his appointment diary, on April 90, 1949, placeq most of us are bystanders, who have so far learned very little
after a meeting with Hitler, "KcintVcrnichtungder Zignner" (No exter- h m the past. The flolocaust is a warning. It adds three command-
mination of the Gypsies).= The view expressed so often by various ; ments to the ten of the Jewish-Christian tradition: Thou shalt not be a
historians that the Germans planned to annihilate all Roma is wrong. ', pcrpctratnr; Thou shah not be apassivc victim and Thou most c d i n l y shalt
I have devoted some attention to the comparison of the llolocaust : ~ t b aebystnndet: We do not know whether we will succeed in spreading

with the genocide of the Roma because of what I believe to be an this knowledge. But if there is even a chance in a million that sense
erroneous interpretation that is gaining ground in the literature about .thould prevail, we have a moral obligation,in the spirit of Kantian moral
genocide. T l ~ eroot of the error might be expressed in the very legiti- philosophy, to try.
mate question What is the point in emphasizing differences when thc
parallelq especially the basic fact of the mass murder, are so obvious?
There are a couple of answers. One is that if we consider all brutalig
and murder to be the same, there is no point in making any difference

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