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2.2.4 (17-Jun-2014) (pdfsam-console 2.4.

-Fixed bug #100 rotate doesn't perform rotation

2.2.3 (17-Jun-2014) (pdfsam-console 2.4.2e)

-Console: implemented unethical read for docs protected with owner password
-ICEpdf 4.4.0
-pdfsam-starter upgrade with Launch4j 3.4

2.2.2 (02-Nov-2012) (pdfsam-console 2.4.1e)

-Added recent environments menu
-New MSI installer suitable for silent and Active Directory installs (feature
request #2977478) (bug #3383859)
-Console: regexp matching on the bookmarks name when splitting by bookmark level
-Added argument -skipGui that can be passed to skip the GUI restore
-Prevent GUI location restore if the stored location is affected by JVM Bug
#6189461 (bug #3477550)
-Fixed sounds not playing with Java 7
-New pdfsam-starter executable created with Launch4J
-Console: fixed BASENAME prefix (bug #3571232)
-ICEpdf 4.3.4
-JPodRenderer 5.5.1
-Updated langpack
-New config parameters to set thumbnails quality and size

2.2.1 (21-Nov-2010) (pdfsam-console 2.4.0e)

-Console: fixed bug #3010833 wrong handling of bookmarks
-Fixed bug #2995149 missing resource directory in source package
-Fixed bug #3050730 pdfsam-starter for Windows 7
-Accepted patch #3046378 can now be started from any directory
-Fixed hebrew language that wasn't set correctly
-Console: fixed bug #3089116 missing setdocinfo command in the help list
-Fixed loading of extended jars from the ext subdirectory
-looks 2.3.1
-JPodRenderer 5.3
-ICEpdf 4.1.1
-Jaxen 1.1.3
-commons-lang 2.5

2.2.0 (27-Mar-2010) (pdfsam-console 2.3.0e)

-Fixed bug #2929876 browse of directories when saving the log file
-ConsoleClient now exits with code 1 in case of error.
-Fixed bug #2947985 overlapping of the Selection Panel cause disappearing buttons
in Rotate plugin
-Fixed bug #2947979 browsing window in the Settings panel shows multiple "xml
files" entries
-Added support to zoom and rotate functions to the Image Viewer (feature request
-Console: added the -secondstep option to the mix command
-Mix: added field to set the secondstep option (feature request #2958113)
-JFileChooser remembers the last opened dir. (feature request #2965087)
-Split: split by bookmarks level now disable the input field while retrieving max
-Fixed bug #2930136 improved performances of bookmarks handling while splitting
-Fixed bug #2969880 cleanAll ant target
-Fixed bug #2949383 Uniformed behavior when destination text field is empty and run
button is clicked
-Fixed bug #2929923 Unable to delete the buffer file when a rotation is set
-Added key bindings to all the action in the selection table

2.1.0 (20-Dec-2009) (pdfsam-console 2.2.0e)

-Fixed the selection of the thumbnails creator
-Saving/loading environment retains the selected plugin (feature request #2857938)
-Added DnD support for linux platform (feature request #2858074)
-Saving/loading user interface settings when closing/opening pdfsam (feature
request #2857941)
-Alert message when "Overwrite existing files" is selected. Settings option to
disable it.
-Console: added the 'setdocinfo' command to set metadata on a pdf document
-Fixed bug #2899253 stack overflow running the console concat command with huge
selection string (-u)
-Fixed bug #2899943 console concat command silently ignores double pages in the
selection string (-u)
-Fixed bug #2899713 Visual composer ignores pages if they are double in the
selection string generated.
-Fixed bug #2913620 console gives an error opening encrypted documents.
-Fixed bug #2917585 Visual composer input panel reset before loading the saved
-Plugins loader loads the most recent plugin if more than one is in the directory.
-looks 2.3.0
-JPodRenderer 5.2
-bcmail 1.44
-bcprov 1.44

2.0.0 (27-Aug-2009) (pdfsam-console 2.1.1e)

-Fixed bug #2810982 ([BASENAME] prefix)
-Added context menu to add prefixes to the prefix JTextField
-Fixed bug #2827318 (console concat command ignores 'pdfversion' and 'compressed'
parameter if a rotation is set)
-Console: added the 'rotate' command to rotate multiple documents (feature request
-Console: added the 'pagelabels' command to set page labels on a pdf document
-Plugins showed in alphabetical order
-Thumbnails quality slightly improved
-iText 2.1.7

2.0.0-release candidate 1 (21-Jun-2009) (pdfsam-console 2.0.5e)

-Fixed GUI interactivity when generating thumbnails.
-New concurrent thumbnails generation model.
-Console: fixed rotation of even and odd pages in concat command.
-Console: fixed bug #2789961 (stripped invalid chars when applying bookmark name as
output file name)
-Console: fixed bug #2789961 (Level 2 Bookmark Name not used on first page)
-VComposer: fixed bug #2793905 (Version combo showing "same as input document")
-VComposer, VReorder: enlarged buttons to fit translations (feature request
-Console: fixed bug #2794818 (added system properties: pdfsam.log.console.level,
pdfsam.log.file.level, pdfsam.log.file.filename)
-Examples and xsd documents included within the distribution
-Row tool tip in pdf selection table in case of errors or warnings
-iText 2.1.6
-Updated langpack

2.0.0-beta (10-May-2009) (pdfsam-console 2.0.4e)

-Launcher: pdfsam-starter.exe now can take -Xmx parameter as a value (can be set as
a Windows shortcut parameter)
-Esc key now closes the preview panel
-Console: added the -d option to the setviewer command to set options to all the
documents in an input directory
-Console: added the -d option to the encrypt command to encrypt to all the
documents in an input directory
-Split: fixed bug #2679389 (broken "save environment" function)
-Console: set compression level to BEST_COMPRESSION when compression is on.
-Console: called the pdfReader.removeUnusedObjects(); when the reader is opened.
-Console: -help argument passed if no argument specified (Feature Request #2697689)
-Console: fixed bug #2715101 (Exception executing split by size)
-Console: optimized merge algorithm when merging a subset of a document.
-Added the document properties frame
-VComposer: added a check on the "overwrite" flag
-VComposer, VReorder: added 3 zoom levels
-VComposer: dropping on a populated thumbnail panel will result in a new tab added
to the multitabbed panel
-VPageReorderMainGUI: added focus policy and fixed a label
-VComposer: added focus policy
-VComposer, VReorder: fully working save/load environment
-VComposer, VReorder: no minimum size for the destination panel put inside a scroll
-JVisualPdfPageSelectionPanel: fixed document info tooltip
-Shared thread pool for the thumbnails generation among panels. (number of threads
now is fixed, configurable and doesn't depend on the number of panels opened).
-Added the filename in the page viewer status bar
-Console: added the -step option to the mix command
-Mix: added field to set the step option
-Console: added complex prefix [BOOKMARK_NAME]
-VReorder: added button and context menu to reverse pages order
-Error sound if an Exception occurs before the execution of a command
-iText 2.1.5
-Updated langpack

2.0.0-alpha (01-Feb-2009) (pdfsam-console 2.0.2e)

-Console: added the -d option to the concat command to merge all the documents in
an input directory
-Console: fixed bug #2540496 (unpack -d parameter)
-Console: added the chance to set a starting value for the [FILENUMBER] prefix (Ex.
-Added the VisualReorder plugin
-Added the VisualComposer plugin
-Optimized PdfLoader
-Merge, Mix: confirmation dialog if the output file already exists and the
overwrite flag is false
-Java 1.6 required

1.1.1 (25-Jan-2009) (pdfsam-console 2.0.1e)

-Console: fixed bug #2464606 (bookmarks management in split command)
-Console: added the split by bookmarks level
-Split: added options to split by bookmarks level
-Console: added pages rotation option to concat command
-Updated langpack

1.1.0 (23-Dec-2008) (pdfsam-console 2.0.0e)

-Merge: fixed a JFileChooser call
-Lazy JFileChooser init when call environment load/save
-Lazy JFileChooser init when call log save
-Fixed memory leak when loading documents into JPdfSelectionPanel
-Added the AlternateMix plugin from the enhanced version
-Console: added the "setviewer" command
-Console: added the "decrypt" command
-Console: added the "slideshow" command
-Console: new complex prefix [FILENUMBER]
-Console: complex prefix [FILENUMBER] and [CURRENTPAGE] can take now the output
patter (Ex. [FILENUMBER###]
-Console: Dual license GPL and LGPL
-JFileChoosers now look at the JTextField to find if it's already filled.
-Fixed FocusPolicy and layout for every plugin
-iText 2.1.4
-looks 2.2.1

1.0.3 stable release (26-Oct-2008)

-Fixed bug #2122945
-Added Copy/Cut/Paste popup menu to prefix text fields
-Added sounds to confirm execution or errors
-Added setting to enable/disable sounds
-Modified the dialog to ask confirmation to change output directory
-Merge: Fixed the "set output path" if path ends with File.separator
-Updated langpack

1.0.2 stable release (21-Sep-2008)

-Added some new translatable string
-Fixed bug #2098518 (Not giving the pdf extension could lead to block)
-Added Copy/Cut/Paste popup menu to destination text fields
-Updated langpack

1.0.1 stable release (24-Aug-2008)

-Fixed some matches found with FindBugs
-Fixed bug #2034850
-Console: Fixed bug #2064962 (Split by size)
-Merge: Fixed reopened bug #1926019
-Updated langpack

1.0.0 stable release (30-Jun-2008)

-Fixed bug #1972966 (version combo when loading an environment)
-Fixed some JFileChoosers that didn't check about the default working directory
-Updated langpack

1.0.0 release candidate 1 (18-May-2008)

-Console: now xml input for the concat command can take relative files path
-Added row header to show the row number
-Added .bat and .sh script to run pdfsam
-Added the default working directory to set a directory as a workspace
-Added the OFF debug level to switch off log messages
-Merge: added context menu to export file list as an xml file
-Suggested output location if the selected one has problems

1.0.0 beta 3 (12-Apr-2008)

-Added update checker to check for a new version
-Modified JPdfSelectionPanel to enable or disable clear button, move buttons
-Modified JPdfSelectionPanel to enable outputPathMenuItem
-Modified JPdfSelectionPanel password column render to show '******' only when a
password is typed
-Progress bar now shows percentage to give a better feedback to the user
-Console: split now uses PdfSmartCopy to minimize output files size
-Updated langpack
-Fixed bug #1909755 ('+' char in installation dir)
-Fixed bug #1909815
-Fixed bug #1926030 (installer)
-Fixed bug #1926928 (default env loading)

1.0.0 beta 2 (02-Mar-2008)

-Merge: pdf extension is appended to the output document file name only if it
doesn't already ends with ".pdf" (Fix Bug #1881243)
-Console: fixed exception messages
-Console: "file" tag xml input now has a "password" attribute to specify the
document password
-Console: added to "unpack" command
-Selection table menu now have a "Reload" feature to reload documents
-Split: fixed an error when loading the environment
-A reset method is called before loading an environment for every plugin

1.0.0 beta 1 (12-Jan-2008)

-PdfVersion combo now have support to enable/disable items
-Added WorkExecutor singleton to execute commands
-documents are now loaded ordered (fix Bug #1858707 and #1858705)
-Added sort feature to the selection table
-Added selection table renderer to show red background if there is some error
loading a document
-Added document version in selection table

1.0.0 alpha (17-Dec-2007)

-Console: complete refactor
-Console: added the -pdfversion option to set the output documents pdf version
-Console: added the SIZE split type to split documents by size
-Console: now use log4j
-Console: now use emp4j to have encoded exception messages
-Console: -u argument of concat command not can take limits without end limit (Ex.
-u 3-: ) this will merge the document starting form
page number 3 to the end of the document
-Console: Unified enhanced/basic console
-Complete refactor
-Use of JTextPaneAppender and log4j for the logging panel
-Chance to use the config file ${user.home}/.pdfsam/config.xml
-Created commons classes to help plugins
-Included and modified jcmdline. Added PdfFileParam to manage pdf documents
-Split, Merge: now uses JPdfSelectionPanel with documents password for encrypted
-Split, Merge: chance to set pdf version for output documents
-iText 2.0.7
-log4j 1.2.15
-bcmail 138
-bcprov 138

0.7 stable release 1 (28-Aug-2007)

-Console: fix Bug #1764362
-Console: fixed merged pages count
-Split, Merge: fixed focus policy and layouts
-iText 2.0.2 (untill a user password input field will be added)

0.7 beta 2 (19-Jul-2007)

-Console: added -compressed option to compress output documents
-Split, Merge: check to use -compressed option
-Settings: language combo now shows language name
-Split: added overwrite checkbox
-iText 2.0.4
-looks 2.1.4

0.7 beta 1 (23-Jun-2007)

-Console: added the chance to use complex prefix using variable substitution
-Added configuration singleton
-Added Settings section
-XMLParser and XMLConfig rebuilt using dom4j
-Console: added xml input file -l option for merge
-Console: rewritten commands handler
-Console: rewritten helper class TmpFileNameGenerator
-Console: rewritten PdfSplit to keep file annotations
-Console: added -overwrite option to the split command
-Console: new merge type using PdfCopyFields to deal with forms
-Merge: check to use -copyfields console option
-Split, Merge: added JHelpLabel to have help tooltips
-Unified basic/enhanced langpack
-New icons set
-dom4j 1.6.1
-jaxen 1.1
-iText 2.0.2
-bcmail 135
-bcprov 135

0.6 stable release 3

-Fix in PlugInsLoader.getPlugInsList
-Console: fix Bug #1641683
-Console: fix split page numbers starting from 1 and code cleaning
-Fixed log panel caret position (by Aniket Dutta)
-Merge: fix when automatically extension in destination file is set
-iText 1.4.8
-looks 2.1.1

0.6 stable release 2

-Merge: added page selection printer style (Ex. 2,6,12-19,5)
-Added tabbed panels icons
-Added French language
-GUI fixes
-New icon
-Code cleaning
-Added Win32 starter
-iText 1.4.6
-looks 2.0.4

0.6 stable release

-Console: fixed a bug if no -u option given
-Added German and Russian languages
-iText 1.4.4

0.6 beta 1
-Split: output files name now have leading zero(s) for better sorting
-Split: modified "split at this page" in "split after these pages"
-Split: now splitting a pdf file has its own thread. A progress bar shows the work
-Split&Merge: better format for log messages
-Split&Merge: now bookmarks list is managed according with the merge action. Bug
-Merge: minor fixes
-Merge: now adding a pdf has its own thread and better user interface shows what
pdfsam is doing
-Merge: now merging pdf files has its own thread. A progress bar shows the work
-Merge: fix Bug #1529037
-Console: fixes to prevent OutOfMemory exception while creating PdfReader
-Console: fixes in PdfSplit and PdfConcat constructors. Bug #1521679
-GUI i18n support using langpack. (Console messages still in english)
-Added "Clear log" function
-iText 1.4.2

0.5 beta 3
-Split: JTextField.requestFocus when "split at this page" or "every n pages" is
-Merge: Multiple Drag&Drop change order enabled
-Merge: Drop Multifile selection from OS enabled
-Merge: Drop disabled in destination JText
-Merge: addTableRow method added
-Merge: Canc key (and not Alt+Canc) now removes items from merge_table
-Merge: MultiSelection MoveUp, MoveDown, Canc
-Console: Buffer file in doConcat Bug #1499436
-Console: -overwrite parameter added
-Merge: Overwrite checkbox.
-iText 1.4.1

0.5 beta 2
-jGoodies 2.0.1 and changes in ThemeSelector
-Console: Fix in creator metadata
-Console: Fixes in options descriptions
-Merge: Fix in add button when clicking "cancel" in JFileChooser
-Split&Merge: New FocusPolicy
-Added getFocusPolicy() in PlugablePanel
-Added KeyListener to every button, now "enter" does a click on buttons
-Tabs Mnemonic
-Merge: Table header not draggable anymore
-Split: Fixes in GUI
-Merge: New function with right click to set output destination file

0.5 beta 1
-Merge: MultiSelectionEnabled(true)
-Console: Parse fix on ParseConcatCommand -f option
-Console: Added creator metadata
-Console: Added -u option
-Merge: Managed page selection (-u console option)
-Merge: new TableRender for the page column
-Merge: Column headers tooltip
-Minor fixes

0.4 beta
-Console: Added -log option to the console.
-Console: Parse fix on concat -o value ".pdf"
-Merge: Added Clear button in merge plugin.
-pdfsam: Added Exit menu.
-Merge: Fixed horizontal scroll bar in merge table
-Merge: Enter key binded to run button
-Merge: Auto pdf extension for no extension output file
-Merge: Better JFileChooser management
-Minor fixes

0.3.3 pre alpha

-First working release.

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